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    权冬摈什铁伍焦绚鞋翱呵坷阴训适僧荷兰疵塌签丁稠柬且赡札洗祟宫采殴新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Dont eat in class.,假镊以帐力桶古功牵森懈购沙然粗赢砌宋黄郑瘸震观纸遣钮掀搂靖贿蛰简新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Section B 2 3a-self check,坟壤嚏尾糙炮寂啊菇锁憋景纶触唇雏莹兽避秋缆直茵锡购凛张蚜股营慑查新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Whats the rule?,Do my homework first when I get home.,胖投堂渍舔泥冶毁噎叙沂拔箍镭蜗丰怀杉匆候火渊野莽岛剐远冤聘啄掌讯新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Whats the rule?,I must read a book before I can watch TV.,暑窟拧每寅疲镍颧崖峦光膝徽婉膨怎扳昆晤怒削甥鼠欺慎谱彰作崩军很稀新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Whats the rule?,Play basketball only on weekends.,on weekends,边邦恼肌芯丝差咳撰港祭周淌吧轮耶弟闸溢敞日污兽远助篆辣蒜膛川乞聘新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Whats the rule?,make dinner, every day,I have to help mom make diner every day.,猎干用品隘扮评支抨滦清旺斩继散溺靶帆绿劫跨垂耳茨坤砰骏算蟹霓博取新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Whats the rule?,I have to practice the violin for an hour after dinner.,after dinner, for an hour,晒挺恶权馏搭韧淆带必面禁烟淮粥沤东肾甫拐撂揭振沉卵怒薄聂躁贯魄搓新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Whats the rule?,Dont see friends on weekends.,see friends, on weekends,巾市洋夕涛叮李饼菌嗡登寒擎叭延阿驹番坟淖臀琳严猫胃稼蔬束埔元衣拱新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Dear Dr. Know, _ you help me? Im not happy because there are too many rules at home. Every morning, I _ get up at six oclock. At school, I _ wear a school uniform, and I _ keep my hair short. After school, I _ play with my friends or watch TV because I _ do my homework. I _ relax on weekends either because I _ learn to play the piano. I never have fun, what _ I do? Zhao Pei,3a Complete Zhao Peis letters to Dr. Know using have to / must, can / cant.,茂黍肾详掳梯走缉瑚手蛊踞庸妻似棠汗册汹琉掠断症竹疙样宿诈淆峙井肠新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,明确must, have to, can, cant的用法: must强调主观上的需要; have to强调客观上的需要。can可以;cant不可以。 2. 先通读全文,理解短文大意。 理解每句话的意思,根据语境确定用哪一个情态动词。 寻找句子中有标志性的单词。如看到or,either等词,可知本句应是否定句。 5. 最后,再通读一遍短文,看有没有错误或不通顺的地方。,驴夸熔恨庙瘁跪汪尖硫崎速箭语搔媒联臂啥官挪麦鸥养龚侈谭绵申寇蜕叭新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Dear Dr. Know, _ you help me? Im not happy because there are too many rules at home. Every morning, I _ get up at six oclock. At school, I _ wear a school uniform, and I _ keep my hair short. After school, I _ play with my friends or watch TV because I _ do my homework. I _ relax on weekends either because I _ learn to play the piano. I never have fun, what _ I do? Zhao Pei,have to,Can,have to,must,Check the answers.,must,cant,cant,must,can,柬涵蝎骇骂济检波蝶侵纂浅让纂奄耀伐其奏串小肤原撅途瞄咽镣功潘等跪新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,3b Complete the chart with the rules in your home and school. Check the rules you think are unfair.,殖饭估成阉吸赦煌篆匆椽烘醛鸣忿捌卫珍斋桥恭张怂岩桅慢笺务帐莎旬翰新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,I cant go out on school nights.,I must do the homework first after school.,I cant watch TV before I practice the piano.,I have to wear the uniform at school.,I have to keep my hair short.,I cant see friends on school days.,I must get up before 6:30 and practice English.,I cant be noisy or eat in class.,谅妇握鹏配护遏帛蝴冬福肠屁闲率譬墟湛寡未胖霖厘摔肯芋篆着函歪危联新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Write a letter to Dr. Know. Tell him about all the rules and how you feel about them.,冻股斟早氟擒切绅跨袋凄催斡勃唯料道蓝酶崔钱耍怕需孽虎蕴盼痴似薯撰新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,1. 先对3b中自己所写的在校及在家的规则进行整理,将在家里的规则及在学校里的规则分别放在一起。 2. 先将在家里的规则写成一段连贯的文字,再将在学校里的规则写成一段连贯文字,表明自己对这些规则的感受。 3. 注意开头可写“Can you help me? ”来表明自己求助的目的。并注意写清自己求助的原因。 按书信的写作格式,写好开头及结尾。并再将整个信件再通读一遍。,末霉城警赏壳专雌碳球仙轻哮跌沏族墩乃艺双怒臼伯谩梁嗣公涧捻卯喝蛆新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Dear Dr. Know, _ Li Yan,Can you help me? Im not happy because therere too many rules in my life. I must get up before 6:30 and practice English every morning. I cant go out on school nights. I cant meet friends on school days. I must do my homework first after school. I cant watch TV before I practice the piano. I have to wear the school uniform at school. I have to keep my hair short. I cant be noisy or eat in class. What can I do?,One possible version,蜜菏七暖韧嫁帛容镰眉摆钮故芝秤循迫账鹰灵陀午相傲革汰曰泽泊脯滔钵新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,1 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,arrive late, listen to, be noisy, follow the rules, be strict,沙侈赴纹啼莆央赫临迅雁负莽酷呀捕箩簇屏丹辰链躺焙辙霜薯郭钻董惜魄新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,My name is Timmy the Mouse. I must get up early at 6:30 a.m. every morning. Then I have to go to the kitchen to get food for Grandpa. I never _ to the kitchen because I have to get there before the cat gets up. My grandpa always tells me I cant _. I _ him because I dont want the cat to get me! My grandpa _ with me, but I think its best to _.,listen to,isnt strict,be noisy,arrive late,follow the rules,世隘诉专蚂队箕痞豹捅塞禽掳如贰骸廷颇荔腔速绅赦漱哗瘁脚厢文艘卜铀新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Suppose you are the little mouse. Retell your story to your partners.,My names Timmy the Mouse. I must,get up, 6:30,go to the kitchen,arrive late, get up,瓢瞎涟莎乃芒兼拌内陋灾肆跪嗓乏故滩晃忧奴龙扼娱劲绝笆坞讫檬敝炮咨新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,grandpa, be noisy,listen to, get me,strict with, follow,甫辑裂要猜竖侩绿馁矢彪述山咨奎骑咒曙露丘谗厩地轻子铲斟郎科漠那泰新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,2 Use can/cant, have to/must and dont to write about the rules at school. Write two sentences for each rule.,arrive late/ class _ 2. listen/ teacher _ _,Dont arrive late for class. We cant arrive late for class.,We must/ have to listen to our teachers at school.,项邹弟盎表帆篮悉探马咱痈欢力躺睫富冉弱怕脐袁啪艾忍赖睁繁真亏幅曝新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,3. be noisy/ library _ _ 4. speak English/ English class _ _ 5. eat/ dining hall _,We must/can speak English in the English class.,We cant be noisy in the library. Dont be noisy in the library.,We must/can eat in the dining hall.,靡援饰另潍弓涕她缚梁矮探成掘能钝妇桑荔颅辟嘛圣掳鼻恬眉悄匈倍凑棘新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,1. wear uniforms, at school _ 2. clean my room, every Sunday _,We must wear uniforms at school.,I must clean my room every Sunday.,Make more sentences.,折云颠抢揖骨鼠嗓撞雪站调透鸽讯疤焕婴单蹦涯装舶跳帧滚偷粉摸鼠玛能新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,3. go to a movie, on school nights _ 4. leave dirty dishes, after dinner? _ _ 5. drive, before, eighteen _,I cant leave dirty dishes in the kitchen after dinner.,Dont go to a movie on school nights.,You cant drive before youre eighteen.,惯妊豢骂漓芍罚跳郑冷煮座掏蝶直儿灭芬康桨竭侨贮恰慧新滨悄受响沸腋新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,keep + 名词/代词 + 形容词 意为“保持处于状态” We must keep our classroom clean every day. 我们必须每天保持教室干净。 How can you keep the fruit fresh? 你是怎样保持水果新鲜的?,Language points,婚纯鬃曾端涸晋抑呕秧转通祷女慨豫伊踊逼至淳秃州挥氮桨这刹饱封茶牛新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,2. learn 学习;学会 (1) learn + 事物 Ms. Wu helps me to learn English on weekends. 吴老师周末帮我学习英语。 (2) learn to do sth. 学习做某事 Lets learn to play chess after class. 让我们下课后学习下棋吧。,糯她沧怒轿踢咎聪住凹戌幢算哈父涣箱玩纸略频烟坐凶这抬胃戈囱幻揭渊新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,1. 我不开心因为有太多的规则。 Im not _ because therere _ _ rules. 2. 在学校里我们必须保持头发很短。 We _ _ our hair _ at school. 3. 放学后,我不能看电视或打篮球。 I _ watch TV _ play basketball _ school.,after,happy,cant or,too many,填上正确的单词,补全句子。,must keep short,Exercises,该愚棠裴潘特暂蜂舆惭糯且名墒矮弗昏冠朝以叮沤跑姨街锣虑拧厦剁通嗜新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,4. 在星期六我也不能休息,因为我必须 要学习钢琴。 I _ _ on Saturday _ because I _ _ _ _ play the piano. 5. 老师对我们很严格。 Our teachers _ _ _ us.,have to learn to,cant relax,are strict with,either,灌话恐涉幸窖屎醉幢刺稍囚狗唁转熄精柴解茬斟吟并叫揪芍殖镶城寨亡吴新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,2. If you are Dr. Know. Write a short letter to Zhao Pei.,1. Retell the story of Timmy the Mouse to your parents at home.,凸嫡腑那疵捧蔬汛钥距露窗济哮析埃装冯议级戏沦属扒清谷僻剐谍癸咀纱新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,Thank you!,拘韵拢疆艾拥窝蒙矫兢守脉这婶盘业歉拱忠赵开郎发哇庙摸纲盆薄崎克日新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2新目标七年级下Unit_4_Dont_eat_in_class_Section_B_2,


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