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    新概念英语第一册Lesson 125-126练习题(无答案).doc

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    新概念英语第一册Lesson 125-126练习题(无答案).doc

    Lesson 125 and Lesson 126一 根据句意及所给单词首字母填空(10分)1. You are badly ill. You m_ take the medicine.2. Philip h_ to spell his name many times because its too long.3. Look, the glowers are very dry. They need w_.4. Im t_ sorry to have kept you waiting.5. It hasnt rained for a long time. Its very _.6. It was a n_ having to go back home to get my ticket and its a waste of time.7. Dont leave your baby at home by h_.8. What does this word m_?9. The rain means you n_ not water the garden.10. My hometown has changed a lot since two years ago. You will be s_ to see it.二 用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)1. It is _ (terrible) dry.2. Ill have tea by _ (I).3. What is the _ (mean) of this word?4. I have to leave _ (immediate).5. Its _ (surprise) news, isnt it?6. It was a _ (please) trip.7. How _ (happy) the boys are singing!8. Peter was busy _ (water) the garden.9. Tom does his homework as _ (careful) as Lucy.10. Please speak _ (loud). I cant hear you.三 用适当的情态动词填空(10分)1. Must I go now? No, you _ not. 2. Its terribly dry. I _ water the garden.3. I couldnt catch the bus last night I _ _ take a taxi.4. Time is flying. We _ not waste our time.5. _ Tom move the box? I dont think so.6. I will _ _ get up early tomorrow to catch the first bus.7. _ you please put your hat on?8. _ I have a look at your home?9. Hong long have you _ _ wait for your friend?10. The thieves ran away as quickly as they _.四 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)1. We _ not _ (leave) until you come back.2. I couldnt get a bus. So I _ (have) to take a taxi.3. We spent two days _ (get) ready for the meeting.4. Dont forget _ (take) the dictionary with you.5. Have you finished _ (water) the garden?6. Im very _ (surprise) that John thinks this film is more interesting than that one.7. You neednt _ (walk) to the station.8. She _ (finish) the housework before she went out.9. The largest number of people _ (speak) Chinese in the world.10. They crowded round the place to see what _ (happen) there.五 选择填空(15分)( ) 1. You must do the homework _. Dont look at others. A. yourselfB. by youC. itselfD. you( ) 2. Does your father let _ go all by _?A. you; yourselfB. you; yoursC. you; yourD. your; yourself( ) 3. It hasnt rained for a few weeks and it is very dry. So Peter _ water his garden forsome time.A. mustB. has toC. has had toD. will have to( ) 4. _ it is!A. How nuisanceB. What nuisanceC. What a nuisance D. How a nuisance( ) 5. Last Summer it was very dry. I _ it every day.A. must waterB. have to waterC. had to waterD. didnt have to( ) 6. To his _, he found his pen lost.A. surprising B. surpriseC. surprisedD. surprise( ) 7. It is raining now. It means you _ water the garden.A. mustnt B. cant C. may notD. neednt( ) 8. I _ get up early tomorrow to catch the first bus. A. mustB. will mustC. have to D. will have to( ) 9. Would you please _ talk in class?A. wontB. not toC. notD. dont( ) 10. Did he go to school when he was young? No, he taught _.A. hisB. himselfC. himD. he( ) 11. The baby is too young. You cant leave her _. A. for herselfB. to herselfC. by sheselfD. by herself( ) 12. When the students finish _ their homework, they went on _ outside. A. doing, playingB. to do, to playC. doing, to playD. to do, playing( ) 13. Kate did quite _ in English, but _ in maths. A. well; badlyB. good; badC. bad; well D. badly; good( ) 14. Jim is _ to carry the heavy bag by himself. A. too strongB. strong enoughC. so strongD. rather strong( ) 15. You dont have to water the garden. It means you can have tea, _. A. tooB. eitherC. as well D. instead六 句型转换(10分)1. Must I water the garden first?(做否定回答)_, you _.2. You dont have to get up early.(变为同义句)You _ get up early.3. He jumped very high.(改为感叹句)_ _ he jumped!4. The rain was a pleasant surprise.(改为同义句)The rain was _ pleasantly.5. What does this word mean?(改为同义句)What is the _ of this _?6. I will have tea by myself.(就换线部分提问)_ will you _ tea?7. You dont need to water the garden. You can have tea, instead.(改为同义句)You can have tea _ _ watering the garden.8. He had to work all day yesterday.(就换线部分提问) _ did he _ to _ yesterday?9. He has had to wait for two hours.(就换线部分提问)_ _ has he _ to wait?10. One of his friends came yesterday.(改为同义句) A _ of _ came yesterday.七 根据汉语提示完成句子(10分)1. 我必须立即离开。I have to _ _.2. 不要把你的孩子单独留在家里。 Dont _ your child at home by _.3. 天干燥得厉害。 It is _ _.4. 你说那话是什么意思? What _ you _ by saying that?5. 那是一件惊喜的事。 That was a _ _.6. 他惊讶地看着我。 He was looking at me _ _.7. 他等到他的湿衣服变干为止。 He waited _ his wet clothes _ out.8. 我们不必走到火车站。 We _ _ to walk to the station.9. 这些树需要浇水。These trees _ _.10. 汤姆和玛丽下次得乘船旅行。Tom and Mary will _ to _ by ship next time.八 补全对话(10分)A: _1_ you go and play basketball with me?B: Not _2_. I must do my homework _3_.A: Do you _4_ to do it now?B: Im _5_ I have to. Look at it. There is _6_ much homework to do.A: What a _7_!B: Dont remember? I _8_ to do a lot of homework every day last week.A: Well, Ill go and play basketball _9_ myself.B: Enjoy _10_!1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 九 完形填空(10分)After lunch Aunt Hung came to my home. She looked _. “My parents are coming.” She said, “and I have to go to the market. But my _ is asleep. I cant leave her by _.” I said, “Dont worry. I can look _ her.”“Thank you,” she said. Then she _.The baby was about ten _ old. At first she was _. Half an hour later, she _ and began to cry. “Dont cry,” I said. I talked to her. But she looked at me and cried harder _ harder. I turned on the radio. She stopped _ and listened to the music.( ) 1. A. happyB. worriedC. excited( ) 2. A. sonB. parentsC. baby( ) 3. A. sheB. herC. herself( ) 4. A. afterB. forC. at( ) 5. A. went B. leftC. walked( ) 6. A. yearsB. monthsC. months( ) 7. A. asleepB. awakeC. playing( ) 8. A. picked upB. gave upC. woke up( ) 9. A. orB. and C. hot( ) 10. A. cryingB. to cryC. cried十 阅读理解(5分)When Bill was very young, he loved pictures. His mother often drew for him on old pieces of paper. She was very bad at drawing. But Bill enjoyed her pictures and always wanted more.Then when he was a little older, Bills mother gave him a pencil and a drawing book, and he began drawing pictures, too. But they were never good. When Bill was five years old, his mother gave him a blackboard, some pieces of chalk and an eraser. He liked those very much. One day he drew a picture of his father on the blackboard. But when he looked at the picture, he was not happy. “Well,” he said to his mother, “Ill put a tail on it and make it a monkey.”( ) 1. Bill was _.A. a little boyB. a little girlC. a young manD. a student( ) 2. Bills mother gave him _.A. some pencilsB. a drawing bookC. some pensD. A and B.( ) 3. Bills mother often drew some pictures for him _. A. on a blackboard B. on some paperC. on the floorD. on a drawing book( ) 4. Bill liked his mothers _ very much.A. pencilsB. chalkC. a drawing bookD. pictures( ) 5. Bills drawings _ when he was five years old.A. were very niceB. were very fineC. were very badD. were very good


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