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    概括大意基本思路 概括大意基本思路:主题词法 (+ 主题句法) 主题词法 段落主题词正向识别法: 在段落中反复出现, 而且贯穿整个段落而出现的词汇/ 短语往往就是该段主题词; 提示:如果段落中出现了明显的段落主题词, 则包含该主题词的选项通常就是答 案; 段落主题词反向识别法:选项中的名词/名词短语通常就是该选项对应段落中的段 落主题词; 提示:如果某个被选项中的“段落主题词”在某个段落中集中出现了,则该选项 通常就和该段落形成匹配关系:该选项很可能就是该段落的段落主题; 最新课件及押题购买 Multiple Sclerosis(多发性硬化症) 23. Paragraph 1_ _ 24. Paragraph 2 _ 25. Paragraph 3_ 26. Paragraph 4_ A. The relapsing form of MS B. The cause of MS C. The primary progressive form of MS D. The definition of MS E. The development of MS F. The treatment for MS 典型段落主题词法(definition,aspect, advantage/strength/better, disadvantage/weakness, problem/issue, conflict/ disagreement/ dispute/ doubt/challenge,cause/reason/ factor, change/increase/decrease/ reduce/rise/fall, different/difference,same/similar/ similarity, solution/way/method, important/importance/ significance, need/necessary/necessity, effect/influence/affect ) 最新课件及押题购买 Multiple Sclerosis(多发性硬化症) 23. Paragraph 1_ A. The relapsing form of MS B. The cause of MS C. The primary progressive form of MS D. The definition of MS E. The development of MS F. The treatment for MS 1 Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the patients immune(免疫的) system attacks the central nervous system. This can lead to numerous physical and mental symptoms, as the disease affects the transmission of electrical signals between the body and the brain. However, the human body, being a flexible, adaptable system, can compensate for some level of damage, so a person with MS can look and feel fine even though the disease is present. Multiple Sclerosis(多发性硬化症) 24. Paragraph 2 _ A. The relapsing form of MS B. The cause of MS C. The primary progressive form of MS E. The development of MS F. The treatment for MS 2 MS patients can have one of two main varieties of the disease: the relapsing form (复发型)and the primary progressive form. In the relapsing form, the disease progresses in a series of jumps; at times it is in remission(减 轻).which means that a persons normal functions return for a period of time before the system goes into relapse and the disease again becomes more active. This is the most common form of MS; 80-90% of people have this form of the disease when they are first diagnosed. The relapse-remission cycle can continue for many years. Eventually, however, Ioss of physical and cognitive functions starts to take place and the remissions become less frequent. Multiple Sclerosis(多发性硬化症) 25. Paragraph 3_ B. The cause of MS C. The primary progressive form of MS E. The development of MS F. The treatment for MS 3 In the primary progressive form of MS, there are no remissions and a continual but steady loss of physical and cognitive functions takes place. This condition affects about 10-15% of sufferers at diagnosis. 最新课件及押题购买 Multiple Sclerosis(多发性硬化症) 26. Paragraph 4_ B. The cause of MS E. The development of MS F. The treatment for MS 4 The expected course of the disease, or prognosis(预后),depends on many variables: the subtype of the disease, the patients individual characteristics and the initial symptoms. Life expectancy of patients, however, is often nearly the same as that of an unaffected person - provided that a reasonable standard of care is received. In some cases a near-normal life span is possible. 概括大意基本思路 概括大意基本思路:主题词法 (+ 主题句法) 主题句法 主题句的典型句子结构: 段首定义句(A is B.; A is defined/viewed/considered/described as.; A is called B; What is A? ; A means B; ) 段首/段尾转折句(but, however, in fact, yet, nevertheless) 短尾总结句(to sum up, all in all, in a word, in short) 含有典型段落主题词的段首句(段落开头前两句)或段尾句(段落结尾处倒数前 两句)常是该段主题句; 段首/段尾处的观点句常是该段主题句(think, hold, suggest, argue, note, suspect, guess, point out, discover,find, indicate, show ) ,但是陈述“许 多人的观点或大多数人观点的句子除外” 最新课件及押题购买 典型考题分析(2013年综合B/A):TrafficJams No end in Sight 包含典型段落主题词的选项可能是答案(definition, aspect, advantage/strength/better, disadvantage/weakness, problem/issue, conflict/ disagreement/ dispute/ doubt/challenge, cause/reason/ factor, change/increase/decrease/reduce/rise/fall, different/difference, same/similar/ similarity, solution/way/method, important/importance/ significance, need/necessary/necessity, effect/influence/affect ) A. Paying to get in B. A solution which is no solution C. Changing work practice D. Closing city centers to traffic E. No doing enough F. A global problem 典型考题分析(2013年综合B/A):TrafficJams No end in Sight A. Paying to get in B. A solution which is no solution () C. Changing work practice D. Closing city centers to traffic () E. No doing enough F. A global problem () 23. Paragraph 1 _. 1. Traffic congestion(拥堵) affects people throughout the world. Traffic jams cause smog in dozens of cities both the developed and developing world. In the U.S., commuters(通勤人员)spend an average of a full working week each year sitting in traffic jams, according to the Texas Transportation Institute. While alternative ways of getting around are available, most people still choose their cars because they are looking for convenience, comfort and privacy. 答题思路: 利用典型段落主题词识别段落主题句 答题思路: 利用典型段落主题句的结构(A is called B)识别段落主题句 24. Paragraph 2 _. 2. The most promising technique for reducing city traffic is called congestion pricing, whereby cities charge a toll to enter certain parts of town at a certain times of day. In theory, if the toll is high enough, some drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus or train. And in practice it seems to work: Singapore, London and Stockholm have reduced traffic and pollution in city centers thanks to congestion pricing. 最新课件及押题购买 典型考题分析(2013年综合B/A):TrafficJams No end in Sight A. Paying to get in B. A solution which is no solution () C. Changing work practice D. Closing city centers to traffic () E. No doing enough 典型考题分析(2013年综合B/A):TrafficJams No end in Sight B. A solution which is no solution () C. Changing work practice D. Closing city centers to traffic () E. No doing enough 25. Paragraph 3 _. 3. Another way to reduce rush-hour traffic is for employers to implement flexitime, which lets employees travel to and from work at off-peak traffic times to avoid the rush hour. Employers can also allow more staff to telecommute (work from home) as so to keep more cars off the road altogether. 最新课件及押题购买 包含典型段落主题词的选项可能是答 案( solution/way/method ) 答题思路: 利用典型段落主题词识别段落主题句 典型考题分析(2013年综合B/A):TrafficJams No end in Sight B. A solution which is no solution () D. Closing city centers to traffic () E. No doing enough 主题句的典型句子结构: 段首/段尾转折句(but, however, in fact, yet) 答题思路: 利用典型段落主题句的结构识别段落 主题句 26. Paragraph 4 _. 4. Some urban planners still believe that the best way to ease traffic congestion is to build more roads, especially roads that can take drivers around or over crowded city streets. But such techniques do not really keep cars off the road; they only accommodate more of them. 最新课件及押题购买


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