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    高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points.ppt

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    高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points.ppt

    Unit 1 Art,Language points,讥冀根橡闭掉或擒泽酵仰敬哦峭怎实靴筐删低统斩弯典酮侄钝谷霜锡揪债高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,Summary The customs and _ have _ _ _art. The text _ some_of western art. During the Middle Ages, painters _ _ _ _ and were interested in _ respect and love _ God. During the Renaissance, people concentrated _ on religious themes and _ a more _ attitude _ life. Besides, there were two_. One was how to _ _ _ _ and the other _ _,faith,an infulence,on,covers,styles,focused on religious themes,showing,for,less,adopted,humanistic,to,developments,draw things in perspective,oil paints,贫逃蛤事饭馋凯盒袱肆苯摹附岩掠谜挡构挥执釜溪扭紊淋香哈液啼减杯虞高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,which made the colors _ in the paintings look _ and _. In the late 19th century, _ _ _ _ changes took place in Europe, which naturally _ _ changes in painting styles. The impressionists worked _ and were eager to show how _ and _ _ _ objects at _ _ of day. Aa a consequence, people at first thought the paintings _ and _. But they were the _ of modern art.,used,richer,deeper,a great deal of,led to,outdoors,light,shadow,fell on,different times,carelessly-painted ridiculous,beginning,舷洗印膏餐跌那卤徘筹烷辑键浦抚阀府激涸攀垃砷银谓巩聚饱英份峪赁隆高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,There are _ _ modern art. For example, some are _ while others are so _ that they look like photographs.,scores of,abstract,realistic,户棠成轧肄鳞狄黄父姬淘鞍菇掩寿卒受秒改疙鼓纹群愚鞠坛狡荤闭惦墙胶高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,1.艺术画廊 2.因此 3.一副典型的绘画 4.体现对爱戴和敬重 5.显然地 6.取代 7.较少地关注,1.art galleries 2.consequently as a consequence in consequence 3. a typical picture 4.create respect and love for sb. 5.it is evident that 6.replace = take the place of 7.concentrate / focus less on .,客吧巾昆滦鳞邀隋公瓶忻如处隆厚照颗枚碍叼钓伎杖哎埃鹊揖茫夜蓟厩县高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,8.采取更人性化的生活态度 9.用透视法 10.某人相信/坚信 11.透过小洞 12.巧合的是 13.在19世纪后期 中期 早期 14.发生巨大的变化 15.导致;促成,8. adopt a more humanistic attituede to life 9.in perspective 10.sb be convinced that 11.look through a hole 12.by coincidence 13.in the late / middle / early 19th century 14.change a great deal 15.lead to / result in,乞顾锰酞奏肤奔镶鼻追瑰台蕴胯佯缅靛唯纷普夹弓地子沦国烙金动泞躇画高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,16.突破/脱离 17.投射到物体上 18.在一天的不同时间 19.对生气 20.认为A是B 21.这是因为 22.大量的;很多 23.一方面;另一方面 24.企图做;试着做,16.break away from 17.fall on objects 18. at different times of 19.be angry about/at 20.accept A as B 21. this is because . 22.scores of 23.on the one hand; on the other hand 24.attempt to do sth,顾慰配奶焉真弥湛庙级扔钾亏预痹旅公葬修辨酬逮荣矩傅藕丧尼蛋召贤澜高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,1.would rather (not) do sth (that) had done .(过去) 虚拟 did(现在;将来) would rather do sth than do sth宁愿而不愿 prefer to do rather than do sth. I would rather not tell you. I would rather that we _(stop)now. I would rather you _(tell) me the truth. The brave soldier _die than give in. _cause trouble, he prefers to stay at home.,Rather than,stopped,would rather,hadnt told,憎倍骆字婉梯之骂瞅雾丈捕旋对暖瓷弘碱述湖绰媒迂猎声游偏肝翼牢鞘沧高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,2. sb to do sth. (v.) to do sth wish for sth. that . did /were (虚拟) had done could/ would do make a wish (n.) 许愿 have a/no wish to do sth. I wish I _(be)taller. Im not feeling well.I wish I _(eat) so much. Most of you wish you _(fly) to the moon one day.,were,hadnt eaten,could /would fly,突静演恫辱讨甄降炮再很野秋竹瞄肋减期构听香翼儡弄贸整乃吉来叁思损高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,3. sb of sth. 使某人相信 convince sb to do sth. 说服某人做 sb that of sth sb be convinced to do that 相信 1.他的话让我相信我错了。 His words convinced me that I was wrong. 2.我说服Tom坐车去,不要坐飞机。 I convinced Tom to go by train instead of by plane. 3.我相信她说的是合理。 I was convinced that what she did was reasonable.,妊螺机酥筐唇宿乎皱糜客骤暮哥赶后前缕冠诺猛稠摸脖搀曼咀寨沏怠网锦高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,4.look through a hole look through the notes before the exam 快速查看 5.fall on /upon sb/ sth A shadow fell on her face. My birthday falls on a Sunday this year. My eye fell on a curious object.(=I suddenly saw) 6.scores of +n. a/ two score of +n. I have heard the story scores of times Two score of the people wanted to fly there. 40人,饯亥蜂缀御兄桅晰获炯兴雕峭罚叔枷埃旅鞠砧高沧社矫赁添云棒忧裸劈杀高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,7.介词后面的宾语从句中,如果缺少主语;宾语, 表语时,连接词往往用what, what既可指时间, 地点或人的样子 After _ seemed a long time, the little boy came up again. After three days driving, we finally arrived at _ we had been dreaming of. She doesnt look like _ she was ten years ago. 8.that is = that is to say;,what,what,what,删棋桥庆遮嘲恐癸淀渠拔琴爸蔓倍狗滨站汾膝蝉咏捡目粉其寇弹旺挞咱香高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,9.on (the) one hand; on the other (hand) (引出对立的观点或想法) On the one hand theyd love to have kids, but on the other hand, they dont want to give up their freedom. for one thing; for another 列举(并列的要点) I dont get a car. For one thing, I cannot drive; for another, I dont have enough money in hand.,筐迪肾室币宅群化帛掀恃哑完嵌予邓幢仗廷撕驻鼠蹋仆手珠涯彬颁宛饺苫高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,Homework,背单词词组 听写-predict 练习卷2 找出if条件句的虚拟语气的句子,终拿矢妙沃殿辆族瓶蓄俺捅堑妻躺遮倦堡楚拯蹄抹遭侯繁蓖寿昏牙紊损蠢高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points高中英语m6教学资料-unit 1 m 6 language points,


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