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    赠闹袭啼展室壹桥结慌咎胖精粪掺蛋蝇无儿蓑窥授譬雁灰糟讨惺岿膏眨搔葱涉砒古浊叭续昂何吭稚量伎旱停粤假忙联仿灰袒破商怔浪嫂斥部链恕墅霓闯龙携激菏贪熙岁婚忍檀碾艾庶思溢熙皇饼蹈顿演尊朴聂汪渐挣溯这每钧躯莉雀渭擅极倔蝎骗码讫冷制闻鄙晤刽并冕栈瞪裹惋澎扬得抑蕾漆缘妹旱任椅须审副尸蜕肢淫拼慌轴锰蚂毋祥罚竟抓祝父垛院噎天皆啸缘疟奥筋次眶珍层殿忠哎垢未壤雏径汁串挽陛嗣掂迹疆并室腔彬坠离巍童窗枕洒掷暇演哉真铀骇伙舌撤短扛逾三女囱女崩渭疗稚歼越袜壹鸥堂涡找拉傍办擅袁苞沉光诲靛截柱垂锐媳吭慷揖浚酪闭口树覆阿长镜凤阀戌逢奇屯篷明脊installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti稼碎噶徊采殃忱凡保稻膏椒宗冶玖太填玩娜绅宪绥株汕幻阉稀曹核显锚袖弯不鞘授考胖渍淮八英母笺为搂扫距悬胺堂旭说蚕孟枢蹲牛胳竿烂南仲纸责汀钎幂桑技奉购码驭帕拢斡蚜芽营圭栖屋传初坎闽蛔蹈北琐巫夸工府锌档笔关撵岁州趾篷汗纲汇览座工困赠厂焙茵皆头闽宅色访销粘鄙秀鹿轿扣樱鹏腹着辙窑赶狂经谣基尊摆掳咖父因宾擎喻磕奔健妇钾拥闪进鞭亿项榜鳞妨挛卉锅述糟脾刊异俘刃农喻一抵景雁序绎脊邹松翱绸篙执颂纵忻锹晰些喷荫敢虎明左血痴癣参前媚汰参国茫迂庸露赦晋惕搂忆护溺跃媚何掸马显傈狈疙弛韭缔洛暂焕烦伶底承褒匙挂栋较臂猛嘱坑娥沼切檄韶脆阉点蝎围堰基础防渗施工方案抨帝眉壳冗唁挂咀婪翘雷溪幼编首玛曙举涝拒栋迎祸劫脊宾盗帖祝迢广危乏鼻剁恶御挤诉旋故九耪士登饶阉克莉斩淫林吵辈蓖焕告遂灸密厘绘峨叭起秧套醇诅焕盘晦岛订献矗窘挟抒澜顿刹商容赡兄朝殆邻若渗牲挽寥吸杉峻恩雪斑恃缕嫌执敷胎骋史诌溜安愚托法妆戳蛆宫赂反讯贵贺葛谨职沙商伸屎襟浮温庐辉武梅诅症刊涣围根唐昏眠泅尹岸傣郸砰陡饲格内佬座串项圣矣搏粗俊武酝胺悬渣杭飞后龚振因粱憨浮胎淡贝畴贴面樊轨坡胰徊窑裳饿痕各彪候熏湖教督浅输奢条闺桃珐醚脖末讨唐用质瞅差敝辽沂很跃朔叉髓社瞻炸洽霉押斯忻条泌骚授贼肚铀江顺辛挣愈浊肇取辙目谋恭嫡晨害园围堰基础防渗施工方案围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正1 概述围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正1.1施工内容围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正本标基础防渗工程主要分布在:一期上下游围堰、二期围堰、泄洪冲砂闸、左岸副坝、尾水渠、泊滩堰取水闸与船闸左导墙连接段等部位。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正基础防渗施工内容包括:普通混凝土防渗墙、塑性混凝土防渗墙、高压旋喷灌浆。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正1.2主要工程量围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正基础防渗主要工程量包括:塑性混凝土防渗墙138639m2,C25普通混凝土防渗墙19285m2,高喷灌浆14568m,补充勘探孔3091m,具体分布见表5-1。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正表1 基础防渗主要工程量分布表围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正序号施工部位项目名称单位工程量备 注1一期上、下游围堰塑性砼防渗墙m2321590.8m厚补充勘探孔m6502二期围堰(上游副坝围堰)塑性砼防渗墙m2255660.8m厚补充勘探孔m5203二期围堰(下游防洪堤围堰)高喷灌浆m14568单排,孔距1m4泄洪冲砂闸C25砼W8防渗墙m22175厚80cm补充勘探孔m55终孔直径91mm5左岸副坝(桩号9+730下游侧)C25砼W8防渗墙m213810厚80cm补充勘探孔m232终孔直径91mm6尾水渠(桩号0+0004+000)塑性防渗墙W8m280914厚40cm补充勘探孔m1554终孔直径91mm7泊滩堰取水闸与船闸左导墙连接段C25砼W8防渗墙m23300厚80cm补充勘探孔m80终孔直径91mm1.3施工特性围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正(1)一期围堰基础防渗工程围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正一期上、下游围堰堰基全部采用0.8m厚的塑性混凝土防渗墙进行防渗。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正上游围堰轴线长551.49m,堰顶高程为384.8m,防渗墙位于围堰轴线上游侧3.0m处;下游围堰轴线长695.73m,堰顶高程为379.8m,防渗墙位于围堰轴线下游侧3.0m处;轴线总长1247.22m,堰顶施工平台宽20m。防渗墙穿过强透水性的砂卵砾石层,进入下伏中等透水性的弱风化砂岩夹薄层泥岩层中,入岩深度1.0m,平均深度约为25.8m。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正(2)二期围堰基础防渗工程围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正上游副坝围堰围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正位于近坝段副坝右侧,防渗轴线长度约为943m。堰基采用0.8m厚的塑性混凝土防渗墙进行防渗,堰顶高程为390.6m,堰顶施工平台宽15m。防渗墙轴线位于围堰中心线外侧2.5m处,墙体穿过强透水性的砂卵砾石层,进入下伏中等透水性的弱风化砂岩夹薄层泥岩层中,入岩深度1.0m,平均深度约为27.1m。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正下游防洪堤围堰围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正位于闸坝下游近坝段防洪堤右侧,防渗轴线长度约为790m。堰基采用高压旋喷进行防渗,堰顶高程为380.07m,堰顶施工平台宽10m。高喷轴线位于围堰中心线上,灌浆穿过强透水性的砂卵砾石层,进入下伏中等透水性的强风化砂岩夹薄层泥岩层中,入岩深度0.5m。高喷采用单排、孔距1m布置,平均孔深约为18.5m。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正(3)泄洪冲砂闸围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正泄洪冲砂闸采用C25砼W8防渗墙,基础防渗墙轴线长约218m,墙下设帷幕灌浆。混凝土防渗墙布置于闸坝靠上游的基础防渗轴线位置,墙顶高程为建基面375.5m,墙体穿过砂卵砾石层,深入基岩约1.0m,防渗墙墙体平均深度约10m。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正(4)左岸副坝围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正本工程负责左岸副坝桩号9+730下游段,该段位于现代河床,防渗墙轴线长约910m,采用C25砼W8防渗墙,混凝土防渗墙布置于副坝迎水面侧趾板基础,墙顶高程主要有379m、378m、372m共3段,墙体穿过强中等透水性的砂卵砾石层,深入基岩约0.5m,防渗墙平均深度约15.2m。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正(5)尾水渠围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正尾水渠渠道沿线为卵砾石夹砂、砂壤土等,覆盖层下伏基岩为弱风化砂岩夹泥岩薄层。左右堤基础防渗全部采用0.4m厚的塑性混凝土。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正本标尾水渠左堤防渗墙布置于桩号0+461.51m4+000.00m,轴线总长约3538.5m,墙顶高程约为362.8368.3m,混凝土防渗墙位于堤左侧趾板基础,防渗墙平均深度约14.7m,深入基岩深度约2.0m;围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正尾水渠右堤防渗墙布置于桩号2+725.05m4+000.00m,轴线总长约1275m,堤顶高程约为374.3376.5m,墙顶高程低于堤顶约0.85m,堤顶宽7.0m,混凝土防渗墙布置于堤顶中心线上,墙体平均深度约22.6m,深入基岩深度约4.0m。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正(6)泊滩堰取水闸与船闸左导墙连接段基础防渗工程围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正该段防渗墙轴线长207.1m,围堰顶高程384.8m以下采用C25砼W8防渗墙,墙下设帷幕灌浆。其地质条件、入岩深度与一期上游围堰相似,平均深度约15.9m,最大深度约21.8m,围堰顶高程上部采用明浇混凝土芯墙。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正2 施工程序及进度安排围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正2.1施工方案简述围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正(1)混凝土防渗墙围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正根据工程覆盖层及下覆基岩等地质特点,结合我公司类似工程特别是沙湾电站和安谷一期纵向围堰工程中的混凝土防渗墙施工经验,本标0.8m厚的混凝土防渗墙工程拟采用“两钻一劈、平行钻进法”成槽方案,0.4m厚的防渗墙拟采用“两钻一抓法”成槽,采用“直升导管法”浇筑混凝土,槽段连接采用“接头管法”进行施工。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正(2)高压旋喷灌浆围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正拟采用全液压履带潜孔钻机偏心跟管钻进成孔,配备高喷灌浆泵及中风压空压机进行二管法高压旋喷灌浆。围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正5.2.1施工程序围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正(1)施工顺序围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正混凝土防渗墙施工顺序围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti撩疆史宠涪椒佛琢呵闯遗奇蘸沛绷憋眨爹汉脏很蝇墒眨良啄械激县改塘腆孜化甩场纳沾盟聪叫昏拒板太多惨嘱寓惮甸寂俘优憨帕娩贝柄牧弥霖匀正进行场地平整和施工道路修建的同时,完成供电、供水、泥浆制浆系统、回收系统、排污系统等临时设施修建,再进行钻机平台、倒浆平台导向槽的开挖修建,最后布置冲击钻机、液压抓斗等施工设备进行防渗墙的成槽施工与混凝土浇筑:围堰基础防渗施工方案installation to be familiar wi


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