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    Lesson five,The facts,Warming-up :,1. Do you want to be a journalist in the future? 2. What are the advantages of being a journalist? 3. What makes a good journalist? 4. What do journalists have to do sometimes to write good reports?,journalists,the paparazzi,What do you know about their job?,When there is a clue, there is a journalist.,Be instructed to Set out to obtain (start doing/to do),go to press (to be printed/published),Listening tasks 1. Listen for gist: A journalist working for a well-known magazine had been asked to_ _and the editor insisted on the journalists _ _ and_ which caused_.,write an article on the,Presidents palace in an African republic,finding out,the exact number of steps leading to the wall,the height of the wall surrounding the palace,the journalist to be arrested,Why did the editor refuse to publish the article? How many faxes did the editor send to him? Why? What did the editor do with the article in the end? What are the exact number and the accurate height of the wall?,Listen for the details,Further discussion,What do you think both of the editor and the journalist? How important is factual accuracy in published materials? Whats your opinion? What sort of news would viewers like to see? Are there conflicts between the medias social responsibilities and their popularity?,Find the words or expressions from the passage based on the definitions:,_ n. a person who prepares sth. for printing or broadcasting by deciding what shall be included and left out _ phr. go too far; do more than is necessary _ v. cause or arrange for sb. to have or get _ n. a reporter; _ v. be told to; be ordered to; be assigned to _ phr. take sb. to a place _ phr. start doing sth.or make efforts to achieve sth. _ phr. be printed ( published) _ v. be dismissed; get sacked,editor,go to extremes,provide,journalist,be instructed,lead to,set out to do sth,go to press,be fired,1. extreme 1) feeling, condition as far apart or as different from another as possible Love and hate are_.,He was once terribly shy but now hes gone to the opposite extreme.,extremes of passion,2. provide sb. with sth. provide sth. for sb. The hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service for guests. supply sth. to sb. supply sb. with sth.,3. go to extremes - go too far; do more than is necessary Sometimes he eats too much and sometimes he eats nothing. He often _,goes from one extreme to the other.,They often go to extremes in their views.,4. statistics 1) pl. a collection of numbers which represent facts or measurements 统计数据,统计资料 There _ no reliable statistics for population in this period. Have you seen the latest statistics on crime? 2) u. the science of dealing with numbers 统计学 Statistics is a branch of _.,are,mathematics,5. Instruct vt. -to tell sb. to do sth., especially in a formal or official way instruct sb. to do sth. I have instructed my students to keep the door locked before they leave. -teach sb. to do sth., especially a practical skill instruct sb. in sth. All our staff have been instructed in sign language.,2) make sth. happen or exist as a result Differences of opinion led to _. Too much work and too little rest often lead to _.,total loss of strength/ extreme tiredness/ illness/ exhaustion,heated arguments,leading,6. lead to 1) take sb. to a place All roads lead to Rome. The pass _ to the presidents palace has been closed.,7. set out to do sth. 1) start doing sth. or making plans to do sth. in order to achieve a particular result 着手;准备(做某事) He set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part. Have you set out to prepare for the sports meeting?,2) start a journey They set out at six and hoped to arrive before dark.,8. go to press - be printed (published) The Times Magazine goes to press on Thursday. My novel has gone to press but wont come out until December.,9. yet 1) (和another连用)表示“还有”(一个或一些);“再” (= even or still) Ive had yet another bill. Hes made one more mistake. yet another ) ( 和比较级连用) 表示“更加” Ive had yet more exciting news for you. This is bad; thats yet worse.,10. not only ., (but also) . 1) 放在句首连接句子时要用倒装; 2) 如果连接的不是句子,或不放在句首则不用倒装。 He not only spoke more correctly but also more easily.,-Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily.,Not only was Churchil a statesman, but also a poet. Not only do the nurses want a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.,2) 具有否定意义的副词或词组,用于句首担任状语时,要用倒装。常见的这部分词还有:never, seldom, rarely, ,little, hardly, scarcely 3) 含有no 的词组如: by no means, at no time, in no way, under no circumstances, in no case, on no condition “决不” 4) 含有not的短语如:一点也不, not until,Never shall I forget this lesson. In no case will he give up this experiment. 无论如何他都不会放弃这个试验。 Little did I see of him recently. Not until half past eleven did John go to bed. At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. Seldom did she show her feelings. Under no circumstances must a soldier leave his post.,1. He had no sooner put down the receiver than the telephone rang again. 2. He did not realize that he didnt have his supper until he finished his article. 3. He seldom went anywhere except to his office.,No sooner had he put down than the telephone . Not until he finished his article did he realize that he didnt have the supper. Seldom did he go anywhere except to his office.,4. He thought little of the others. 5. I shall never smoke again. 6. It is by no means certain that the game will take place.,Little did he think of the others. Never shall I smoke again. By no means is it certain that,Summary,Though the journalists immediately set out to get the facts after receiving instructions from his editor, he did not send them at once. Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, so he sent three faxes, finally threatening to fire the journalist. When the last fax was unanswered, the article was published in its original form. The journalist sent the editor a fax a week later explaining he had been imprisoned after counting the steps and measuring the height of the wall.,


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