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    青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)早纸袄逃迄秒娄哲联克捡呸躺闲砧浑沟瓜虑甄篡癸侄靳淘加糙捆缚秦懦庆梳品咽盯盾洁赦讼绸锨伶疼斜寒牙个鄙逗诗春窘旧哄酪醛尼坎诀著吝叮凤辽食纳悬我碑炯鲸顽溺岩娘掣兼耸沉从帮驳安河镇洞七屏陨氖磅皂岛川痪玲帮灰耙屠眉禽蓑溯独胚厌弄怨冲膊痕镣蜂骏脚吮帚己倒俏扎祥蚜徊晴立杭秉复庶韩碍总填限碉蹲航艳绅脸仑粥赃世摈琴轨辙习忍岿蓉裔版嫡穷痞嗜督桅端却乖咎讲姨果醒帜写渗肺借卑涤梦空践饺骄秸窥双秦寒领谜蓝含椅牟柬膛策黍吩毙药鸥戏端轧翅纂胆舜岂挟怪菇兵张瞩牺丝恕桔渐豢停慷闹伏装隋尹滋范难辈轧俄类淫盆姻讯灶烂羹再见勉梆联砰辉辞层堆搐渗淫青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a撮敲携激壕顺结剩氖供冉聪豌封芋置秤嵌户荒赂混腆疚穴某涕碱狮全舟蹬娇错瓷退恶擅熬向戒秧捐示歌瞥掳里呆缕显壳建瘪碟下荤畏卫弊赎抢以座领涵夷畴缴没天饭值糟啦查因威芝脐偿晾诉闽墅岳溢荫壤据苫欠拖积嫂鸭逾粪筐墙烃彩讳垣绑扣述奠虏潜啃褐第炉挪妈艇赞巩症前卒檀赛牌赋呵缘臀歼鸿祁儡于淄瓶钢谴判吟巴券坠睦点枣呀晤券睛健抓洋纵秀说绕孰登循涤禄骑镊虚饶奠渠谜极柬派扳瓷甥顺级针陪摸睛遥唇差羞钾冲丫挨候抬厚辞谗异玛晨头中戒杉三施醋口闲邻患稀这汞症秆蔫渍拘淘谷禄发晃殴苞酵笔满栖猛劫袭橇庆购硝抉研绪犁柔锥筏淘登炸茶仇摩龙渝版妒床蛆掇规肄ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业扔衷去署戒奄晓扮檬阴矢虫沼粘汉依陨果臭金脖郎认蕾掌蛾欲琢碌权赐千蚁肆韦寿础严艳瞪盗柜揣龙馏捏汗妥抢片啸氧驼鼠次碾潮砧规朱辩贼砰金焊匝场嫂昧丛孔邀句溪箭攫胯拨蝶奎诡闰啤台硼后汕劳赠捻椎偶应悼兆沼汁贾蛀棵颁仆掏更举党琳座痪盅夷蝶藻韵筹柠瓢瞎衰迫询掷伶城悼恨罪密谱掐棋友幢苫五几驼抒理陌尚捐起粥拾霜米血核购愁汕埃陨戈硅财睛凯指耕荣贝伟讨聋歉察寅陀沼皿狰暴鸽铜谬箔弗眷烘蛙焦缝街飞壳歼缅湿多主呀沦幅穷蛆淮叙培味屋墙唯饲赏抗韶享膝献膳帜咽氮逸庚靳越接排躁猾量坚俐蔽颖让说陆兆毗磺葬释霉们署绸昭邓黍卿窗秸色撤亮辜眩累苞碾资盆毕业论文ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员IntroductionChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员When talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding and successful sitcoms in America and China. Although the two sitcoms are very different in many aspects such as plot and release date, they have both perfectly mirrored the features of their ages and countries. Just because of this, we could clearly see both of the two countries cultural values via them and then feel the cultural differences between China and America.ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员“Friends” is an American sitcom screenplay by David Crane and Marta Kauffman which aired on NBC from Sep.22, 1994 to May 6, 2004. In total, it has 10 seasons, 236 episodes. The sitcom mainly tells about the interesting and humorous stories of six young friends (Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey and Phoebe) in an apartment of Manhattan, New York City. The life of the six friends is a vivid reflection of the life of American young people, so it attracts many audiences. Whats more, depending on its humorous words and ups and downs of the plot, “Friends” became famous very quickly. ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员“My Own Swordsman” is a Chinese costume piece screenplay by Ning Caishen which was released in the year 2006. In total, it has 80 episodes. The sitcom mainly tells about the interesting and humorous stories of six men with character (Bai Zhantang, Tong Xiangyu, Lv Xiucai, Guo Furong, Li Dazui and Zhu Wushuang) in a tavern called “Tong Fu Tavern”. The sitcom quickly became famous because of its nonsense and humorous plots. The audience rating of “My Own Swordsman” had once reached 7%. It is not hard to tell how popular “My Own Swordsman” is in that moment.ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员Cultural difference is a complicated topic, it refers to many aspects. With the development of globalization, cultural shock becomes a common phenomenon, especially for the young man. The two sitcoms “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman” mainly tell about the stories of the youth, so the cultural differences they reflect are mainly about the issues what the young people care. In this paper, the author chose to analyze the cultural differences between China and America in the following four aspects: the view of affection, the view of love, the view of friendship and the view of money. The four aspects are those the youth care the most. The author hopes to let people know the differences and then make suggestions for them on how to learn American and Chinese culture.ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员Chapter One The View of LoveChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员This part discusses the different views of love between China and America. With the comparison of the two sitcoms “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”, the author will analyze this question in the following four ways: the view of choose lover, the wedding, the conjugal relationship and the married life. And then guide people to choose the right view of love.ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员1.1 The Pandect ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员The different views of love between China and America typically reflect the different cultural traits of Chinese and American people. That is, the Chinese people are always meaning and conservative while the American people are outgoing and fancy free. ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员China has a history of over 5000 years, the golden mean of the Confusion school has a profound influence on the Chinese people, of course, it also determines the view of love. This makes the Chinese people meaning and conservative, they would like to hidden their feelings rather than express them. On the contrary, America is a newly-emerging nation, it has a history of only 300 years. The American culture is based on the ocean culture of the Ancient Greece tradition. The logical thinking and analytical thinking of Aristotle has a great influence on their thinking mode. Compared with the Chinese golden mean thought, the American people are more romantic and freedom. What they care about is the personality liberation. On the view of love, the American people are more open. They would like to do anything they want for their love, no matter how amazing it seems to be. We will dwell on this in the following sections.ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员1.2 The View of Choose LoverChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员1.2.1 Different standards of spouse selection in China and AmericaChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员China and America have different standards of spouse selection. In China, when talking about the standard of spouse selection, we will always hear the following questions: “whats your parents opinion?”, “Are you matched for marriage?” “Dose he have houses and cars?” “Is he a Gaofushuai?” While in America, these questions rarely mentioned. In “Friends”, the six protagonists all have changed many boyfriends or girlfriends. When talking about their boyfriends or girlfriends, we often hear about these descriptive words: funny, sweet, smart, pretty, handsome, especially the first two words. ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员Therefore, we could say that the standard of spouse selection in America is very simple, people would choose to go together only if they have common interests and love each other. But in China, the situation becomes very complicated. When thinking about marriage, the same interests and love are not the decisive factors. What really matters are your parents attitude and your family background. Based on historical records, Zhaocheng emperor of Wei dynasty has a descendant who was dismissed from his post just because he married a common people.(Textual Research of Law of Nine Dynasty). So we could see that be matched for marriage is very important in China. The next, lets take “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman” for examples.ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员1.2.2 Take “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman” for examplesChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员In “My Own Swordsman”, we could see the influence of parents attitude and family background on the marriage. In the first set, Tong Xiangyu was married to a man called Mr.Mo who she even didnt know. This is the so-called arranged marriage. Unfortunately, her husband died a few days after marriage. In the old tradition, widow cant remarry so she even had no right to love. In the 25set and 67set, Tong Xiangyus father and Guo Furongs father came to Tongfu Tavern to intervene their daughters marriage. The six protagonists of course tried their best to let the two father satisfied because they are the crucial factor of their daughters marriage. Just because of this, we could make a conclusion that love each other is absolutely a key factor, but if the parents say no, the love will become worthless no matter how deep it is. ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员In “Friends”, we could also see the standard of spouse selection in America via some specific examples. For those who have watched the sitcoms, I believe that they must have a deep impression on the May-December relationship between Monica and Richard. Although their ages are not match, they still chose to marry because they love each other. It is just so simple. While the life after marriage was not very happy because they had a lot of disagreements, especially on the issue whether they should have a child or not. Finally, they chose to divorce. Not like most Chinese families, most Americans prefer to choose to divorce rather than still live together reluctantly. This is their standard of spouse selection. ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员1.3 The Wedding ChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员1.3.1 The wedding ceremonyChapterOneTheViewofLove毕业青岛大学本科生毕业论文(设计)1毕业论文IntroductionWhen talking about the famous sitcoms, many people will refer to “Friends” and “My Own Swordsman”. This is not hard to understand because both of them are very outstanding a章四登桩侮槛陛鞭戏肋种浙晶蜜消轿颈惭笆勃分豁舟俱让拔根侣例哀悦倦令企蒲闪毒门画午屉吧逐呵啼搐窿讽肝经餐旦娃减娄不构精靳奄漂娥镭员When talking about the Chinese wedding, people will always be impressed by its grand spectacle. In “My Own Swordsman”, there is only one wedding, but this only one wedding concluded all the factors of a typical Chinese wedding ceremony. The red and grand scene, the numerous guests, the grand banquet, the loud firecrackers, everything needed is ready. The atmosphere of the ceremony is lively and jazzy. Compared with the lively Chinese wedding ceremony, the American wedding ceremony seems to be more peaceful and solemn. Not too many people gathered in the church to bless the new couples. The ceremony is not grand, but warm and a little poetic. “Friends” described 5 wedding ceremonies, all of them are warm and solemn, making the audience feel comfortable. Especially Ross and Rachels wedding. Although there was no audience, the


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