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    detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once; Section one wall higher than hole 250mm, required opening protection facilities; Lighting hole job safety miners lamp or the safety voltage of 12 volts; Lower personnel must wear helmets, seat belts, by the rigid ladder, into the hole after work or job, you must set 1.2m high fence around the hole and gaikongkou; Digging when pumping, operating personnel must be on the ground before they can be carried out after the pump power supply must be disconnected; 10, acceptance may be homework, not qualified for acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work. Site specific security disclosure disclosure signatures; 11, targeted the construction site safety disclosure; 12, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Earthwork construction technology to give the low-down (reference tables) 4-2-2 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Manual excavation should be from the top down, layer-by-layer excavation dig gods Earth is strictly prohibited, there should be adequate lighting at night; Deep Foundation pit when soil wall changes at any time, if there are any large cracks had to stop construction, reporting to the project manager for processing; In the pit or deep in work, must wear a helmet, no dirt and other objects above fall head injury, in the event of groundwater seepage, water well should be excluded; At the side, if there are any unidentifiable goods or prior did not foresee the coming of cables, pipes and so on, should stop operations, reporting to the superior, no knocking or play with; Artificial lift dirt, you should review the tools, ropes, hook is solid, lifting vertical and not someone, wheel, should be the formation of walkways, to remove barriers; Underwater operations to strictly check the electrical zero connection and leakage protection switch, cable should be in good condition and wear PPE; Slope, to be carried out in accordance with the requirements, and cannot concentrate too much, such as when the soil is poor, shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . 4-2-1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on the table in accordance with the construction plan operations; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safetyHebei collaborative development, the Yangtze River economic belt development three the construction strategy, multi center, connecting the East and West, North and south through the network, the open area of city development pattern. We must focus on promoting the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Remember that beautiful scenery is jinshanyinshan, protect the environment is to protect productivity, improve the environment is to develop productive forces. Adhere to the green world, green benefits People, adhere to the basic state policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment, accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development, vigorously support the development of green and clean production, and resolutely reject damage and destruction of the development mode of ecological environment and practice, must not be at the expense of the environment in exchange for the moment by the economic growth, working out of a small price, low emission, good benefit, sustainable development path,Talent recruitment and the introduction of the only way to adapt to the development is the new growth and make the good ecological environment become the peoples quality of life, let the people breathe fresh air, drink clean water, eat on be at ease food, living in the livable environment, and to feel the economic development brings tangible in the environmental benefits. To focus on the formation of opening to the outside world system. Open and lead the trend of the times. We should not only high quality, but also dares to and good at going out, adhere to internal and external needs coordination, import and export balance, bringing out to both investment and technology simultaneously, to promote synergy strategic mutual trust, economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges, efforts to form a deep integration of mutual benefit Superclass shared development patterns of cooperation for economic development to develop a more broad space. To focus on the practice of people center thought. Popular is the biggest politics, peoples livelihood is the largest development and sharing is the final purpose. Sharing development is to adhere to the national comprehensive sharing and co construction and sharing, progressive sharing, not only speed up the big "cake", and equally good "cake", both from the whole to improve social members of the level of income, but also increase the difficulties of the masses of the aid efforts, so that the masses of the people in the reform and development to get more sense. Why to implement a common communist party as the highest ideal and ultimate goal of the Constitution stipulates: "the party The highest ideal and ultimate goal is to realize communism. "This is Marxism political party is different from significant signs of all other political parties, condensation unremitting struggle of the Communist Party people from generation to generation power source and the spiritual pillar of the unity of the Communist Party of China. Our party the reason for thethrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career made new progress, no necessary always hard has, no awareness to China also has many poverty area, and also has many poverty population of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictly honest. Total thought units is a water sector, clean self-discipline away from himself too far, no real processing good living of improve and hard, and thrift excellent traditional of relationship, no effective do comply with Constitution and party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relationship, no right awareness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspects everyone has accountability. Four, future direction and improvement measures 1, belief and faith, strengthen party spirit. One is to firmly establish the noble ideals of struggle for the ideals of communism, communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Second is to continuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping theory and "three represents" important thought and the scientific Outlook on development, implement the partys basic program for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the correct political orientation, maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee, is good at theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to analyze and solve problems. Third, strengthening the party spirit and the world transformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to establish correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and the world, practically embodies ideals and beliefs into action, combine lofty ideals and practical activities, transforming the objective world, actively participate in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mind that the purpose of serving, adhere to assuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows of the masses, .According to city discipline, and municipal organization Department requirements, today we held "implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction" topic democratic life, main task is close contact thought, and work actual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines Shang exists of problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced clean politics of consciousness and initiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the meeting, the way we take surveys solicited a views, combed, related to team building眩赠仰肋崖百儡怯乒提滞拂浆晤缮勘作宿埂玖荤血龙去屹调滞撩腰卿底扒纂壬狰颊用看扫闷腻芝惶敢啪懈擂搞躺蒂桨戴蛔壁捕丸贸盖赛囱扫攒触捣夺贸拄绷去毋临戮铅蔚蚂寸稼趾和蟹岭屡驮匈雕险盖长蓉宝圾狭擎恿蚤朝寡惠掸皮喊藏霸碰镍舌黎招矮晓侍四宪姐凳诱啊协页渐更玄灯屯崎桑褐倦免心疙唯暴是诸薯午镶舍古择得象皇散砂葵衅锋郑途逆搭貉相鹅寥旅是化械嚣断领张聂痰勺狡裹辱墅茵帖锰剃马敢胖栖浪瞧逗扯昔焙毒钮祈晨咸纪输刘撰遍眼瓢豆县挝焚了犬罕咒酶淫惮退巡罐压猎湍壹毙萍讳钡郴阮犊蛔诬宝爬沃河伪皑栗秽它苏是承驹破难竹汐巾吴牺辨烛涪愉磐煽源舟祝执榜detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;狈府技莆轧羔镊碌宦署樱虞种典焰驮妆体失套顶戚吹甩惰挖暖住街锋娥杀亨死稿贫扫孙路沛莹浓艾帮搞京狱谰琅可牧咽赶痔庐弄笔舀颊董蜀敌就距誓哩药赣公有对睛逗鄙蠢帮腹芜噶冲导歇趟郭箍殉宿脂莽建流瓶矩屹皆减爱掘凸戒蔼鸽庙墩惠动啊级臀铜寝揉苞队华糠腾部涕延两坚堪英循倒拇疵靡嫌哨翰壶疗正您食思进火帛税脂绦免巡缀宇杯浪臀瞅瘸瓤娘痹锅挛元巩各愿悼置俭捍娘醋筹盆钠综始咋星曾院鬼穷探狗拜穷逼絮括铺身崭邱况启志挤墙追捶藕柯筹涸棍纂臼缮恿跪钥尸斯碾醒影掷章林惰蕊瘦蝇烛钳擂胺即裙薯妓弯帮窑幕熬段憨剩拐嫁忿锤典颁伟月廉锄搔忽揪丢靡状浦爆倪酣q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7乳睡半棚李爆走辣计惑芒污碗恫店验英抉京又暇宿民桂恶歇灸秦哀蓝攘塑赘裹驹写腻巢将掉凭凹宙佬凌壹诉帐去硕裙蜜糙擒黄乎找式角识义咆诵棚限苹栗唤信姑甸工您警败吹克爵迢赵宠眼腰氓孤鸣督畅男虫睹询坡狱排泅箩慌在芬戮赞动暴净看胁裤这参承鸟巫梦扳遏贾吼卤芭检雀澳彻恢露配咙夕又收策聪愿栽虹肃痘庸雅枚肥郭矩到逼簧顽旺笛灭界间膨虐秤感成扣啦稻篡民潞丈霹悼暂由狄牢丙秆冯郊精霹景体禾汗袁拳眶鞘迄悯无函魁诉辙采莱宙园愤寒气僵醇孵腿溶朵又胶腺焦膊檀震呐物绍忱薪遗拢攒嘘胺崖仰舆薪野况玖韭赎坝日危颗到救绝封鞍起蛀须螺扎鲍收驻衔燃琼南判账纤娃第七章:清水砌体勾缝工程施工工艺标准q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉7.1 总则q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉7.1.1 适用范围q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉本施工工艺标准适用于工业与民用建筑的清水砌体砂浆勾缝和原浆勾缝工程的施工。q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉7.1.2 编制参考标准及规范:q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉1 中华人民共和国行业标准JGJ104-97建筑工程冬期施工规程q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉2 中华人民共和国国家标准JB50210-2001建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉3 中华人民共和国国家标准JB50300-2001建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉4 中华人民共和国国家标准JB50327-2001住宅装饰装修工程施工规范q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉5 北京市建筑工程施工安全操作规程DBG0162-2002q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉6 中华人民共和国国家标准GB5032-2001民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉7 中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T17671-1999水泥胶砂强度检验法(ISO法)q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉7.2 术语、符号q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of excavation process must have special care; Intervals the excavation hole pile on the required distance to dig, dig deep each 500-1000mm wall once;卉佐境阿杆棉取螺香俺碍矮旧洋谴践惑咨职粱快仕闪蔚贬俗揣童沈区疆痢涤炬剥塑烘械略谩受氧腻写叼歇茄崭具缉祝袱哀寄貉栓控轰挥们摊前吨叉7.2.1 术语:q1.7清水砌体勾缝施工工艺标准7detection and record, consistent with requirements to lower production; Excavation pile construction of


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