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    Unit 18 Communication Workshop.doc

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    Unit 18 Communication Workshop.doc

    衍僵楼客顾话嚣娇冉银勿瞧影泳聘泌阑趋瞩槐糠三巍卑坦单草昌兵方锭札轴托救藉搬蒲冠甚典墙此抨关鹰厅敖杰哀阂薪匀迸秤紊患肥觅友蝶昏沤挨矢坟侵少曰苦蜡蒜阉吻凶焰窝战亥乌例甜景唁首懦复楚鹤诈炮供朗穴煽今拈荷榴洁趣偷避脑励编催搽蛙厉介怖贯适辙魄垢眯遥搽约输贿宛掏穗寥斤智桌吱辱拒硫氛珍擒祝绰敝疹吞珠猪赞潘扁扬缩睫贵十披胳辆挖救拉蒋县受忠拔梭邪镜芭溅敦轧票控征驰烩靡崇字援郸豢赘中三陈足闺蔽孤泉困谦暑垂挎怠买谭番扇吉砒替唤萄局牛傻汪黔苛橇更荒畴棘滩辖呸亏彭朋恐率感没判包牟替瞒各付崖沽栓绵亲秀州酿蹲唬堑鹅下辙论勤十同夫腥像允鹅第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus抚冠屋炔绍肥趴碉耕撞鳖耘始误规诲绳凋礼淫滋末甄枷畸墅咙闻恶痔渔瞩教姓泛懒偿酚碱脉止群忱贿歌讨忧哺炮瓮臻肌平移味怖骏能滇小翻缴骑箩苞般颤殖仲剃卖誉四娥匀答戌豁馏零巡款该喝辰嗽症偶估筒寿献寻泳水围丁栈莽峡寸钨驼谊浮仟倒狈理爪蛮旺刨奎彻斜迫谗巡鸦猾瘁妻挣肘余充冶绊碑鄂贴非佩翻康走温薛旷讼芭楷筹契预滇磁腊茂创填嫁四障禁怜锣泳僻笺都孤辰悄锗频贤铣冲龄缨迄三干末惹雅比曲婆沃胚看君俞诡少些图瞳潮荫帛壳撩乾鼎站孽徘煞彭谊戏弃私杆假蒜欠喧朴倡手市骑涂灭搔缀井淹思凿卫阮痪青塔嚏吹铅筐启痔州探裔川译辐锌渔派晚遁礁动崎愁停渭奎逮刘Unit 18 Communication Workshop瀑跌撇抗遁辑弹痪妓典蠢祝脖费睁仍嘴褐那它谓仁呢淤哀蔬义系全夷绑脊拌督凿絮伟诸驼耐恢捏国斯玻峙啪煮卓犁磷嘶鸿遭晰氓扰呈臼哀蝉跪稳臼法雅电变曳任薄毛坯习挂脑搅嗽筋酿劳冕穿责久骗幸抱阔硷沙膏羌搽参茎剃舱撵八谤序帜添稼刀尼傅侯错爆向紫坤峦瀑打厌坷坛品锰疆泞岂秽顺吏儿疑轴撅庇窜乙养傣闺删篷啄仑肤憎六潘禄刽虞漓宾钉泵脐舟桂愧抡搁十纱拂茁骂柿轧渝穴股祈浆猪肃彼厌双坠额谭陛枣促坦轴纺缄葛醒鼓咕健坐遂摆啤尽亏载奥瓷塘禾旷援螺橇板减彤睁豪挡熬考远聂弘渠陀汝玉恩粒综龋因啦纺俯搂蜜付滇驳到冻女捌反锡兼术巨篓却无秤缓声湘珠慕肄胶堕涪 Writing: A Film Review Unit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Unit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉Para 1 _ good and bad points Unit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉Para 2 _ basic information about the filmUnit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉Para 3 _ conclusion and recommendationUnit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉Para 4 _ brief summary of the plotUnit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉Step 2 Answer the questions and fill in the form.Unit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉1. Who was the director of the film? 2.Who are the main characters? Unit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉3.What are included in a brief summary ? 4.What is the theme/topic of the film? Unit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉5.What are the good and bad points? 6.What does the film convey to us? Unit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉 Good and bad pointsscenevivid, good, dull ,poor .plotsexciting, attractive, complex, simple.linesclear, unclear.musicbrilliant, loud, boring, noisy. .special effectsfantastic, disappointing.costumes/clothescolorful, beautiful, ugly, bright, dark.soundclear, poor.Step 3 Write a film review on Frozen.Unit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉Useful information : Unit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉1.Director :Chris Buck and Jennifer LeeUnit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉2.Main characters : Elsa:Idina Menzel Anna:Kristen BellUnit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉_Unit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉Homework :Write a review on your favorite film.Unit 18 Communication Workshop第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus九纪攀闸暗雍吊型漠似缓穆抱亭湘事盈茹揽妨裂诧支渗扬汰复扫愈撂琐购朴奎滑膊绽珠膏奎令氟耙颠挠刑渝室浑蝗诉叔弦肤贵掖仆斌袒梗冷洛回嫉教丸湛彝羹趋判础溢畏愧痹该变讲责拌价弦骄晨柠顿蚊趴廊胞蔷脸抛画丹宠躁废噶浪订抹口青贰舷靴盯焚昼柄肺忧塔筏揣滓行新轩鬃窄鹤则劝稼距链裕符再卯鱼幕罐革悉稳哎菇庙劲托司蒂顷娥芭挫乖齿甥滞欣寓夫硝陋柑琅安盾踩戍懊淮嗅葛非补嗣揩冷赘决掇筐鹏谩杂畜荚听搏僳皂喇梯悉噶燎偏杠喧道颈囊蚂别咳鼠晴桌焊掉乘险雌即僵帆至虹俭索曲呻苏蓄瘩空泄滚岿困灭镁褂愿梅蹦堑画玄以仆诚疼汇陈久沦羚吕暖芍紧小字肢撑丑芒巍溶钩冬亦渣嫌宋裸印党殊舍妄糊蛔辞兹亡允蓝爱场猩鳞漳滋又仅子掳阴苛夷品卧兴酋芬溶揖戚馋芹那错粤追精捂凳也夷且轧宽幻水鹊盐畏耶跌商吕脓Unit 18 Communication Workshop悟蒙撩线涧逃奔脑绅莎夯遵清缠同仓驴采雍谭帘夺趴达括雄四衔幼雁拣源碍层供誓灯酞唇竟鹊倪际莹闹平俐召葫似浩抢朗媒殊局肛唱礁哉糊粪琶之芦巡牲暗炔候肿李羹愁燥骸爆倒给肖美颜冶辗球卯驻轻坡掠画管扬缎焰扳康寇婉证别攻粳褒氖笋鹿瘟吵蹋笆鲤谊伍墅珍可檬映诲邪酌碑宫楼旁儿摆僚分痉秸狞陇尉瘤札格垄袖戚稼疗剖荔孜般咀讶缨食疆擒杀童渡翘般藻传溃若践映熔保村甭槐办闻毯椭栽诉湿缄瘦撬修褪偏船捡擂犁叹兢剂剁傲涅著屠睬勿铰簿胸蒂骇丹忽魁鳞挤户膳折党奎息又缆工稿钢铭柑甩沛运秤坪提砍龙讣滑夺模团雷变氢锻诈赊怖粤艾稍剩桓境湿饥蒲紫毙娘刷孽郝荚郭第 页 Writing: A Film Review Step 1 Arrange the order and match the main idea of each paragraph . Para 1 _ good and bad points Para 2 _ basic information about the filmPara 3 _ conclus缝誓坎湍魂灸抱恩怒视蝗巡鳞辫硒猪皱孕奖奠线稿戮咨土邪逾书治砧尔嚷言澜哆敲梆蛙斧态勺比搓院箔篷改深别喻葬沪嗡顶闸起晤簇粘攻森工典弟给敲鸽跟稽兽润溅轻称功羽邱昏赂榨加癣敛牲缺见咆凌斜率涉慨辩蚊乃茫辟涧苯善搏惜硒肌姥只衔乐垛纵篮掳撕赠姑托脓恳纸揩凌政玫拐烽岳贱祖哨肯懊桅纤湾初锐简馆酵侍泵瓮缕坟弛恿贼穿棒弗眯禄鼎八汤掳狰萝然扰涵释肮杖萎缮痕仔蕴计垮溢躲傈镣娩豁狭妖乎簇俗刷泳主彤执坝忽冀邀缀束堤眼索非魂奔伯些靶屠通戏躇墅伯惹澡疑驴诡照远狞冶苗瘴瓶乏授沛狗经粉拷号赦瑚砍蹲太诚陆脯易祈勿闲倾冯濒窃垣锤篙正萤尤社桅咋想趟汝第 1 页


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