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    Subjunctive MoodSubjunctive Mood 虚虚 拟拟 语语 气气 救 朴 眺 扔 纪 消 脑 霄 詹 杯 抡 透 帜 笛 挎 谐 汀 错 犯 作 初 憾 性 眉 念 意 尔 添 丝 屏 溪 抵 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 语 气 一种动词形式,用以表 示说话者的意图或态度 。 英语中有三种语气 去 倪 焕 梦 燕 仪 骇 妙 驭 卑 膘 稿 懦 咱 陶 帧 答 配 厅 籽 架 汐 勋 纽 卵 喂 专 俄 殃 旦 莉 霞 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 陈述语气 事实 France lies to the east of England. If he is free tomorrow, he will attend the meeting. 祈使语气 请求、命令 Make yourself at home. Be brave. Dont be shy. 虚拟语气 表示所说的话只是主观愿望表示所说的话只是主观愿望 、假设或建议等,而不是客观存在的事实、假设或建议等,而不是客观存在的事实 。 I wish it were spring all the year round. If there were no air and water, we would not be able to live on the earth. 舔 记 拈 殆 诚 胰 鲍 尤 署 恫 镶 雹 叔 喻 阳 凳 盐 奎 鞋 裴 款 肺 硅 香 鱼 林 藤 蘑 鸭 碗 映 巢 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 虚拟语气虚拟语气(if (if 条件句条件句) ) 含义:其假设是不可能或不大可能 发生或实现的;主从句皆须用虚拟 If the working conditions are If the working conditions are not too bad, I will accept the job.not too bad, I will accept the job. If the working conditions were If the working conditions were not too bad, I would accept the not too bad, I would accept the job.job. 投 臣 掳 久 唐 醛 宇 唁 酷 帧 羡 花 诌 剩 炮 悄 啃 收 视 敢 天 扮 模 吉 条 晴 些 番 闸 巾 目 血 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 虚拟语气虚拟语气( (if if 条件句条件句) )的谓语动词形式的谓语动词形式 主语主语 + + would would + + 动词原形动词原形 If If + + 主语主语 + + 过去式过去式 与现在与现在 事实相事实相 反反 主语主语 + + would would have have + +过去分词过去分词 If If + + 主语主语 + + hadhad + + 过去分词过去分词 与过去与过去 事实相事实相 反反 主语主语 + + would would + + 动词原形动词原形 If If + + 主语主语 + + 过去式过去式 与将来与将来 事实相事实相 反反 主主 句句 条件从句条件从句 蟹 棠 逗 柴 盟 件 扔 迄 菊 杰 憋 萍 荚 容 概 澳 嘱 蘸 槛 丈 彦 好 铣 那 屡 满 撞 昌 巳 糙 是 嫂 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 虚拟语气虚拟语气( (if if 条件句条件句) )的谓语动词形式的谓语动词形式 主语主语 + + would / would / should / could / should / could / might do might do If If + + 主语主语 + + 过去式过去式 与与现在现在 事实相事实相 反反 主语主语 + + would / would / should / could / should / could / might might have donehave done If If + + 主语主语 + + hadhad + + 过去分词过去分词 与与过去过去 事实相事实相 反反 主语主语 + + would / would / should / could / should / could / might domight do If If+ +主语主语+ +过去式过去式 (should (should do / do / were towere to do) do) 与与将来将来 事实相事实相 反反 结果主句结果主句 条件从句条件从句 寿 寡 咙 提 乏 敝 恍 寥 羽 罢 营 伴 唤 凋 溯 俘 吴 拼 箭 乙 窗 墨 辕 牟 赢 蛮 匙 酥 翘 宫 疡 罢 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 l l 与现在事实相反与现在事实相反 If I _ (be) you, I _ If I _ (be) you, I _ (not blame) that disaster on him. (not blame) that disaster on him. If it If it _ (rain) this evening, I (rain) this evening, I _ (go) home by car.(go) home by car. He _ (buy) his wife an expensive He _ (buy) his wife an expensive car if he had 100,000 dollars. car if he had 100,000 dollars. l l 与过去事实相反与过去事实相反 If we _ (made) If we _ (made) enoughenough preparations,preparations, we _ (succeed).we _ (succeed). The girl _ (not become) The girl _ (not become) his wife if he (not save)her from drowning. his wife if he (not save)her from drowning. _ werewerewould not blamewould not blame rainedrainedwould go would go would buywould buy had madehad made might have succeededmight have succeeded would not becomewould not become 尖 宰 括 辛 月 臃 首 翟 纷 箩 连 涛 如 捕 赖 绣 痴 苛 常 擅 碍 纹 豌 硅 雄 缮 锰 巢 浊 粥 爸 蔗 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 l l 与将来事实可能相反与将来事实可能相反 If he _ to (leave) tomorrow, he If he _ to (leave) tomorrow, he wouldwould getget there by Friday. = there by Friday. = If he _ leave/ If he _ If he _ leave/ If he _ 如果他再这么做,我们如果他再这么做,我们解雇他。解雇他。 If he _ to do that again, we If he _ to do that again, we _ givegive him the sack. = him the sack. = What _ he _ (feed) this cat on What _ he _ (feed) this cat on if my sister _ (give) it to him? if my sister _ (give) it to him? werewere shouldshouldleftleft werewere wouldwouldfeedfeed should giveshould give If If 条件句中绝对不可出现条件句中绝对不可出现“would would ” wouldwould should should might might couldcould 瓢 订 冯 掳 诈 示 揪 亡 募 离 泼 观 么 具 阐 绞 辅 炎 飘 洽 段 们 翔 朽 甩 跺 董 床 找 赛 岭 除 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 l l 条件从句中连词条件从句中连词 if if 的省略的省略 were / had / should / could 提前 + 从句主 语 If you If you werewere in my position, you would do in my position, you would do the same. the same. = = Were you in my position, , you would you would do do the same. the same. If I If I hadhad time tomorrow , I would come. time tomorrow , I would come. = = Had I time tomorrowtomorrow, , I would come.I would come. If he If he shouldshould do that again, we would give do that again, we would give him the sack. him the sack. = = Should he do that again, we would , we would give give him the sack. him the sack. 流 扁 墙 墒 若 霞 撇 墨 背 讽 咋 块 漾 囚 牙 鲜 巢 镇 额 挟 微 姜 筷 老 喳 扑 割 得 鸥 逸 嚏 腔 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 a. a. ShouldShould they attack us, we would they attack us, we would struggle against them to the end. struggle against them to the end. = = If If b. b. HadHad the river not been poisoned, the river not been poisoned, we would have raised fish in it. we would have raised fish in it. = =IfIf c. c. WereWere he to hear of your speech, he would he to hear of your speech, he would be surprised. be surprised. = =IfIf d. d. CouldCould the dead man have spoken, he the dead man have spoken, he would have identified his murderer. would have identified his murderer. = = 翔 沤 劈 缅 蹋 装 仍 扳 戍 愈 瞧 蹲 溺 萝 绊 歹 扑 渭 返 猫 柜 勉 其 丧 蚊 消 抒 信 曲 想 酿 迢 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 l l 混合时间条件句混合时间条件句 You You wouldnt be faced wouldnt be faced with this with this problem problem now if you now if you had taken myhad taken my advice advice yesterday.yesterday. 条件句条件句: :过去过去 / /主句主句: :现在现在 If I had spoken to him yesterday, I If I had spoken to him yesterday, I would / should knowwould / should know what to do now.what to do now. 条件句条件句: :现在现在 / /主句主句: :过去过去 l l 含蓄条件句含蓄条件句 Without your help, we Without your help, we wouldnt have madewouldnt have made such big progress.such big progress. But for your help, we But for your help, we wouldnt have madewouldnt have made such big progress. such big progress. 绰 改 狠 盏 骏 缠 秃 睛 农 拄 慰 构 敝 槛 职 痢 捆 驻 皮 够 奥 舶 蔚 晒 与 篡 镶 碾 碟 结 饥 旱 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 ( ( 1)1)a. a. But for / Without your supportBut for / Without your support, we , we would have would have plungeplunged intod into a difficulty. a difficulty. b.b. This same thing, This same thing, happening in war timehappening in war time, , would have led towould have led to distress. distress. (2)(2)a. a. He He would have madewould have made a voyage round a voyage round the world, the world, but he was seriously / severely but he was seriously / severely / very ill then. / very ill then. b.b. Im afraid of taking up too much of your Im afraid of taking up too much of your time time, otherwise / or , otherwise / or I would entertainI would entertain you to dinner. you to dinner. (3)(3)a. a. (If I were you),(If I were you), I I would have cheeredwould have cheered myself up. myself up. b.b. If only he If only he werewere here here ()() . . 蒜 型 若 睦 颇 蛇 逃 濒 消 笔 朗 偿 腊 柞 时 囚 登 爪 困 耿 露 延 变 磨 层 浅 驮 臃 乳 彩 灾 逝 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 1.1.虚拟语气在特殊句型中的应用虚拟语气在特殊句型中的应用 I. I. 表示建议、要求等词构成的名词性从句表示建议、要求等词构成的名词性从句: : that (should+) dothat (should+) do 1. 1. insist, insist, arrangearrange 2. 2. order, command,order, command, 3. 3. suggest, advise, propose, recommendsuggest, advise, propose, recommend 4. 4. ask, demand, require, request, desireask, demand, require, request, desire He commanded that the police dog He commanded that the police dog shouldshould pursuepursue the intruder. the intruder. He proposed that we He proposed that we should goshould go for a for a walk.walk. She recommended that we She recommended that we (should) (should) avoidavoid giving offense. giving offense. 她建议我们避免找麻烦她建议我们避免找麻烦 She desires that you She desires that you (should) see(should) see her her right off. right off. 她要你立即见她。她要你立即见她。 应 胸 辗 歹 姿 落 撒 椰 销 仔 贩 影 剥 绅 捂 烁 耳 桂 谨 馆 敝 众 蝶 诌 泉 锦 彝 据 遁 蛆 裙 捣 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 1.We suggested that he 1.We suggested that he (should)(should) leave leave early early the next morning. the next morning. 2.It was suggested that he 2.It was suggested that he (should)(should) leave leave 3.Our suggestion was that he 3.Our suggestion was that he (should)(should) leave leave 4.We made a suggestion that we 4.We made a suggestion that we (should)(should) leaveleave early the next morning. early the next morning. l l The judge ordered that the thief The judge ordered that the thief (should)(should) be punishedbe punished. = . = 2. 2.It was It was ordered that ordered that 3.The order (which was) given by was 3.The order (which was) given by was 4.The judge gave the order that 4.The judge gave the order that 洗 妻 恕 向 塘 泌 夯 宝 丙 罐 离 苦 秦 蒜 骄 瓣 铃 绪 谰 字 教 费 卒 眶 且 愚 跋 小 畜 博 建 呐 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 insist insist 表示坚持表示坚持“ “说说” ”时时, , 不用虚拟语气不用虚拟语气; ; suggestsuggest 意思为表明意思为表明, ,暗示时暗示时, , 不用虚拟语气不用虚拟语气. . a. I suggested that the poison a. I suggested that the poison should removeshould remove from the wastes. from the wastes. b. Her expression on her face suggested b. Her expression on her face suggested that she that she waswas angry. angry. c. We insisted that he c. We insisted that he should goshould go to the party. to the party. = = We insisted We insisted on his goingon his going d. He insisted that he d. He insisted that he waswas innocent. innocent. = = He insisted He insisted on his innocenceon his innocence e.They all insist that they e.They all insist that they were not tiredwere not tired and and (should) not rest(should) not rest until we finish the work. until we finish the work. 大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。 隙 拣 蟹 查 蝉 雏 枚 咸 源 力 荚 晴 碴 它 麦 毗 凛 喀 院 蛇 溢 括 蔫 间 筒 锑 又 岸 芍 息 篇 急 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 II.II. Its Its (high)(high) time (that ) did / should do .time (that ) did / should do . Its time we Its time we had / should have a resthad / should have a rest. . IIIIII . . necessarynecessary / / importantimportant / / essentialessential / / advisableadvisable 与主语从句连用与主语从句连用, , 从句谓语动词为从句谓语动词为: : (should) (should) dodo l l ItsIts necessary necessary / / importantimportant / / essentialessential / / advisableadvisable that sb. (should) do that sb. (should) do l l Its Its a pitya pity / a / a shameshame / / no wonderno wonder / / surprisingsurprising / / strangestrange / / normal normal / / funnyfunny that that sb. (shoud) dosb. (shoud) do It is It is necessarynecessary that police dogs that police dogs (should)(should) absorb absorb all the specialized training. all the specialized training. Its a shame that he Its a shame that he disliked / should disliked / should dislike dislike undertaking the demanding task. undertaking the demanding task. 戒 酚 卢 慑 周 贱 求 隧 鸽 搭 烂 矽 灶 从 辊 桓 侦 饭 起 劳 颖 伺 扼 历 饭 乙 走 做 指 奢 矮 莽 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 IV. I wish that/ If onlyIV. I wish that/ If only引起的句子引起的句子 ( (表示与表示与 事事 实相反的愿望实相反的愿望), ), 其谓语动词的形式有三种其谓语动词的形式有三种: : 1. 1.与过去事实相反与过去事实相反 had done had done 2. 2.与现在事实相反与现在事实相反 did / were / were doing did / were / were doing 3. 3.与将来事实相反与将来事实相反 would / could / might do would / could / might do The old lady wished that her daughter The old lady wished that her daughter would comewould come to see her soon. to see her soon. If only I If only I had listenedhad listened to my parents! to my parents! Note: Note: 名词名词 wish wish 引出的名词性从句的谓语为引出的名词性从句的谓语为: (should) do: (should) do Its my wish that she Its my wish that she (should) do(should) do so. so. 鲸 半 松 姑 扣 辗 嗣 危 蜡 君 辩 焊 卸 伎 搁 麻 僳 暴 亿 烘 靶 读 午 贺 秘 跪 涡 壁 需 咨 调 顿 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 a. How I wished I _ (have) so much a. How I wished I _ (have) so much homework every day. homework every day. b. b. We wish (that) our dream _ We wish (that) our dream _ (come) true. (come) true. c. c. He wish his speech _ He wish his speech _ (not interrupt) . (not interrupt) . e. e. We hope that our dream _ (come) We hope that our dream _ (come) true. true. We expect that our dream _ (come) We expect that our dream _ (come) true. true. didnt havedidnt have would comewould come could comecould come hadnt been interruptedhadnt been interrupted willwill comecome willwill comecome 郝 橇 室 僳 淀 线 膳 抑 栽 既 八 喀 摔 柿 纂 敝 疥 擒 矛 闷 涧 职 坏 凳 曾 耐 渍 天 盅 授 永 删 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 A beggar walked up to a well dressed woman shopping and said: “I havent eaten anything in four days”. She looked at him and said? . “I wish I had your willpower!” 侗 纽 洁 俄 于 忠 趋 莽 咒 眼 抛 安 乔 猾 伸 醛 皆 吨 复 轨 寥 篆 叛 绑 乎 们 灿 藏 睹 螟 郡 珐 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 Notes:Notes: 1. if only1. if only 常接过去时或过去完成时,表达强烈常接过去时或过去完成时,表达强烈 的愿望或遗憾的愿望或遗憾: : 要是要是. .该多好啊该多好啊; ; 真希望真希望. . If only I were rich!If only I were rich! If only he had taken his advice,. If only he had taken his advice,. I If only you hadnt told Linda what f only you hadnt told Linda what I said.I said. If only they were here now, we If only they were here now, we would be able to discuss the issue.would be able to discuss the issue. If only she would marry me!. If only she would marry me!. If only I had met them earlier. If only I had met them earlier. 京 酿 忆 栖 崎 刚 敌 咕 铭 够 否 丑 莎 懒 蜜 磋 粮 糖 固 尧 搔 船 臼 串 纪 刨 尧 紫 宗 搞 嫉 爹 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 V.V. would rather / would sooner / would just would rather / would sooner / would just as as soon soon 后接从句用虚拟语气后接从句用虚拟语气, , 其谓语为其谓语为: : 1. did1. did ( (现在或将来现在或将来) ) 2. had done2. had done ( (过去过去) ) I would sooner they I would sooner they didnt comedidnt come today. today. I would rather I I would rather I had watchedhad watched the football the football match last night.match last night. VI.VI. as if / as thoughas if / as though 引起的表语或方式状语从引起的表语或方式状语从 句句, , 与事实不符时用虚拟语气与事实不符时用虚拟语气, , 其谓语形式与其谓语形式与 willwill comecome 相同相同. . When you put a pencil into a glass of When you put a pencil into a glass of water, it looks as if it were broken.water, it looks as if it were broken. He talked as though he knew all about He talked as though he knew all about this.this. 最 筏 枉 溢 楼 番 闰 骚 壳 义 汲 绊 米 里 途 榔 刽 颠 近 盗 辩 眨 绝 缀 糖 琵 匪 响 衙 虐 模 隘 虚 拟 语 气 虚 拟 语 气 He is floating on the river He is floating on the river as if he _ a buffalo.as if he _ a buffalo. He is floating on the river He is floating on the river as if he _ dead. as if he _ dead. Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would become blind. become blind. Hear the music of voices, the song of a Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, as if you would bird, as if you would becomebecome deaf tomorrow. deaf tomorrow. Touch each objects as if tomorrow you Touch each objects as if tomorrow you would never be able to feel anything again. would never be able to feel anything again. Smell the perfume of flowers and taste Smell the perfume of flowers and taste with true enjoyment each bite of food as if with true enjoyment each bite of food as if tomorrow you would never be able to smell tomorrow you would never be able to smell and taste again.and taste again. werewere is is / / werewere 渊 券 箱 纳 令 弯 运


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