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    1 五年级下册期末测试卷(二) Part 1 Listening 1判断图片是否与听到的内容相符,相符画“ ” ,不相符画 “”。 1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( ) 。听音,给下列图片排序,写阿拉伯数字即可。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 听音,将所听内容的序号填入题前括号中。 ( )1Achange Bcrayons Cexercise ( )2Ahers Bhis Ctheirs ( )3Anewspaper Bstorybook C. magazine ( )4Atomorrow Bweekend C.morning ( )5Aboat Bpost Cposter ( )6Aisland Bhotel Choliday .听音,把短文补充完整。 A giant lives in a big 1 with a beautiful gardenHe finds some children in his garden He is very 2 The giant builds a tall 3 around his garden Miss Spring does not bring any flowers or birds his garden Miss Spring, Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not 4 the giant.It s always winter in his garden The giant feels 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part 2 Writing T看图,选择适当的单词把句子补充完整,将序号填入题前括号中。 2 Aexercise Bnewspapers CWall Dsweater Eumbrella ( )1Alice does every morning ( )2It s rainyTake your ( )3The Great is famous in the world ( )4I like readingI read every day ( )5Please try on the .看图片。选择相应节日。将序号填入题前括号中,并选择一个描述该节日的 句 子,把方格涂黑。 AThe Spring Festival BThe Dragon Boat Festival CThe MidAutumn Festival DThe Double Ninth Festival ( ) 1( )It is in December ( )We climb mountains,visit old people and eat rice cakes ( )2( )Children often get red packets ( )We put presents under the tree ( )3( )We make the “Jack-o-Lantern! ” ( )We look at the beautiful moon and eat moon cakes. ( )4. ( )We watch Dargon Boat races ( )We eat noodles. . 单项选择。 ( )1Linda watch a movie with May this Friday.w 3 Ago to Bis going to C.go ( )2I think the is a great invention Acomputer Bpain ring Crice ( )3You should the classroom clean Akeep Btake Cget ( )4Grandpa usHe often gives us candy and tells us stories Ais good at Bis afraid of Cis kind to ( )5I like this book it tells about funny stories about a boy Abecause Bbefore Cso 读一读医生给 Alice 的建议,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写 “F”。 Cold ( )1Alice is feeling well Take some medicine ( )2Alice has a toothache Drink a lot of water. ( )3Alice should take some medicine Shouldn t go to bed late( )4Alice should drink a lot of water Have a good rest ( )5Alice should have a good rest V阅读短文,选出与文中内容相对应的5 幅图片,在方框内画 “ 。 Eric and Susan are very good friends They grow up together Now Eric lives in California,and Susan lives in New Jersey They write letters to each other very oftenThey never forget each others birthdayHe sends her some books ,and she sends him a wallet( 钱包)Eric and Susan often help each other Susan lends Eric some money when he buys a new house He gives her a phone call when she loses her job Eric and Susan like each other very much They are good friends ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4 阅读理解,把正确答案的序号写在题前括号里。 An old tiger lives in the forest He does not want to look for food now He often tells other animals to bring him something to eat He see a monkey and says ,“I am hungry ,MonkeyGo to the village and bring me a fat pig “Oh .Tiger, ”sa ys the monkey “I cannot do that nowThere is another tiger over there.He also wants a fat pig He will not let me get anything for you to eat.I am afraid of himww “What?”cries the old tiger“Show me that tigerI will talk to him “Come with me ,”says the monkey The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge over the river “Now look down at the river ”says the monkey “Do you see the head,the white teeth and the large green eyes of a tiger? “Yes,I do”cries the old tiger,“ I will eat him up!” With these words ,the tiger jumps into the water ( )1The old tiger wants Aa big pig Ba thin pig Ca fat pig ( )2The monkey is afraid the tiger Afrom Bof Cabout ( )3The monkey and the tiger get the bridge the river. Ato;over Bon;on Cin;in ( )4The tiger jumps the water Ain Binto Con .根据卡片信息,写一写你的假期计划,至少写5句话。 Where to go:Qingdao Go there by:plane Stay in:a hotel How long:six days Activities :go swimming,have seafood 5 挑战题 I.按要求写出单词。 1lake(改变首字母,变成新词 ) 2football(仿照例词,写一个合成词 ) 3pear(写出同音词 ) 选择正确答案,将序号写在题前括号里。 ( )1is the writer of the story The giants garden AWilbur Wright BLuo Guanzhong COscar Wilde ( )2Shanghai is in the of China Aeast B. west Cnorth 参考答案 听力原文 6 1判断图片是否与听到的内容相符,相符画“”,不相符画 “”。 1It is a flying bikeI can fly in the sky with it 21cnjy 2It is greatPeople Can send an e-mail with it 3It is a great inventionPeople can write on it 4I think the train is a great inventionPeople can travel from one place to another very fast 5I think the watch is a great invention People can tell the time anywhere 听音,给下列图片排序,写阿拉伯数字即可。 1All the animals are afraid of the tiger 2The animals have a meeting A clever fox has a good idea 3The fox gives the tiger a lot of candy The tiger likes the candy very much 4The tiger eats the candy every day Soon he has a toothache The animals pull all the tigers teeth out 听音,将所听内容的序号填入题前括号中。 1There are some crayons in the big box 2The socks are JoesThey are his 3This magazine is old 4We are going to visit my grandparents this weekend 5Whose boat is it? 6The island is not bigIt is very small 听音,把短文补充完整。 A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden He finds some children in his garden He is very angry The giant builds a tall wall around his garden Miss Spring does not bring any flowers or birds to his garden.Miss Spring , Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not visit the giantIt s always winter in his garden.The giant feels sad 听力部分 Il 2345 7 II(由左至右 )2 3 4 1 1B 2B 3C 4B 5A 6A 1house 2angry 3wall 4visit 5sad 书写部分 I1A 2E 3C 4B 5D 1D We climb mountains,visit old people and eat rice cakes 2A Children often get red packets 3C We look at the beautiful moon and eat moon cakes 4B We watch Dragon Boat races lB 2A 3A 4C 5A lF 2F 3T 4T 5T V写信,书籍,房子,打电话,钱包 lC 2B 3A 4B (参考范文 )Summer holiday is comingIm going to Qingdao with my family this summer We get there by plane We ll stay there for six daysWe ll stay in a hotel by the sea We l1 go swimming thereThe water is clear We ll also have seafood The seafood there tastes great!This is my holiday plan 挑战题 I1(开放性试题,写对一个单词即可) bake cakefakehakemakerakesaketake wake 2(开放性试题,答案不可统计,以下合成词供参考)basketballanywhere butterflyfirecrackerfirework mooncake seafood storybook weekend 3pair .lC 2A


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