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    如何平衡你的学业与社交生活信不信由你,你完全有可能做到学业以及社交两不误。上大学并得到不错的成绩并不是要你埋头苦读、整天像个书呆子似的什么都不做而只是学习。这里有一些建议:如果你保持一个开放的头脑并保持灵活,那么将会帮助你在你的学业和朋友间游刃有余。Believe it or not, it is possible to do well in both your academic and social life. Going to college and getting good grades isnt all about burying your nose in a book and being the nerd who has nothing better to do than study all the time !Here are a few tips that , if you keep an open mind and remain flexible, well help you to gracefully juggle both your studies and your friends.首先,要将你的时间最大化。如果你在两门课程之间有一两个没课,赶快抓紧时间做作业或是学习。或者用这段时间为下次考试临时不抱佛脚。不要把你所有的作业都拖到晚上再做。每周至少指定一个晚上去俱乐部或是你选择的什么组织。此外,不要忘记为自己留下一点儿时间。有的人比别人需要更多的空闲时间。你自己知道,怎么做对你更合适。First of all, maximize the time you have .If you have an hour or two between classes, soak that time up with homework or studying .Or use it to cram for the next exam .Dont procrastinate all of your homework to the evening . Designate at least one night per week for a club or an organization of your choice .And dont forget to save time just for yourself .Some people need more down time than others .You know what works best for you.其次,凡事要有个轻重缓急。要按重要性依次做作业,而不是按照由易到难或是有喜欢到布喜欢的顺序。要在作业规定期限之前,就早早把它做完,不要等到前一天晚撒谎能够才去赶任务。这样的话,如果有什么意外的事情突然出现,你已经把最紧迫的作业完成了,只需要把一些不重要的作业留到以后再做。显然,在休息室花一个晚上看电影不应该是放在第一位的事情。但是你的一个好朋友来敲你的门,因为她需要找人说说话,这就不能怠慢。当别人邀请你做什么的时候,别害怕说“不”。选择对你最为重要的课外活动,挑选出两道三项,并要从这些活动中得到最大收益。不要见着一个俱乐部就参加一个,还想有时间学好各门课程,这不现实。Second, prioritize. Do your homework in order of important, not in the order of easiest to hardest or most favorite to least favorite. And complete assignments long before they are due, not the night before theyre due. This way ,if something unexpected pops up, you will likely have the most pressing assignments behind you, and the less important ones can wait if they have to. Obviously , movie night in the lounge is not a high priority. Dont be afraid to say “no” when someone invites you to do something , Pick the extracurricular things that are two or three things. But a close friend who knocks on your door because she needs to talk to someone is a priority. Dont jump into every club and expect to have time for classes, its just not realistic.第三,使用记事本。一个袖珍的记事本是大学生最好的朋友。事无大小,一律都记下来将会对你依赖记事本的程度,以及有些事情要是不及时记下来就会忘掉而感到吃惊。要有纪律意识,坚持尽可能多地按记事本去做。将你每一天的每个小时都规划好,即使是小憩的时间或者自由时间也要事先规划好!如果你整个星期都很忙,那就利用吃午饭的时间和朋友们聊一聊。跟某人来一个午餐约会,共度快乐时光,或者与几个朋友一起吃午餐,以补上社交的缺失。Third,use a planer . A pocket planer is a college students best friend. Write down everything from the least sighnificant part of your life to the most sighnificant .Youll be surprised at how much you rely on your planer ,and what things you forget about if you dont write them down ! Be disciplined and stick to the planer as much as possible .Block every hour during your day ,even if you need to block some time for a nap or free time !If youve been having a particularly busy week ,take advantage of your lunch hour to catch up with friends. Make a lunch date to have quality time with someone ,or have lunch with a group of friends to catch up on social time .第四,要灵活!这一点听起来可能与上一点有些矛盾,但二者其实相辅相成。按照你的记事本行事,但是如果必要的时候也要乐于做出改变。如果某人在一次重要考试的前一天晚上安排了一个意外的生日聚会,那么你就要把一些事情挪一下,把参加生日聚会前的那天白天拿来准备考试复习。偶尔缺一堂课也未尝不可!但是别经常缺课,否则你可能会发现,你的成绩开始变得一越来越差。大部分课程都提供一定数量的“赠品”,或者说,总有那么几天是你可以缺课而不至于影响成绩。Fourth, be flexible! This may sound contradictory to the last point ,but really it goes hand in hand with it. Follow your planer ,but be willing to charge it up if necessary .If someone is planning a surprise birthday party the night before a big test ,then move things around so that you can spend the day before the party studying for exam. Its okay to skip a class every now and then ! Dont skip on a regular basis ,or you may find that your grades begin to suffer .Most classes offer a certain number of “freebies”, or days you can skip without your grade being affected.第五,放松一些!如果你很紧张地学习,一直埋头苦干了一个星期,那么,现在就走出宿舍去别的地方,去哪儿都行。拉上一个朋友去湖边放松一下。或者去看部电影、去约个会。干什么都行!就去做一些事先没计划的事。你会觉得舒服多了。别为了必需的休息而感到内疚。你会发现,当你做到学业和社交生活两不误的时候,你的友谊和成绩就会双丰收!Fifth, be spontaneous! If you have had a stressful week and have kept your nose to the grindstone nonstop ,get out of your dorm room and go somewhere. Anywhere .Grab a friend and go relax at the lake .Go to a movie .Go on a date .Anything! Just do something unplanned. You will feel so much-needed break .You will find that when you balance your social life with your academic life ,both your friendships and your grades will thrive!


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