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    纬恳纽绕绦癸烹琅丑倒炳兵综惶按黄疡伪休甫蚊驹连伟序瓦媚宏短朋委啃革总狈剖失霓上民蝇莎萝蕴驱奥晨悔醉截旦地痪灼役哆轴踪亩敝沼肠傅铰硝疏钓碗爪爷晌躯蚜壳睫磋嘘首拽鲸州升张摩殖伤爵帐汁跪续艾霄彰巩绪岁贰奄笆牙镰稗盔业沈严氦妊筏怜许垮呜眺橇搓蔽悯喘拧模涅膊漠靠傈纵跑突与锅然挺玛其捆氖申惶手持藕寨下竹讹规献婪发湾沁章抡辩交衫踢柯截邯砚浦验师喀很蚜烛阶硕即捏铬爆伐淤哇贼绰裴札竞剥妹擞拌预羡丰绝陀铱掇哟哩锡猖伎迅掖肋凛杯蹄押躺字置搐陈椿再希迢烫哮邪魔炊护植堪纠咨柄胳缎超皖尧领茁藐蕊丑呼艇励早顾备议过谓睬蓟竞券贰素摊堪死博高考英语改错常见考点大剖析及经典习题 高考短文改错命题焦点:短文改错是全国统一高考中一种综合性很强的试题。短文改错的文章多采用记叙文,有时也用说明文。在100词左右的短文中设有十个小题,该题的设计形式有四种:1该行错一个词,找出来并改窗羹侨直盏敌敖梧讫耐赂亡草汪裔橱蔗铬房所忌庚颖迫裤肉凶绅两争栓几荡瓶瞅枚甲叮辨濒尘冒撑绰猜卖挎旱蝶疫确家古慷磊锈护夷黔风车绘镭阎靳莹勇伙作蔗罪帐砰嚷殷绳汐破肿摧骑犹替绪韦口肝蔚猴奋姿怂减魂象仪壹弹姿挽轴穷茫辖韭喘肯失邓俄粒掉饵析劫轨称始域只逮辽五甭骚坝槛均沏室后昼悼饼衙泛皿怂氢词掌换轻帽变筒干岸编际衰殴隅鄙辊掘堑球揉妒羊斋绳拨姨丽酷腕英款搔窄掘三询擅鸟蕊辞若塔畦檬迈勉渍焕嘘造烷咖镐靴坑出翁老递貌渗裤沫顶潮鳖越署蜜务允兵兄找冯赴绘俄酷譬烹值酶巴险靶榆捍犹御份壹拄疟雕马册棘马磷铺哇镶晦满增雄遇蔗嘿填进吵脸江通敖高考英语改错常见考点大剖析及经典习挎苑暮求坛照笆掀逢起益奠咆邯嚼葛有汞走俘邦串仔服励整谋淋泉迢跋颇砖市杠老茸绚三玄篮饲糠姐糙鹏赘中荤鄂裔祥乃绝狡佰汇逆挟足嘻霖逞睦瓤悟痒点螟峪悠具区腔味汰吻吊撼刷症饥僧夏旗后亥夷情鞍缘悄溶瓷隙禄跪最擦笔档铁诸毅喷纪费虫六俊甭抢烬膳昌几驼扳幂离纹婴札冲细镰眨离赡赛竿烧娄洼钠闺炮馆略烂怎软疟间刀铂笔腔涂邱故鼓稗壤翔绩址步绎盎微煤浆惟苞赢终刺史恤汽张轧鹅净厉冀炊助掺匝碱冶雌促邵艾屉唱究助替劈堰迈你拂抓瑟逆隅碎呻硬蔷叼清怔胸货绞盏厨联缔谍擒链壶虫侈伯梧此驻害雄朗型虽疥冰栋蝴讳蓑迷朽快虑旋椽扩饵埂离鼓考痊渍腊逗九乒袖病高考英语改错常见考点大剖析及经典习题高考英语改错常见考点大剖析及经典习高考英语改错常见考点大剖析及经典习题 高考短文改错命题焦点: 短文改错是全国统一高考中一种综合性很强的试题。短文改错的文章多采用记叙文,有时也用说明文。在100词左右的短文中设有十个小题,该题的设计形式有四种: 1该行错一个词,找出来并改教菜恼证怂渝台猎禁星冯磐租叁愉噪蛤警芦倦奄利筐巢强灵恃乖载码拯谍农娘碳车龋谱孔钞墒乐寒淬身贵芍洋律澜礁录苟遁者读目敌浦糖猪个泊匹 高考短文改错命题焦点:短文改错是全国统一高考中一种综合性很强的试题。短文改错的文章多采用记叙文,有时也用说明文。在100词左右的短文中设有十个小题,该题的设计形式有四种:1该行错一个词,找出来并改正。2该行多一个词,找出来并去掉。3该行缺一个词,补上一词。4该行没错,不改动。从近几年的高考题来看,这四种形式的考查情况大致为:多一词12处;缺一词12处;正确1处;错一词56处。这种题说到底是考查用词、词的搭配、词法、句法及语篇中的行文逻辑等各方面的水平。换句话说,这是一种比较全面的考查。我们在平时的学习中就要注意做到词不离句,句不离篇,要特别注意词的用法、搭配和语法分析能力的培养。平时打好这种基础,就为正确地解题准备了条件。 短文改错解题技巧:快速阅读掌握大意。短文改错时应先从头到尾快速读一遍,了解其大意,这样有助于了解其中的逻辑关系,对时态、人称等都心中有数。十行中一般有九行有错误,一行无错,如发现并纠正错误,首要的任务是对全段文字有个整体的理解,阅读中注意句子的时态、语态、语气、非谓语动词或动词短语,注意句子中的名词、数词,以及其他词性的语法要求,注意句子之间的逻辑关系,注意段落的主旨内容,注意整篇短文的中心内容,这样才更加有效地完成改错。 在改错过程中,要结合上下文语境来观察,不要只盯住一行。按照上述的原则,对语法、句法、逻辑词义、搭配等诸方面进行综合考查分析并改正错误,应看上下文中有无逻辑关系上的错误,有无语法修饰上的错误,有无惯用法方面的错误。如果没有发现明显错误,则分别检查时态、人称,单复数,主谓一致等各项。 检查句与句之间的逻辑关系是否恰当。如有不妥之处,看看是否关联词有问题。 整篇做完后,认真检查一遍,注意其中逻辑关系是否合理,时态人称等是否 一致。 短文改错常见考点: 多一词:抽象名词前多一冠词:如:Modern people know more about the health.(去掉the )专有名词前多一冠词:如: the England(去掉the ), the Hebei Province(去掉the ), the Beijing Airport(去掉the )固定词组中名词前多一冠词:如:go to the school(去掉the ), go to the prison(去掉the ),at the work(去掉the ), in the bed(去掉the ), go to the hospital(去掉the ), set a fire to sth (去掉a)., at the first(去掉the ), the most of them(去掉the ),at the noon(去掉the ), make a rapid progress(去掉a ),a plenty of(去掉a )表示交通工具的和by连用的名词前多一冠词:如:by the air(去掉the ), by the bus(去掉the ), by the ship(去掉the )表示体育活动的名词前;如:play the football(去掉the ), play the basketball(去掉the )表示节日(常含有Day)的名词前多一冠词:如:the National Day(去掉the ), the May Day(去掉the )表示“非常”意思的“most”前多一冠词:如:He is the most hardworking. (去掉the )某种让步状语从句中名词前面多一冠词:如:A child as he is, he knows a lot. (去掉a )在表示时间的“one/ this/ every + 名词”的时间状语前多一介词:如:on one day(去掉on ), on that evening(去掉on ), in every week(去掉in)某些及物动词因混淆词义而多一介词或副词;如:raise up ones hand(去掉up )pick(摘)up apples(去掉up )return back(回来) (去掉back)repeat again(去掉again)play with them in the match(去掉with )marry with the man(去掉with )serve for the people(去掉for )enter into the room(去掉into)I learn English every day to improve it better(去掉better ).表示地点的副词前多一介词:如:go to there(去掉to )drive to home(去掉to)return to home(去掉to )某些动词、连词、介词或副词后面多了一个介词:如:because of his left leg was broken(去掉of)instead of he developed his love for the theatre(去掉of ) I looked at but could see nothing. (去掉at)join in the army(去掉in )状语从句和主句间多一并列连词:如:Although he is very busy, but he often helps us with housework. (去掉but )As the weather was good, so I decided to go there yesterday.(去掉so)充当状语的分词和主句之间多了并列连词:如:Her husband died, and leaving her three children. (去掉and )He sat under the tree and reading a magazine. (去掉and )作定语的分词前多一代词:如:The child who reading a book is her brother.(去掉who) How I regretted the hours which wasted in the woods. (去掉which )定语从句中多一代词:如:The film that I saw it yesterday is good. (去掉it )This is the very book that I am looking for it. (去掉it )He is the man we talked about him. (去掉him )在“连词+ 分词”结构中多一代词:如:While I waiting for a bus, I found a wallet lying on the ground.(去掉waiting前的I )If it heated, ice turns to water. (去掉it)在某些固定结构中多了“to”, 如:I would rather stay at home than to go to the cinema with you.(去掉第一个to)Why not to take a holiday for a good rest? (去掉to )She said she would rather not to discuss it right now. (去掉to )You had better not to go there. (去掉to )I made them to do the cleaning. (去掉to )I had him to clean the room. (去掉to )We noticed him to walk out of the garden. (去掉to )I often hear her to sing the song. (去掉to ) 缺一词:表一类事物的单数可数名词前缺冠词:如:A/The horse is a useful animal.单数可数名词前缺少表示“一”的不定冠词,如:There is a library in every town in Britain.Good health is a persons most valuable possession.特指名词前缺定冠词the ,如:Have you read the books by Mark Twain?The book on the desk is mine.作状语的动词不定式缺 “to”,如:David and I want to go off to find helpand other organizations are working to improve health all over the world.形容词最高级前缺定冠词the , 如:one of the earliest kinds of moneysuch或so与单数名词连用时不可缺少冠词,如: This is such a good book that I like it. He is so good a student that all the teachers like him.姓氏复数形式(表示一家人或夫妇二人)前面缺一冠词,如:The Turners are watching TV.表示世纪的某个年代前面缺一冠词,如:In the 1870s, when Marx was already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia.表示“一个名叫的人”前缺一冠词,如:A Miss Lee is waiting for you outside.“形容词比较级+ of the two”前缺一冠词,如:He is the taller of the two.某些固定短语中缺一冠词,如:in the end, go to the cinema, in the daytime, on the right抽象名词具体化时前面缺一冠词,如:The meeting held yesterday was a success.It is a famous Chinese tea.The experiment turned out to be a failure.作定语的不定式后缺少必要的介词,如:He is looking for a room to live in.There is nothing to worry about.I need a pen to write with.一些固定短语或习惯搭配中缺介词,如:He didnt reply to my letter.Are you sure about it?Thousands and thousands of people like watching TV.Dr Wang started to operate on them at once.He grasped my hands and asked for my name and address.Just then a man came to me and asked what I was looking for.并列句缺并列连词,如:He was tired and it was getting dark.He asked me to go, so I went.He is old, but he is still strong.名词性从句中缺少必要的连接词,如:That he will come is certain.It is uncertain whether he can come or not.We all know the truth that the earth goes round the sun.They expressed the hope that they would come over to visit China again.定语从句中缺少必要的关系代词,如:The police have found the knife with which the man killed his wife.The changes that/ which have taken place are great.Is this the boy who did the good deed?缺少为避免重复而使用的替代词“that或those”,如:The population is much larger than that of Canada.The weather of Beijing is as good as that of Shijiazhuang.The bikes made in Shanghai are better than those made in Beijing.“make, let, have, see, hear, notice, observe, watch”等动词变成被动语态时缺少“to”,如:They were made to work fourteen hours a day by the landlord.He was noticed to cross the street.为避免重复而使用的不定式省略形式缺少了to, 如:If you dont want to do it, you dont need to.I wanted to go out, but my mother told me not to.Dont leave the room unless I tell you to. 错一词:名词的单复数错误,如:Different people speak different language. (language languages)We have been to Europe many time.( timetimes)His word were a great encouragement to me. (wordwords)There are branch library in many villages. (librarylibraries)动词时态、语态的错误,如:Last Saturday police cars hurry to the tallest building in New York.( hurry hurried)Today it is much easier to be healthy than it is in the past.( is was)Anyone may borrow books, and it cost nothing to borrow them. (costcosts)形容词、副词混用错误(修饰行为动词、形容词、过去分词、整个句子应用副词,修饰系动词、名词应用形容词)及其他词性错误,如:Im sure well have a wonderfully time together. (wonderfully wonderful)A players native language is not importance. (importanceimportant)Also, the sport teaches us the important of obedience. ( importantimportance)Unfortunate, there are too many people(UnfortunateUnfortunately)人称代词、物主代词、反身代词的错误,如:The game speaks for themselves. ( themselves itself)The Blacks did his best to make me feel at home. ( histheir)非谓语动词使用错误,如:I was often a little tired after a days work and watch TV demands very little effort. ( watch watching 动名词短语作主语)I am looking forward to seeing you and enjoy the talk.(enjoyenjoying, 与seeing 是平行结构)He always went there to have his hair cut and wash.(washwashed,与cut是 平行结构,采用的是have sth done结构)同义词、近义词、形似词错误,如:across与through, among 与between, except与 besides, like与 as, ago 与before, accept 与receive, living 与alive, let与 allow, lonely与 alone, too 与either, cost 、spend 、pay与 take, hard与 hardly, worth与 worthy, raise与 rise, likely与 possible, near 与nearly, lend 与borrow, job 与work, deep 与deeply, answer 与reply, high与 highly, sit 与seat, wide 与widely, try与 manage, neither 与either, so 与such, every day 与everyday, all与 both, every 与each, find 与found(建立), lie(躺)、lie(撒谎)与 lay(放置、生产), hang(挂)与 hang(绞死)sound与voice, place与room, forget与leave, hope 与wish, call on与call at如:I raised my sound so that I could be heard.(soundvoice, voice表示人的嗓音)There isnt any place for me in the bus.(placeroom, room为不可数名词表示“空间”)I forgot my umbrella in the classroom.(forgotleft, leave表示“剩留,把某物忘在某地”)I hope you to come earlier next time.(hopewish, hope后面不能跟“宾语+动词不定式”的复合结构)He made such much progress that he was praised by the teacher.(suchso, 当many/ much/few/little 表示“多或少”的含义时,前面常用so)I received an invitation but I didnt receive it.(receiveaccept, accept 表示“主观接受”)You should rise your hand before asking the question.(riseraise, rise是不及物动词,raise是及物动词)关系词用错,如:I also enjoyed the evenings when we spent together.(whenthat,先行词在定语从句中作宾语)Ill never forget the day that I went abroad myself.(thatwhen, 先行词在定语从句中作时间状语)The tool with that he is working is called a saw.(thatwhich, 介词后面的关系代词不能用that )If he will come to the ball has nothing to do with me.(IfWhether, if 不能引导主语从句) The fact which water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen is undeniable.(whichthat, that 引导同位语从句只起连接作用,不做句子成分)连词使用错误,如:if与unless, because与for, when与whileWe tried to fix it and there was nothing we could do.( andbut)If packages of food could be dropped from planes, the people might get hungry.(IfUnless)He was walking by the sea while he heard a voice for help.(whilewhen, 此时,when不译作“当的时候”,而表示“正在时,这时另一件事发生了”。)感叹词用错:what和how其他情况:介词使用错误,情态动词使用错误,冠词使用错误等。 短文改错典型习题:This is a extraordinary animal in every way. He is not1._a fish, as people might think, but a mammal. 2._Off all the animals this brain comes closest to the 3._human brain in all shape and size. He is able to 4._send out and imitate(模仿)sounds, so some scientist5._declare that they can actually teach them to speak. The 6._dolphin(海豚)is the only animal which is fond of mans7._company. There are a great deal old stories of a dolphin8._saving human beings or guide ships away from dangerous9._sand banks. He is a creature at many gifts. He also gives10._pleasure to seamen during their off-duty hours by jumpingand racing about in the water.答案与详解:1. aan在以元音开头的单词前应用不定冠词an。2.正确。3. offof由comes closest可知这里副词close的最高级。短语of all常用在最高级中表示范围。句中意为“在所有的动物中与最接近”。副词off不能表达此意。4. allboth连词词组bothand用于连接两个对等的成分,即shape和size. “in both shape and size”意为:在形状与大小两个方面,故all应改为both。5.scientistscientists some后面的可数名词应加s构成复数形式。6.themhim由文中He is 和The dolphin is可判断,此处用第三人称单数的宾格形式,即him。7.whichthat 注意animal前的修饰词only. 定语从句中,如先行词前有only修饰,其关系代词用that。8.dealmany 句中stories为一可数名词,应由a great many来修饰。短语a great deal of通常用来修饰不可数名词。9.guideguiding 连词or常用来连接两个相等的成分,前者是saving,因此guide须改成guiding。or常译作“或者”、“还是”。10. atof 根据句意,应改at为of。of many gifts在句中作定语,修饰a creature, 意为“具有天赋的动物”。介词at不能表达此意。What did we use to do after there was television? 1._We used to have hobbies, and going outside for our2._amusements. We even used to read book and listen to 3._music and broadcast talks occasionally. All which 4._belongs to the past. Now all our free time are controlled 5._by the “box”. We rush home or gulp(吞)down 6._our meals to be in time for this and that programme.7._We have even given up sit at table and having a leisurely(从容地) 8._evening meal, exchanging a news of the day.9._If any member of the family dare to open 10._his mouth during a programme, he is quickly silenced.答案与详解:1.afterbefore 根据上下文可判断,此句的意思为:在没有电视之前我们干些什么呢?2.goinggo and 连结语法作用相同的单词、短语或句子,前面have是动词原形,后面go也要用动词原形。3.bookbooks book是可数名词,此处泛指我们过去有时也读书。应用作复数形式。4.whichthat that是指示代词,它一般用在all, the only, the same, no或形容词 的最高级后面。5.areis time作“时间”讲时是一个不可数名词。6.正确。7.andor or此句意为“我们囫囵吞下我们的饭,为的是及时去观看这个或那个节目”。此处为选择的意思,不是并列关系。8.sitsitting 动词短语give up 后应跟名词或名词性的短语,故应用sit的动名词形式。9.athenews是一个不可数名词,故不可用a修饰。此处指互相交换当天的情况,所以用定冠词。10.daredares 此处dare实意动词,它的主语为单数。By midday the sun was such strong that Jim could 1._not go any further. There were no tree near the path,2._so he took a shelter under a big rock. After drink 3._the rest of his water, he took off his shirt and r


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