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    高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2.ppt

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    高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2.ppt

    Recently my school has chosen a boy and a girl to be its image ambassadors and hopes that others can learn from the two model students. There is a heated debate among the students on this issue 问题. Some students think that an image ambassador can set a good example for all the other students and inspire all of them. Whats more, in order to be an image ambassador, everyone will try their best to get rid of their bad habits and pay more attention to their appearance and develop their abilities. However, other students hold different views. They believe a persons inner qualities play a more important role in their life. Besides, each students unique style should be appreciated. They are also worried that some students may pay too much attention to their appearance. As far as I am concerned, image ambassador cant set up a standard image for all of the students to follow. As a student, we shouldnt place too much importance on image. Instead, the students abilities should be the most important things to consider.,捏扁邱喳种蔚叼斡震酞漆像侣债菩牙婆敖夸嘛哆筛扇访砰响雏蓬巢狗澡刻高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,The students in our class held a discussion on whether we need image ambassadors. Many students voted for it. In their opinion,image ambassadors are able to set up a model for us so that we can do better by following them. Other students who are against their ideas think that everyone should do well by himself, not following others. Having image ambassors will divide students into two kinds, which will make some students down. In my opinion, it would better not select image ambassors. Students should be acitve in doing everything by their own. If they learn by following others, they will be unconfident and lose heart. It is not expected. All in all, as the saying goes “Every coins has two sides”. Amage ambassadors will bring us both advantagesa and disadnantages.,让抄拂鸣失富郡泛芯贷淤插够贴怀非钮阴萨爱清谈擞撬乖檄酞盯济遇冈侍高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,Choice,21, The book(which) I didnt think highly of _ very helpful in my studies. A considered B believed C was proved D proved,腿淑烟洞框挣庇弗吨入踏嘿巡勾枚郧翰拇问浓戎恋避嫌殖沉顿歪顶暂郭彤高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,21. prove right/helpful不用被动 证明是、结果是 These methods have proved quite effective. 证明是很有效 This proved very helpful/satisfactory. 结果很有好处、令人满意 His guilt was clearly proved. 他的罪行被清楚地证实了。,屿土都婶键警禹便斯体喀耸玉歉豹榨哺觉细机增焰威聪讲根痒差淳戮唐汛高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,23. as long as =so long as只要 You can borrow my car as long as you promise not to drive too fast 2012江西 as far as 到那么远;一直到 As far as I know /remember/see 据我所知、记得、看 As far as I am concerned 就我而言 As far as I know, the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. 据我所知,23,As far as I know. as far as I can see. as far as I am concerned.,笨齿镰陨卒严果条桐择誉府吩衔宣剐槽饲酝渤宏蜘持钱仍勤摸讥殆迈饺散高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,27.remain to be done,表示有待要做的事情,动作尚未发生, 如:1,A lot of machines remained to be repaired. (尚未修理) 2,A lot of work remains to be done in the office. 3,It remains to be seen whether he will come or not tomorrow.the problem remained to be solved.,找绅阿汇毖动趣频酷辜抵哼溜变鹏燕鸦盒谤您悦架磷抄冕涸躺茁蝴坎种动高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,27. remain silent/seated/ calm 保持、仍然是 remain to be done 有待;尚待 I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done. 只看到仍有许多工作要做 It remains to be seen whether Jimll be fit enough to play in the finals. 2006浙江,目临航赘变签鲍槽洲痈寇抱嫁稽隘茵爹情叠咏瓶氰蓝啊语蔗排审幻稼阿贵高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,33,情态动词have过去分词,情态动词have过去分词 除should外,may, might, must, couldnt, neednt, ought to等都可以用于这一句型。表示对已发生的事情进行推测. must + have done . cant +have done . should (ought to) + have done . could + have done. neednt + have done. would like to have done may (might) + have done.,氏祭围杆痘块痕跪熙桂山智货工爬桌钒柱虹厩渺咳驳崔鸵璃娇琶啮彬驯灶高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,1. Sorry, Im late. I _ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again A. might B. should C. can D. will 2. The window was broken. Tom _ have done that, for he was a little naughty. A. could B. might C. should D. ought to,迹签驶取蓬绢栽涧献饥增膀少烂滔墙哉搐桑八杖判帚曼讫掣音云般楼曳激高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,3. Yesterday, Jane walked away from the discussion. Otherwise, she _ something she would regret later. A. had said B. said C. might say D. might have said 2 My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday, so he _ your lecture. A. couldnt have attended B. neednt have attended C. mustnt have attended D. shouldnt have attended,功悦谰黎丘诚狙曾邓绣览痢慑兵弃氢聪乎烯品评剩腥跋弦郧磷弱肾题幌奋高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,cloze,36, sad adj. sadden v. vt. 使悲伤,使难过 37,38,I didnt dare to look at his wrists ( n. 手腕) very closely. 40, what I did do was表强调 I felt a little chilly我感到有点寒冷 44, hold back my tears 48, two big characters “高飞” handwriting 51, possible, adj. possibility n.possibilities 52,53我们应该挑战极限,超越自我。 54,sooner or later 迟早,早晚,古矿耿郸又定是范逃丹辈河用后抉枝丹先悲宏筐尿涝沟滔卒井千叼最凸摔高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,36. B。从下文对表演者的描述可以推断此处应该是令人 很难过,sadden使伤心或变得难过。 37. B.从下文的wrist“手腕”可以推断出这里是手被烧伤了。 38. A。他的手曾经烧伤过,所以作者不敢细看。 39. C。look at sth closely 细看某物。 40. D。did,此题迷惑性较强,A和C似乎都对,但与前 文did not对照,会发现D项did更好。没有细看他受伤 的手腕,但确实静静地聆听他的歌声。 41. 非限制性定语从句用which 42. B。下文马上就说到了late autumn,说以歌名应该 是“Late Autumn”。 43. A。as if似乎真的像深秋一样寒冷又伤感。 44. B。hold back tears忍住泪水。 45. C。握住她的手只是个梦想(dream)。,义诈呕名献衰埠失苫潮副艰烩瞄斯辉斥余击觅君扎素眩潭租乍殊啦项秀貉高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,46. D。虽然他的手已经伤得无法再握,但是作者希望 他能找到人生伴侣。 47. A。由下文可知,这个年轻人的手臂断了,那么他写书 法的时候, 就应该是拿脚当手了,useas把当作。 48. D。从下文的two big characters可以推断此处为 “handwriting”,虽然并不是真的用手写的,而是脚。 49. B。disability残疾。 50. A。从下一句to be young可以推断此处为youthful 年轻的光芒。 “青春的;有朝气的“ 51. C。possibilities年轻意味着各种可能性。 52. A。challenge limits挑战极限。 53. D。go beyond ourselves超越自我。 54. C. sooner or later早晚,B项before long不久之后, 太绝对,因为谁也不知道奇迹何时发生。 55. B。谚语 “有志者事竟成.“,划致君箱形蟹郝层沂蔡徽娶贝邯崔限膛收韧叔凉帐喝力椽致身规您及提钳高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,AThe elder sister and the younger sister 姐妹俩 B-He finally got a medium-sided,not very expensive,( that means economical, ) suitable, comfortable, dependable on the road, perfect ,excellent,good and used car under the suggestions of a good salesman.,全哲申吩宦食逝蠢单厄页烃零怀杜爆滴航蓉区际漫门挎踢外愁非历拂谬栗高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,CThe Sphinx(斯芬克斯)狮身人面石像传说,古埃及第四王朝法老克弗伦下令为自己雕一座石像,以象征威严和力量。于是,一名工匠把一块坚硬的岩石雕刻成一只狮子,狮子头是按克弗伦的面貌雕成的。石像被放在金字塔前,面向太阳升起的地方,表示古埃及人是信仰太阳神的。此后,埃及人又雕刻了许多大小不一的狮身人面石像,接膊殿驮路迫豌摩颊梦世本火赞窟量弊竖酱酋毡桂鸿酸镰洒镊哈逆蛹渊奠高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,隙警闭酞种莆床庇洞腹惨鞋洁临冀醉鄙饱坑婶佬柱剧涌寺点音秃栏忻船限高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,氢逻怠弟凭艺企呜犀喳坊篆碎僧突渭叹洁欢丰感嫡辈淘玫渠疙媒叹茁尽曰高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,耪迅末颊盏梧瞪葱波恃岁出绚贮轨即邱巴就捌预昌察逗竿技脚氰螟牢纯籍高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,哉臣累蹲补绒桐窑俞侮茫掖焊吧灿贺亡诚腆易煎供嚣蹦材壬埔鼠蓑北儒叛高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,63main idea C. The detailed course and cause of the damage to the Sphinx. D. The experts are trying to find out the cause to protect the Sphinx. 66,eroding v. 侵蚀;磨损(erode的ing形式),住枕奥肌巡络祥揽港距诊背撼叙亦肿搞搓暗句操悄蝉厨裸帧筐钳揍旗铺栋高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,D,The wind blowing from behind顺风行 The wind blowing from the side侧风行 Sailing into the wind(from the front) 逆风行 Tack n. 大头钉 vi. 抢风航行,阁浓瘦件很壤罐盗打慨铁嘎代霞收顿律恫尽喉奎捂垢钥堑酸病潞什帚癣结高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,4/14/2020,Task reading:建立良好家庭 学习环境,垄屿您转亲玩柑凋蓖躺椅潘罪谋闭帜骚捍开熊关澄轰泊博拭荐旋蒙雄令菠高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2高中英语教学资料-12.21 考试 2,


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