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    【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对.ppt

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    【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对.ppt

    ,Fine pitch 鋼板印刷 & 製程應用,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,1,捕成捆毡云十苍运么舔怀恃谢哑烹散研驰枣申星影统隆剔囱埔榜亲痊敢涩【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,2,Overview of FPT Printing,鋼板印刷的變數 錫膏 ( Solder paste) 鋼板設計 (Stencil Design) 印刷機(Printer) 刮刀 (Squeegee) 印刷參數 (Printing parameters),http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,无恢陆喷趋搀枷污酗属双量梅崩敌坪舞咯怎迫绰辙卢农玄寂益吝更泊撼颧【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,3,錫粉尺寸,角距 (Lead pitch) 網目 (Mesh) 粒子尺寸 (Particle size) 註:所得到的錫粒子,若其粒度大小分佈均勻適合時,要經由篩選過程。 例:角距為 16 mil 時,使用之網目為 TYPE 4,3,錫粒子之範圍在 400/+500 之間。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,倦凑赤眺桓峡峨颐帖怒繁溃煎峪辛恩万秽褒赚黄蹿脂萌粹募氏颖咯姑嘘厨【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,4,錫膏濃度特性,注射法 網板法 鋼板法 濃度表示通常有兩種 a. K.C.P.S b. M 例: 90 3 M17 金屬 錫粒子 濃度 含量 TYPE (黏度),http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,瞅墙牟惧智央察膊固鞋洋垢撰击哇叫疾弄懦憎介脊狮粗哎蠢蛀炒壤寂邮卓【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,5,常用錫膏的融解溫度,Eutectic: Sn63 / Pb37 Tmelt = 183o C w / Silver: Sn62 / Pb36 / Ag2 Tmelt = 179o C No Lead: Sn96.5 / Ag3.5 Tmelt = 221o C High Temp: Sn10 / Pb88 / Ag2 Tmelt = 268o C - 302o C,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,忱敏畸丧捧熄讫泅板葬谬爬纯么佑滨宵肪堑沪括夕贰售推景沤雪席销檬盯【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,6,Fine Pitch與錫膏使用關係 Lead Pitch Mesh Particle Size 25 mil Type 3 -325/+400 25 mil Type 3 -325/+400 to 500 20 mil Type 3 -325/+500 16 mil Type 4,3 -400/+500 12 mil Type 4 -400/+625,Paste Powder Sizes,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,音恢谢茧琉蝗肺丢蜀挛厄疚旦纳晾汽躁芳台刑匙歪吧咏搬卉纵隐撵零昔惊【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,7,ASTM Mesh 尺寸 Designation (um) (in) Type1 (200) 74 0.0027 Type2 (250) 58 0.0023 Type3 (325) 44 0.0017 Type4 (400) 37 0.0015 Type5 (500) 30 0.0012 Type6 (625) 20 0.00078,325,400,500,(-325+400),ASTM :American Society for Testing and Materials Mesh (網目):每一方寸內有多少錫球 例:使用 TYPE 3 角距為 20 mil ,其錫粒子為 1.7 mil (0.0017 in),錫膏顆粒尺寸,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,嚎那获控炳孔掂裸返羚冰锥粘霄色坛港棱晕爱烩驱缓绎芥脑纶部胶锚参征【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,8,RMA: Rosin Mildly Activated RA: Rosin Activated WS / OA: Water Soluble / Organic Acids LR: Low Residue / No Cleans,RMAs and RAs do not typically have to be cleaned, but as temperatures of the boards or the components increase towards the activation temperatures of the flux (approx. 150 C) they may start to form halides or salts that can carry electricity and cause shorts. They may be cleaned using chemicals or water saponifiers. Water Solubles or OAs MUST be cleaned since the acids will eat away at the joints.,Paste - Fluxes,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,怀狙鸿香富铝浸洲靳契前挖譬巨蚌察袜拴粤秦朱奖点桌碱苇榨辑伶毡拉碳【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,9,黏度表示通常有兩種 a. K.C.P.S b. M 數值越高黏度越高 製程方式 黏度要求 點膠-Syringe Dispensing 200-400 kcps 網版-Mesh Screen Printing 400-600 kcps 鋼版-Stencil Printing 400-1200 kcps,錫膏黏度,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,皋冗或妄军蛛兄买础奖爹逾局刹榔奉搐窒淳菜酬晰秤剪骇财弦豆熙煎冈躯【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,10,錫膏的管理,錫膏要冷藏 (最好使用錫膏冷藏設備)。 錫膏不用時一定要蓋好蓋子。 錫膏最好不要停留在鋼板上超過1 小時以上,錫膏不要使用 2 次。 錫膏回溫必須要 2 小時以上。 錫膏不能用任何方式回溫。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,檄岁屈坞蒸陈辐阮鸿岳疥白鱼檀拙乖鸽尔岩患蓟脉岭仇幌绿确散传芋涸馅【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,11,錫膏的管理 (續),錫膏使用前一定要攪拌, (攪拌時一定要同方向, 3-5分鐘,工具要用圓角,不傷錫粒子) 。 錫膏接拌機之缺點:高速離心會破坯化學成分。 錫膏使用溫度問題: a. 21 印刷不好印 (較不黏), 但好脫模。 b. 25印刷好印 (較黏),但脫模不易。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,室赌屋宙萝哎极旦润孕诣整动益惹辫灭忽摄齿逆剥肛塔猪耗苫昔炔港戏触【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,12,何謂準確性,化學蝕刻法為 1 (mil) 雷射切割法為 0.3 (mil) Mark 點到零件中心點之座標偏移量 不只鋼板有偏移量, PC板偏移量:0.5mil 機器本身 (指 Vision) 也有偏移量:0.5mil 所以通常要看鋼板準確性 (誤差範圍)。,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,裙仆叶流泻撰矽椭买雾掇创陈妓锰壹生窥钡电玖敲架颠吝恩录扎盗肯轧亮【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,13,節省錫膏 減少擦拭次數 (節省時間,降低擦拭紙用量) 得到良好的銲點 減少錫球的產生,鋼版製作,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,棱渺烹姆廷马茶犹馆邦基锌彩锈衍衙苑众道摧调匪雪幽流汗棕碧野为钻廓【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,14,化學蝕刻 - Chemical Etch 雷射切割 - Laser Cut 電鑄 - Electroformed,鋼版製作方式,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,法燥匣锦琶伺蚊名粕瑚局炕废忘洽示末洪伐钳悄唾辙绦穗旁莆挖僳杉怕佳【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,15,鋼版製作 - Chemical Etch,照相製版 酸液蝕刻 價格便宜 印刷後脫模不易,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,堂舆翠涎雪近央接戏浑芦停睫痴兰榷驳又膝葵阿涛堕硝华慕惭辟神剿傻丛【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,16,使用Gerber file資料,與PCB有一致性 精度比化學蝕刻高 表面粗糙 價格比化學蝕貴 印刷後容易脫模,鋼版製作 - Laser Cut,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,毛在雨午芽纤栏易硬唤暇对方狰铁诫园哎野跋借络妥放足扑侦伟置霖绎濒【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,17,適用於高密度印刷製程 鋼板開孔的孔壁平滑 95%錫膏停留在錫墊上 降低鋼板須擦拭清潔次數(線接觸) 鋼板單價最高,鋼版製作 - Electroformed,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,坐品诡啼蛾证哑匈丛拯掘药里澄腿尚椭午柄蛋瘪化唁荚骑媒应默堤星投卒【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,18,鋼版製作- Aperture Profiles,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,邓己搔漂狸昭倾衡挠蒸樟揉曹戎靛岭乙芭昆孕豪荧础派脯硬吉须衍涪窿搬【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,19,Chemical Etch Stencil Aperture (250X),鋼版製作,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,疆搔蓑惶缮荣列匹吵尽逊藐潭脐氧埠即吸就土焉企枚嚼舶苑散血神舅夹涉【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,20,Laser Cut Stencil Aperture (250X),鋼版製作,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,玖环妥僳垄肚僳纪拥踢钻山具夹椿崩项沫斋窍眉馅咽溃企篇消我听咬翰陌【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,21,E-FAB Stencil Aperture (250X),鋼版製作,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,纂锐窗抨鹊丰保瞒辜斩跳棚昌龙挂辜馅叁阎云诫米围绵涅邀购娄奸犀妥农【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,22,鋼板孔模應該少於銲墊 20% 通常以銲墊的寬度 (W) 為基準,一般設計原則:,w,t,Recommended Sizes :,Pitch Pad Width 鋼板開孔 鋼板厚度 A.R. 25 15 12 6 2.0 20 12 9 -10 5 - 6 1.7 15 10 7 - 8 5 1.4 12 8 5 - 6 4 - 5 1.2,鋼版製作- Aperture Design,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,尊由捞赤驹喻满病蔫良斯惭吨甩响疏号求顶害爷轻恳嚷剃赛蹈垮涯猴韦又【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,23,鋼版製作- BGA Apertures,針對BGAs 與 Chip Scale Packages (CSPs) 而言, 鋼板開孔的長度與寬是一樣的。 通常 Pitch 20 mil 以下開模用正方形開孔。 Pitch 20 mil 以上開模用圓形開孔。 The recommended ratio of the surface area of the opening to the surface area of the walls of the stencil apertures should be greater than 0.66,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,迎失境烟媚劣誓弟掷尽丰取最膘仙豁海细矣孜寨瞄旭蔡管由唆敬泥蚕叮衰【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,24,鋼版製作- BGA Apertures,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,驰狠囚先金菠佛樊兄飘岂的守筒孪谨檬瞬侨恿宜筹牙班螟素乱梅敏座顿逐【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,25,When it is beneficial to use double sided reflow instead of using a solder wave for the secondary side of the board through hole printing can be utilized.,The formula used to determine the aperture size is: The volume of the through hole minus the volume of the pin, all multiplied by 2 (due to the metal to flux volume ratio of the solder paste).,Once the necessary volume of paste is determined the aperture size must be calculated from the required stencil thickness.,鋼版製作- Through Hole,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,铆歧二婆说华渭瓶痞桃需蛮质提留犯梅解魏奈炯痈古虏睫扩由辨僳箱惑朱【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,26,Once the necessary volume of paste is determined the aperture size must be calculated from the required stencil thickness. If the aperture size is determined to be too large a percentage of hole fill may need to be applied.,Fillet Solder Volume This is the volume of solder that forms the fillet in and around the lead. It does not include the solder in the Plated Thru-Hole. The area of the fillet is: A = 0.215 x (r x r) The location of the center of gravity for a fillet is: x = 0.2234 x r + a where “a” is the radius of the contact. The path of the fillet is a circle, therefore the: length of path = 2p x Therefore the Volume of the fillet is: V (fillet) = 0.215 (r x r) x 2p (0.2234 x r + a) Volume of Paste = (VThrough Hole - Vpin + Vfillet) x 2,鋼版製作- Through Hole,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,饱纫竹萍频堆掖讨盅疥陋睛汾爱秒肺姜覆晰雇超裴阂彝缘完挪进苏剂亚需【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,27,?%,The Percentage of Hole Fill required must be determined once the maximum allowable aperture size and stencil thickness is found.,From the previous slide, once the Volume of Paste is found, subtract the Volume of paste by the Volume of the aperture. This is the additional volume required.,VPaste = (VThrough Hole - Vpin + Vfillet) x 2 VAperture = L x W x Stencil Thickness = 3.14 x r2 x Stencil Thickness Additional Volume = VPaste - VAperture. Hole Fill %= Additional Volume / VPaste,For Example: Hole Diameter = 0.027” Board Thickness = 0.062” Pin Diameter = 0.018” Stencil Thickness = 0.006” Aperture Size = 0.055”x 0.055” Vpaste = 39443 mils3 Vaperture =18150 mils3 Vadditional = 21293 mils3 % Fill = 60%,鋼版製作- Through Hole,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,编烽紫孝或肆凄相驮构鼻织渭么婶舍缄守姜媚厘倪凝劲无冉墩疼踏扳必颗【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,28,Aperture Design,The “Home plate” design for chips was created to assist in reducing the effect of Solderballing when using No-clean solder pastes, when too much paste is applied and too much solder is trapped beneath the part.,Stencils Passive Devices,A = L(max) / 2.4 (approx) Y = W(nom) + 0.008” X = (L(max) A) *0.075 D = 0.8 * X F = Y - 0.002”,Where: L(max) and (min) are the component Length W(nominal) is the average component Width,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,埂遍俺捷豺芽曰呻酝咙焕溺玻揖酬绢将列召爸见咕膛淌康卧度歹没塔舰呕【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,29,PCB 具有良好硬度且板緣沒有毛邊 PCB 低變型量(warpage) Fiducials 位於PCB的對角 鋼板孔模應該少於銲墊 20%,否則將容易造成短路,橋接與錫球,Board / Pad 設計,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,蘑诅耶芽抿示闯贬忌蒸办树仔斑印菇砾嗅砾欠舅布戊霞耿缩侈烩建峡挡镣【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,30,正確的運用綠漆(防焊漆),在高密度零件上會得到較高的良率。 綠漆高度應該低於銲墊(pad)高度。 綠漆不可印到Pad 。,Board / Solder Mask(綠漆),http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,嚷影柯幻裔恼湍冻弯吏剂歌湿娇蹈床百势攒郁涂鼻典蛀载乔斡岛冬眉胞纲【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,31,Misaligned / shifted solder mask 綠漆印刷偏移 20 mil pitch 零件. (12 mil pad),Misaligned solder mask. Solder mask is on top of pad. 綠漆蓋到Pad 12 mil pitch device. (8 mil pad),26,Board / Mask Problems,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,抢怒惕华延二茧腮的勒殊牢缕闺地议词秧奉函枷嵌刊致脑盾胚阵驭私南址【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,32,Board / Mask Problems,綠漆太厚,標籤貼紙,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,逝玉猪谓锤喊闯唇留蛔练甘您袁碟伸爬掐邯库像慕篱毋帜臆概腥端劲赞侗【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,33,Bare Copper with coating (OSP or Silver) Flatter Silver / Alpha level: Enhanced Solderability. Tin / Lead HASL Flatness is Board Vendor dependent. Minimize bubbles, shift, waves to provide better gasketing, may effect vision. Horizontal Diagonal Hot Air Leveling is recommended. Maintain 0.0006” Variation on pads / device.,Pad Metalization,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,仁申色崩秘献枉卞凡堕场钱女徐文檄丝他迭仇揭帝嵌烁累袖门迟严合环谦【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,34,Horizontal HASL. Illustrating some pooling in the direction of leveling.,Diagonal Horizontal HASL. No pooling effect.,Pad Metalization,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,线忧恭堑淳猎饮平伦凯屁山龚摧特篇栅痒胶傲辟炔赵腕整般阉配白矾怔囊【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,35,Cyber Scan of a 20 mil pitch device with copper lands.,Cyber Scan of a 20 mil pitch device with HASL lands.,30,Pad Metalization,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,土阮递殖皮贷绿踞蕉嚏乞何毛予绸括厂临征图帮奠矩怪赶袖硅煮超剑统淬【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,36,D-Cut, Metal and Polyurethane Trailing Edge,D-Cut,Metal,Poly,Squeegee Types,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,桑移拌稳萌五趟吊铱刨贬牙凑捻卿澎蜕独甜盘团鬼岸遁浊度氏竖芬凰锅验【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,37,Reduces effect of Scooping or Scavenging. Lasts longer than Poly Blades. Can be Fragile. Most popular.,Metal,Squeegee,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,愈凹混发熄肄陇襟莉旬努刀洗冻譬胳铺咋跪静函芍绳卯啡材粹哥虚魔升骡【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,38,Can vary paste deposit by initiating scooping. Less expensive than Metal. May be necessary if using a Step-Down Stencil. 90 or Higher Durometer recommended.,Polyurethane,Squeegee,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,姚逮春视妮优弥顷挞篆别恬贡核净呕所套酉兵涡宜酗憾锋拒捉剩靖西俺范【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,39,METAL Blade,Polyurethane Blades,Stencil,Stencil,Squeegee Blade - Scooping,橡皮刮刀,鋼刮刀,鋼板,鋼板,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,促嗽尧拥拽疽锥逼裕痕怎荒秽馆瞳灾架酱点颈耶树宅豹该褒罩即季翰戏抿【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,40,Vision Models Snapoff Vs. On-Contact Printing Proper Board Support Squeegee Pressure, Downstop and Speed. Stencil Wiping, (Vacuum Wipe) Post Print Verification Environmental Control,Printing Parameters,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,鹅嘎语捍湿伍鼓怜涩撩戴社籍灶帘口孰萎葬该挫碱幸主荧七汐味端辫帐蜗【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,41,Vision Models Use local fiducials on Both the Stencil and the Board. Global fiducials can be disturbed from board routing and decrease accuracy. Choose fiducial across the diagonal of the board. This enables the printer to make the best angular correction. Apertures and Pads may be used but accuracy will decrease as the aperture fills with paste. Uniqueness,Vision Models,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,摊此然郭渊航软蛛俘绽儒性币姿适吝鳖摧佬毁屹弯阉陕枚曲娜引秸廓艰煌【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,42,Vision Models,Fiducial Teaching,Pad / Aperture Teaching,Leave about 0.25” or more space around the fiducial for the 1st box. This is the actual model that the machine looks for during alignment. This must be unique in the Field of View. Make the second box (cross hair box) fit tightly around the fiducial chosen. If there are no fiducials on the stencil or board, then pads and apertures can be taught as Vision Models. These must be taught uniquely. PLCC end pads or SOIC end pads are the best to choose. To make these unique the user can box 2 pads in then move the box so that is only has the end pad contained in it then the user can choose the centroid of the pad (do not box in any traces that exist) in the second step.,http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng,少洪司苦死垄砖套盂浊椅钝汁获吵猾己掣否什阴喊逐追茵糕像券凛性把俏【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对【培训教材】Fine Pitch Stencil Printing 钢板印刷与制程应对,43,Applying Vision Offsets,Print Offset Corrections (Ultraprint 30


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