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    新职业英语unit 1.ppt

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    新职业英语unit 1.ppt

    新职业英语English for Careers基础篇1,Introduction,Scores 70% Final Test 30% Daily Activity,Introduction,Rules Attending class on time Setting your cell phones on silent pattern Being active Behaving yourselves,Introduction,Unit 1 Organization,Reading A: Google Reading B: TAF Profile Listening & Speaking Writing: Envelope Language Lab Self-study Room: Basic Sentence Patterns,Warming-up,What is a logo? A logo is a graphical (图像的) element that, together with its logo type, forms a trademark(商标) or commercial brand (商业品牌). Typically, a logos design is for immediate recognition. The logo is one aspect of a companys commercial brand, or economic or academic entity(实体), and its shapes, colors, fonts (字体) and images usually are different from others in a similar market.,宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble),简称P&G,是一家美国消费日用品生产商,玉兰油(OLAY)是宝洁公司全球著名的护肤品牌,涵盖了护肤和沐浴系列,成为世界上最大、最著名的护肤品牌之一。,BMW,全称为巴伐利亚机械制造厂股份公司,是德国一家世界知名的高档汽车和摩托车制造商。,New words and phrases,1) online a. 在线的,联网的 反义词:offline 相关短语:log in, log out 2) relevant a. (+to) (紧密)相关的 e.g. You can use Google to search relevant web pages to your problem. You experiences are not relevant to the position. 反义词:irrelevant 同义词:related,3) link n./v. 链接;连接;联系 The road links all the new towns./ The road is a link between these new towns. If you click on this link, it takes you to our college webpage. 4) popularity n. 普及;大众化;声望 派生自形容词 popular(+ity) By demand, the May Day holiday has been reduced to 3 days. Google has won with computer users. (popular, popularity),popularity,popular,5) advertising n. 广告活动;广告业 派生自 动词advertise 打广告,宣传(- a new product) 其他相关派生词:advertisement 广告 6) website n. 网站 相关词:Internet 英特网,web page 网页,www (world wide web)万维网,7) fuel n.(复习)燃料 add fuel to the fire 火上浇油 v. 给提供燃料;刺激 e.g. fuel ones anger, fuel ones hatred When a girl is angry, you say to her “when you are angry, you look like a nanny”. Your words must fuel her anger still more. (add fuel to the fire/ flames),8) investor n. 投资者 派生自动词invest (+in) 投资 e.g. invest money in the property market 投资房地产市场 invest more energy and time in English study 其他相关派生词:investment投资 9) employee n. 受雇者,雇员 后缀-er/or表示动作的发出者,-ee表示动作的承受者,10) acquire v.(通过努力、能力、行为表现)获得;拥有 e.g. We are acquiring a foreign language. To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it more difficult, but to spend it wisely most difficult of all. 积财难,守财最难,而聪明地散财最难。 The best method to acquire your happiness is cherish what you hold and forget what you havent. 获得幸福的不二法门是珍视你所拥有的、遗忘你所没有的。,11) feature n. 特色;特点 同义词:characteristic 12) typical a. 典型的,有代表性的 e.g. typical example 典型的例子 Such weather is typical in autumn. 13) excel v. (in/ at)突出;(在某方面)擅长 复习:形容词excellent 优秀的,杰出的,极好的 e.g. She excels in foreign languages, sports, music and art. 同义短语:be good at,15) trademark n. trade+mark 商标 相关词:brand 品牌, 16) inspiration n. 鼓舞人心的事物;灵感 e.g. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration 天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的勤奋。 17) entrepreneur n. 企业家 相关词:enterprise公司,企业,21) in addition to 除之外,而且,此外(表示递进关系) 同义词:furthermore, moreover, besides, as well as 22) tend to 倾向于,往往 e.g. It tends to get dark earlier in winter. Women tend to live longer than men. 23) stay away from 远离 同义短语:keep away from, keep ones distance from e.g. Stay away from him. He is all burnt up right now. 不要惹他,他现在怒火如焚。,24) in terms of 在方面 e.g. In terms of salary, the job is great. In terms of money he is rich, but not in terms of happiness. 25) brain child (of somebody) 脑力劳动的产物 e.g. This festival was the brain child of Tony Smith. 26) serve as 起作用 e.g. Some sofa can serve as a bed. When you are so sleepy, the desk can also serve as a bed.,e.g. When was Google founded by Larry Page?,When was Google founded by Larry Page? What has Google do recently?,e.g. Find Apple Pie and Coffee through the subtitles: Appetizer Hot Soup Main Course Dessert Beverage,Skimming是只看主要大意的速读。一篇文章的大意是有重点的。比如,当出现first second的这种归类总结的地方,或because,as a result这样的因果关系,或是 but,however的语意转折处,都需要格外留心。文章讲述主要观点之后通常会有for example来佐证,如果看懂了主要观点,那么对示例所用的时间和精力就不需要太多了。Skimming的技巧在第一遍阅读文章意图抓住文章大意时是非常重要的。,. . .,Task 1,Google began as Larry Pages research project.,Page and Sergey set up the company and registered the .,The search engine grew quickly and it began to sell advertising on the website.,Google has acquired YouT and continues to add new features.,Google has also owned Blogger and other hot websites and become the leader in terms of ad-based revenue on the web.,Task 2,Google went public after it began to sell advertising on the website. Email has been one of Googles features recently. Google is now a billion-dollar company and has been named the No.1 company to work for in the United States / one of the best-known trademarks in the world.,Googles employees work in places where employees are comfortable and excel at their work. Google has become the Internet leader in terms of ad-based revenue on the web.,Task 2,Language points,Para 1 Google 谷歌(搜索引擎名) google 动词 google it 谷歌(搜索)一下 在英文中名词可活用做动词,例如: Dont baby your child. (baby: treat sb. like a baby, spoil) He is an idiot. He just parrots what others say. (parrot: repeat) He 747ed to Paris last weekend. (波音747:fly),Para 2 1) Trying to find a better way for a web user to search for relevant pages, Page had an idea that this could be achieved by examining the relationships between web pages. (1) 句首分词结构做状语表示时间,可看做是while Page was trying to find a better way。 (2) search for 寻找 (3) have an idea 有想法或主意 that引导同位语从句解释说明idea的内容 He has an idea that aliens will attack human beings one day. have no idea 不知道、不了解,Para 2 2) He thought that web pages which had the most links to them from other web pages must be the most popular. 定语从句修饰web pages,大意是“链接最多的那些网页”。 3) appear to be : seem to be似乎、好像 Para 3 1) set up 创建、开办 Some students want to set up their own business after graduation.,Para 3 2) The search engine quickly grew in popularity grow: develop Paraphrase: The search engine quickly became more and more popular 3) After a few years of growth (which was) fueled by eager investors, Google went public. eager: very interested and excited about sth that you want to do 热情的、热切的,Para 3 4) Many Google employees became instant millionaires. Many Google employees became millionaires very fast/ in a short period. Para 4 competition n. 派生词:compete (with) v. e.g. Tom is competing with his sister for the mothers attention. competitive a. 竞争的;有竞争力的 e.g. a highly competitive market,Para 5 Google has also been named the number one company to work for in the United States. 不定式结构做定语 Para 6 1) based 以为基础的 2) model: an excellent example 模范、典范,


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