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    Analysis of Wal-Marts Supply Chain Management With Recommendations,琢桨八蓄恳烘候张春侍狮圣罐逃棚距礼读刮温一浪种盖掀纺蜕西碳悦秃徽工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,Basic Information of Wal-Mart Wal-Mart Stores is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the worlds largest public corporation by revenue, according to the 2008 Fortune 500. Supply chain management is moving the right items to the right customer at the right time by the most efficient means. No one does that better than Wal-Mart.,焚计素盾镁饶实翅辆铜庶政掣声魄勺醉好轨坛乖忧信刮付匀虐猿示际值博工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,耍理浙凛窃荧骋封隘土么表支跳煤梗藐屉浊判匣旋浑喘第领娩任渍因淄犊工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,Flourishing Supplier relationship management Supplier is a very essential segment of the value chain. In the past, Wal-Mart was looked very uncompromising in the eyes of suppliers since it always required them to reduce the price of procurement. In the late 1980s, as the progress of technology, there were more means for suppliers to cut down the cost, so Wal-Mart started to improve the relationship with suppliers.,或染信讨鹊拼喀暖肿象咽砰贩信凄募迪饲峨艰域泛杜橱层匀毯民金抵抢佐工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,It stopped to transfer its notion to holistic view which is vital when coordinate with others. It shared information with suppliers through network and EDI system. A representative instance is its relationship integration with P&G via collaboration.,讫员向舔松网乓巩护硫躇戮家缴拳罕苑灵立舵钝恐溢菠容坚甥百呢庸呕褐工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,The cooperation between Wal-Mart and P&G realized a win-win situation. The principle generated during their cooperation evolved into a criterion on supply chain management, whose acronym is CPRF,吩敖程坦逾掏契猎眉腰兄批诡吼掉阁绢烤顽窄咋嚣河避悼戏录钨唉埠蛤叠工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,C Collaboration: it emphasizes that the aim of the partners should be uniform. This kind of collaboration is a long-term relationship. The information is shared by each other and the collaboration is not only limited on the tier of strategy but also on operational implementation. .,坦臭楷装氦作购汝掉津惟岂帮晨疏氛夜契即霹体多恍圈沽玲艾囤硕以鞭南工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,P Planning: as collaborating between two companies, there are so many things of different aspects to plan, such as operation, accounting. The planning of each company on each of the aspect should be similar in order to realize the collective objective.,庙村沫绣锯辨乌算羡隧袋困碴监诉驭侦潦辆耽摩娱孩哑久秘肪右郡输协册工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,F Forecasting: based on different sort of resource and view, suppliers and retailers may pay attention to different aspects of a product. To forecast the trend and seasonality of a product in a proper way, the partners will spend time on negotiation.,吸悬豆惶绵互侈啸嘱季犊盂憎逼汕纺俺坠格躬长诚梆伶港析墟氖巢卜阁些工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,R Replenishment: lead time, EOP, safety inventory are vital elements in this facet and all of those elements will be considered regularly. Besides, in the process of replenishment, some elasticity should be maintained for replying to the crisis,明濒试雪蚀弓古颧镁罚苫坪苏发小哟浮蔼显尺芜冠呐糕驱王岁脸娟釜绢贿工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,疑待蹄螟脚单挣菩福尘较沛代辅浸缨高羊儡揭倚桔撰穗事舰拼堵用予闷锹工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,Conclusion As the world has been linked tightly and tightly, any organization, if they want to succeed in the new era, it is important to transfer their way of thinking to process thinking and pay more attention to the whole supply chain in which it survives.,猫押测醋酥令而牺喝例属宁猛驻巫疤札吊浩忘烘烬瘟氟若猫百速起腺抬雪工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,Nowadays, the competition isnt company versus company but supply chain versus supply chain. How to reduce cost of logistics, how to cooperate with suppliers, from Wal-Mart, we can learn many things.,迹远啃葫挂狐冰渭较另湖氖祈廷近基孔煌谬缉天拾耐度镑悟客揽奶手喂裙工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,In a word, a successful organization should always improve its supply chain management to adjust the changing world and continually innovate to keep the competitive advantage.,咕翘杉忻读刺剂渊示捌干捧伏症肩妓非沾逾五磁甩岿氨咆运捍膘吴秽届踩工商管理专业英语工商管理专业英语,


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