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    新概念英语第一册Lesson 83-84 练习题(无答案).doc

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    新概念英语第一册Lesson 83-84 练习题(无答案).doc

    Lesson 83 and Lesson 84一 根据句意及所给单词首字母填空(10分)1. Sam comes in, but Tom and Carol are h_ lunch.2. The nurse w_ Mr. Croft to wait till this afternoon.3. The new restaurant cant do well, because there are too many restaurant here a_.4. Sam has j_ had a cup of coffee.5. L_ go into the living room. We can have out coffee there.6. The room is untidy. Everything is in a m_.7. Please come and t_ my room up.8. How can we p_ ten people into that little car?9. Tom and Carol are going to leave for a holiday tomorrow. They are very l_.10. He cleaned the blackboard.T_ he picked a piece of chalk and began to write again.二 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Tom and Carol are _ (have) lunch.2. We can have _ (we) coffee in the living room3. The bus is _ (pack) with noisy school children.4. The room needs cleaning. It is very _ (tidy).5. You didnt hear the noise. You are _ (luck).6. We carried the sick man to hospital _ (hurried).7. He went to the _ (newsagent) to buy a newspaper.8. Tuesday is the _ (three) day of the week.9. The radio says is going to be _ (wind) tomorrow.10. He does everything very _ (careful).三 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Carol wants Sam _ (come) in.2. Mr. Mott could ask the robot questions. It always _ (know) the answers .3. _ you _ (pack) your suitcase yet?4. He _ already _ (leave) the town . He left it three days ago.5. Lets _ (go) into the living-room.6. Sam _ just _ (have) a cup of coffee.7. We need somebody _ (tidy) our room up.8. Where did you go? I _ (stay) at home.9. _ you _ (enjoy) yourselves in the park last Sunday?10. Lily was here yesterday morning, but Ann and Bill _ (be) not.四 用still, yet, already, just, before, after, when, then, until, again 填空(10分)1. Tom feels a little better, but he is _ in bed.2. You mustnt get up _ .3. Its too late to give him any help. Hes _ done it himself.4. Five other cars were _ behind him.5. It snowed the day _ yesterday.6. Jill came home very late. She got home _ a quarter past eleven at night.7. He didnt go to bed _ his father came back.8. _ it is a sunny, we often go for a walk in the park.9. She had her dinner and _ began to wash the dishes.10. He didnt climb the wall, so he climbed it _.五 选择填空(15分)( ) 1. _ you _ anything else to say? Not yet. A. Have, getB. Have, got B. Were, haveD. Do, get( ) 2. I cant find your brother. Where is he? A. wentB. goes C. is goingD. has gone( ) 3. I came to the policeman _ for help. A. askingB. to ask C. askedD. have asked( ) 4. Sam _ just _ a cup of coffee. He had it after his lunch. A. has, hadB. did, have C. does, haveD. is, having( ) 5. The room is very tidy. Who _ is? A. cleans B. clean C. has cleaned D. cleaned( ) 6. A: Do you want to have lunch with us? B: I _ already _ my lunch.Thank you. A. have, hadB. has, had C. have, hasD. have, have ( ) 7. Excuse _. The room is very untidy. A. a messB. mess C. the messD. an mess( ) 8. They are going to have a holiday tomorrow, but they _not _their suitcases yet. A. are, packing B. have, packed C. did, packD. do, pack.( ) 9. _ you _ your homework yet? Yes, I _ it a moment ago.A. Did, do; didB. Have, done; have doneC. Have, done, didD. Will, do; do( ) 10. This is a good film. I _ it twice. A. have seenB. see C. sawD. am going to see( ) 11. My mother is afraid _ dogs. A. aboutB. of C. to D. with( ) 12. he came here a moment ago. A. yetB. still C. alreadyD. just( ) 13. I have _had my holiday this year. I stayed at home. A. yetB. still C. alreadyD. even( ) 14. The bus was _ with noisy school children. A. packB. to pack C. packing D. packed( ) 15. A: Have they come back from Canada?B: Yes.A: When _they _ back?B: Sorry, I dont know. A. did, comeB. do, come C. have, comeD. are, coming六 补全对话(10分)A: _1_ do you live in the USA?B: _2_ me show you on the map. We _3_ in a place called Gum Tree. Can you see Gum Tree? Its _4_ a small village.A: Gum Tree?Is it here-_5_ the town of Ashland?B: Yes, Ashland is a small town _6_ eight kilometers _7_ the city of Richmond.What _8_ you? _9_ do you live?A: I live in a tall _10_ in Beijing.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _七 句型转换(10分)1. Tom wants to have lunch with us. (就划线部分提问)_ _ Tom want to _?2. I have already had my lunch. (变成一般疑问句)_ you _ your lunch _?3. John had a cup of coffee after lunch. (就划线部分提问)_ _ John _ a cup of coffee?4. He has had his holiday this year. (就划线部分提问)_ has he _ this year?5. He has just done his homework. (变为同义句)He _ his homework _ now.6. Lets go into the living-room.(变为疑问句)_ _ going into the living room?7. You are lucky to have a holiday (变为同义句)It is _ for you _ have a holiday.8. I have already had my lamb. (变为否定句)I _ not _ my lamb _.9. This room is not tidy. (变为同义句)This room is very _ .10. We can have our coffee in the living room. (就划线部分提问)_can we _ our coffee?八 完形填空(10分)Jane was _ daughter. She was five years _. She liked asking questions very much. She liked cartoons very much.One evening _ we watched the Donald(唐老鸭),she laughed and laughed. She was very _. “Do you understand Donalds words?” I asked her. “No, I _ understand the ducks words.” Answered Jane.The cartoons were _ . And we went on _. “Mum,” said Jane, “May I ask you a question now?”“Certainly. What is it?” said I.“Why _ the young auntie close the door when she has a bath?” She pointed to the screen. “_ there are no people in her home now.” I answered.“But all _ us can see her now.” said Jane.( )1. A. IB. mine C. my D. myself( )2. A. longB. small C. youngD. old( )3. A. whenB. where C. whoD. what( )4. A. nice B. happy C. fineD. well( )5. A. dont B. didnt C. wasntD. am not( )6. A. offB. away C. overD. out( )7. A. watchB. watching C. watchedD. to watch( )8. A. isntB. didnt C. wasntD. doesnt( )9. A. BecauseC. So C. But D. And( )10 A. forB. with C. ofD. on九 阅读理解(5分)Mr. Green works in an office. Every morning he gets up at seven. Then he has breakfast with his wife at half past seven, reads his newspaper and drinks a cup of tea. He leaves his house at eight. One morning he was sitting comfortably at the breakfast table and reading his newspaper at five past eight. He wasnt in a hurry and asked his wife for another cup of tea. “Another cup f tea?” said his wife, “Arent you going to the office today?”“The office ?” he said and stopped reading his newspaper. “I thought I was at the office.”根据短文判断正(A)误(B)( )1. Mr. Green works in a factory( )2. He drinks a cup of tea every morning( )3. He leaves his house at five past eight every morning.( )4. That morning his wife gave him another cup of tea.( )5. He was late for work that morning.十书面表达(10分)当Sam来到Tom家时,Tom和Carol正在午餐。 Tom要Sam和他们一起吃午餐, 但是Sam已经吃过了,他是在12点半吃的。Carol要Sam喝一杯咖啡,但Sam刚刚喝了一杯, 他是在午餐后喝的,午餐后,他们进了起居室,这样Tom和Carol能在那里喝咖啡。屋里很乱,Sam和Carol正忙于收拾手提箱,他们打算明天离开这里去度假。Sam认为他们很幸运,因为他已把今年的度假完成了,他哪儿也没去只呆在家里。_1_ Sam comes to Toms house. Tom and Carol are _2_ lunch. Tom wants Sam _3_ have lunch with them, but Sam has _4_ had his lunch and he had it _5_ half past twelve. Carol wants Sam to _6_ a cup of coffee, but he has _7_ had a cup and he had it _8_ lunch. After lunch, they go into the living-room, _9_ Tom and Carol can have coffee there. The room is in a _10_. Sam and Carol are busy _11_ their suitcase. They are _12_ to _13_ here for a _14_ tomorrow. Sam thinks they are very _15_, _16_ he has _17_ had his holiday this year. He didnt _18_ anywhere but _19_ _20_ home.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _11. _12. _13. _14. _15. _16. _17. _18. _19. _20. _


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