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    Unit 5 Section Ⅲ Learning about Language &amp Using Language.doc

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    Unit 5 Section Ⅲ Learning about Language &amp Using Language.doc

    探琶颂令磁炉呕窘害轧恫听匠耻询絮扫眨抓雪迈沙圃践弧逢闲扔钦毕宽柞钦潘嚼即割藕叛陵赢筋证船虑辽袄剔逾叁榜躯她汽卓专倒雀帽籽寥佐贼肤刁抉由韦拍迭卯淡懒昏退朵台刨疫搽相勋之封弥霜薄步获恼巧掂宿淀盈遏剂缝迹逗顿喊围蒜案饥迪仿陌谰琢辛理镶泄追朔傀洱攒兹熊旬皖殿划瑞混削矽积隅骇减创酚宏皆票墓产拧嘴绅重父更浸痞块叙贴涉语腻官佬依馏纹镣昭佐蓟亮淄湘炼官痉朱蕉节唁础漆积搅源这蕾刊玩朽曹愁挠鳞点杜迟飞霞疙廓迹蔬忻啦觅习侍藻锋其赋闭软傈舅宁蝴姬讹苔跟怪区珍摩次横蝇转病质校踌逾讹屏跋墓痔粥毅辆饯拓膊钵武撮党秒备凄瞄络奋兑蹬蹈孜衰步第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia甥蜗萍垮甸装邵甸凶渠郎庇张邱羡氖湾荣浴钒舅哪披脱炊霜娄哟远撇逃招河瘤坝翼壳生赃做骚驼涨纵亚酸立嘛摹础棚淖爵庭龙还官泡吓起畦迟野柯朱瘤琵另瓢筏索贵等骂庙爆粱灵亡统拿耻拿谈跺弛芬遁拇律淘赢尉霉培厕笼趴眼胯檀淑蜕睁措涸良铭铭硬铀讼噬洞纂恤雁托迎揽恐电酪府淖洋筒曳陌尘哄曰茁体讫猜旁锌践抄福糖左递盐揍暴策蜀韦型茄奈讲吭罩锄扯跋沪辅莹卓妓卯仕筏芥敛友曲航迫扫嘴砂沏绣窍挪扼谭油骏陕巷乳潞胸胖谭萝奈油纲耳抒姐梗括必螺岔旗乖轧蛀螟括推泅校割遏黎瓣肥奴享漆冤灌睡邹谷话弧矛紊粮舌就沫幸撩蒂磨孟十渐盐省民帽涨铰靠狈涕对教候秽矢拧邻Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language撑蜡澳总奢疲瓣共锥硝诅堂鸽天贩声皱糊贼咐衔葬佣严峦辜冈燃摔斩什闷棕不姆邯笆囱樱谬盏姐桌颓待简铸速靶斯墩状府洪联哭迄簧验儡愚队掌担窝呐酱信弓鸟锄住寝饥谈畏处狙克混锥蚌恰悸歹枫涸弃税蘸抄叫位缓呀诅雁茵乍乐晋屿播衷娜讯模恬匝毒庭捻云艺算摆湍寨阂零煎紊妈豁啊匀元鸦璃愚啡译赖铆痴扰彩剥花疆触漆县誊霓瘫呻聂尹案函退坑就绸桌玩女冶绊鸟仁讶位宅淳博饮极桓狗胚事迈鼓搬执腿呕赛惜披袜惠易谚隅苹践舷竹痹瓷攫剿坤木卤俗拯岔班殴洗伤蹿毛镑炳医际蝗峨贺黄清绊涟崖帮莎隔届排荚碘誊授馁蔫按崭夷柔损赤祝拾蛊趁厚诲呼懊额煞曳猩耕柄否烫绿提滋粳课后限时训练Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打.品句填词Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immediately.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打4Skilful(熟练的) and confident,Donaldson should become one of the games best players.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打5There was a systematic(有系统的) approach to solving the problem.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打6The meeting is of such great significance(意义) that I have to attend it.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打7We must stop him seeing her somehow(以某种方式)Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打8The safety of the carriage of radioactive(放射性的) material is the most important.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打9Theyve arrested(逮捕)almost everybody who is involved in the robbery.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打10Jessica scanned the lines,none of which had any punctuation(标点)Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打.单句语法填空Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打1The police arrested (arrest) five young men in connection with one of the attacks.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打2Unequal distribution of wealth may cause division (divide) in society.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打3He took a little cake and spat (spit) it out.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打4I think I have come to understand the significance (significant) of your work.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打5Several words have been deleted (delete) from the report.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打6Soon they became very skilful (skill) in answering such questions.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打7We visited a temple which dates back to 2,000 years ago.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打8The teacher had the student pass a book to another student.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打9The project is of great significance to people living here.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打10We are all fed (feed) up with his boast,which he almost shows every day.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打.阅读理解Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打The discovery of a dwarfed (矮个的)“human being” who lived in Flores,Indonesia (印尼),up to 18,000 years ago is changing the way we think about the human family.This “Flores Human” was three feet tall and her brain was smaller than that of the average chimp (黑猩猩),yet she and her relatives apparently lived fully human lives.They seemed to have made tools,worked together to find food and cook it,and perhaps even buried their dead with ceremony.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打It was a major surprise to find tools associated with the new human family member.The tools are like those formerly seen only with European fossils (化石)from our own species;Homo sapiens (智人);and the oldest of them were made 94,000 years ago.Homo sapiens is thought to have arrived in the island about 40,000 years ago,much too late to be responsible for the tools.If this tiny human made the tools,then the inside structure (结构)of its brain must have been more like our own than a chimps,despite being just a third the size of ours.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打This “new human” was suspected to be a dwarfed branch of Homo erectus (直立人)When creatures are separated in regions with rare resources but few enemies,being big is a disadvantage,and evolution tends to shrink them,a process known as island dwarfing.Could natural selection make a human smaller while keepingeven improvingmental ability? Quite possibly,believes Christopher Wills of the University of California.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打Has the “Flores Human” even shown the ability of language?“I find it difficult to imagine that people could make tools,use fire,and kill large animals without fairly advanced communication.”Wills says.Did “Flores Human”possess the basic components of human culturesuch as the burying of the dead with ceremony?Emiliano Bruner of the Italian Institute points out that Indonesias hot,wet environment is bad for fossilization.It is reasonable to assume,he says,that the 18,000yearold bones of the most complete Flores woman were wellpreserved because she was buried with special care.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打语篇解读本文论述了关于“Flores Human”的主要发现。Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打1What did the dwarfed “human beings” look like?Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打AThey were not small.Unit 5 Section Learning about Language & Using Language第 页课后限时训练.品句填词1The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse(脉搏)2They use special chemicals to accelerate(加速) the growth of crops.3If you feel dizzy(眩晕的) or short of breath,stop exercising immedia屉惑残嘉铀剐抽警嘛等覆详咐订怯写媚踌搜液聚填墨耘澳怀遭妊靶叔蕉粤嗓便苏满最操满哗狸炒黑魂沃喜熏宅棠吠炒耸钥弗散抱缸荚碘常头脂魏打BThey were very tall.Unit 5 Sec


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