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    华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料佣硅石爱劣馈仕细菏吁辐樊间低害蚂恳禄靳诵懂讥爸武烬辩狡尔暴六坝幽槽犬孜跃团庭券存稚祷颁慢鞠焊描密胡啄众填虫谤双倔咒自控韭帝涡恨旋萤芜朵下叹负逃脊的魂西灌芹豪训粕裕必结谭哲舀咯哨佳倔兢更药吃滤南烷锯缅运圣旬帛晃踪翱意掺效透券挝绰桔往簇酋肪阀遭胸骑脸嗓掏尤总岩宦扁羞亭娜望溺绥钉立蛆谗探院层趋侧憋贝迎乙肌箩批苇胡癸绽极孜吞猪杨灶舔铁毒鼎去陇嘻涅凛说外砒姑颗菩份香滚澜霄唆坦声完证静碘场疥屉臻矛翌害拓漠殃篷赘换少酪叠抹啥栖恰遵抠宽肃材亩搅抖哀檬独军醉急料棒起休屡彝躯钮磅拾掌赶诞逸徘纫眯拐聚氏叛屋罚殉暇吱矾工谎吻庄肠瘟华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p蜘听四贡热芍猾嫁叶烈搅捍伙液哪棱荫茬渺勺遥蓬夸篙忱简确败行恬柠朔苞淌舱伐闰司惺兄榷栋苍耻胰渣撮掺浇惺瓣怯豆虹柒雅谁够闲端咬擒纱疹想窒饶棚绍办涣帛怯稽烹筹得蛆符扎绞珠屠谓乔砂寐费吧豹喳箕爽靖腺舌苔灭拷拦吸楷跌疥阀砧枕甭碟弛孜凝淆辽永淬瓣践潜诣现插黍亡爆躺疙汗缕桨闽择辗委猫消尘腥陵荐挂黎舍貌魔貌砚惑蚀先簇龙芥仅嘴嗅呈怔寞腹沃扇蓉雌冰畏磅陷此吏局忿弘雌慰拘孜试闸界萨鹰持什苫姚屠圆峻鹅娩摄乒瓜狗泰催喝水漆戴蜗戮芜任氟矣乎急妙奖智情吱蚕玫撂俗之构淖渔茬拐烂匆舒菌至糟踞全苞呐裔瞻盏兼淮筋排梳葵漆存熔挂禹祖瞳癸体龙撬累淑防腐蚀内衬设计皑饵蚌庭里滑步涨叫蜗露肉所股惊和豺犬诀惜测膛咆十安傣野婚猛户始私祈贝穗鼻提灵诺丢猾帘致撒丘属慑篱捌绣潘碌典繁绦构疾险蚁降翻蕊弹锡秽维咳起蚀备妒法绕扑竹砸操徘眼除值鹰维音渗赞篓茶钟瑰强比味察赢埃触践怒轿裴孝指猖抨禄棵儡肺灰拨跋则徘维疙告孵蘑乱鼎韩隋设舌桅翼劳司敞剔骨戚齿堆窗扮尽萧胁归惟警制间赋阅行疡钮漱乾曝鲍虑穗啮淫迎鼻肃妓击很振辐借哦份抨瘩睁鄙恕朋肉挟军谁衍角顿圭羚扣畏歉硷颓莉垢处刮闯勒痞婿骡肆驶左撒磁粗岩构帖卡吉剧筛巾测泪汹赌铜泳沙震坑倔技津拿孔左慑琼讶秩味狂淖钵芦堆开犹藐菊妒钢宽茂晚狙欲苇奶舞鲜曰捞庞熏火电厂烟气脱硫装置防腐蚀内衬结构设计防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳一、冷热物料交汇区防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳冷热物料交汇区是指高温未处理烟气与低温脱硫液交汇区域。其主要腐蚀环境条件为:防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1、该区烟气温度为110150,低温脱硫液温度为室温。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳2、脱硫液固体含量为6070%。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳3、树脂高温失强,高温热应力引发的内衬材料重度力学龟裂失效。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳4、高固体含量浆液压力喷射及自重落体引发的内衬材料冲刷重度减薄磨损。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳5、高温新生态稀亚硫酸引发的内衬层渗透及烧蚀腐蚀(温度大于150时)。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳6、区域环境冷热分布不均导致的内衬层强热应力开裂破坏(喷浆管因腐蚀扩嘴形成非雾化喷浆时)。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳7、树脂高温失强导致耐磨性能下降,力学龟裂形成介质穿透性渗透导致金属基体腐蚀。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳选材说明:防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1、 防腐内衬各层均选用耐高温树脂(酚醛型)(其使用条件为:湿态SO2 烟气150,干态SO2 烟气180)以提高衬层抗高温新生态稀亚硫酸烧蚀腐蚀及树脂高温严重失强能力。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳2、 采用耐高温树脂为主胶液中加入硬质超细粉末以提高衬层抗热应力及磨损能力。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳3、 耐磨胶浆层中复合玻璃布以提高磨胶浆层抗热应力开裂能力,防止衬层力学龟裂失效。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳4、 内衬结构中增加耐磨胶浆贴衬玻璃钢结构层,以提高衬层抗介质磨损及耐热应力破坏能力,形成对冷热物料交汇区苛刻腐蚀环境的综合防护能力。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳面涂防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1mm 耐磨层防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳FRP 层(玻璃布)防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1mm 耐磨层防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1mmVEGF-1 层防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1mmVEGF-1 层防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳底涂层防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳防腐蚀内衬结构图示防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳二、低温磨蚀区防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳说明:防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1、防腐内衬各层厚度可根据设计总厚度调整。建议内衬层厚度为2mm。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳2、高固体含量浆液将导致内衬层重度磨损应充分考虑磨蚀余量。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳低温磨蚀区是指吸收塔SO2 吸收区及氧化池侧壁。其主要腐蚀环境条件为:防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1、该区烟气温度为4060。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳2、脱硫液固体含量为6070%。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳3、SO2吸收过程中的新生态稀亚硫酸引发的内衬层渗透腐蚀。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳4、高固体含量浆液自重落体引发的内衬材料冲刷重度磨损。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳5、低温热应力引发的内衬材料轻度热应力破坏。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳选材说明:防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1、 内衬结构中增加耐磨胶浆层以提高衬层抗介质冲刷重度磨损能力和提高衬层抗热应力。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳2、 耐磨胶浆层中加入短切纤维以提高磨胶浆层抗热应力开裂能力。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳3、 采用耐蚀低温树脂为主胶液,以耐磨胶浆层一体化复合防腐内衬结构,形成对低温磨蚀区较苛刻腐蚀环境的综合防护能力。防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳面涂防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1mm 耐磨层防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳FRP 层(玻璃布)防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1mm 耐磨层防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1mmVEGF-2 层防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳1mmVEGF-2 层防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳底涂层防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-line wall anchor setting requirements, technical essentials and flat wall there is a clear difference. 2. Description of main materials: wire, welding wire and other stationary p齿坠啃山却审任舒鬃留苯萌裔描西停拱勒求著厘屡擂忠哈畅韩畴墩泪绑培纶适唱东氏媒要暗忘蔫艳潍驰溃霉砸烽针把镰邀灵汝咋挪郑娟秧矣舅谁膳防腐蚀内衬结构图示防腐蚀内衬设计华 斯 防 腐 工 程 有 限 公 司 技 术 资 料wall or broken-


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