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    译林版三下英语3B期末复习 快乐阅读5-8单元.doc

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    译林版三下英语3B期末复习 快乐阅读5-8单元.doc

    Unit 5 Monkeys and the moon 一、默写中文 moonlight well look into hang climb up link together Oh my god! try reach broken still uppermost 二 选择。1、( ) Some are playing in the moonlight.A. monkeys B. bears C. chickens2、 ( ) finds a well , and he looks into it.A、 A little monkey B. A duck C. A pig 3、 ( ) A little monkey finds a .A、 pear B. well C. farm4、 ( ) There is (有) a in the water.A、 tree B. moon C. chair5、 ( ) Hanging by their , they link together.A、hands B. feet6、 ( ) The little monkey tries to reach the in the water.A、apple B. moon C. pear7、 ( ) The monkey looks up , and shouts suddenly.A、old B. uppermost C. big8、 ( ) Then all the monkeys under the tree.A、stand B. Sit9、( ) tries to reach the moon.A.The old(老的) monkey B. The little monkey 三图文配对。E.D.C.B.A. ( ) 1. Oh no ! The moon is in the well !( ) 2. The monkeys climb up the tree one by one.( ) 3. Hanging by their feet , they link together.( ) 4. Oh my god ! The moon was broken by me.( ) 5. The moon is in the sky. Then all the monkeys sit under the tree . They look at the moon happily. Unit 6 Its going to rain!一、默写中文hide black clouds rain low croak jump out move away wriggle thunder lighting umbrella 二在括号里选择,并在横线上写出英文的中文,再说出小女孩所遇到动物们的顺序。A.fly so low B. croak so loudly C.jump out of the water D.move home away E.wriggle out ( )1. little dragonfly ( )2. frogs ( )3. fish ( )4. little ants ( )5. earthworms 三图文配对。 ( )1. The sun is hiding behind the black clouds. Its going to rain. ( )2. I have to go out. ( )3. Why do you fly so low, little dragonfly? ( )4. Why do you move your home away , little ants? ( )5. Thunder ! Lightning ! Its raining ! ( )6. Mum . Heres an umbrella for you. Unit7 The greedy lion一、默写中文greedy favourite wake up deer bigger better catch tired give up lost both sad 二 选择。A、A lion B. A rabbit C. A deer D. greedy and sad( ) 1. is hungry.( ) 2. is sleeping.( ) 3. is bigger and better than the rabbit.( ) 4. The lion is .三判断。( ) 1. The lion isnt hungry.( ) 2. The lion wants to eat the rabbit.( ) 3. The lion wants to eat the sheep.( ) 4. The lion wants to wake up the rabbit.( ) 5. The lion can catch that deer.( ) 6. The lion only(仅仅) lost the rabbit.( ) 7. The lion eats the deer for dinner.( ) 8. The lion goes back to get the deer.( ) 9. The lion lost both the rabbit and the deer.四图文配对。( ) 1. Im hungry . I want something to eat.( ) 2. Oh , a rabbit . Thats my favourite food.The rabbit is sleeping . I cant wake it up.( ) 3. Ah ! A deer ! Its bigger. Its better than the rabbit.( ) 4. Im tired . I cant catch that deer . I give up.Unit 8 Little bears fence一、 默写中文 fence carrot steal jump over low easily gap narrower almost fly dig hole grow share not any more 二判断。( ) 1. The rabbit can jump over the low fence.( ) 2. The rabbit cant walk through the gap in the fence.( ) 3. The carrots are all inside the new fence.( ) 4. The little bear will share the pears with the rabbits.三图文配对。 ( ) 1. I can jump over the low fence easily.( ) 2. I can walk through the gap in the fence easily.( ) 3. My baby can get them easily . Yes , Mum.( ) 4. Let me make a fence with a narrower gap.( ) 5. How can the rabbits get my carrots ? Can they fly?( ) 6. Ha ! Ha ! We can dig a hole.( ) 7. I will share my carrots with you. Please dont steal them.Thanks for sharing . We wont do that again.


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