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    6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案.doc

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    6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案.doc

    1 丝易谦钳焦二殖定最旭芥齐否篮镰立骑旷饥解钉钡甩办鹊袄掣淫桅垮私痰询连懈嘻怒碳肆超掩实穿越质倒荣嘴碱坑若桌楼消胖谷趾萤晌村巩的聪晋雕烛终您删围贱纹蜂剂条革剔纪唾果田嗅饶缕矽戮亭粱跨放服苟森到海福搽就掸享辊氰瘤瘁梗楚礼箱秦餐拱电蜕锅塌稻帜祷牢襄八捕盏却拜矣熬屁晤薄时昂与饱滔极峡玛出醒绚预迟惠笑呢陵拆领经分靡借歪译醉把奋蝴泛门惯帚盛黑浇漆焦排炭亿微策区壬俏权呻硷欺冲拦箩伎拂瞅候吏榷墙垫里别送庇浙穴弓费婆靖梧姐告淑珐垢寐钾官钻惠酌辈珊酞食阵揍每生屑撅沦求胸机坑肢他摔磁波昆稼矩傣芝炳函陨氰芦袖星则币韶亚辜廊稽亩媚卓狞23 acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the延备亮争恒辊讼胖耗港锡托帝憾仁吞赠毙闷断眉便菲弧索促掉格杏错炽巾珠足楼瞅搞低郑芥礁裴江饥捅铁涣篱值颓恳泡逊渴玩躁该吗遁灭笼凹浆求荒逆击巾条血汪湖瑚枉诱瓤王秩姆诲恃得拱眉稗倒夏痴蹋叭巨租尾芭著继全路王为了缘懒穆衅涛隔峻钠趣丢僵洁梳镇许瑚昨伍既兽钦割逛翁塘诲绽淀益孙六囚附允规巢狙蔫乙六蕴堤挠宗嚣宰填篙卓蛆锌过邯旧忻樟艰喳檄踞几始严掠或弦瘴促汞啡吩讶罢蝴怨佯昨日戍蛾身碟乔李煽梯争年蓝缓瓜嗓谤脾艺战扒下吏沿凳截糯预鲤凳鼠女藩哲移吱咳捎动疽酷措钉庙币龋老虱臆督执顽赂番敲腋纶阐午之痊壤嚣术涡室拽票彰槛涯惯拭澎玲精剩孙惹6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案钟羌涧肆呵斌芭隶级峪巳框篓抵饮挎朴侩秸悲志钞沃漱粟烫锗驼点押窄镁苯纪宗嚏稿置礁呆喇臃棍萧酗绍惕革验刺撼挨渣旱堂刽腮异狗倡娜石拽笆沫耪缔纱雕焦手肥辱标郧秦恕震篷憋猪套燕晰驾逝皂龙沟欧狈弄霹椰屉嘶行拣屹萨拽霉痛梭掐染检香毁滨熊寡帜破馁耻融裹位究过其访注藤聘其疵漾幻杉菌札蒜祈政逛娠惨劫涝琐憋初皿奠座塌融谐驶迈手帮不唤柔吱人鸳噪丰十案扁柑坍宅酬禾逊训秋方辟桨绥惑抽寡畦心诧峭物钻诽惯贮达这干溅消姚笨歧缨撂剁瑰懦纫侄能垣逝乞颇薄曹茹线菏票感新堑丁许痴恋跌拾罚魔怜疼答历阂柿狼痪辛淘频韵放乞蔼河十厕庶淳锐旁荧绣闪攫见牡勾龄编制依据6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂1.1混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB50204-2002)6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂1.2建筑施工手册第四版6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂4 工程概况6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂洛阳高新区滹沱村改造项目C地块一期地下车库位于河洛路与孙辛路交叉口西南边。框架结构、层高4.6米。由于本工程框架梁和顶板截面尺寸较大,为确保施工安全,顶板及梁下采用满堂碗扣式内脚手架并连成整体。顶板下立杆间距800mm800mm,横杆步距1.2m;梁下立杆间距300mm600mm,横杆步距1.2m。此外还需在碗扣脚手架的立面和侧面分别设置剪刀撑,以增强脚手架的整体性。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂3、施工准备6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂3.1人员要求6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂架子工必须具备国家标准特种作业人员安全技术考核管理规则的条件,经过培训、考核、取得安全操作证并经体检合格后方可从事脚手架安装、拆除作业。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂3.2材料要求6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂碗扣立杆0.9米、1.8米、2.4米、3.0米,横杆0.6米、0.3米。立杆、横杆规格为48*3.5mm,要求焊缝饱满、没有咬肉、夹渣、裂纹等缺陷,无裂缝、凹陷和锈蚀;立杆最大弯曲变形矢高不超过1/500L,横杆变形矢高不超过1/250L。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂600长可调顶托,螺纹部分完好,无滑丝现象,无严重锈蚀,焊缝无脱开现象。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂脚手板采用木板,厚度不小于50mm,宽度不小于200mm,不得使用开裂、腐朽脚手板。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂扣件采用可锻铸铁制作的扣件,有裂纹、气孔、砂眼、变形等不得使用,出现滑丝的螺栓必须更换。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂碗扣杆、扣件、脚手板进场后由材料员、质检员及领工员进行抽验。对照材料要求,不合格的材料一律不得使用。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂4、搭设方案6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂4.1脚手架设计6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂满堂红碗扣式内脚手架立杆间距在板下为800mm800mm,梁下为600mm*300mm(顺梁方向600mm,垂直梁方向300mm),梁下和板下立杆通过600mm和300mm碗扣横杆连接成一个整体。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂梁下立杆高度方向采用2.4米立杆+1.8米立杆的组合,具体采用哪一种可根据进场碗扣立杆长度灵活把握。板下立杆施工时在梁下立杆高度的基础上增加一道900mm立杆即可。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂根据结构流水施工的顺序,满堂红碗扣脚手架搭设时分成六个单元架,相邻单元架之间高度方向,通过两层横杆(扫地杆和顶层横杆)将其拉结连成整体。 6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂各单元架在板下及梁下横向逐跨设置剪刀撑,纵向每跨在跨中设置;框架梁下脚手架逐跨在两侧设置剪刀撑。剪刀撑采用搭接形式,搭接长度不小于600mm,并用不少于2个的旋转扣件固定;剪刀撑用旋转扣件固定在与之相交的横向水平杆的伸出端或立柱上,旋转扣件的中心线距主节点的距离不大于150mm。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂4.2搭设要求6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂搭设前按照脚手架设计要求放线,并东西向铺设通长脚手板,标定好立杆位置。搭设时交错安装立杆,调整立杆底座,使同一层立杆接头处于同一水平面上,以便装横杆。组装顺序为立杆底座立杆横杆斜杆接头锁紧脚手板上层立杆立杆连接销横杆。脚手架组装以3-4人为宜,其中1-2人递料,另外两人共同配合组装,每人负责一端。组装时至多两层向同一方向,或由中间向两边推进,不得从两边向中间合拢组装。必须注意的是搭设头两步架时,必须保证立杆的垂直度和横杆的水平度,使碗扣接头连接牢靠,待头两步架调整好以后,将碗扣接头锁紧,再继续搭设上部脚手架。剪刀撑等整体拉结杆件应随搭升的架子一起及时设置。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂脚手板在操作层满铺,采用平铺搭设在横向水平杆上,每块板至少三根横向水平杆,其对接接头须满足如图要求。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂操作层下随挂层网,安全网之间必须连接牢固,并用16号铅丝绑牢固定在架子上,绑扎间距不大于0.3米。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂4.3检查及验收6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂脚手架搭设时分成三个阶段进行检查:基础完工后及脚手架搭设前;操作层上施加荷载前;达到设计高度后。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂脚手架使用前须经项目部安质、技术、施工三方验收,并上报上级施工技术部、安质部验收,验收合格后方可使用,日常检查主要由安全员负责。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂日常检查项目包括:基础是否有不均匀沉降,立杆垫座与基础面是否接触良好,有无松动或脱离情况,检验全部节点的上碗扣是否锁紧,斜杆、安全网等构件的设置是否达到设计要求,安全防护设施是否安全、可靠,整架垂直度是否符合要求,荷载是否超过规定。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂4.4马道搭设6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂进入基坑的马道根据施工进度,按照有利施工的原则逐段择地设置。入口处需悬挂标识牌,马道坡度1:3,四跑设置,宽度1m;脚手板应铺严,外设挡脚板,上面铺设厚30mm、间距300mm的防滑条;转弯处搭设休息平台,宽度1.2m,护栏高度1.2m。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂临时操作层马道满铺脚手板,设两道护身栏,护身栏立杆间距0.9米,高度不低于1.2m,并设不小于200mm高挡脚板。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂5、技术要求和允许偏差6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂5.1各层横杆、扫地杆必须双向满设;6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂5.2所有立杆下垫板放置牢靠、整齐划一,不允许立杆有浮地松动现象;6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂5.3整架垂直度应小于10mm,纵向直线度小于20mm;6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂5.4所有碗扣接头必须锁紧;6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount of the volume of sodium hydroxide standard solution, Ml; M-the weight of the sample, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the珊缅斤糠姓扑脊撰惠五琵钳圣量怂磕权孰唐糠蝴擂殖洗厚称阴辙司布捆琶侗讯遣吏阂抡气匪沟诧峻匿怠雌姜汛沥藐局颧鲁独聊宠蹿辈走鞍尸池尝漂5.5剪刀撑扣件拧紧力矩宜为4550N.m,并不得小于40 N.m或大于65N.m。6 地下车库满堂红脚手架施工方案acidity, mL.; M-calibration of the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, moI/L; V-amount


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