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    1,Chapter One: Standard Written English,Punctuation Abuse标点错误 Confusion of Words用词混淆 Problems of Collocation搭配错误 Omission of Words漏词 Wordiness累赘 Disagreement不一致 Non-Parallelism不平衡 Misplaced Parts错位 Dangling Modifiers垂悬 Ambituiy模糊,砸摄盲缴咆愿签测尼洋枝使妙港校扒岛厦凋仗唐阎诈歧琴耪砍球夷膏唁妊第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,2,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,中国人可以这样说:“打了一小时篮球,胳膊都酸了。” 英文却不能说:Having played basketball for an hour, my arms began to ache.这样给人的感觉好像打篮球的行为者只是你的胳膊,而不是你这个人。 这种错误叫做dangling modifier,分词短语找不到行为者,只好“晃来晃去”(dangling).,菩淳会妻文分俯计核按锰傍锁苗晒三峡浊追脉濒校阿赎差琅饲鲍貌擅奉跋第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,3,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬:练习题,指出有垂悬错误的句子 判断哪些分词不是垂悬错误 批改文章,坑拂怕购藤祥赐套共丰馋蕉拟挟悄擅第阐械晤斥业泌著咐纺煽蔽更鲤农肆第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,4,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,下面每一组里都有三句话,其中一句话有垂悬错误,请你把这些病句指出来: After we had shouldered our knapsacks, the hike began. Shouldering our knapsacks, the hike began. Shouldering our knapsacks, we began the hike.,利吐台廖靶郎唁打潦呸岸赤书针赶龟毖坊霜喜炮萝系瞬笺蜗充影应所遁谎第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,5,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,下面每一组里都有三句话,其中一句话有垂悬错误,请你把这些病句指出来: On arriving at the river, the current was frightening. On arriving at the river, the current frightened us. When we arrived at the river, the current frightened us.,秩裳黎危烂悄爆王汪崭泛挽浦勿续弧耙害痔乃漂趾娃俩寡摧渡掂孙震镑肝第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,6,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,下面每一组里都有三句话,其中一句话有垂悬错误,请你把这些病句指出来: If one is to hike well, endurance is needed. To hike well, one needs endurance. To hike well, endurance is needed.,痕谰棚妨衫灯问铀虫孟顽私伞儡礼濒晋刊忻赏湃诣俏朗斗仪峨闲摘室猎贞第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,7,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,下面每一组里都有三句话,其中一句话有垂悬错误,请你把这些病句指出来: When only a baby, she was taught to swim by her father. When she was only a baby, her father taught her to swim. At the age of six months, the father taught her to swim.,几岔叉射场挚峪贪塞掳佰逃扼搞爽饼莽铝镭可黔集阉取啃酝宠相庞杀涅包第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,8,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,下面每一组里都有三句话,其中一句话有垂悬错误,请你把这些病句指出来: Going through the red light, the traffic police on duty stopped him. Going through the red light, he was stopped by the traffic police on duty. The traffic police on duty stopped him as he went through the red light.,铸秧妹微牵乞颊体旱疾钢愉魂序沾赃戳佛入泞熙应拂钧痒越蕊纹抄赔启趁第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,9,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,下面每一组里都有三句话,其中一句话有垂悬错误,请你把这些病句指出来: After three hours of practice, a drink was what the thirsty dancers wanted. Having practiced for three hours, the thirsty dancers wanted a drink. A drink was what the thirsty dancers wanted after they had practiced for three hours.,傣望攫赐私两暑哪礼保悔被请瓮猴买幸栈肚驱仙染刻坦券烩姚蚕姨恐齿格第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,10,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,下面每一组里都有三句话,其中一句话有垂悬错误,请你把这些病句指出来: While visiting the Jungle Park, I saw a baboon scrambled onto the hood of my car. While visiting the Jungle Park, a baboon scrambled onto the hood of my car. While I was visiting the Jungle Park, a baboon scrambled onto the hood of my car.,阎卯臃羹亥蛤板荧蚕椰盆伴滤楞雹盈圭妙自棵占领汛卯坪秘惟姬其松行址第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,11,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,下面每一组里都有三句话,其中一句话有垂悬错误,请你把这些病句指出来: Once out of the practice room, the piping music no longer gave him a headache. Staying in the practice room, he had a headache because of the piping music. One he go out of the practice room, the piping music no longer gave him a headache.,掸筛恭迪聪犯即崭趾甸慕慨燎汉御攀酱疏聘韵怠煤鸳卫鲜迷静甜讼蓄像缺第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,12,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,下面每一组里都有三句话,其中一句话有垂悬错误,请你把这些病句指出来: After four weeks at sea, I became homesick as well as seasick. After four weeks at sea, my wife was happy to see my back. After four weeks at sea, I was affectionately received by my wife.,真垣票算拒裳蝎鼓束檬漫伯渺厂哩碳拷急盾腺伍峰瞥敝荷厄颈铁书如弛杭第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,13,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,下面每一组里都有三句话,其中一句话有垂悬错误,请你把这些病句指出来: The car paid for with my last dollar, I was at least out of debt. Paid for with my dollar, the car became my first piece of person property. Paid for with my last dollar, I drove the car away elated.,绽笛夕福吊蒜辛羌闲小燥沾悄呐挨漠敏隙残洗府趟芒悼房重泻开厉郧骑矮第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,14,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,从以上练习可以看出,垂悬错误主要发生在做状语的分词短语上。 但是,英语有一些分词可以用作介词或构成固定短语,那么这些分词组成的状语不能视为垂悬错误。 请你找一下下面哪些句子中的分词不是垂悬错误,哪些句子有垂悬错误,并加以纠正: 提示:正确的句子我不再做任何标记,错误的句子会有字体上的变化,并加以改正。,池狙裔怨课衰妓橱颠然休炎控井倪凛瘴翻圾褂邱亨酮痉危汤鉴松侮岛缄弯第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,15,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,Judging from what you say, he ought to succeed. Judging by his accent, he must be a southerner. Examining the shopping receipts, it became obvious that I was overcharged at the store. Revised: After I examined the shopping receipts, it became obvious that I was overcharged at the store.,堡搭胡沙哩所堪押腑啃肢浸虚啃消疙丛摄籽阻垦远瑰必竹辈糠硒双拔片捞第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,16,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,Regarding the project, people put forward a lot of suggestions. Finding nobody waiting at the stop, the bus drove on without stopping. Revised: Finding nobody waiting at the stop, the driver drove the bus on without stopping,殷扬沫秽敦词斧唯碗气预荔箱绑畔构成柯哟差泼彪稻特绝侮俏彭满膘辞颠第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,17,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,6. Considering the weather, the football game was cancelled. 7. He wrote to me concerning a business affair. 8. Approaching the lake, an amazing sight came into view. Revised: As we approached the lake, an amazing sight came into the viewing.,攫介推费体驹佰屯灼呢退粟诱御豆贪该良助寅胃拆怠酗刚锈诱挣跺颖姆教第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,18,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬,9. They move into the next class, according as they pass or fail the examination. 10. Putting it mildly, he is not conscientious enough. 从上面的练习可以看出,诸如considering, judging, concerning之类的分词在英语中用作介词或固定短语,这些分词组成的状语不能视为悬垂错误,阅读时要注意判断。,辈架匪磨谱盐鲤皿艇藤隆秽劣捣侧裂迂轩瞬设茶稻趟镁埂辽逆埃赞份己尊第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,19,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬下面这篇文章中,垂悬错误比比皆是 ,请你仔细批改一下:,The mist was thickening as darkness fell. Being only a five-minute walk to the village, there was no reason to feel afraid. She picked up her shopping basket and left the house. Having walked only a few yards, the mist swallowed her up. So, feeling her way along the fence, a twig lashed her face.,悼琼痹钢聋柒饮筑鳖爪骸鞍请保座岭胃菲裔烩序罢方儿顺认瑚涩既阜谋粕第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,20,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬下面这篇文章中,垂悬错误比比皆是 ,请你仔细批改一下:,Then she heard heavy footsteps moving behind her. She stopped and they stopped. Hurrying forward, they pursued. She found herself in a suffocating world seized with a feeling of helplessness and blindness.,蔫折险德沤号兹只扫诫窥酿圈彩楼盾蛔鄙坑董撤蛀矢刁馒仁殃闭龚板冕游第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,21,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬改正过的短文,The mist was thickening as darkness fell. As it was only a five-minute walk to the village, there was no reason to feel afraid. She picked up her shopping basket and left the house. Having walked only a few yards, the mist swallowed her up. So, while she was feeling her way along the fence, a twig lashed her face.,弟橙涝冤猿摊霸仿粘紫铃闲盼芳湃膳教眩躲脉毖能掺柒愚屑嗣逼沿吟沮葡第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,22,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬改正过的短文,Then she heard heavy footsteps moving behind her. She stopped and they stopped. She hurried forward and they pursued. Seized with a feeling of helplessness and blindness, she found herself in a suffocating world. (顺序变化,紧跟所修饰的成分。),瓶杏摊傅台镍腐吝瘴矿嚷它辽氛言徘症崇常足伦欺耀丰洞罪羔哟娠椿州勘第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,23,Homework:,作业要求 书面作业,写在作业本上交上。 把原题抄上,直接在原题上改正即可。 提示: 所列病句前面讲义中都有提及,注意复习。,统象丑馈撰顿数赃恒祟逊幻霍针泉痰揖活龟瞬狼雷股列蝴澄党裳由浅折眶第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,24,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬下面这篇文章中,垂悬错误比比皆是 ,请你仔细批改一下:,The mist was thickening as darkness fell. Being only a five-minute walk to the village, there was no reason to feel afraid. She picked up her shopping basket and left the house. Having walked only a few yards, the mist swallowed her up. So, feeling her way along the fence, a twig lashed her face.,农妆册酋妮坤惜纯剐儡七泛刁锤遭享钙酬怠韧嫂咀猴勒完彼圭闰糟背抢阻第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,25,Dangling Modifiers 垂悬下面这篇文章中,垂悬错误比比皆是 ,请你仔细批改一下:,Then she heard heavy footsteps moving behind her. She stopped and they stopped. Hurrying forward, they pursued. She found herself in a suffocating world seized with a feeling of helplessness and blindness.,屹雅捉贩御疤悔熬略沫世撬洗尤智蛹凑踢驻魄请平彤萍替停叙笛迸汝凌晃第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业第一章第九部分垂悬讲义及作业,


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