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    Vocabulary Workshop Unit 1-3.pdf

    ?SAT very skillful; deceitful, hypocritical marveled at his _ abilities equally skillful with both hands clumsy, all thumbs, maladroit 3. augment (v) to make larger, increase _ ones income to enlarge, supplement, amplify to decrease, diminish 4. bereft (part, adj) deprived of; made unhappy through a loss _ of friends in his old age deprived; saddened by loss, bereaved replete, well provided with 5. deploy (v) to position or arrange; to utilize; to form up _ troops for battle to arrange, station, organize 6. dour (adj) stern, unyielding; gloomy, ill-humored a _ and sullen disposition harsh, bleak, forbidding, saturnine cheery, inviting, genial 7. fortitude (n) courage in facing difficulties showed great _ during the flood resolve, steadfastness, mettle fearfulness, timidity, faintheartedness 8. gape (v) to stare with open mouth; to open the mouth wide; to open wide _ in wonder at the sight to gawk, ogle; to open wide 9. gibe (v) (n) to utter taunting words _ at him for his cowardice an expression of scorn to ridicule, mock, deride, jeer a compliment, praise 10. guise (n) an external appearance, cover, mask the _ of a police officer a costume, semblance; a pretense 11. insidious (adj) intended to deceive or entrap; sly, treacherous an _ scheme cunning, underhanded, perfidious frank, ingenuous, aboveboard 12. intimation (n) a hint, indirect suggestion gave no _ of her difficulties a clue, indication, inkling a direct or blunt communication 13. opulent (adj) wealthy, luxurious; ample; grandiose _ living quarters rich, lavish, plentiful, abundant poverty-stricken, wretched, destitute 14. pliable (adj) easily bent, flexible; easily influenced three spools of _ copper wire supple, adaptable, resilient rigid, inflexible, recalcitrant 15. reiterate (v) to say again, repeat _ a statement for emphasis to repeat, rehash 16. stolid (adj) not easily moved, mentally or emotionally; dull, unresponsive a _ person who takes everything in stride impassive, phlegmatic, unresponsive emotional, oversensitive; high- strung 17. tentative (adj) experimental in nature; uncertain, hesitant a _ arrangement provisional, inconclusive definite, conclusive, confirmed 18. unkempt (adj) not combed; untidy; not properly maintained; unpolished, rude seemed to take pride in being _ sloppy, disheveled; disorganized; rough well-groomed, tidy, neat, natty 19. verbatim (adj, adv) word for word; exactly as written or spoken repeat _ word for word, exact paraphrased 20. warily (adv) cautiously, with great care approach the mouth of the cave _ carefully, prudently, gingerly recklessly, heedlessly, incautiously ?SAT opposed, unwilling _ to strenuous exercise disinclined, opposed, loath favorably disposed, eager, keen 4. belligerent (adj) (n) given to fighting, warlike; combative, aggressive a _ answer one at war, one engaged in war assertive, truculent, pugnacious peaceful, conciliatory, placid 5. benevolent (adj) kindly, charitable a _ feeling toward all their neighbors kindly, benign, well-meaning malicious, spiteful, malevolent 6. cursory (adj) hasty, not thorough a _ glance at the document quick, superficial, perfunctory thorough, painstaking, careful 7. duplicity (n) treachery, deceitfulness fired the employees suspected of _ fraud, double-dealing, chicanery 8. extol (v) to praise extravagantly _ her heroic deeds to glorify, applaud, acclaim, hail to criticize, belittle, disparage 9. feasible (adj) possible, able to be done develop a _ plan of action workable, practicable, viable unworkable, impractical 10. grimace (n) (v) a wry face, facial distortion a _ of pain to make a wry face a pained expression, facial contortion to smile, beam, grin 11. holocaust (n) a large-scale destruction, especially by fire; a vast slaughter a victim of the Chicago _ a conflagration; devastation; annihilation a deluge, inundation 12. impervious (adj) not affected or hurt by; admitting of no passage or entrance a plastic cover _ to moisture impenetrable; resistant, proof against porous, permeable, vulnerable 13. impetus (n) a moving force, impulse, stimulus gave a new _ to the drive an impulse, incentive, stimulus, spur a curb, hindrance, impediment, constraint 14. jeopardy (n) danger mistakes that put the entire operation in serious _ risk, hazard, peril safety, security 15. meticulous (adj) extremely careful; particular about details a _ housekeeper careful, fastidious, painstaking, fussy careless, negligent, sloppy 16. nostalgia (n) a longing for something past; homesickness a vague feeling of _ a longing for things past; homesickness 17. quintessence (n) the purest essence or form of something; the most typical example a deed hailed as the _ of valor the purest essence; a paragon, exemplar 18. retrogress (v) to move backward; to return to an earlier condition has _ into barbarism to revert; to degenerate, decline to advance, evolve, progress 19. scrutinize (v) to examine closely _ the documents to inspect, examine, pore over to skim, scan, glance at 20. tepid (adj) lukewarm; unenthusiastic, marked by an absence of interest a cup of _ tea lukewarm; insipid; halfhearted, wishy-washy heated, excited, enthusiastic ?SAT to make indifferent or hostile; to transfer, convey bad habits that _ friends to separate, drive apart, estrange to befriend, attract, captivate, to reconcile 3. artifice (n) a skillful or ingenious device; a clever trick; clever skill; trickery deceived by his _ a ruse, stratagem, contrivance 4. coerce (v) to compel, force _ into obedience by a threat of punishment to pressure, bully, intimidate, constrain to persuade, cajole 5. craven (adj) (n) cowardly criticized by his opponent for his _ policies a coward fearful, fainthearted, pusillanimous brave, courageous, valiant 6. culinary (adj) of or related to cooking or to the kitchen a fine example of French _ related to cooking 7. delete (v) to erase, wipe out, cut out shortened the report by _ two paragraphs to remove, cancel, expunge to insert, add, retain, include 8. demise (n) a death, especially of a person in a lofty position tolling bells that indicated the _ of the king a death, decease, passing away a birth, beginning, commencement 9. exhilarate (v) to enliven, cheer, give spirit or liveliness to _ by the good news to stimulate, excite, gladden discourage, dispirit, dishearten, inhibit 10. fallow (adj) (n) (v) plowed but not seeded; inactive; reddish-yellow land left unseeded to plow but not seed garden plots left _ for a year unproductive, inert, dormant productive, fertile, prolific 11. harass (v) to disturb, worry; to trouble by repeated attacks _ the witness with difficult questions to annoy, pester, bedevil, beleaguer, worry 12. inclement (adj) stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action unaccustomed to the _ New England winter blustery, tempestuous, implacable mild, gentle, balmy, tranquil 13. muse (v) to think about in a dreamy way, ponder _ on the meaning of life to meditate, contemplate, daydream 14. negligible (adj) so important that it can be disregarded a _ loss that we need not worry about trivial, inconsequential, insignificant significant, crucial, momentous 15. perpetuate (v) to make permanent or long lasting _ the customs of our ancestors to continue, preserve, prolong, indefinitely to discontinue, abolish, abandon 16. precedent (n) an example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action set a _ for others to follow a guide, tradition, model that which follows or comes afterwards 17. punitive (adj) inflicting or aiming at punishment led a _ expedition against the rebels penalizing, retaliatory 18. redress (v) (n) to set right, remedy relief from wrong or injury seek _ through the courts to rectify, correct, mitigate 19. sojourn (n) (v) a temporary stay a weeks _ in Paris to stay for a time a visit, stopover, brief stay 20. urbane (adj) refined in manner or style, suave an _ host suave, elegant crude, uncouth, boorish


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