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    社会如何关爱残疾人 关爱残疾人的英语作文.doc

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    社会如何关爱残疾人 关爱残疾人的英语作文.doc

    社会如何关爱残疾人 关爱残疾人的英语作文How to take care of the disabled people?Taking care of the disabled peopleDisabled people are normal people, except that they can not see as much as we can, or they can not walk as fast as we can.So they need to our help.We should not look down upon them.We can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them, for instance, Each student finds some one to help,when they go out,we can help them to cross the road. You can help pushing their wheel chairs.Set up kind of organization. Collect some money. Use this money to help them, to buy them daily necessities, to help their children finish school. We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them, by calling them, by emailing them, by whatever means. As they are disabled, they feel lonely. They think they are not as good as normal people. They easily become lonely, sad, disappointed. They easily lose hope of life. They need help more in spiritual things. They need people to chat with. They need people to encourage them to continue their lives. They need people to get rid of prejudices over them. So, help the disabled while you treat them like normal people. And they are normal people!残疾人我们是常见的,有的因为患病而残疾了,有的因为发生事故而残疾,正是因为这样,有些人们瞧不起残疾人,认为他们简直就是废物,这让残疾人感到很伤心,甚至有不想活的念头。但是有些残疾人却不同,他们虽然残疾了,但是他们还是努力,坚持不懈地学习。我们大家要行动起来,关爱残疾人,多多帮助残疾人,帮助了别人,自己心里才快乐。在生活中,你对残疾人付出一小步,在他内心却建立起的却是很大的一种信念。关爱残疾人,他们时时刻刻都需要我们。Nowadays, young men look so busy and independent in modern society that they will never feel free to live with their parents. They move out and mind their own business every day. On usual days, they would not like to take their time to visit their parents with the excuses of busyness. On some festival days, they probably share a little time to drop in their parents or even just send some presents but dont show up personally like what the cartoon above illustrates. They think that presents can represent their love, however, to the parents, who overcame a lot of difficulties to bring them up, those stuff are far away from what they really hope for。With the rapid pace of economic development, our old parents feel more and more lonely and unhappy. However busy we may be, we should spend more time talking with them and accompanying them, because they once gave us so much selfless love that we should return them the same from the bottom of our heart.在现代社会中,年轻人看起来如此忙碌,以至于无法抽空来陪伴父母。他们大多搬出去独自居住,每天忙于自己的事务。在平常的日子里,他们以忙为借口,不愿意花时间去探望父母。在一些节日,他们可能只留一点时间去看望父母或是如漫画中所示的仅仅送些礼物表示心意而无法与父母团聚。他们认为礼物可以代表他们的爱意,但是,对于含辛茹苦把他们养育大的父母来说,这些礼物远远不是他们所期望的。随着经济的快速发展,年迈的父母们感到越来越孤独与不快。因此,作为子女,无论多忙,我们都应该花时间与父母聊天,陪伴他们,因为他们曾经给了我们无私的爱,我们应当以同样的爱回报父母。【关爱他人类范文:Taking care of the others Be caring of others is a kind of happiness, love is a blessing to others. Money is not omnipotent, care is needed is a common concern of society. Caring, concern and care is that it is everywhere around us. We all need love, care and ultimately, in life, others love us, that we should care to others.Our society is full of love, warm and peaceful, in which people-from man to woman, from individual to individual-lend others a hand. Just like a famous song goes, "the world will turn it to heaven only if everyone contributes a little." and I do believe that its my great honor to live in this love-filled paradise!另有关爱他人英语作文地址:http:/www.joozone.com/yc/2488.html 其内容如下:关爱他人“More care of others” 英语作文批改及点评:注:作文地带已经将正确的放置到括号内,请大家参考:In the past,there was aperson,he was Lei feng.He always helped other people to do some difficult things.I think he is a heroNowadays,people dont help others.When an old lady falls over herself, nobody wants to help her.Why do people do this?Because someone think think the person who helps the old lady makes the old lady fallThen,the old ladys relatives will ask the person who helps the old lady some money(Then,the old ladys relatives will ask the person who helps the old lady for some money).Sometimes,the old lady will tell them he or she is not making her fall.But always the old lady is being hurt ,she cant tell others something(she cant tell others anything).Nobody wants to be like that.But we need to be more care of people,otherwise when we have to do some difficult things,nobody will help us.


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