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    新职业英语 素质篇 unit2.ppt

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    新职业英语 素质篇 unit2.ppt

    高职高专英语立体化系列教材,外语教学与研究出版社,Unit 2,职场素质英语,Unit 2,Warming-up,Reading,Language Lab,Writing,Further Study,The Buck Stops Here!,Warming-up,Home,Task 1 Listen to the poem “Responsibility”, and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.,< Back,Next ,Return,I am responsible for all that I do, from handing in homework to 1. _ too. I choose if my room will be 2. _ or clean, I make the choice to be kind or 3. _.,making friends,messy,mean,声音,Task 1,< Back,Next ,It is up to me just how much I will learn, the grades that I get will be grades that I 4._. I 5. _ the choice to be happy or sad, to have a good day or have one that is 6. _. So now I will 7. _ what is best for me. I am 8. _ I hold the key!,earn,make,bad,choose,responsible,Return,Task 1,Task 2 Read the following statements and decide whether it is True (1 point) or False (-1 point) about you. Add up the points to find out how well you take responsibility for yourself. Compare with your partner. 1. I am solely responsible for my actions which are the primary force in how I live my life. 2. When other people, events or circumstances affect my life, I am responsible for my reactions. 3. I am responsible for the companions I choose and the company I keep. 4. I am responsible for my own emotions. 5. My behavior with others is up to me.,< Back,Next ,Return,Task 2,6. I take responsibility for any choice in life and how I handle the results of my choices. 7. I accept responsibility for doing the right thing even though it may not always be the easiest path. 8. I am responsible for choosing the values by which I live. 9. Even being required to work a certain number of hours, how I spend my time is my responsibility. 10. Self-responsibility includes seeking solutions when having problems and asking for help when I need it.,< Back,Next ,Return,Task 2,Reading,Home,Text,In the 1940s, a sign sat on President Trumans desk in the White House that read “the buck stops here”. Unfortunately, over the last 60 years, this concept of personal accountabilityespecially in businessseems to have been lost.,Achieving Employee Accountability,Return,Text,Return,Accountability is about getting things done all the right thingsaccurately and on time, solving problems as they arise (or better still not allowing problems to develop) by taking responsibility, and being able to show your boss that you have done everything possible to achieve the goals set.,Text,Employers invest heavily in their employees, with hiring costs, benefits and payrolls, but how many are getting all they should in return? How often do employers hear excuses, such as “its not my fault”, “sales just wasnt able to close the deal” or “my partner dropped the ball”? Blaming and finger-pointing are all too easy when things go wrong and all too common in business today. Creating accountability has become increasingly important.,Return,Text,The concept of accepting responsibility for our own actions, while not new, at times seems almost unique in todays world. Companies are realizing that their success in areas such as customer service, employee retention, reliability and overall achievement is directly associated with the level of accountability of their employees. Therefore, when employers struggle to reach their business objectives and are unable to identify why employee performance and productivity are not as successful as they should be, it may be time to consider investing in accountability training to help transform employees behavior and attitude.,Return,Text,Furthermore, there should be a system for measuring employee accountability. Many large US companies are resorting to ranking systems to distinguish the employees who perform poorlyreplacing them with more promising and motivated employees if they dont improve. These ranking systems also enable the companies to identify top performers and reward them. For example, General Electric Company identifies the top 20 percent, the middle 70 percent and the bottom 10 percent of its 100,000 managerial and professional employees, with the bottom rank given extra training and a brief time to improve.,Return,Text,Once employees begin to take ownership of their tasks and understand the need to be accountable for their work, stress will be lowered, productivity increased, job satisfaction gained and the organization propelled to achieve its goals.,Return,Think about the following questions while you read the passage.,Thinking Point,01. Suppose you just started working in a new company, how would you behave yourself? And among these behaviors, which ones are accountable for your job? And why do you think so? 02. If the employers want to make sure all the staff are accountable for their work, what kind of regulations can be helpful? Discuss with your partner about it.,Return,New Words,New Words (2) indicating the skills and ability, such as statesmanship; (3) expressing a group of people, such as readership; (4) referring to the time during which this lasts.,Return,Model 1,Task 1 Use the words in the box to form appropriate words with the suffix “-ship” to fill in the following sentences.,citizen member musician guardian partner sportsman scholar king,As long as you obtain _ in that club, you can go there anytime you want. 2. Yao Mings optimistic _ wins him great popularity at home and abroad. 3. After 10 years in Canada, he has finally decided to apply for Canadian _.,membership,sportsmanship,citizenship,Model 1,Return,4. It was the superb (高超的) _ of the band that made this a memorable show. 5. They wanted to keep the _ with us, but we failed to reach an agreement. 6. She has been awarded a _ to study at Harvard University. 7. In ancient China, _ enjoys sublime power. 8. They do not have the right to exploit a parents right of _ over children.,musicianship,partnership,scholarship,kingship,guardianship,Model 1,Return,Model 2: stress will be lowered, productivity increased, job satisfaction gained and the organization propelled to achieve its goals. Many words in English can be used both as verbs and nouns. The word “increase” is a verb in the sentence. Some examples are as follows: (1) He works for a travel agency./She achieved her goal by years of hard work. (2) Did you notice a subtle change in his manner?/It was Susan who brought the problem to our notice.,Model 2,Return,Task 2 Fill in the following sentences with the words from the box in appropriate forms and point out the part of speech for each word.,care placefacemeet change payreasondamage,Model 1,Return,1. He _ great emphasis on the importance of family life and ties. ( ) 2. The government has proposed major _ in the laws relating to different social aspects. ( ) 3. In the _ of great hardship, she managed to keep her sense of humor and optimism. ( ) 4. His work was the most unsatisfactory, so we _ him off at the end of the week. ( ),placed/places,v.,change,n.,face,n.,paid,v.,Model 1,Return,5. I dont _ about the cars price, so long as the car is in good condition. ( ) 6. The flood caused serious _ to the crops after three days continuous raining. ( ) 7. He decided not to accept the job in the capital city, but wouldnt tell us his _. ( ) 8. Our plant will increase production to _ the needs of the developing conditions. ( ),care,v.,damage,n.,reason,n.,meet,v.,Model 1,Return,Writing,Task 1,Introduction,Task 2,Home,Responsibility at Life and Work,Being responsible for ones deed is essential to prove ones worth in todays competitive world. People should not only take the responsibility to raise their children and support their parents at home, but also be responsible for the tasks they take, for the team they work with, for the society they live in. Recognizing and fulfilling ones responsibility is generally regarded as an essential part of workplace ethics.,Introduction,Return,Task 1 Look at the following pictures and discuss what has happened within your group. Try to find out how to improve their behaviors.,1,2,3,Task 1,Return,Task 2 Write a short passage about the irresponsibility, analyze its harm, and try to find out how to be a responsible person.,Your passage should include the following points: 1. the irresponsible behaviors of the staff at workplace; 2. the harm of irresponsibility; 3. the approach to cultivating the sense of responsibility.,Task 2,Return,Task 6,Task 5,Task 4,Task 3,Task 2,Task 7,Task 1,Listening you cannot carry it under your arms.,Return, The price of greatness is responsibility. Responsibility walks hand in hand with capacity and power. You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice.,Learn by Heart,Return,Thank You!,外语教学与研究出版社,


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