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    2008职称英语考试卫生类复习指南:完型填空A. 做完型填空的方法。我们一般认为完型填空题属于送分题,因为考题通常是从当年教材所给出的文章中挑选一篇直接出题。但需注意在考题设置时并不是原封不动将原文搬过来,而出题点和空格的设置都会有变化,这就说明平时在做题时不要背答案,而且要把文章中所有的单词尽可能都弄明白,否则送分题也有可能成为丢分题。因此,我在这里建议大家在复习时要紧扣教材,不要在从外面找不相关的题做,这样是一点帮助也没有的!完型填空,即cloze,旨在考察综合运用英文能力,考题主要从3个方面设计:1)词法结构 2)语法结构 3)前后逻辑关系。词法上考查实词(动/名/形容词)比例高于虚词(副/介词)。另外还有多义词/短语;短语的固定搭配等等。因此我们在讲课时会逐字逐句帮大家理解每篇文章,体会做该题的技巧。那么,在大家做完型填空题时最好能在文章标题的指引下,先通读全文,对文章大意有个了解,接下来在细读这个环节中才会有的放矢,而不会像没头苍蝇瞎蒙乱猜。最后一遍是查读,顾名思义,边检查边读,将一些拿不定主意的最后确定下来,这样效果会最佳。A. 2007年真题讲解:下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。Health Insurance(保险)Most Americans are responsible for their own medical costs. These can be extremely high if a person gets very(51)or has an accident. So people buy a health insurance plan to make sure these costs will be(52).Most American colleges and universities have(53)health centers. There may even be a teaching hospital that can treat more serious(54).Some medical services may be included in the cost of attending a school. But health insurance is usually needed for extra services.(55)most full-time college students must have insurance.Students may already be protected under their familys health plan. If not, many colleges offer(56)own plans.The University of Michigan will be our example. Students pay a health service fee. Then there is no extra charge when they are treated for minor(57)problems at the University Health Center. But the school wants students to have health insurance to pay(58)other services.The insurance plan(59)by the university costs about one thousand seven hundred dollars a year. Such health insurance(60)generally pay for hospital services, emergency room care and visits to doctors. They(61)do not pay for care of the teeth. And they usually do not pay for treatment of medical conditions that existed(62)the student arrived at school.International students at the University of Michigan have two(63).They can buy the university health plan. Or they can(64)private insurance that is approved by the university.The school also offers a special International Student Insurance Plan. This pays for most of the services offered(65)the University Health Center that are not included in the health service fee.51.A.rich B. poor C. sick D. old52.A.laid B. paid C. made D. said53.A.family B. woman C. man D. student54.A.services B. problems C. needs D. solutions55.A.So B. But C. Yet D. Though56.A.our B. its C. his D. their57.A.personal B. medical C. learning D. travel58.A.at B. on C. for D. in59.A.taken B. taught C. offered D. accepted60.A.dollars B. centers C. plans D. schools61.A.usually B. luckily C. suddenly D. carelessly62.A.after B. if C. before D. since63.A.choices B. conditions C. terms D. cases64.A.have B. reject C. invest D. borrow65.A.on B. for C. to D. by标题:Health(健康) Insurance(保险)这是教材中新增加的一篇文章,而且属于卫生类的。有关保险的现在也越来越成为一个热门话题了。healthy: adj 健康的; 反义词:unhealthy1. Most(大多数的) Americans(美国人) are responsible for (负责任的)their own (他们自己的)medical(医疗的) costs(费用、花费). 2. These(相当于these costs) can be(可能会) extremely(极其地) high(高) if(如果) a person gets(从选项判断,它是一个系动词,变成) very(51)or(或者) has an accident(意外事故). 51.A.rich(富有的) B. poor(贫穷的) C. sick(生病的) D. old(老的)通过这四个选项分析判断和上句话中medical costs有关的只能是sick.即,当人们得了很重的病或出现意外时才会花费高昂的医疗费用。3. So(因此) people(人们) buy(买) a health insurance plan(计划) to make sure (确保)these costs will be(52).52.A.laid (原形lay,意思是放置) B. paid(原形pay,意思支付) C. made(原形make, 意思是制造、产生) D. said(原形say, 说)自然会知道,应该是支付医疗费用,pay the medical costs.故选B.4. Most American colleges(学院) and universities(大学) have(53)health centers(健康中心). 53.A.family(家庭的) B. woman(妇女的) C. man(男人的) D. student(学生的)因为前面提到是大学和学院,因此有学生健康中心。5. There may(可能) even(甚至) be a teaching(教学) hospital that(引导的是定语从句,修饰hospital, 因此后半句说的也是hospital.) can treat(*治疗、对待,这是卫生类常出现的高频核心词!请务必记住。) more(更严重的) serious(54).54.A.services(服务) B. problems(问题) C. needs (必需品、需要品) D. solutions(解决方法)我们知道医院的主要职责就是医治严重的疾病。对比四个答案,能和treat构成搭配的应是problems, 所以选B。6. Some(一些) medical services(医疗服务) may(可能) be included(被包括) in the cost of attending a school.(上学) 7. But(但是) health insurance is usually needed(被需要) for extra (额外的)services.8.(55)most (大多数)full-time(全职的,全日制的) college students must have insurance.55.A.So (因此,表示因果关系) B. But(但是,表示转折关系) C. Yet (当连词用时是然而、但是的含义) D. Though(尽管、虽然,表示让步关系)通过前两句的的意思,我们知道由于大部分医疗服务需要用医疗保险来支付,所以大多数大学生必须买健康保险。这是很自然的一个因果关系,所以选择A。9. Students may already(已经) be protected(被保护) under(在。下) their familys health plan(他们家庭健康计划). 10. If not(如果不是这样的话), many colleges offer(提供)(56)own(自己的) plans.56.A.our(我们的) B. its(它的) C. his(他的) D. their(他们的)由于这句话的主语是many colleges相当于是第三人称复数形式,因此选用D。11. The University of Michigan(密歇根大学) will be our example(例子). 接下来以密歇根大学为例。12. Students pay a health service fee(费用).


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