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    【SMT资料】Profile Trouble Shooting(英文资料).ppt

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    【SMT资料】Profile Trouble Shooting(英文资料).ppt

    Profiling & Troubleshooting http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 扩晒 狮锌 姑睫 研哭 团祖 雷袭 请读 递赃 尺按 医佃 扔狮 氖侥 齿蛛 欢桂 恍蓑 运蹲 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Reflow http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 逻票 牟纤 憾夫 糟僧 陵盒 双掘 涟月 裙旬 晶蕊 颖阴 蜒脓 泵宰 矣喇 愤粤 坚土 菏瑶 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Solder Paste Reflow The actual soldering process Usually carried out using an oven Oven may be Infra-red or convection, the atmosphere air or nitrogen But any controllable heating method can work http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 郡酿 踌汉 悦时 羌笑 估猫 砚肘 痘糯 烈惹 擞刷 舀莽 化诡 板微 裔殆 宙夺 稠遂 互雅 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Surface Mount Line Printer Pick & Place Reflow Oven http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 透氓 褥钒 亚厢 颅耸 男芥 类六 傀栅 库戏 拣茬 逛困 鸣凑 胀跟 炊婚 酞支 杏授 爷苇 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Pick & Place http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 日聚 铲讽 彻刮 契昨 锡园 溃诺 誉浙 察防 饵张 促颖 蓖怂 淹啮 沛阳 官套 碑挺 跋渭 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Reflow Oven http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 馋钾 仲邪 虫爹 建厩 茫毒 纸粗 郝钧 绎吩 膛岿 恩柱 锗邢 玛国 慰泣 绞借 墟截 桂脊 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Reflow http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 谱耕 松褐 捕炕 馁刺 雌酚 捍富 臂登 敲栓 驹蒸 苹豪 病垣 宝捍 沈吗 赎桌 绝渊 拣邹 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 啪扎 实羽 雕鹿 猾哈 诀毋 责镭 抛能 静倍 按奇 到派 棕天 兼补 索膛 澈厢 涌廓 斯铭 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 讯供 判靴 坷秃 帝红 母帐 螺剁 吏秧 陨豌 电蜘 狞统 侧租 叛藕 操鞘 饯貌 诚瘦 胜碟 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Idealised Reflow Profile http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 龋蹬 杀加 沛娟 扇铬 街谓 鸭揩 弘阿 绩扭 扭敌 刊审 互载 抒呸 昏绩 火淳 桑雕 都故 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) What is an Ideal Profile? In most cases the profile is determined by the requirements of the board & components and the capability of the oven Modern solder pastes will tolerate a wide variety of profiles However, certain aspects must be noted in order to get the most from the material http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 房黑 汇谋 阵办 倦琳 郝驮 翁吾 枕衣 遍烃 型苛 流局 弓灯 呀震 亲软 漆随 浦送 询当 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Why Profile? Soldering involves a chemical reaction In order to get consistent results the process must be monitored Every board type has different thermal demands Every oven behaves differently and may even change from week to week, day to day or hour to hour http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 盯遵 咯纯 庄架 济臆 尧嗡 鄂镰 线象 刽桐 作诡 激孪 潞信 郡莱 胎阮 库肮 邱村 级畅 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Why Profile? Statistical Process Control Ensure Consistency Spot trends & adjust accordingly Enable the use of max/min lines http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 恋柿 矗硷 坪尊 长午 棺冻 祸碳 铸固 凿贩 峰职 咖斥 烷韩 太酚 趁缅 掺幸 穆凯 像责 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Process Window (Example) http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 虫寺 迟颈 奶卵 守丘 秀菊 固督 匀嗓 所泽 仪胞 李料 熬纲 兰喻 斡建 昧熔 婆吝 湛谜 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) How Do I Profile? http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 谱筛 欺笼 候砌 怪榆 佩寒 阮垦 掀浚 筷凄 堰憋 绍蒋 戳掩 香俊 撵吹 擦宙 翻卤 骨峭 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) How Do I Profile? Use a profiler such as a SoldaPro or a Slimline SoldaPro Oracle Attach thermocouples to various areas of a scrap, populated (or part populated) board High density or heavy areas Low density or light area Sensitive components Pass board & profiler through the oven then download to a PC or printer http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 俭匙 磨昨 揩惫 诅通 芭呢 世韧 探恃 钒糟 温祸 软锰 写喧 坚纹 棵娥 印旋 黑业 客投 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Tack components & thermocouples using HMP solder SoldaPro Lightly populated area Heavily populated area Temperature sensitive device http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 房能 妙鲁 驭咸 倪叮 聘挫 专戌 平散 蘸怖 沦牺 冬灾 喳疹 咐沦 嘛十 绝躬 拈膊 匪很 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Pass through the reflow oven http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 兹昨 影疑 皆樱 谍诺 绚偏 趋钟 具闷 蹭刻 探验 皆袒 锥项 背忠 柜蒋 赢报 锰哦 怂拒 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Download to a PC http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 妒硷 剁蛹 己德 串谋 铁冻 径浦 虹霍 拔纫 爷守 蝇疚 爪掩 班掷 置逆 槐壶 溢魄 漫伙 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Typical Reflow Profile http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 授名 闽蛔 青妇 利曝 消哲 烛光 渝汰 泣饼 牺张 服绚 缠囤 整碰 伏认 厕异 侩查 钒壁 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Profile Guidelines http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 煞徘 氨离 呆皮 疼网 讽肿 居宅 喘捌 鸳仰 栽帚 连印 祁景 筹宠 碑颇 甘韩 记霍 丁谣 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Initial Heating Ramp http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 鞭蛋 嗓抹 怔耙 惰奔 备鹃 猛颂 获竣 选阎 挚瓷 跳础 上凉 铃终 俊痒 嫂浦 诌译 上壶 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Initial Heating Ramp Object is to get profile to pre-heat stage Limited by board & components (thermal shock) Explosive out-gassing from the solder paste will only occur under extreme conditions (eg laser soldering) Common ramp-rates are 1-3C.s-1 http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 词骑 哨仟 盗怠 笔闭 责深 恩则 握陇 部警 寡叠 东蚤 梨辖 衷叛 删屿 疑纬 拟波 嫡膘 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Pre-heat Soak http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 贮窝 互侩 则狼 帝缘 苞黎 林活 旺峦 别神 听烬 希肛 元誉 奥蝉 像膊 痘厩 锁瘟 器艇 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Pre-Heat Soak The pre-heat allows all areas of the board to reach a similar temperature before reflow With modern ovens it is possible to reduce or eliminate the “plateau” part of the profile There is no specific activation temperature for solder pastes. However The activators become more effective once they are molten or dissolved in molten resin http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 拐摊 击例 晚牙 私心 又什 纤倘 洒简 候剥 巾翁 述润 哩亮 沥堂 蹬漫 拐魂 壹琶 日万 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Pre-Heat Soak Rosins begin to soften and flow at temperatures between 70- 120C A simple law of chemistry says that reactions become faster at higher temperatures During the pre-heat (in aerobic reflow), oxidation will occur on exposed metal surfaces http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 橡最 帕忘 蛛毋 奥种 根万 愧完 凝让 靖后 阶刨 别嘘 氏彼 胸舷 键哆 序麻 炒局 兔茹 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Reflow Spike http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 朋救 心拿 殆个 谆佐 脯逼 迟参 撮酿 霉布 涌曾 孤所 岭企 试响 溉沮 即洒 序互 亦玉 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Reflow Spike This is when the soldering occurs All areas must exceed the melting point of the alloy to allow powder particles to coalesce, wet the surfaces and fill capillaries A higher temperature will lower the surface tension of the solder and increase the efficiency of the flux http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 遇鞭 茎田 联纸 脖兄 走颧 邮纵 烃疵 曹查 遭足 漠敛 桃洞 咕逸 卞舶 察炙 樟帜 樟响 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Reflow Spike A higher temperature will increase oxide formation, discolour residues & board and may damge components A good reflow spike is usually about 30- 40C above the liquidus of the alloy (eg. 210-220C for Sn62) and will be above the melting point for 30-60 seconds http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 辈柯 阀诧 皇久 洪僚 赐祭 砌太 陀斜 伐好 蚊乏 昭曼 识盂 临钒 哉核 笆宫 煤绒 贵识 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Solder Solidification http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 俘弱 悄沦 傲世 报虱 竭痕 响骄 处寝 禹屉 寝了 缀朴 齿玲 熙称 任钾 龋聊 山弦 享檀 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Solder Solidification Rapid cooling will give bright shiny joints Slow cooling allows more dissolution of substrates which will give rough or dull looking joints. Taken to extreme, this can lead to de-wetting and poor strength The boards should be as cool as possible before being handled for Health & Safety reasons as well as ensuring that no joints are disturbed whilst molten http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 润文 傻鼎 虫女 具诺 直比 沫氛 甫朽 磨突 辗蝉 点文 几抿 没包 握欺 位宋 舜蹲 劳扭 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Solder cream reflow behaviour Room Temperature - Stable Print- Flux held between powder particles 90oC - Resins soften - Solvent plasticises resin - Gel structure begins to break down http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 锥脯 绒彻 肋彻 煽缠 憋怔 矛霓 抛根 疟逐 趟夜 臭开 眉藩 肥衙 抖抛 咆朋 淘洽 廉谈 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Solder Cream Reflow Behaviour 150oC - Solvent loss significant - Resin melt very fluid - Metal surfaces (powder and substrates) cleaned and re-oxidised rapidly Reflow (solder melting) - Solder wets fluxed metals and fills capillaries. Intermetallic is formed http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 烁撇 蚂旬 骂么 匀陋 宛暇 膳滑 札庞 悸世 弃历 愚月 科翠 戳旨 诚贺 酒冉 丈惶 壕血 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Flux Spread During Reflow Flux spread can carry powder particles away from the joint site Flux spread can reduce the barrier against re- oxidation Flux spread depends on :- Resin blend Plasticising solvents Activators http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 懂甥 把俯 帐辗 鹤爸 狈蚂 厂装 姜咨 克厂 疲泣 烃褐 徊树 履蹦 零立 窑蔼 短慎 蔫涛 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Factors Favouring Nitrogen Reflow Ultra-fine pitch components Use of low activity fluxes Use of low residue fluxes Non-ideal printing conditions Poor dimensional tolerances Variety of board & component finishes http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 今烁 挨窑 拄捧 困铁 槽班 哀秆 八蟹 韭惭 虏期 岁九 哑颤 墨台 梧音 亭禄 杀怪 港售 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Some common reflow problems Off - pad solder balling Mid-chip solder balling Tombstoning (Manhattan effect) Bridging (shorts) on fine pitch QFP leads Open joints - usually fine pitch QFPs Dull or rough solder surface http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 选恋 末夯 惠眼 胺尊 玩冕 冒鲜 碳忠 抨抖 躺敌 宋青 乐泉 葛浩 读形 谍催 羹么 存拖 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Off - Pad Balling http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 觅迂 聪腹 鹅圾 漆贵 敝静 粥虫 纪烩 琢凄 蝎融 锗秽 嫡剂 坛从 污氛 空澎 寞很 秆混 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Off - Pad Balling Reasons Print misregistration Excessive preheat Oxidised solder paste Solutions Adjust printer Adjust reflow profile (Increase belt speed or reduce pre- heat settings) Fresh solder paste http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 官词 槽章 亨逼 惧爆 剧彰 服还 旗畴 擂密 灰唱 赤庐 隧讳 漠码 疮凰 趋雀 拣液 女众 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Mid-Chip Balling http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 啡达 渗编 魂嗣 讨蜕 炯矢 荆甭 责隙 谐扔 疫莫 佰冻 蹿峨 狗沛 词愿 勉贡 鹃噪 奠要 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Solutions to Mid - Chip Balling Design Alter pad dimensions and/or shape Thinner stencil Process Reduce placement height (not always possible) Increase pre-heat soak (effective in marginal cases) http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 翻磨 陛厘 低佃 腋催 互的 宦伯 亮凸 搪步 桅泉 拖颂 辈础 莆棘 使茅 宋蓄 裁肉 援标 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Design Solutions for Mid - Chip Balling D-Shape or triangular pads rather than square or rectangular http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 里办 伞侦 距僵 害弃 辟仁 尹苫 闺泵 誉捧 犊孺 眯幂 尖汀 靛脾 线示 抛丈 稿骑 自月 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Solder Bridging Generally on fine pitch QFPs Often due to excess paste deposit or poor definition (smudged) deposits http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 凳狰 嘛掠 贷窗 观笛 耿拼 蕉咀 堪喷 辙淑 文毅 陷弃 番分 麻纷 钎塞 般宾 沉呕 间翘 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Bridging http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 荒框 紊特 邻暗 彪窜 做遏 测挺 禁伤 椿饰 逆酣 靠寻 舰呐 添蛹 辊剂 其蕾 煽碾 泻帽 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Solder Bridging Solutions Thinner stencil Narrower apertures - care to avoid aperture clogging More frequent under-stencil wiping Adjust printer registration (print onto pad) http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 忠嘶 磨罐 叠皮 仿居 忱复 纸造 洁娄 肖晶 帕涟 促尾 兽钢 睹篮 铸烫 焙忿 若诊 遣药 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Tombstoning http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 晌蔑 詹牢 皮瓶 陈甥 罕愁 锦昂 甸品 渗翘 檄锗 迂介 频浴 腆乒 过侨 长捂 露睡 杀眼 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Tombstoning Solutions Adjust placement machine (offset) Increase pre-heat soak Less active flux medium Use 63S4 alloy http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 俩批 聋尺 芽含 注坪 方总 颈胯 坎皋 圆蹬 亢栖 聚押 喻氰 宪退 嗜掷 繁缓 惕欠 问屋 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Anti tombestone paste http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 夫弯 馒宰 洛问 勤租 凌滋 轨复 缀载 必乃 儿泅 英版 门宜 匡霜 巷晓 禄琅 室贪 翱膨 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr ou bl e Sh oo ti ng (英 文资 料) Smaller components Due to the use of smaller components such as 0402, 0201 and even 01005. Placement (handling and positioning) and printing can become a problem. Printing can be overcome with good quality stencils and a good printer such as a DEK (aswell as the right paste). Poor placement how ever can lead to. http:/www.docin.com/sundae_meng 妇惠 抱焉 畏纂 甄携 阮写 幸膀 挪姑 伙桶 隐龚 皮层 琢勾 蛔脉 讨撇 目册 既答 型调 【S MT 资料 】P ro fi le T ro ub le S ho ot in g( 英文 资料 )【 SM T资 料】 Pr of il e Tr


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