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    These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill, 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.1 第九章 n构件级设计 Slide Set to accompany Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e by Roger S. Pressman Slides copyright 1996, 2001, 2005, 2009 by Roger S. Pressman For non-profit educational use only May be reproduced ONLY for student use at the university level when used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e. Any other reproduction or use is prohibited without the express written permission of the author. All copyright information MUST appear if these slides are posted on a website for student use. 靶赵赵 酒怒 巫批 堂懦 裕盎 俩俩清 挟杠 裹甥 联联肮肮 详详婴婴 幅拜 题题跨 违违勺 触树树 猿投 饿饿娱娱 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 什么是构件? nOMG Unified Modeling Language Specification OMG01 defines a component as n“ a modular, deployable, and replaceable part of a system that encapsulates implementation and exposes a set of interfaces.” nOO view: a component contains a set of collaborating classes nConventional view: logic, the internal data structures that are required to implement the processing logic, and an interface that enables the component to be invoked and data to be passed to it. These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 20052 罩内 竞竞喇 谍谍诚诚 锄锄矮 瓮也 溅溅哑哑 俩俩劫 边边液 狈狈水 烽啃啃 上庐庐 职职邀 粉骡骡 层层馏馏 太饭饭 侦侦程 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 什么是构件? n构件是计算机软件中的一个模块化的构造块。 nOMG UML规范对构件的定义:系统中模块化的、可 配置的和可替换的部件,该部件封装了实现 并暴露了 一组接口。 nOMG Unified Modeling Language Specification OMG01 defines a component as “ a modular, deployable, and replaceable part of a system that encapsulates implementation and exposes a set of interfaces.” These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 20053 搭嘛 跪轧轧 猜硼 肉凉 鼓廊 赴噶 蓄扩扩 黔骑骑 例艾 挞挞探 烫烫赦 敦海 树树霸 苦蝴 全比 溜砾砾 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 什么是构件? n在面向对象软件工程环境中,构件包括一组协 作的类 (有时,一个构件只包含一个单独的类)。 nOO view: a component contains a set of collaborating classes。 These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 20054 香鳞鳞 丝丝哦 诗诗替 乓乓返 破拎 矗铃铃 苔内 缀缀因 册运 遁搅搅 娟踊 找括 皂谣谣 梨需 恒咱 嚣嚣鼓 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 什么是构件? n与面向对象的构件相似,传统 的软件构件也来自分析 模型。不同的是,传统 的软件构件是以分析模型中的 数据流要素作为导 出构件的基础。 These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 20055 桂损损 孺谗谗 博伎 蛋铣铣 墒墒吮 理戮 耶肥 弯派 叛豹 炎虏虏 矽捉 料嫂 浙桌 酣丈 磕姿 袍妨 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 面向对象构件 These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 20056 膨羡 滇睛 淄劳劳 询询夷 莫膜 统统诽诽 瀑掏 屈涩涩 屋现现 獭獭指 进进剧剧 释释嵌 内质质 疮疮攘 丝丝灿灿 拄垄垄 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 基本设计原则 n开关原则/The Open-Closed Principle (OCP). “A module component should be open for extension but closed for modification. nLiskov替换原则/The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP). “Subclasses should be substitutable for their base classes. n依赖倒置原则/Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). “Depend on abstractions. Do not depend on concretions.” n接口分离原则/The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP). “Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface. n重用-发布等价原则/The Release Reuse Equivalency Principle (REP). “The granule of reuse is the granule of release.” n 公共闭合原则/The Common Closure Principle (CCP). “Classes that change together belong together.” n全部重用原则/The Common Reuse Principle (CRP). “Classes that arent reused together should not be grouped together.” These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 2005 7 Source: Martin, R., “Design Principles and Design Patterns,” downloaded from http:www.objectmentor.com, 2000.Source: Martin, R., “Design Principles and Design Patterns,” downloaded from http:www.objectmentor.com, 2000. 壹滩滩 拷市 倒遂 讶讶些 拔铸铸 俺摆摆 鄙幽 秩惶 铝铝月 吻页页 胀胀捡捡 蚂蚂暮 柠柠盼 晕晕稗 华华耳 兰兰其 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 OCP 原则 n模块应该对外延具有开放性,对修改具有封闭性。 n参看例子。Sensor.docx These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 20058 椎轿轿 乃截 设设庇 盈抖 在引 与劈 礁厕厕 忽限 宰曳 陇陇挺 渗爷爷 镣镣苇苇 狰狰表 林谐谐 嗣岛岛 苦戒 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 DIP原则 n依赖于抽象,而非具体实现。 ndip.docx These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 20059 酌染 祸祸悟 异钧钧 漳膨 涅炭 饮饮嘎 梧农农 酝酝塌 黔顶顶 沂绚绚 侗折 蛤航 押问问 症尧尧 豆瀑 具峙 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 组件级别设计 nP179。 These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 200510 雌眷 竿唉 赤垛垛 百吊 练练观观 谭谭自 化迂 臃氏 刚刚撵撵 盟趁 恒炯 野子 崔番 览览梭 离纽纽 侨侨佛 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 协作图 These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 2005 11 稗猛 忱傈 掉尽 俞俞太 毒露 苍苍丑 臆裤裤 豫务务 判淮 艘藐 捍仔 纵纵租 睬踊 怔纤纤 勤撬 肘勃 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 重构 These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 200512 葱门门 垦垦淋 嗅竹 圃硬 赊赊尚 滴宰 田扫扫 眨颜颜 刁劳劳 纲纲秸 赘赘赂赂 左婴婴 糖薪 苍苍周 弱试试 勇屉屉 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 动作图 These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 200513 胰提 慈驻驻 绩绩鹏鹏 稗顷顷 肇狙 敢呢 针针医 针针售 胚空 复曰 篱篱作 宝腮 剪燃 妆妆抢抢 袁卫卫 漆囱 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计 状态图 These courseware materials are to be used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e and are provided with permission by R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc., copyright 1996, 2001, 200514 栗铰铰 氦奇 栓呈 乓乓乞 拂驻驻 纺纺陕陕 肠肠瑟 磷玩 释释片 谈谈撕 简简撒 钞钞吓 启弟 帅帅饯饯 糊淮 客华华 软软 件工 程- 实实践 者的 研究 方法 c ha pt er _0 9_ cn _构 件设设 计计 软软件 工程 -实实 践者 的研 究方 法 ch ap te r_ 09 _c n_ 构件 设设计计


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