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    北师大必修3 英语 知识点总结,语法.doc

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    北师大必修3 英语 知识点总结,语法.doc

    Unit7(1) participate in(2) fill out / in(3) if not (4) according to(5) be forced to do sth force sb to do sth (6) persuade sb to do sth persuade sb into doing persuade sb not to do sth persuade sb out of doing sth persuade sb of sth 使某人相信(7)make it to 到达 make it 成功(8)in search of (9)apologise to sb for sth(10)be known as 被称作(11)succeed in doing sth(12)be based on 以.为基础(13)ban doing sth ban sb from (doing)sth(14)make a living(15)solution to the problem answer to the question key to the door(16)watch out(17)all at once(18)pick up(19)recognize sb / voice(20)survive (in) the earthquake 在.幸存下来(21)on the edge of 在.边缘(22)tie.to(23)escape from the prison 从监狱逃脱 escape being punished 逃脱被惩罚 escape punishment 逃脱惩罚(24)in the direction 朝.方向(25)expect sb to do sth(26)manage to do sth 设法成功做成某事语法: 形容词和副词比较级句型 P93 A + be + 倍数词 as + adj / adv 原形 + as +B A + be + 倍数词 +比较级 + than +B Unit8(1) take off 起飞 事业成功(2) on the horizon 在地平线上broaden ones horizon(3) as well as = in addictionto = besides 除.之外还有 A as well as B A 与 B 作主语 谓语与A 一致(4)go straight home adv 直接地 in a straight line adj 直的(5) right now 就在此刻 just now 刚才(6) take up 从事 占据(7) be into sth=be interested in 喜欢(8) turn up 出现 把音量调大(9) back out(10) get across sth(11) be worth doing sth 值得做某事(12) go through with (13) do trade with = trade with 与.贸易(14) be impressed by 对.印象深刻 make / leave an impression on sb 给.留下印象 have an impression on 对.有印象 be impressive adj 印象深刻的(15) be available 有空 可得到 可买到(16) be confused by 被.困惑 confuse A with B 把A和B混淆(17) in turn 轮流,反过来(18) break out (战争、争吵)爆发(19) put sb into prison sb be put into prison (20) stan by 坚持(某种说法)袖手旁观(21)a large quantity of+n 做主语 谓语用单数 large quantities of + n做主语 谓语用复数(22)leave out 省略为.做准备(23)in preparion for make preparion for prepare for (24)on ones way to on ones way home (25)break down (机器/车)坏掉 (人身体)垮掉 (26)run out (of) (27)carry on (doing) sth carry on with sth (28)make rapid progress 取得很快的进步 (29)have difficulties with sth Have difficulty (in) doing sth (30)at one time 曾经 at a time 有一次 (31)Amundsen was the first to leave (32)in particular 尤其是 be particular about 对.挑剔 (33)in detail 详细地 detail records 详细记载 Unit9(1) benefit frombenefit from cyclingcycling benefits me(2) actually=in fact = as a matter of fact(3) plenty of(4) in the 1960s 在20世纪60年代 in 1960 在1960年(5) paint.white/green(6) wherever =no matter where 不管在哪 wherever you go =no matter where you go (7) thanks to 幸亏(8) be fed up (9) work out (10) it is convenient for sb to do sth 不能用人做主语(11) be sensitive to(12) take responsibility for sth(13) rely on (14) pull up (15) pull out (16) be content with sth 满足. be content to do sth 满足做某事(17) on ones own 某人自己(18) check in 登记 check out 结账离开(19) be worried about (20) so far (21) have good impression of(22) take place 发生 take the place of(23) appreciate doing sthI would appreciate it if . (24)under construction(25)a large amount of+n(不可数)大量The amount of n (不可数) .的数量A large number of+n(可数)大量The number of (可数).的数目(26)go up to/by(27)admit doing sth Be admitted to/into (28)be addicted to 29)be occupied with sth Be occupied in doing sth (30)on average(31)get/be stuck in 陷入; 卡住(32)compared to/with 与.比较(33)be related to 与.有关(34)be bad for (35)make excuse(36)have conversations (37)Regular exercise cuts the risk of heart disease(3)so what ?(39) around the corner 在附近 (40) take action = take measures 采取行动(41) sit around 闲坐


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