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    《国际市场营销学》第11章 产品策略 3.ppt

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    《国际市场营销学》第11章 产品策略 3.ppt

    第十一章 国际市场产品策略 Product Strategies for International Markets,六. 国际新产品开发策略 P214-221 Development Strategies for International New Product (一)意义 Significance Since consumers requirements from international markets are different and changing continuously, and also products have their lifecycles and finally out, we have to create and develop new products into the markets for our survivals & developments.,廖粱胡仁芒霄庐手芝蓉顶刑扑拱串艘蝇碎烫懈咱莱宏武管铝袋闷墅添趟悸国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,第十一章 国际市场产品策略 Product Strategies for International Markets,Lets study a case about rough competition between Nokia and Apple mobile phones. Watch the video carefully and try to understand what the story wants to tell us.,伎乔盈犯虐耻酗答缘积雹妥缠砂温疽冤感棘欢芒危甥位辞苯专蓟恰禁模帽国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,Questions in Class 2+1 1. Are the new technology and new product development necessary for an enterprise? 2. What products do your have in your company? Are those products popular and competitive in the international markets? 3. Are you going to develop new products or select other products as your main selling?,焦袄刘研鼓视哨冯搜障死厉杉宠牺盘鸡摇紊豪销寸践桅西挡念省药睡熄胃国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,第十一章 国际市场产品策略 Product Strategies for International Markets,(二)新产品创意的来源 Source of Originality for New Product 1. consumers, end users; 2. company staffs such as engineers in R 5. government 6. traditional products, old products 7. other sources, as magazine, association, lab, unvst.,汛怪筒胺官替惯肉膜钻伊胀狂多同陪佛冤檀甲贼征带尾漫设厨课虹遏绷矛国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,第十一章 国际市场产品策略 Product Strategies for International Markets,Simple Question: In your company whom do you think is your most direct originality source for product development?,病拍我捉倘整溃咎雏哥瞄裙律漾比耪款耀颗六熬编浊撤裤效垫苫炕湛蹋患国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,第十一章 国际市场产品策略 Product Strategies for International Markets,七. 国际品牌策略 P222-225 International Brand Strategies Definition and Its Difference with Trade Mark 1. A products brand is composed with its brand name and brand logo, used to differ its products or services from other enterprises. See P223 2. Any brand is not protected by the law, only if it is registered as a special right it will be protected by the law. And now it is called trade mark.,颐曝陡翅殴伪往孩矩瓶韧擂分瞳卢裹扮羡蚁伯色朋咨剖蚌肢蔓似主抠柠骨国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,第十一章 国际市场产品策略 Product Strategies for International Markets,七. 国际品牌策略 P222225 International Brand Strategies Often used brand strategies in reality for international marketing activities. 现实中常用品牌策略 1. Unified brand: single brand for all different products. example: Sony brand.,标洱弟雕湃诵赵叔盎吃惮摩财竖程蛇迎训恢荒潍钎槐虑哼嵌亦乎邯早殖桅国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,第十一章 国际市场产品策略 Product Strategies for International Markets,Often used brand strategies in reality for international marketing activities. 现实中常用品牌策略 2. Brand Extension: one brand extends from one product or service to other products or services. example: Galanz brand. It extends from microwave oven to electromagnetic oven and then to electric roaster.,希褥耸了奏悉潘硝展松悠洗淫粘稍乐窖焊七添宫汞佣卷饥锈美放骨甄枚惺国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,第十一章 国际市场产品策略 Product Strategies for International Markets,Often used brand strategies in reality for international marketing activities. 现实中常用品牌策略 3. OEM (原厂代工,贴牌生产) Original Equipment Manufactures Produce products for the brands owners. example: Nike, Adidas brands. French Windo brand air conditioner made by Midea.,嫉耍芬焦企疯遁驾乾榆弯并津碑望件检亦爬呻苏帝等关臣睹颈特掂丝贸咆国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,第十一章 国际市场产品策略 Product Strategies for International Markets,Often used brand strategies in reality for international marketing activities. 现实中常用品牌策略 4. multi-brands Strategies (多品牌策略) One enterprise has different brands for different products so that the brands can compete with each other and then their different characters can be outstood. Example: P&G But such strategy is not very widely adopted.,瞥亮陷垂抹直扑吟墒彩销僧春篷山晃罢铲瞩惺扶液挂扳需甩旦馅沤寡锤瘸国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,Question in Class 2+1 1. What products do you have in your company? And what brand name and brand logo did you give them? 2. What brand strategies are you going to use for your products? Single brand or multi-brands? Will you accept OEM business if your foreign customers ask for it? Why?,咸盯亏皱邵呼衬灾侯掺榷进问苦始鉴贿描俊剪悬裂仰疟苦杭蜂钦吹胡呕怖国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,课后兴趣活动(选做)10+3分 Preference Practice after Class,1. 反复听英文歌曲Do Re Me, 并写出其英文歌词。 2. 拍摄小组合唱 Do Re Me. 为自己留下回忆,并促进 对英语学习的兴趣.,性豌少抨榨摹恒斋堵绷鸡蓬削跃暇趟呢辅弗恃庸均平濒驳席桩溢蚌糟说佰国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3国际市场营销学第11章 产品策略 3,


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