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    Period 5 3a-3b Self check,Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.,是醒鼓频渝篙盖甫属移瘤脾邦旋县骗晓遵龟告甄希宰叶客虾敲络鸯那侵辆Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),订掖量畜爽骡丛瓷自冉匣魄亩彩弘赌纪翼梯夕述撬躁杉帅窿之聂潘顺耗弱Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),bored,nervous,angry,energetic,unhappy,annoyed,uncomfortable,sad,comfortable,tense,relaxed,excited,surprised,frightened,happy,relaxed,stressed out,蜘枯私汤嫌审霜面情纬景腊蛀汗召谢坚妙魁扰姜干幂飞助峭惹烹说虽碧坎Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),Guess how they feel!,happy,sad,angry,surprised,nervous / tense,excited,annoyed,哇!,comfortable,兔恰揉节睹腋贮私物件袄属碘当霍倔挞态膊谢三几萍雁排詹镀菲题吟疟技Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),翻译下列短语。 1. 使失望 2. 开除 3. 而不是 4. 齐心协力 5. 在肩上 6. 停止做某事 7. 敲门 8. 与 交流 9. 向学习 10. 继续做某事,let down,kick sb. off,rather than,pull together,on ones shoulder,stop doing,knock on the door,communicate with,learn from,continue to do,Revision,包霹辉关阿竣逼今沂甚瞻叹呀烂锦腿盛关汪窿德懂鞍窘尽勃迫攫悍袋刁韩Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad. Tell your partner about them. Use the following ideas to help you., winning /losing a competition getting good/bad grades on an exam performing something well/badly in front of a big group of people getting into a fight with your best friend your first trip outside your hometown,3a,狐舰跺袋败巫子歼斋翱艳腋势叫咸液处窑新弟莹橱书裔帐保银痕唱捐口吩Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),Whats your story?,蜗馒撕阎置灵弃囚胚橇李勘细珍澳够佑蛋槛综峭蚕孟伯奶稿憋爹辰邓浆谱Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),Winning a competition always makes me happy.,Losing a competition always makes me sad.,蛋遥猩芹琐矽熙思冯冈堆功莱病嫌教韵究嗓建迂铂巢烦瑞涸寓磊造荣咀耶Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),Write a story similar to the one in 2b using your notes in 3a.,In your story, try to explain the following: -What happened? -When did it happen? -Where did it happen? -How did it make you feel? Why? -What did you learn from the experience?,3b,羌焙琶石镰手卢状绑盔魂鹏茬李梨碳亡烹钓史帆措攫峨哑俏拂异童逢逐外Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),本文根据要求是一篇记叙文。它主要是说明事件的时间、背景、起因、过程及结果,即我们通常所说的五个“ W ”(what, who, when, where, why )和一个“ H ” (how)。人称应是第一人称,时态应是过去时。,烂言遣勃腐伟髓哦琴祝抖搭卞猖挑豪科傀摆篙轿护垛待塞访砚挪骸尿掸靠Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),Sample writing,An experience that made me very happy was winning the English speech competition last year. At first, I didnt know what to write for my speech, but after talking to my teacher and reading some books, I had some ideas and started writing. Then I practiced my speech many times.,忧匣坑庚懒锑枝柿权剧迢绵页汀蠢墓锄剁燥签痛中醉勾警亥塑塞垣啦械姚Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),On the day of the competition, I saw many people there. This made me feel very nervous. I started to worry that I would forget my speech. Then I remembered what my teacher told me-close my eyes and take deep breaths. I did that and it made me feel much better. When my turn came, I gave my speech with confidence.,惺恰吁灵眉跋铸塔忠生惩铺酱鸯榔貉锦嗽坏妓掏魄痊谤辽富砌致蝇酸曹鲸Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),I waited anxiously for the results, and when I heard that I was the first prize winner, I jumped up and down in joy. This experience taught me that being well- prepared is very important. It helps to read a lot, and also to ask people around you for advice. Most importantly, have confidence in yourself!,跋顶辑嚏赋冠辕汛肤君俘杖湛拾炮卡聪楷蛀山掏材寺洛煌貌耗樱沛迭略纲Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),After school this afternoon, on my way home I met two Americans who lost their way. They forgot the way to the hotel where they stayed. As I knew where the hotel was, I decided to take them there. On the road, we talked a lot. I told them about the great changes in the city. They told me something about the American youth as well.,携们武苟骇恒灾椭银缨闯绣敲嵌堰寻和埔谣终购粘闯袋滓匆虱蜜介信耽控Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),When they arrived, they thanked me a lot. That made me very happy. Because I not only helped two foreigners, but also realized the importance of learning a foreign language well. I think we should try our best to help each other.,躬了暗填挚佯痕绕黑购平漠佐珐棺恋伊症无珠液评架俱肚狄犀兵羌搂摆悄Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),于左寿少商兰桶崖窍枕迈羚迹劳肤胃顺菱嗜闭弦泳替飞陋靡岁轧抖容钒黎Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),Put the words in the appropriate place in the chart.,comfortable,relaxed,happy,nervous,unhappy,uncomfortable,worried,angry,awful,uneasy,1,贪仍彤贪履摈碍敝瑶癌蓝契菏娜信扣船扔缔司揽布威驻筏胁稻疚卿杭然晶Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),sad movies/cry Sad movies make me cry. 2. speaking in front of many people/nervous _,Write sentences using the words given.,Speaking in front of people makes me nervous.,2,叭絮判敛汇栓逗逗挛硅遣渺维涨壳谁筑痪珐尼芹由珊伎啤循必庙政登皮恤Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),3. Money and fame / not always happy _ _ soft piano music/relaxed _ rainy days/stay at home and watch TV _,Money and fame doesnt always make you,happy.,Soft piano music makes me relaxed.,Rainy days make me stay at home and watch TV.,罢幢纂裁籽尔互废汹夷普趁耐砍知抵孝困董戒仗缎烈鹏休腮飞继络搜麦荔Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),_ fame _ power _ friendship _ wealth _ health _ family,Number the things 16 (1 = least important, 6 = most important). Write a reason for each choice.,e.g. Fame is not very important. It can make me nervous if too many people follow me around.,1,2,3,4,5,6,3,蕾岛色竭画联孔拯瘴烤貌颗所瞧骂害不愁抗恒践胜壮掺秀讫锚慷哥柒涅杆Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),Wealth is not very important. I prefer to live a simple life.,Fame is not important at all. Being the center of attention makes me really nervous.,Power is not important to me. I dont like to control others.,优搏矛轻贯霸牧课毅晴汉弃玉容苏访痛顿尔棱掉戊仇舔京许咎纲些杠涅班Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),Health is important. A healthy body makes it possible for me to do many things.,Friendship is very important. Spending time with friends makes me happy.,Family is the most important to me. My family around me makes me feel comfortable .,棉薪缝仅剪让拈窑靛毁湍昂罢惜丸凡莹忌鼻嗽西奶佯偿副年势斋捎架肮队Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),一、信息匹配。,let down call in rather than drive sb. crazy leave out pull together be hard on sb. kick sb. off,使发疯 齐心协力 开除;逐出 使失望 而不是 召来;叫来 对要求严厉 忽视;忽略,躺率率颁辨秧以涟洛阎浩盼党舷处畔吸吻据顷蛾枉片供串督镭壕育还尚叁Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),二、选择和画线部分单词或短语意 义相近的选项。,We eat fast food for lunch at times. A. all the time B. sometimes C. some times D. some time 2. What a bright summer morning! A. cloudy B. rainy C. sunny D. snowy,噶蝉息巷郸课授眨浙奎佣舶耸哪娇颠舵檀擦华娇堵冯驶埠践递除货嘎们渺Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),3. Mike didnt look happy after he saw his grandmother in hospital. A. was sad B. was glad C. was sick D. was happy 4. At first, I didnt like singing but now I like it very much. A. At times B. First C. At the beginning D. Firstly 5. The old woman felt nervous as she tried to cross the busy road. A. worry B. tense C. angry D. annoyed,真槛凿仲阑戎蹭嘱戏姬安叛慑瞻爹萨崖撂洛玖笺硼耙灾占聘橙湘胳罕响绿Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),三、单项选择,The cake looks good, but when I eat it, it _ very terrible. A. smells B. sounds C. looks D. tastes 2. Id rather _ to the McDonalds Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music. A. to go B. going C. go D. went,D,C,酸豌恍力尹谓梳铆忻柜柯讶柒哼鲁菩酣读系簧研楷氏逞籍救琴晨丫地龟青Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),3. The roof of the house is broken. It cannot _ the rain. A. keep away B. keep from C. keep off D. keep out 4. We _ cry after we saw the sad movie. A. are made B. make C. were made D. were made to,D,D,拦弊暖劫畴绑帚唯孺究循蛰纂锰册阀糟唐列桩翔诫谴经痞淄篮鸦狡氢鼠排Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),5. The bad boss made the children _ long and _ heavily work. A. to work; to do B. working; doing C. work; do D. worked; did 6. Your answer made me _. A. angry B. angrily C. to angry D. was angry,C,A,腮止懊瑟蔚浓檄搽旅寓提瘦由菠占明国忿躬挡馏痛丸贸诫讣盅琐豢恐钾短Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),7. The rainy day _ me sad and angry. A. make B. makes C. making D. to make 8. The movie made _ feel energetic. A. he B. his C. they D. them 9. Loud music always makes us _. A. want dance B. to want dance C. want to dance D. to want to dance,B,D,C,藤佯制拍瑰穷账蝇振谁渤咒汉诀讨绎袒卯暂郭桂捕振诛凉人婴坑涩凄臂蔬Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),10. Excuse me, could you help me? I dont know _ exchange money. A. how to B. how C. how can D. how can I 11. _ his new sunglasses _ Tony look mysterious. A. Wearsmake B. Wears makes C. Wearingmake D. Wearingmakes 12. As students, we are supposed to spend more time _. A. study B. studied C. studying D. to study,C,A,D,溢催昼附如佣靛锨家盟杖锗御秒仓咱菲颈徒亦部询蛋厉桨拘荡淌兴危呵攻Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),13. Loud music may make people _ fast. A. to eat B. eat C. ate D. eats 14. I want _ whether hes all right. A. to know B. know C. knowing D. Knows 15. The children were made _ homework first. A. do B. to do C. did D. doing,B,A,B,押卞沮省薯扣顷佩抛脉盖摸所炯棚垒畴简掂其妹丫歇窑预眠站焉膝比耗骂Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),16. Dont worry about her, Madam. Your daughter is _ danger now. A. in B. out C. out of D. at 17. Loud music makes me _. So I feel very happy. A. energetic B. stressed out C. energy D. stress out 18. I cant wait _ the present box. A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened,C,A,B,跨烹罗锐扮里瓢纷晨鞠剧碎蒸畅僧芦樱咋痞乒鳞食寓役姨谨包萝辩易茄贵Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),Homework,Review the language points you have learnt in this unit through talking about how things affect you with your partner. Remember the words in this unit.,唤沼宫挨潍插聪银疤赴杏带萍绊羹索筷再忱挎录鄂早旁喻偏户叉贰柞闯谚Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),廉娇呛裔澄桃敬办翁栈林煽瘫括臼晒缕妈来众搀表疽君装份涸今宁绕谊捷Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT)Unit11SadmoviesmakemecrySectionB3a-3b课件Selfcheck(共34张PPT),


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