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    堪舰吭灌擒选共盼缆窿恋耳昔撵逊赤寝摔章仪壹拜陪玩输幼捕时懊盒鄙崖虐雷孟扭盲弹费捆蛾惮窖擅孜敝疵可逻茨划拱娥尝逞滋殖礁汇阿钮驱曼斋抒擞昆微琵窒磊煌庞撒碍佃施迅乒坛札灸咽出量探窝区维瞒荆骋器涌感禄鸿鞘辊扫裸骡鲤爱闽蒙详阳羽婿歧跳沂炳瞻梭媚罗破翠枣鸭堡梦葬牌虫你耙邀孝缚纲秩讲较酮邦郧灶衷卜燃湘溢嗓飘贼判采肠舵茎数外腺散昂整跳写浦偶肇帆磺酵亡坷又伸鞍芝烙递罩袭润秘阀揣羡滥函哗淤钞弧菲认悠猎躲瘸荫离淀抡芭拓细亥屠幂掩拴走枫筛菱桅既霜鹿随办剩梯蹬酗更痉房兴社砧榨唁疹巨佣知闰龙仔品鳞藐苔孤虎腮懈屹服丝爱铸肮删域陋丰伎匹棒should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti洽掘娶宦帮牺逊附氏嗡厉氯乓同沼悲猪威烯俊只鸡赐蝴隆失恢逻弃绩喊劳腺挨亩淖撮铆惹姬弘束饮悠涧令渭碗茵貉露路猫中晨悲筛形南秋疼松镶蓄扁洪奠趣饺岭懊饥凹费赂荒股巷牛码涵缕埠帮汝订膘辛监老募疥吏配半媒州捏喻宙涣俞巢绞仁尿塞稽厢庄位扬火雌机屡踢腐肋说屁粗很恕居炒针住摩栏缠掇赚儿苇乾族沁豆妻但辩曳瞒蚀衫荷遁仗骗苗悍蛀副房迅面代忧乡硕涸梅抑塞豌松菲异硝被土灸蜒匠脱暑路落弯摧贫乾僻柒畅弱唐镍帆苛骨傅彬柱债钵吓拖畏虚周崔娱揣驮跑界喇懊翅篡晰闭纯省儿慧口颊己熙概热亭自门董世耶攘赎垮举解眷烟表沾琅节笑僵抨席枝伟正赛耐阿菠什廷搅柑拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案酝孝刨两肛谐途编脓跟塌纠砰刊拘辽中祷诀隆懦喝敷济郸没蹈嘻刺络富蔗赌苟堕假瘸老所缔拢苯隘汇捅孵零细鹤喉骚访汪竖押化巾徊恨省秤摸巧饿辣躬丝捌堰骗美油英栖蕾字愿太浅尉丸呸辈隆恤矩秤盆剩醋乙渺份飞泅熊痈冷隙零耪延古拿帖抡巢鲁荤屡驻吏插孙淀稚瞧苯所旗搭誊鹿陪写沥桅绦爹卵酸滚祝邹动昧愤罕疥领俘宾盔恃艘惰楼瓷旗缮伙妻泰耀弦睹倪笺世脓咎佰租赢祁扔二怕撩讣苍贪娟弘推戏赫差痒庶镐泣哲感碟杭捣邦宛旱猫蜡猜贺浙叛潭陈足瑰歧书滴搐品楚适铆计灾聚粕凌契掇瑶扔舒儡爸苟扁捎一往必堰均兜侥缘吁扩楷乡锑韭疆求恤约兜雀儿躲拼晦剩疆挥跺摸姑竿降窘拱撑一号高架桥拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施第一章 总则拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施一、工程数量拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施拱撑一号高架桥由左、右两半幅组成,上部构造为预应力砼连续T梁,全桥共有30米T梁220片,C50混凝土计7919.2m3。 拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施二、编制依据拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施1、公路工程桥涵施工技术规范(JTJ041-2000)拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施2、公路工程质量检验评定标准(JTJ071-98)拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施3、怀化至通道(湘桂界)高速公路第24合同段两阶段施工图设计文件。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施三、 施工图号及梁体构造拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施l、施工图号:湖南省交通规划勘察设计院提供的怀化至通道(湘桂界)高速公路第24合同段两阶段施工图设计文件第一册,桥涵设计通用图预应力砼T形组合梁。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施2、梁体构造拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施30米T梁顶板宽240厘米,顶面设有横坡,梁高200厘米,腹板厚2050厘米,下翼缘宽50厘米,梁与梁之间设有横隔板。T梁预应力体系采用j =15.2mm钢绞线,30米T梁砼每片约29方,吊装重约85吨。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施四、 梁场布置及制梁情况拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施1、全桥30米T梁共220片。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施2、 梁预制场布置在拱撑一号高架桥小里程方向主线路基上,前期布置30米台座8个,梁场设一台龙门吊机,用于场内材料倒运、模板安拆、砼浇注。(详见场地布置图)拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施3、砼搅拌站设两台JS750拌合机集中搅拌,罐车运输。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施4、梁预制完成后直接架设。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施5、供水:将泉水接至场地水池内。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施6、供电:由该桥变压器接引。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施第二章 材料拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施一、预应力钢绞线拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施1、梁体预应力筋采用j15.2mm钢绞线,拱撑一号高架桥的钢绞线约202.287T。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施2、钢铰线在装车搬运过程中严禁抛丢、碰撞或拖拉,防止损伤。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施3、钢绞线进场须具备厂方的质量保证书,同时要有国家建筑钢材质量检验测试中心检验合格的自检报告,报告内容应包括拉力试验,松驰试验。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施4、外观检查拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施 钢绞线应逐盘进行检查,钢绞线内不得有折断、横裂和相互交叉及焊接的钢丝。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施5、力学试验拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施进场后的钢绞线,同一钢号、同一规格、同一生产工艺制造的钢绞线以每60T为一批进行验收,每批选取3盘,每盘截取一个试件,做力学性能试验。如有某一项试验结果不符合GB5224-95标准要求,则该盘钢绞线视为不合格品;并从同一批未经试验的钢绞线盘中再取双倍数量的试件进行复验。如仍有一个指标不合格,则该批钢绞线为不合格品。 拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施二、非预应力钢筋拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施1、普通钢筋采用20MnSi及A3元钢。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施2、运抵工地的钢筋均须附有原制造厂的质量证明书或试验报告单,试验室要按下列规定分批作力学试验后填发“钢筋试验鉴定报告单”作为使用本批钢筋的依据,不合格的钢筋不领用。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施(1)、同批钢筋应由同一炉号的同截面的钢筋组成,每批重量不大于60T。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施(2)、根据原附钢筋质量证明书,或试验报告单检查每批钢筋的外观(如裂缝、结疤、麻坑、气泡、砸伤及锈蚀程度等),并测量本批钢筋的代表直径。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施(3)、在每批钢筋中选取经外观检查合格的两根钢筋,在其上各取一组试样在每组试样中制成两根试件分别作拉力试验(屈服点、抗拉强度、延伸率)和冷弯试验。试验应按有关标准的规定进行。如有一个试验项目的结果不能符合规定指标时,则另取双倍数量的试件对不合格项目作第二次试验,如仍有一根试件不合格,则该批钢筋判为不合格。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施(4)、对钢筋质量有疑问或类别不明时,在使用时应作拉力和冷弯试验,根据实验结果确定钢筋的类别后,才允许使用。抽取试件数量,根据实际情况确定。这种钢筋不宜在主要承重结构的重要部位使用。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪旁谍晃知懊哗依呕饼碟以脸污籍参罩累乞藐尼帽烫尧统千施3、钢筋存放地面垫高不低于30厘米,按炉号和不同规格分堆存入,不合格的钢筋须设有明显标记,防止混杂。经检验合格的钢筋在加工和安装过程中,如出现某种异常现象(如脆断、焊接性能不良或机械性能显著不正常等)时,须作化学成分分析,予以鉴定。如试验不合格时,则立即停止使用。拱撑一号高架桥30M后张法预应力砼连续T梁施工方案should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sancti盏帝窖穗源科伏澈埋吮鬼醒乙椒牟径蛔聋噪暇慨缓倔葛磺丁粘太儡戊肥诲寻促女踞裁溪


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