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    组织行为学 英语习题 (4).doc

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    组织行为学 英语习题 (4).doc

    Chapter 1 What Is Organizational Behavior?MULTIPLE CHOICE 1.Successful managers and entrepreneurs recognize that:a.technical knowledge is all that is needed for success.b.interpersonal skills are not important.c.technical skills are necessary, but insufficient, for succeeding in management.d.an understanding of human behavior does not impact effectiveness(c; Challenging; pp. 2-3)What Managers Do2.Which one of the following is not considered an organization?a.churchb.universityc.a military unitd.all 45-year-old adults in a community(d; Easy; p. 4)3.A(n) _ is a consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.a.organizationb.unitc.teamd.ethnic group(a; Moderate; p. 4)4.The four management functions include all of the following except:a.controlling.b.planning.c.staffing.d.organizing.(c; Moderate; p. 4)5._ includes defining an organizations goals and establishing an overall strategy for achieving these goals and developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities.a.Controllingb.Planningc.Leadingd.Coordinating(b; Moderate; p. 4)6.The determination of how tasks are to be grouped is part of which management function?a.planningb.leadingc.controllingd.organizing(d; Easy; p. 4)7.The organizing function includes a determination of which of the following?a. what tasks are to be doneb. who is to do these tasksc. who reports to whomd. all of the above(d; Moderate; p. 4)8.Every organization contains people, and it is managements job to direct and coordinate these people. This is the _ function.a. planningb. leadingc. controllingd. organizing(b; Moderate; p.4)9.According to Henry Mintzberg, the ten managerial roles can be grouped into three categories. Which of the following is not one of these groups?a. concern with the interpersonal relationshipsb. the transfer of informationc. decision makingd. liaison roles(d; Challenging; Exh. 1-1; p. 6. )10.An example of Mintzbergs interpersonal management role is:a.spokesperson.b.leader.c.negotiator.d.monitor.(b; Moderate; Exh. 1-1; p. 6)11.When a manager searches the organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates projects to bring about change, the manager is acting in which role?a.negotiatorb.entrepreneurc.disturbance handlerd.resource allocator(b; Challenging; Exh. 1-1; p. 6)12.Which of the following is not an essential management skill identified by Robert Katz?a. technicalb. computerc. humand. conceptual(b; Moderate; p. 5)13.When managers have the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations, they possess:a. technical skills.b. computer skills.c. human skills.d. conceptual skills.(d; Challenging; pp. 6-7 )14.Which one of the following would not be considered a human skill?a.completing accounting reportsb.communicatingc.resolving conflictsd.working as part of a team(a; Moderate; pp 5-6)15.According to Luthans and his associates, which of the following is not considered a part of traditional management?a.interacting with outsidersb.decision makingc.controllingd.planning(a; Moderate; p. 7)16.Which of Luthans managerial activities involves socializing, politicking, and interacting with outsiders?a. traditional managementb. communicationc. human resource managementd. networking(d; Challenging; p. 7 )17.According to Luthans, successful managers spent more of their time on _ than on any other activity.a. traditional managementb. human resource managementc. networkingd. communicating(c; Challenging; p. 8)18. A common thread running through the functions, roles, skills, and activities approaches to management recognizes the importance of:a. managing technology.b. managing people.c. politicking.d. being efficient.(b; Moderate; p. 8)Enter Organizational Behavior 19.Organizational behavior is all of the following except:a.a field of study.b.an applied field.c.an intuitive analysis of human behavior.d.studying what people do in an organization.(c; Moderate; p. 8)20._ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organizations effectiveness.a. Organizational developmentb. Managementc. Organizational behaviord. People management(c; Easy; p. 8)21.Which of the following is not a core topic of organizational behavior?a. motivationb. attitude developmentc. conflictd. computers(d; Easy; p. 8 ) 22.According to the text, the best approach for obtaining knowledge about human behavior isa.the common sense approach.b.an observational approach.c.a systematic approach.d.a theoretical approach.(c; Easy; p. 10)23.A major theme in your textbook is that behavior is not:a.caused.b.random.c.consistent.d.predictable.(b; Easy; p. 9)24.If we know how a person perceives a situation and what is important to him/her, then behavior is generallya.predictable.b.predetermined.c.uncontrollable.d.controllable.(a; Moderate; p. 9)25.Fundamental consistencies allow _ of behavior.a.observationb.systematizingc.researchd.predictability(d; Moderate; pp. 9-10) 26.Behavior is generally _ and the _ of behavior is a means to making reasonably accurate predictions.a.predetermined; observationb.predictable; systematic studyc.controllable; theoretical applicationd.uncontrollable; systematic study(b; Moderate; p. 10) 27._ includes analyzing relationships, determining causes and effects, and basing conclusions on scientific evidence.a.Organizational behaviorb.The observational approach to understanding organizational behaviorc.A theoretical approach to organizational behaviord.A systematic study of organizational behavior(d; Moderate; p. 10)28.In the study of OB, intuition is replaced by:a.systematic study.b.generalization.c.listening.d.prediction.(a; Easy; p. 10)Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field29.Organizational behavior is built upon contributions from all of the following disciplines except:a.humanities.b.psychology.c.anthropology.d.political science.(a; Moderate; p. 11)30.The science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals is:a.psychiatry.b.psychology.c.sociology.d.political science.(b; Moderate; p. 12)31.Which behavioral science discipline has made the most significant contribution to understanding individual behavior?a.sociologyb.social psychologyc.psychologyd.anthropology(c; Moderate; p. 12)32.The OB topic of motivation has been most influenced by which behavioral science discipline?a.psychologyb.social psychologyc.sociologyd.political science(a; Moderate; p. 12)33.The most significant contribution to OB in the area of formal organization theory and structure has been made by:a.psychology.b.sociology.c.anthropology.d.political science.(b; Moderate; p. 12)34._ studies people in relation to their fellow human beings.a. Psychologyb. Sociologyc. Anthropologyd. Political science(b; Moderate; p. 12)35.The science that focuses on the influence of people on one another is:a.psychology.b.anthropology.c.political science.d.social psychology.(d; Moderate; p. 12)36.One of the major areas receiving considerable investigation from social psychologists has been:a. change.b. motivation.c. job satisfaction.d. job stress.(a; Challenging; p. 12 )37.The OB subject of “organizational culture” has been most influenced by which behavioral science discipline?a.anthropologyb.psychologyc.social psychologyd.political science(a; Moderate; p. 12)38._ has helped us understand differences in fundamental values, attitudes, and behavior between people in different countries.a. Anthropologyb. Psychologyc. Social psychologyd. Political science(a; Challenging; p. 12)39.Topics of study in political science include all of the following except:a.structuring of conflict.b.the social system in which individuals fill their roles.c.allocation of power.d.how people manipulate power for individual self interest.(b; Challenging; p. 12)There are Few Absolutes in OB40.Which of the following is the best description of OBs current state?a.It is based on universal truths.b.It is based on contingencies.c.There is little disagreement among OB researchers and scholars.d.Cause-effect principles have been isolated which tend to apply to all situations.(b; Moderate; p. 13)Challenges and Opportunities for OB41.Whereas _ focuses on differences between people from different countries, _ addresses differences among people within given countries.a.workforce diversity; globalizationb.globalization; workforce diversityc.culture; diversityd.culturization; workforce diversity(b; Challenging; pp. 14-15) 42._ means that organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity.a. Globalizationb. Workforce diversityc. Affirmative actiond. Organizational culture(b; Easy; p. 15)43.The _ assumption is being replaced by one that recognizes and values _.a. melting pot; differencesb. melting pot; similaritiesc. diversity; differencesd. heterogeneous; similarities(a; Moderate; p. 15)44.Which of the following is not true?a.Currently, 46 percent of the U.S. labor force are women.b.Minorities and immigrants make up 23 percent of the workforce.c.The male Caucasian working full time to support a non-employed wife and school-aged children is a minority.d.The proportion of minorities and women is shrinking.(d; Challenging; p. 15)45.The implications of workforce diversity include all of the following except:a. managers have to shift their philosophy from treating everyone alike to recognizing differences.b. diversity training should be provided.c. revamping benefit programs is needed to accommodate the different needs of different employees.d. the same perceptions are used in decision making.(d; Challenging; p. 15)46._ is a philosophy of management that is driven by the constant attainment of customer satisfaction through the continuous improvement of all organizational processes.a.MBOb.Quality managementc.Reengineeringd.Organizational behavior(b; Easy; p. 16)47.Quality management requires _ employee involvement.a.very littleb.occasionalc.extensived.no(c; Moderate; p. 16)48._ asks managers to reconsider how work would be done and their organization structured if they were starting over.a.Process reengineeringb.MBOc.TQMd.Diversity training(a; Easy; p. 16)49.Predictions suggest there will be a labor shortage for at least another:a. 1-2 years.b. 4-5 years.c. 10-15 years.d. 20-25 years.(c; Moderate; p.17)50.The U.S. labor shortage is a function of:a. birth rates and labor participation rates.b. birth rates and mobility.c. brain drain.d. poor wages and benefits.(a; Moderate; p. 17)51.Many employees have been led to retire early as a result of:a. expanded Social Security benefits.b. a healthy stock market.c. improved pension plans.d. all of the above(d; Challenging; p. 17)52.The majority of employees today in developed countries work in:a. manufacturing jobs.b. service jobs.c. MNCs.d. government agencies.(b; Moderate; p. 18)53.When managers put employees in charge of what they do, they are _ the employees.a. reengineeringb. empoweringc. diversifyingd. dehiring(b; Moderate; p. 19)54.Managing today can be described as long periods of ongoing _ interrupted occasionally by short periods of _.a. change; stabilityb. stability; changec. flexibility; rigidityd. rigidity; flexibility(a; Moderate; p. 19)55.Which of the following has not contributed to blurring the lines between employees work life and personal life?a. the creation of global organizationsb. communications technology allowing employees to work any time and from any placec. organizations asking employees to put in longer hoursd. fewer dual-income couples(d; Easy; p. 20) 56.Situations where an individual is required to define right and wrong conduct are termed:a.diversity issues.b.human resource problems.c.ethical dilemmas.d.loyalty oaths.(c; Easy; p. 21)Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model57.A model is a(an):a.abstraction of reality.b.response that is affected by an independent variable.c.independent variable.d.real-world scenario.(a; Easy; p. 22)58.Primary dependent variables in OB include:a.productivity.b.absenteeism.c.job satisfaction.d.all of the above(d; Easy; p. 23)59._ is achievement of goals.a.Efficiencyb.Effectivenessc.Productivityd.Motivation(b; Easy; p. 23)60.Which of the following is an example of being an efficient company or employee?a.operating a hospital at the lowest possible cost but still yielding a high profitb.being the most pleasant real estate broker in the southeastc.as a telemarketer, making the required number of calls at the end of the dayd.a sales person who acquires the most clients of anyone in the company(a; Challenging; p. 23)61.Sears trained employees to improve the employee-customer interaction to ultimately:a. generate additional revenue.b. decrease returns.c. improve repeat customer business.d. none of the above(a; Moderate; p. 23)62._ is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employees formal job requirement, but that promotes the effective functioning of the organization.a. Productivityb. Motivationc. Organizational citizenshipd. Organizational behavior(c; Moderate; p. 25)63.Individual-level independent variables include:a.technology.b.organizational culture.c.perception.d.human resource policy.(c; Moderate; pp. 25-26)64. _ is the voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization.a. Absenteeismb. Turnoverc. Downsizingd. Exit(b; Easy; p. 24)TRUE/FALSE65.Th


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