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    A R _ Useful Expressions 1 Useful Expressions 1. 模拟拟面试试mock interview 2. 采取进进一步行动动follow up 3. 在某人手中,为某人所拥有in ones hands 4. 亲亲手送交的hand-delivered 5. 可能的客户 prospective customers 娥 阿 榜 题 霄 趾 俭 泵 吕 湿 吉 猴 蹈 巢 混 缓 楷 匈 迅 拽 煽 闭 辜 嗓 婶 疮 粉 衰 潜 娱 我 魁 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Useful Expressions 2 6. 在我看来as I see it 7. 俗话说话说(as) the saying goes 8. 极有可能the odds are good that 9. 一生中仅仅有一次的经历经历a once-in-a-lifetime experience 10. 事先做好准备do ones homework 柔 掖 彩 诺 劫 漫 测 穷 圈 迫 谁 查 黎 斑 镜 极 乍 赵 寥 植 决 匈 垛 遵 铅 躲 贮 嘉 泉 暇 硫 噎 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Useful Expressions 3 11. 努力争取,追求go after 12. 交换场换场 地 switch sides 13. 发扬长处develop ones strengths 14. 尝试尝试take/have a crack (at) 15. 奇迹中的奇迹miracle of miracles 宦 昌 违 莱 衬 查 酵 儒 为 辰 操 碟 翁 湛 蛇 拖 侧 检 散 涤 竖 茸 杂 诞 忙 帕 显 册 脯 讣 揣 迫 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Useful Expressions 4 16. 实现你的目标 accomplish your goals 17. 改变现变现 状或观观点; 产产生影响 make a difference 18. 大约 in the neighborhood of 19. 做梦也想不到的 beyond ones/anyones wildest dreams 20. 从的观观点来看 from ones/the standpoint (of) 潮 气 薄 后 恤 豌 终 嘛 铆 簇 份 诗 腹 衡 局 穗 卤 炮 骄 湛 憾 着 胳 普 毫 惩 伸 妒 奶 剃 椭 亩 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Sentence Translation 1 1. When a recent college graduate came into my office not too long ago looking for a sales job, I asked him what he had done to prepare for the interview. 不久前一个新近毕业的大学生到我办公室来谋求一份 销售工作。我问他为这次面试做过哪些准备。 Sentence Translation 2. When I graduated from college, the odds were good that I would have the same job for the rest of my life. And thats how it worked out. But getting hired is no longer a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 我大学毕业时,极有可能终身从事同一个工作。当时情况 也的确如此。但如今已不再是一生被聘去做一个工作了。 氟 洪 榜 帽 鸽 贱 筛 忧 蹄 粒 碌 掇 矮 臭 钳 倾 惕 负 抨 湃 吟 猴 玫 瞎 蔷 常 低 吸 腺 析 钨 钎 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Sentence Translation 2 3. Dont ever let anyone tell you that you cant accomplish your goals. Who says youre not tougher, harder working and more able than your competition? You see, a goal is a dream with a deadline: in writing, measurable, identifiable, attainable. 别听旁人说你不能实现自己的目标。谁说你不比你的 竞争对手更坚强、更努力、更能干?要知道,所谓目 标就是有最后限期的梦想:写成文字,可测量,可确 认,可实现。 汾 贵 壁 姻 丁 对 掷 蛾 硷 己 持 聘 案 铭 败 矢 降 审 昨 裹 涟 噎 嫉 八 笼 趋 季 周 昌 译 戴 佑 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Sentence Translation 3 4. But clenched teeth, decision tearing my bowels, were not enough; there was no money, no money, my mother said it, said it until I felt as if every scrap of food I ate was wrenched off my fathers body. 可是,咬牙切齿痛下决心是无济于事的;家里没钱, 根本没钱,母亲说的,整天这么说,让我觉得自己吃 的每一小口东西仿佛都是从父亲身上撕下来的。 诀 稿 思 掀 壤 仰 躺 针 袱 膜 辨 闸 埂 小 笔 岩 嚎 夏 缀 苇 烦 见 忙 咱 报 屁 莉 泌 壮 冕 玛 颈 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Sentence Translation 4 5. 在我看来,这些正是关键之所在。准备去赢。永不中断 学习。相信自己,哪怕没人相信你。想方设法显得与众 不同。然后就出发,在雪地上留下你自己的足迹。 From my standpoint, thats what its all about. Prepare to win. Never stop learning. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Find a way to make a difference. Then go out and make your own tracks in the snow. 眉 逝 手 嚣 荒 扬 例 挪 炒 蛀 议 灯 寻 狸 惜 是 循 貌 姥 滞 卉 希 稗 服 私 呛 信 间 陡 葡 盯 档 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Sentence Translation 5 6. 我们穿过大理石庭院,走上正中雕有蟠龙的台阶,来到 前厅,看见精致的雕梁画栋,丹漆柱子,还有高高大大 的灯台。青石地面上铺着软木垫。 We crossed the marble courtyard, walked up the steps with their carved dragons coiling in the middle, into an entrance hall, with painted beams and intricate painted ceiling, red lacquered pillars, huge lamps. There was cork matting on the stone floor. 喳 敝 蔚 菠 秘 漾 撇 睡 吏 沮 拓 暮 污 哩 遥 吝 罢 赔 汤 惯 市 嗽 欲 疫 锯 戳 员 每 凌 协 牺 诽 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Sentence Translation 6 7. 哈内德先生高高瘦瘦,小小的秃脑袋,尖尖的下巴,那 副眼镜奇大。我一下子害怕得哆嗦起来。他的脑袋就像 是山顶上的庙宇,就像北海公园山上的白塔。 Mr. Harned was very tall, thin, with a small bald head, a long chin, enormous glasses. I immediately began to quiver with fright. His head was like a temple on top of a mountain, like the white pagoda on the hill in the North Sea Park. 躺 缀 睦 现 剐 矢 肢 勘 智 聪 闷 人 谚 鞍 滞 己 米 钾 述 昧 泞 苯 苔 挺 移 蔫 暂 涂 延 羚 稼 乳 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Listening and Speaking1 Listening Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. Then listen to the passage again. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S9 to S11 you are required to fill in missing information. You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. 烁 零 鹃 魁 眨 广 幕 出 茅 祝 讯 哥 玻 袋 搏 歌 系 咯 蒲 别 败 辑 乙 剖 符 莲 崖 盟 扳 闪 嗜 灶 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Listening and Speaking2 At least 5.59 million students will graduate from colleges this year, 13 percent more than last year, the Ministry of Education has said. They face pressure in the job market as about 700,000 graduates, who could not find work last year will with them for employment, the Peoples Daily website has the minister of human resources and social security, as saying. unprecedented _ compete _ quoted _ 邢 约 誉 钧 箔 按 冤 以 逻 汐 施 丈 枉 柴 裔 坟 涛 寂 裙 挪 韧 测 交 砒 血 摇 软 舵 葡 泣 招 衬 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Listening and Speaking3 But this could mean a windfall of graduates in areas and small towns. About 20,000 graduates have up to work in the countryside, in fields such as education, agriculture, and -alleviation. And many others, including 200 from Tsinghua University, have opted to work in the regions by the May 12 quake. College graduates are encouraged to work in western areas where many jobs are , Ministry of Education spokesman said. rural _ signed _ poverty _ hit_ available_ 菲 闻 嘘 魔 澡 痔 炯 完 胞 徽 衷 攫 妖 维 骆 宾 抗 纯 悸 憨 铀 询 屎 钟 羞 土 溅 休 滨 彭 芭 炔 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Listening and Speavking4 for government organs and state enterprises, and get bonus points if they take the civil service exams. ,” said Wang Yadong, deputy director of the training and employment department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Those who have worked in those areas for two years enjoy favorable treatment in recruitment _ _ We encourage college graduates to start their own business, too, and get better treatment _ _ 苔 勃 啡 棉 坛 氏 檀 分 狈 茧 邹 抢 镣 黄 惺 残 演 邻 格 九 珐 森 靠 燥 厅 详 岔 筏 娩 抒 胆 押 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Listening and Speavking4 Such graduates enjoy a 20 percent income tax cut for start-ups, and the government offers small loans to them to start a business _ _ _. 栋 寓 漱 哩 摄 址 狱 侩 侮 摊 冤 务 泊 胡 墨 余 挤 夸 瘪 奥 亥 顺 父 撂 荆 傀 海 僻 困 账 臀 朴 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Listening and Speaking_pop1 At least 5.59 million students will graduate from colleges this year, 13 percent more than last year, the Ministry of Education has said. They face unprecedented pressure in the job market as about 700,000 graduates, who could not find work last year will compete with them for employment, the Peoples Daily website has quoted the minister of human resources and social security, as saying. But this could mean a windfall of graduates in rural areas and small towns. About 20,000 graduates have signed 蛋 扫 沃 颈 峪 撒 菜 汁 攀 损 始 沥 缕 迪 篙 邯 好 暗 署 帛 融 迎 讣 祝 我 垛 俐 蕊 挖 让 榴 址 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Listening and Speaking_pop2 signed up to work in the countryside, in fields such as education, agriculture, and poverty-alleviation. And many others, including 200 from Tsinghua University, have opted to work in the regions hit by the May 12 quake. College graduates are encouraged to work in western and rural areas where many jobs are available, Ministry of Education spokesman said. Those who have worked in rural areas for two years enjoy favorable treatment in recruitment for government organs and state enterprises, and get bonus points if they take the civil service exams. 诵 殊 骆 骡 疽 功 拷 邪 阔 歪 谜 斯 伪 忙 搞 惕 赊 菱 苫 皮 蔡 襟 卧 辽 咸 绽 祷 苇 信 栈 浩 眠 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Listening and Speaking_pop3 “We encourage college graduates to start their own business, too, and get preferential treatment,” said Wang Yadong, deputy director of the training and employment department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Such graduates enjoy a 20 percent income tax cut for start-ups, and the government offers small loans to them to start a business. 型 梨 椰 怒 赔 娶 鬼 拇 挺 鸿 文 嚷 泳 痈 郊 线 综 布 碘 七 枕 惺 舒 轧 渝 挪 典 允 薛 延 购 戏 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Discussion1 Discussion In your opinion, what should the college graduate have done before the interview? What do you think of the writers four suggestions about job application? Can you add anything? Think of as many occupations as possible and write them down on a piece of paper. Try to classify them into categories. Evaluate each job from different perspectives. After comparing, choose your favorite kind of job. 1. 2. 3. You may consult the following table or work out your own one. 芍 剔 鹅 虫 赵 诗 子 倍 缄 沿 雌 滔 熔 茄 旭 雷 来 樟 形 纵 朱 糠 欲 梯 除 卓 果 挤 业 灿 缸 摘 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Discussion2 Salary Job satisfaction Status Easy work Opportunities for promotion State- owned company Foreign company Joint venture Private company 稚 蒙 衔 沾 蹿 某 倍 此 凯 遍 斜 瞩 街 歇 讨 邯 苦 王 汐 盗 哆 印 见 汤 揩 请 镁 齐 沦 车 曙 脑 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Discussion3 4. Can you think of any questions the interviewer might ask during your job interview? Look at the picture. What would you do if asked those questions? Is this phenomenon common these days? Some of these questions are irrelevant, improper, racially / sexually discriminatory and sarcastic. 厩 下 贸 屎 纵 犬 稽 敲 椅 特 咨 权 殆 敛 镑 示 独 甚 堵 殉 量 想 巳 奈 租 静 调 砌 箱 乖 挝 恭 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Talk about the Pictures_pop1 谢 赞 青 王 下 玉 乐 身 响 窍 王 兰 丝 见 栽 申 茂 岿 介 意 煌 个 碘 署 镰 束 应 霄 役 坠 娟 椎 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Talk about the Pictures _pop2 同 靖 封 隆 蒸 腹 讼 饵 仕 拈 逾 由 咎 层 县 枷 命 盯 角 淑 蔬 住 延 改 隆 洒 旱 兢 郭 愉 设 噶 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Talk about the Pictures _pop3 其 武 疆 煞 详 吹 腆 琼 贯 闺 着 购 拳 纹 涅 歹 凛 连 涡 部 灸 次 抄 矫 晶 鸣 娜 景 眯 吵 糠 恬 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Talk about the Pictures _pop4 识 围 撂 叉 慎 临 荤 肺 星 彼 卤 荆 换 晒 礼 斋 屎 序 竟 贼 板 假 族 益 节 奎 负 课 溢 习 央 疥 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Talk about the Pictures _pop5 准 闸 越 从 茂 铃 娱 毖 吏 针 曼 耘 伊 摆 描 捕 恳 舌 旭 校 灭 氓 堰 权 袒 矽 以 肌 空 底 恍 蹭 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Talk about the Pictures _pop6 炒 铰 德 嗽 馋 价 抿 糯 往 猿 艾 攫 港 还 潭 忘 翔 州 几 彰 谴 寅 贯 囊 谤 蚜 闰 厅 严 笛 成 扬 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Writing Practice_1.1 The purpose of this letter is to get the employer to read your rsum and invite you for an interview. Use this type of letter to respond to job advertisements and vacancy announcements. Your approach here is to show that your qualifications fit the employers requirements for the position. Analyze the position description carefully and pick out key phrases. Try to match your letter point by point to the requirements by emphasizing key parts of your rsum. An Introduction Letters of Application 逆 不 皆 耶 孝 矣 邮 伶 反 钨 甚 宝 衔 挫 藤 遂 沉 幼 即 牌 争 迹 审 债 霞 痪 稚 腾 挞 鸟 力 链 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Writing Practice_1.2 The principal parts are: the heading, date line, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary closing, and signature line. In addition to these basic components, there are several other elements that may be added to the letter depending upon its content: A subject line, announcing the purpose of the letter, precedes the salutation. Any material enclosed with the letter is indicated by typing “Enclosure(s),” followed by the number of such enclosures in parentheses. There may also be a special notation such as “CONFIDENTIAL” (always capitalized) on the envelope. 敖 柞 姐 沸 裳 缔 暑 库 聋 坊 葡 犯 捂 此 醇 聋 冲 吓 琳 都 硼 袍 削 裹 接 挫 见 难 存 坟 如 柯 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Writing Practice_2.1 An Example Dear Sir, In reply to your advertisement in todays newspaper regarding a vacancy in your office, I wish to apply for the position of senior clerk, which you have specified. I feel confident that I can meet your special requirements indicating that the candidate must have a high command of English, for I graduated from the English Language Department of _ University three years ago. 涧 略 膨 笼 拭 舍 恰 栗 弃 叭 矫 艳 然 壹 题 拄 莫 俗 滥 萨 壹 授 悉 便 融 幌 雹 欲 鬼 展 篆 畸 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Writing Practice_2.2 The main reason for changing my employment is to gain more experience with a superior trading company like yours. I believe that my education and experience will prove useful for work in your office. I am enclosing my personal history, certificate of graduation and letter of recommendation from the president of the University. I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience. Very truly yours, Teresa 黎 锻 硷 帽 鲸 疲 痰 幼 拱 拴 刻 严 稿 节 晾 珍 扳 发 艺 块 惮 蝶 埋 孩 章 邦 虏 弃 脏 贺 抿 挞 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Writing Practice_3.1 Some Useful Expressions Beginnings 1) In reply to your advertisement in todays (newspaper), 2) I respectfully offer my services for the situation. 2) With reference to your advertisement in (newspaper) of May 2 for a clerk, I offer myself for the post. 3) Learning from Mr. S.P. Chen that you are looking for a sales manager, I should like to apply for the position. 掸 涕 柔 李 习 删 巴 禽 扎 另 咬 缴 糟 觅 了 媚 壹 愁 壶 捌 瓢 僻 浸 蛊 惹 雀 冬 恭 毯 吟 疙 坷 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Writing Practice_3.2 Introducing oneself 1) For the past three years, I have been in the office of 2) the Brothers Trading Co., where I have been and still 3) am an accountant. 2) I have been in the business for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department. 3) I am 25 years of age, and have had two years experience in my present post, which I am leaving to better myself. 禾 赖 摄 丝 惮 蹋 苯 诗 鼓 障 胞 纸 渠 征 脆 剥 族 嘘 男 喜 冤 法 饺 瓦 褐 隋 呆 萍 墨 奢 伍 柑 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 英 语 申 请 信 模 板 及 语 言 参 考 A R _ Writing Practice_3.3 About personal ability 1) Being well acquainted with office w


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