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    新概念一39-40练习详解 (2).doc

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    新概念一39-40练习详解 (2).doc

    Lesson39Lesson40二、从下面A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案,并把正确的字母编号写在括号里。( A ) 1. Is this your sons sweater? No. His is on the chair _ the desk.A. in front of B. in the front of C. at the front of 详解:in front of在前面in the front of 在前部at the front of 在前部与in the front of同意 ( A ) 2. If you dont like the bike, please give _ me.A. it to B. it for C. to it 详解:如果你不喜欢这台自行车,请把它给我。1.Give sb sth= Give sth to sb 把某物给某人2.代词一般放在动词和介词中间。( B ) 3. Boys, please _ make so much noise. Little Kitty is sleeping.A. wont B. dont C. be not 男孩们,请不要弄出太大的噪音,小kitty正在睡觉。(C ) 4. _, or you will make mistakes in your exams.A. Hurry up B. Take it easy C. Be carefulA. Hurry up 快一点B. Take it easy 放轻松点C. Be careful 小心小心,否则你会在考试中犯错。( A ) 5. _, the car is coming.A. Hurry up B. Take it easy C. Be carefulA. Hurry up 快一点B. Take it easy 放轻松点C. Be careful 小心快点,车子马上就要来了。( B ) 6. _, everything will be OK.A. Hurry up B. Take it easy C. Be carefulA. Hurry up 小心B. Take it easy 放轻松点C. Be careful 小心放轻松点,一切都会进展顺利的。( A ) 7. Oh, Ive left my schoolbag in the classroom. Dont worry. Ill _ it for you.A. bring B. take C. carry喔,我的书包拉在教室里面了,别担心,我将给你带过来。( A ) 8. I dont like this sweater. Please _ me another.A. show B. try C. put 我不喜欢这件毛衣,请再给我另一件看看。Show 展示 try 尝试( A ) 9. There are no chalks in the classroom. I will _ them for you.A. fetch B. bring C. take教室里面没有粉笔了我将为他去取来。A. fetch 去取来B. bring 带来C. take 带走( C ) 10. Its 9 oclock now. I must go. Its raining outside. _ leave until it stops.A. To not B. Not to C. Dont 现在九点钟了,我必须去。外面下着雨,雨停了再走吧。( C ) 11. Dont be late again, Mike. _.A. No, I dont B. Dont worry C. Sorry, I wont麦克,下次不要迟到了。对不起,我将不会了。 ( A ) 12. A strong wind will arrive in Guangzhou. It will _ much rain.A. bring B. take C. carry一场强雨将会很快抵达广州,这将会带来很多雨水。Carry 随身携带bring 带来take 带走( C ) 13. Jim asks Lin Feng _ forget to change water.A. to not B. dont C. not to 吉米要求林峰不要忘记改变水。Ask sb not to do sth 要求某人不要在做某事。特意提醒 选项C 需要把no 变成not.( B ) 14. Tomorrows meeting is very important. Please ask them _ there on time.A. go B. to go C. going明天的会议非常重要,请让他们准时到这里。Ask sb to do sth 要求某人去做某事。( C ) 15. He is kind and always _ his help to others.A. brings B. takes C. gives他很善良而且总是帮助别人。Give sth to sb.三、阅读短文, 根据短文内容选择问题的正确答案.A lot of boys and girls in Western(西方的) countries are wearing the same kind of clothes, and many of them have long hair, so it is often difficult to tell whether(是否) they are boys and girls.One day, an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington, and when he was tired, he sat down on a chair. A young person was standing on the other side of the pool(水池).“Oh!” the old man said to the person sitting beside him on the chair. “Do you see that person with the glasses and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?” said the neighbor(邻人). She is my daughter.”“Oh!” the old man said quickly. “Please forgive me. I did not know that you were her mother.” “Im not,” said the other person. “ Im her father.”( C ) 1. What did the old man see on the other side of the pool?A. A woman B. A boy C. A young man( C ) 2. “Is it a boy or a girl?” The word “it” here means _.A. he B. she C. the person( C ) 3. The meaning or the word “forgive” is _.A. 忘记 B. 责骂 C. 原谅( A ) 4. The old man thought his neighbor was _.A. a woman B. a man C. a girl 四、根据中文意思翻译下面的句子。1. 你打算如何处理这些花?How do you deal with these flowers?2. 公园的前面有一个湖。There is a lake in front of the lake.3. 我打算给我妹妹寄一幅画。I am going to send a picture to my sister.4. 不要在医院里吸烟。Dont smoke in the hospital.5. 小心点!不要把花瓶掉了。Be careful, dont drop my vase.五、作文。简单介绍广州的天气。


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