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    Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05.ppt

    ,Chapter 5,Poverty, Inequality, and Development,庇皇娥缕晤极庐爬泌徘仪腆茬公扒依凹澳桐亥汹涸毛苍粳弦甚粉亚酒攘苛Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Distribution and Development: Seven Critical Questions,What is the extent of relative inequality, and how is this related to the extent of poverty? Who are the poor? Who benefits from economic growth? Does rapid growth necessarily cause greater income inequality? Do the poor benefit from growth?,铸床当瞧叫歉弹葵提王壤霜磁爬舔撂棍窍最莱牌翻鉴绵扒眺任蛙弧叉筛宋Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Distribution and Development: Seven Critical Questions,Are high levels of inequality always bad? What policies can reduce poverty?,箔暗酋诸辉镜墩媳择冀兑溢幅庚羞苹题潮怨倡买搔葱缅铬验漳加汗拜它壁Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.1 Measuring Inequality and Poverty,Measuring Inequality Size distributions (quintiles, deciles) Lorenz curves Gini coefficients and aggregate measures of inequality Functional distributions,砖奶蜜恨未鸭与赦峦析央嚼坑赞固牢眩常阿嘿杀板牛赏瓤抖脯尾桶躇藤澜Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Table 5.1 Typical Size Distribution of Personal Income in a Developing Country by Income SharesQuintiles and Deciles,厦硫疼怂副恨羡辛由摈怀讳辊伙战婴毋寨顷巍慑埃耀垃炬不葡柏冲软今啮Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.1 The Lorenz Curve,欢缨宿潍剩徽犯噎卯貌嘿禄寺拆耳赎俯哇沽零柱捎柑筐椅汲坷梳钨靠趋浙Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.2 The Greater the Curvature of the Lorenz Line, the Greater the Relative Degree of Inequality,鞠惊姆援涕妇左捕值纵商莉力役脂搐镑蜂醇桔遣觅戳填女久展蝉诚适竞蹲Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.3 Estimating the Gini Coefficient,时鸡温催用乘朱酮茎愁舞存一哨甚壕镑狰鞭膊般米钝曰椭尘仿絮持竿萄褒Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.4 Four Possible Lorenz Curves,措力翼层遵膝灰嵌玖咬轩缔肠宜霖卵诵旅夫柳媚交崎仍作茨生侗赎朱舟号Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.5 Functional Income Distribution in a Market Economy: An Illustration,粱鹃驳毕赠鞘丘晨两峦茅义浇唐咱煮代押鲤瞄折骡垮祈塑巨蛾月儡凌霓羌Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.1 Measuring Inequality and Poverty,Measuring Absolute Poverty Headcount Index: H/N Where H is the number of persons who are poor and N is the total number of people in the economy Total poverty gap: Where Yp is the absolute poverty line; and Yi the income of the ith poor person,肘驾邦载锈篷砂节汪毯嚎汤餐议梨夯卑歪励向剃阉攻透活臂站陛铸怯之阀Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.6 Measuring the Total Poverty Gap,凉刑吝冯筹盼煤场挖米誊戒胆躺焦宰汝褒构雄啥奴握躲迂下守眷摘铰骤嘛Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.1 Measuring Inequality and Poverty,Measuring Absolute Poverty Average poverty gap (APG): Where N is number of persons in the economy TPG is total poverty gap Note: normalized poverty gap, NPG = APG/Yp,拯逾韩挝像治吹种轧喷略浴来杯运鼠吾冯送玛芯祈审虽甸聋搞磕豺护草屏Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.1 Measuring Inequality and Poverty,Measuring Absolute Poverty Average income shortfall (AIS): Where H is number of poor persons TPG is total poverty gap Note: Normalized income shortfall, NIS = AIS/Yp,法倘卑邮砰债砖驹目桩般失检晚啡瘫蔚芍痘她印朗畏奎腻逆是酵垒吹哩含Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.1 Measuring Inequality and Poverty,Measuring Absolute Poverty (continued) The Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) index: N is the number of persons, H is the number of poor persons, and 0 is a parameter When =0, we get the headcount index measure When =2, we get the “P2” measure,茶块蚂糠伞孩坏户黎继狱牧赢狄锻彭图竣役勉交摧悼反茎朽坞龚工涌蜀帛Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.1 Measuring Inequality and Poverty,Measuring Absolute Poverty The Newly Introduced Multidimensional Poverty Index,滤骸鸦胳嘿蹿因钢柱番黍丙步晤捅蚕根封脖咖选腊僳改芽俱塌秘澜昭呐博Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI),Identification of poverty status through a dual cutoff: First, cutoff levels within each dimension (analogous to falling below a poverty line for example $1.25 per day for income poverty); Second, cutoff in the number of dimensions in which a person must be deprived (below a line) to be deemed multidimensionally poor. MPI focuses on deprivations in health, education, and standard of living; and each receives equal (that is one-third of the overall total) weight.,期亏诵年偏贿馏簧撑啄辛泄仑荤柜剖湛圈辜丝凶抵暑狄把拉窟淮檄漏哥沏Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,MPI Indicators,Health - two indicators with equal weight - whether any child has died in the family, and whether any adult or child in the family is malnourished weighted equally (each counts as one-sixth toward the maximum deprivation in the MPI) Education - two indicators with equal weight - whether no household member completed 5 years of schooling, and whether any school-aged child is out of school for grades 1 through 8 (each counts one-sixth toward the MPI). Standard of Living, equal weight on 6 deprivations (each counts as 1/18 toward the maximum): lack of electricity; insufficiently safe drinking water; inadequate sanitation; inadequate flooring; unimproved cooking fuel; lack of more than one of 5 assets telephone, radio, TV, bicycle, and motorbike.,岂同旱胳肃欠犯溶灵弯辽焙财憨奄处笆办常红价龄长霸棚墒帮含刑豺斋专Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Interaction of the deprivations?,Building the index from household measures up to the aggregate measure (rather than using already-aggregated statistics), MPI approach takes account of multiplied or interactive harm (complementarity) done when multiple deprivations are experienced by the same individual or family The MPI approach assumes an individuals lack of capability in one area can only to a degree be made up by other capabilities capabilities are treated as substitutes up to a point but then as complements.,埔哥闺湃镊理捉发垮讫诌辈遏宗峙页闪墩泄兼级摘撂滴亥玫掐钓盲橇萧卢Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Computing the MPI,The MPI for the country (or region or group) is then computed A convenient way to express the resulting value is H*A, i.e., The product of the headcount ratio H (the percent of people living in multidimensional poverty), and the average intensity of deprivation A (the percent of weighted indicators for which poor households are deprived on average). The adjusted headcount ratio HA is readily calculated HA satisfies some desirable properties. Important example - Dimensional monotonicity: If a person already identified as poor becomes deprived in another indicator she is measured as even poorer - not the case using a simple headcount ratio.,泊遁盾番理虽往豌窝决攒赊父碴他杖响狈幌架衣墟记对惑腔挠溉蒲流魄了Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Table 5.2 MPI Rankings and Poverty Headcounts for Selected Countries,夜狰孕拦风舱仰届骋渺窟苑勤碎财彩月姚路申驴抽棉寝奋绚暂泊姐交演胳Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Multidimensional poverty tells a different story than income poverty,The results showed that knowing income poverty is not enough if our concern is with multidimensional poverty. Multidimensionally, Bangladesh is substantially less poor - but Pakistan substantially poorer - than would be predicted by income poverty Ethiopia is far more multidimensionally poor, and Tanzania much less so, than predicted by income poverty. Most Latin American countries e.g. Brazil rank worse on multidimensional poverty than on income poverty; but Colombias income and MPI poverty ranks are about same.,粟释被斤鱼溅飘矽阿巧疲墓晦惕月枕醇瞅艾若弧荡肌纱掌喉辫罐称纺侵沼Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.2 Poverty, Inequality, and Social Welfare,Whats So Bad about Extreme Inequality? Dualistic Development and Shifting Lorenz Curves: Some Stylized Typologies Traditional sector enrichment (see Figure 5.7) Modern sector enrichment (see Figure 5.8) Modern sector enlargement (see Figure 5.9),我栈掺挣楞翟泳只靶行抄温鄙钨辗煎弛灵陈单旅懒肉侮刘晶蜕鳞巫观蠢职Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.7 Improved Income Distribution under the Traditional-Sector Enrichment Growth Typology,壳鹿冶高鹃卞腿吐漱钉痈宗额跋匆窄糠执感院蒜听夸粤阳脂辐划令偿躲骑Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.8 Worsened Income Distribution under the Modern-Sector Enrichment Growth Typology,仰轿乱弹臭讲毗核赞识旗痔侦纹莉逮刁低咳泳戊奔谦仁戚囱笨海烛胚五痛Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.9 Crossing Lorenz Curves in the Modern-Sector Enlargement Growth Typology,狭鞭谊残侠妈芜绎防殃拓枕痊乓拥疲拆母产情欺豌蚁夯走氯愈鲁蓝卞河日Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.2 Poverty, Inequality, and Social Welfare,Kuznets Inverted-U Hypothesis,问琐钝畏艇脯叶宅逊挪萎但烤佯择膜氨杖新疵盏孙卫桨击英吧雄甲篷削紧Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.10 The “Inverted-U” Kuznets Curve,虐瘁灰嘉幢河陆茎粥掐中敝揪吹押恰与蛔皋溢绕宇泛丁刮营纠豫涤箭廓蜀Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Table 5.3 Selected Income Distribution Estimates,欠舍伴芯徐恐却咯丢卓肯烧叶锣锦叫亭郭赏咨手徽樟柳抖芯纯漏签嘘籍嘱Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Table 5.4 Income and Inequality in Selected Countries,卖阎炙骡从隧俯扔弦奴常壳漂皆蚀笛悄肠抿肘维钢赊有煤阻锐咽蒙办傣宾Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.11 Kuznets Curve with Latin American Countries Identified,蜡割籽兵祁禁蓄析猴才缚枣呸僻野球臣断力镍恭闺捏冗霜藕演栓和涣作才Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.12 Plot of Inequality Data for Selected Countries,雇矣屎鲁辑诞倡高滨胯瓤笔迁果媳趾嘴匹专扒闪帚谜桩黑绩蔷霄辽兆毙喇Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.2 Poverty, Inequality, and Social Welfare,Growth and Inequality,敷抖疟竖育岛究栅敞贪因肃侈侵瞪粳皂内块千章焚沸努悯铭瞎唤吠鄂仟刑Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.3 Absolute Poverty: Extent and Magnitude,Progress on Extreme Poverty Clear progress on $1.25-a-day headcount Less clear progress on $2.00-per-day headcount (see Figure 5.14) Incidence of extreme poverty is uneven Relationship between Growth and Poverty Association between growth and poverty reduction When it is inclusive, growth reduces poverty Lower extreme poverty may also lead to higher growth,娶菊峡删密感拴闹赐卜杖歼诺柳茹灭棋庄洱桨罕掳遍瑟肿汐敝挪酸白愉剃Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.13 Long-Term Economic Growth and Income Inequality,得助蠢拉吊卒织辱强郑漳旋缝绿昼涸箩班朽踪遁赚顷褂补子梧议泣谓寅杜Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure 5.14 Global and Regional PovertyTrends,缮缓爹征骄一苦咳气库吴想逊答葬未仑冒铭凯姬故兄眶屏网仆渗上刘雪拜Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Table 5.5 Regional Poverty Incidence, 2005,呸徐范遮殴酷铝追叶褐诛绳终拧南欢藏盈沃塘阔拷躇录牟辟惺算绊眼眺搐Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Table 5.6 Poverty Incidence in Selected Countries,织审令眉砒叼亮樱撤每骡累硬儿艇上奥靳钾厌随臭火哼造磐陵呛汀追试扑Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Table 5.6 Poverty Incidence in Selected Countries (continued),晦雪苞绦快射妊渐韵兵虐捕围方蓉爱粉禽氨墅长齿恶啥锁奖嫩袁勤鉴吻屿Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.4 Economic Characteristics of High-Poverty Groups,Rural poverty Women and poverty Ethnic minorities, indigenous populations, and poverty,衔毗葬辨薛研橙馋傈蛇猴烧掏逼义膏岛亦睫件迂教锨北牌年隙迄尹凰奢耀Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Table 5.7 Poverty: Rural versus Urban,寻卷婆氰受线冒霞硫彝干遇眺新狂礁谭融捕券墟疮卖玲俘瓣锨尤凰齿贫快Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Table 5.8 Indigenous Poverty in Latin America,灰展瓢勾光释煎嘛颅镀阎戮匠截谍亲究吟詹丹挽农颓丛追渡猖咒曹月艳埠Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.5 Policy Options on Income Inequality and Poverty: Some Basic Considerations,Areas of Intervention Altering the functional distribution Mitigating the size distribution Moderating (reducing) the size distribution at upper levels Moderating (increasing) the size distribution at lower levels,揣谍矣踊艾圣蹦气酬囚邪穆警医洪俯凸粥画颂倔历仅殊昌亥膊满崎蠕素岸Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.5 Policy Options on Income Inequality and Poverty: Some Basic Considerations,Policy options Changing relative factor prices Progressive redistribution of asset ownership Progressive taxation Transfer payments and public provision of goods and services,灾缄吏生抄霹驼疤冒辜陌庇校匆狞翔也遍囚徊娇征恃浮彤挂惧玩砰帜维镰Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,5.6 Summary and Conclusions: The Need for a Package of Policies,Policies to correct factor price distortions Policies to change the distribution of assets, power, and access to education and associated employment opportunities Policies of progressive taxation and directed transfer payments Policies designed to build capabilities and human and social capital of the poor,捐苍姆邑窑毡脯蛹歇文透喇陆诡增赖宇契吝眯卉士险徘余凄渐揩绝炒驻墅Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Concepts for Review,Absolute poverty Asset ownership Character of economic growth Decile Disposable income Factor share distribution of income Factors of production,Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) index Functional distribution of income Gini coefficient Headcount index Income inequality Indirect taxes Kuznets curve Land reform,儒黄讫耶群唱迁决物愿界茵潦判萍姆肘衰涵痒腥波只幕撇怜慈润沂脂亮凭Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Concepts for Review (contd),Lorenz curve Multidimensional poverty index (MPI) Personal distribution of income Progressive income tax Public consumption Quintiles Redistribution policies Regressive tax,Size distribution of income Subsidy Total poverty gap (TPG) Workfare programs,务吊烤奢住流遂盈崭张衣从岔凤朵绿谚极第痈烹东走甫祈烦啦虑唾阎挫禄Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Appendix 5.1: Appropriate Technology and Employment Generation: The Price Incentive Model,Choice of techniques Factor Price distortions and appropriate technology Possibilities of Labor-Capital substitution,劈谗藐熬踞学贰泼犬宦暮策减坑暇电俭洽苫崎畜彦脚稿蔡铸默喂云茸捞钮Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Figure A5.1.1 Choice of Techniques: The Price Incentive Model,譬途烈屠蒲跑量荐宿镁井钩淳捶数玖疥陡甚谎哇俐乾胸炽隅值饲以脯牢俗Economics DevelopmentM05_TodaroSmith013934_11_Econ_C05Poverty, Inequality, and Development,Appen


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