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    新视野商务英语视听说下册1-8单元video原文unit 7.doc

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    新视野商务英语视听说下册1-8单元video原文unit 7.doc

    Video 1H: Well, Mr. Aubrey, lets move on to next point, shall we?A: OK. Its the question of the delivery date.H: Whats your deadline?A: September 20th. We really have to insist on that because we have a very strict timetable. Its essential for us to have it before the 30th, otherwise.H: Yes, of course, but let me explain the position.A: OK, go ahead, please.H: As you know, we had a disastrous hurricane here last month and part of our workshop was damaged.That halted production for 10days.A: Yes, you told me.H: So, eh, theres a backlog of orders to fill.A: I understand but.H: Were working at full capacity, but the earliest delivery date we can make is the last week in September.A: Im afraid thats not good enough.H: Why not?A: The engines have to be installed after we receive them. That takes time.I do hope youll appreciate our position, Harry. Cant you arrange delivery for September 20th?H: Mm! We can try but we cant guarantee it.A: If not the 20th, then when?H: We can guarantee September 25th.A: Why the 25th?H: Thats the date the ship is scheduled to arrive.We cant make an earlier shipment because production wont be complete in time.A: Let me see, itll take about a week for onward transport to the destination until the 5th of October.H: Yes, Im sorry. We can try to meet an earlier date but I dont hold out much hope.A: OK, lets make it the 25th. But we must install absolutely on September 25th as the last possible date.H: Fair enough.A: All right, then. Lets make it the 25th of September.But if it is possible earlier then all the better.H: Of course. You can count on me. Ill do my best.Video 2B: Hello, Ms. Lester. Havent seen you for a long time.L: Hello, Mr. Backer. Nice to meet you again.Unfortunately, we have a problem! Ive just received a fax from my head office and it seems there may have been some misunderstanding about our last order.B: Oh dear, what seems to be the problem?L: The consignment arrived at the port yesterday on time, but while unloading, we noticed the goods were not the A1 quality we order.B: Really! Oh, Im terribly sorry. Something must have gone wrong.Let me check this on the computer.Er.Oh dear, yes, Im afraid theres been a slip-up in our Shipping Department.Im very sorry. Its certainly our fault.Mm.What would you like us to do about it?L: Well, we can keep this delivery and try to find another buyer for it. But of course, wed need a price adjustment, say a 25% reduction on the lot. And wed need a now delivery of A1 quality dispatched immediately.B: That sounds fair enough. Thank you. But just let me check our stock position.Yes, we can ship a delivery of A1 quality by the first available steamer.Let me see, yes, actually theres one scheduled for the day after tomorrow.Well make an immediate arrangement for the shipment.L: OK. thatll be fine. Lets hope the steamer arrives on schedule and we can have the goods by the middle of next month.B: Well keep in touch with the shipping company and let you know if there are any problems.L: Good. Thank you.B: Ms. Lester, thank you very much for your cooperation.L: We hope youll help us out if were in difficulties sometime in the future.B: Yes, of course. Whenever you need us, well try our best to help. Thats a promise.


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