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    新职业英语1 Unit 3写作 Invitation Letter.ppt

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    新职业英语1 Unit 3写作 Invitation Letter.ppt

    Unit 3 Practical Writing,A. Invitations(邀请信) : 邀请信是单位或个人用来向对方发出邀请出席 会议、参加活动等的一种礼节性的书信。 B. Form(形式): 1. 正式的请柬(Invitation Cards): 正式的请柬有固定的格式,习惯上邀请者和被邀请者均用第三人称。请柬必须写明事由、时间、地址、邀请人和被邀请人等。受邀请人收到请柬后,不管接受与否,均应回复。,Sample 1 Mr. and Mrs. David Zhang request the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Browns company at wedding reception in Room 108 of the Beijing Hotel on Friday October 5th, at eleven oclock a.m. R. S. V. P September 20, 2005 Notes: R. S. V. P是法语 , “敬请赐复”(Please reply)。,Sample 2 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown Accept with pleasure Mr. and Mrs. David Zhangs kind Invitation to the wedding reception on Friday, October 5th, At eleven oclock a. m. September 22, 2005,Style of an invitation card(请柬格式):,Mr. and Mrs. request the pleasure of your company of Mr. and Mr. at (in celebration of) (time) (place) R. S. V. P.,Unit One Practical Writing,2. 非正式的信函: 一般的邀请信函与普通的书信相同,虽然不像请柬那样正规、庄重,但要措辞婉转、诚恳有礼,使对方看后有亲切感。受邀者收到信后,不管接受与否,均应回复。,Unit One Practical Writing,3. Conclusion: 英文邀请信通常包括以下内容: 1)Purpose of writing 写信的目的是诚恳地向对方发出邀请 2)Reason for the invitation 邀请的原因及出席场合的简单介绍 3)time, place and occasion should be given 写清邀请的时间、地点、场合 4)request a reply 要求回复,(1)邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能让收信人有任何的疑虑。例如 “ Id like you and Tom to come to dinner next Monday” 这句话中指的是哪个星期并不明确,所以要加上具体日期,“Id like you and Tom to come to dinner next Monday, May the fifth at 6 oclock. P.m., at the Locus Hotel”(2)邀请信的特点是简短热情,形式较为灵活,一般为两小段,将意思表达清楚即可。,在盛大的场合,请帖应提前三星期发 出,一般场合书写邀请信,应在预定时间的 前几天发出,一边收信人及早考虑和安排。 收到请帖或信后,通常应立即答复,表 明接受谢绝,以示礼貌。 2.Commonly-Used Sentences Id like you to come to our dinner this evening. 2) Request the pleasure of 恭请 3) The favor of a reply is requested.敬赐复函。,4) May I have the honor of your company at dinner?敬备菲酌,恭请光临。 5) Thank you for inviting us to dinner. 6) We are delighted to accept your invitation. 7) I wish I could be there, but I expect to be away on vacation at that time. 8) Please reply to Thirty-five Park Avenue. 9) Well be awaiting your arrival on the twelfth. 10) I hope you are not too busy to come期望你在百忙中光临。 11. Im looking forward to seeing you.,12) We thought it would be pleasant to have some of our friends to celebrate it. 13) The reception will be held in , on招待会定于在举行。 14) We sincerely hope you can attend. 15) We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion.为此我们决定举行举行一次晚会。 16) Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me when you will be able to do so.如能来的话,早日告我,何时为宜。 17)Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. 是否参加,请早日告之。,3. Specimen,1.Invitation to a Formal Dinner(宴会) 1) A letter of invitation Dear Mrs. Benton, John and I would be very happy if you and Mr. Benton could come to dinner with us on Monday, May the second at six oclock. We do hope you can Join us. Sincerely yours, Ellen Smith,2) A letter of Accepting an Invitation,Dear Mrs. Smith, Thank you for inviting us to dinner on Monday, May the second. We are delighted to accept your invitation. Sincerely yours, Lucie Benton,3. A letter of Declining an Invitation,Dear Mrs. Smith, Thank you for inviting us to dinner on Monday, May the second. I wish I could be there, but I regret to inform you that owing to being away on vacation, we shall not be able to come. Sincerely yours, Lucie Benton,A letter of Accepting an Invitation,Dear Professor Xia, Thank you very much for your invitation to join the meeting of English language teaching at Department of Beijing University on September the sixth, 1998. I will be happy to be there at two oclock that afternoon to take part in the meeting, and look forward to it with pleasure. Cordially, William Parley,Invitation to a Dance,Dear Martha, Next Friday October the first is our national Day, and we thought it would be pleasant to have some of our friends here to celebrate it. Will you and Tom come? Well have dancing from seven until twelve. we are all looking forward to seeing you. Students of International business School,Invition to a Reception(招待会),Dear Mr. Hobson, It would give us great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the Chinese delegation(中国代表团). The reception will be held in the City Hall, on Tuesday, October the fourth. Cocktails(鸡尾酒会) will be served promptly at six to be followed by dinner at eight. We sincerely hope you can attend. Let us know as soon as possible if you can come. Sincerely, Li He,8. Invitation to Giving Lectures(邀请来校讲学),1) A letter of invitation Dear Prof. Green, I was told by our mutual friend Mr. Wilson that you would visit China next month this year. May I take the opportunity to invite you to come to our college to give the students of our English Department some lectures on “Modern American Literature”?,Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and tell me when you will be able to do so. With warm personal regards, I am,(我个人谨向您致以热烈的问候。) Your sincerely, Yan Hai,请写一封邀请信,邀请你的朋友或老师出席你的新年晚会。,练一练,


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