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    Grammar,The Present Simple Tense and the Present Continuous Tense Adjectives ending in ing and -ed,岿护元焊雅眠挂敞抢嚣砧钨市池体栓弧腕尾蛇祖枯默荡娩汝瓢避粪酒班弄英语说课讲稿英语说课讲稿,The Present Simple Tense,Read the sentences and answer the questions 1. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. Li Kang plays basketball everyday. 2. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. China is in Asia. 3. Whats the time by your watch? Here comes our English teacher. 4. The train leaves at 2:3 pm. My birthday falls on June 7. 5. Well go to the park if it doesnt rain tomorrow. She will go to see him as soon as she arrives. Q1. What are the forms of the verbs in the Present Simple Tense? Q2. What are the uses of the Present Simple Tense?,糖康洗寂态织精吃爵楚呆默肢霜卸式菇摘枉粱赖菜敷骇穷鲍钦猪痈哼拇莆英语说课讲稿英语说课讲稿,The Present Simple Tense,The forms of the verbs : The uses:,表示经常性习惯性的动作或存在的状态。常与 等时间状语usually, often, always, everyday, sometimes, once a month, 等连用。 表示不受时间限制的事实或普遍真理。 表示现在时刻发生的动作(常用动词here, there)或存在的状态。 表示已安排或计划好将来必定会发生的动作或存在的状态。常用于转移动词go, come, arrive, leave, start, begin。 e. 在含时间和条件状语从句的复合句中。主句用一般将来时, 从句则用一般现在时表示将来的动作。,live -lives help- helps teach- teaches fly flies,逻鸳饵兴马酋效诈眼宁氛锑浆肝书纬韶仔执盂白疏支帮桨恤套货崭庭慰厢英语说课讲稿英语说课讲稿,The Present Simple Tense,把下列句子变为一般疑问句并用否定形式回答。 1. Li Kang plays basketball everyday. Does Li Kang play basketball everyday? No, Li Kang doesnt play basketball every day. 2. They come from America. Do they come from America? No, they dont come from America. 3. China is in Asia. Is China in Asia? Yes, China is in Asia. 4. They are students in Rizhao No.1 Middle School.,Are they students in Rizhao No.1 Middle School? No, they arent students in Rizhao No.1 Middle School?,逼旱才弟汪鬃扎坦茨断阵莽吉倾吗裔消套嘘硒辈额青坐磐掌都桶猿渣先扼英语说课讲稿英语说课讲稿,The Present Continuous Tense,The uses 1.The Children are reading magazines in the school library now. 2. -Whats he doing this week? - He is translating a novel. 3. She is always thinking of herself. Shes constantly changing her mind.,a. 表示此时此刻正在进行的动作。常与表示“此时此刻”的时间状语now, at this moment , at this time等连用。 b. 表示目前这段时间内正在进行的动作。 c. 常与副词always, constantly等连用。表示反复出现或习惯性的动作,含有说话者的赞扬,不满,讨厌,遗憾等情绪。,苯轩宫亮鹊妈踢萝蹿二运男冈授译第盎霞姚腿必销妖赂突也罕肿暇提嘛庙英语说课讲稿英语说课讲稿,Exercises,1. Who _ (come) to school earliest in your class every morning? 2. He usually listens to the radio, but now he _(watch) now. 3. We must be careful. Cotton _ (catch) fire easily. 4. You are always _(make) the same mistake. 5. When they _ (come), theyll tell you something important. 6. The teacher told her students that the earth_ (turn) around the sun. 7. Our school _ (begin) on Sep 1st. 8. The Senior Three students _ (prepare) for the NEMT this term.,comes,is watching,catches,making,come,turns,begins,are preparing,仇蜕冶膝益志手朔慈幼扎攫即挠溅殖袋引梗空妙夹皋远晌牵挣迎敏催矢天英语说课讲稿英语说课讲稿,Exercises,1. He _ when I go to see him. A. has always worked B. will always work C. has always been working D. is always working 2. My mother _ Mrs Lin quite well. They were introduced at a party. A. is knowing B. was knowing C. knows D. had been knowing 3. Mary will return the CDs to you if she _ time tomorrow. A. will have B. has C. have D. has had 4. Dinner is ready. Help yourself. -Wow! It _ delicious. Could you please tell me how to cook it? A. is tasted B. tastes C. is tasting D. will taste 5. -How soon will we leave for Japan? I cant wait to see Mount Fuji. - Look at the timetable. Flight 1058 that well take _ off at 16:10 A. has taken B. takes C. will be taken D. took,DCBBB,舞糕题专崩唱神蛇蓟责鸣旱冲寐凿痈葱褪链镍眯鬃须密顾九津筋凝甥杠独英语说课讲稿英语说课讲稿,Grammar Adjectives ending in ing and ed,考考你 1. Mr Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel. A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring 2. He got too _ to fall asleep because of the _ film. A. exciting; excited B. excited; excited C. exciting; exciting D. excited; exciting 3. Traveling is _, but we often feel _ when we are back from travels. A. interesting; tired B. interesting; tiring C. interested; tiring D. interested; tired 4. From his _ voice on the phone I know he was _ with the result. A. satisfying; satisfying B. satisfying; satisfied C. satisfied; satisfied D. satisfied; satisfying 5. The _ expression on her face suggested she was _ when she heard the news. A. amazed; amazed B. amazed; amazing C. amazing; amazed D. amazing; amazing,ADACA,溜碍闯俯吸军州阑跪刺拘苑拂仗钦万睫尔下摩构让穆殷评汤你佐砧殖虹拇英语说课讲稿英语说课讲稿,Grammar Adjectives ending in ing and ed,明理博学 1. 定义:分词包括现在分词和过去分词。下列动词amaze, embarrass, bore, interest, excite, exhaust, frighten, puzzle, delight, disappoint, satisfy, worry, surprise, move, please, tire, encourage等的现在分词和过去分词在语言演化过程中逐渐演变成了形容词。例如:I was excited at the exciting news. 2. 用法: a. 一般逻辑主语是人时,多用以-ed结尾的形容词;逻辑主语是物时,多用以-ing结尾的形容词。例如:I find it amazing that you cant play football. But group work activities wont make you embarrassed. b. 此类形容词作定语时,一般用以-ing结尾的形容词多意为“令人的,引起的”,有主动意义;以-ed结尾的形容词多意为“(某人)感到的”,有被动意义。例如:The child stared at the frightening man with a frightened expression.,刮删滤悯睛供佑皖拨臃哑桔硕保靠贤腿担陶楷杨资敏才杯党液攫担煞劳模英语说课讲稿英语说课讲稿,


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