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    闽教版五年级下册Unit 5-6练习.pdf

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    闽教版五年级下册Unit 5-6练习.pdf

    20172018 学年第二学期五年级英语 Unit 5-6 练习卷第(1)页,共 6 页 台江区台江区 2017-2018 学年第学年第二二学期学期五五年级年级英语英语 Unit 5-6 练习练习 等级: 一、按字母表顺序排列以下字母,并找出其中的元音字母写在横线上。 NnOoUuQqYyVvRrSsTtWwXxPpZz 以上字母中,元音字母有:_ _ 二、下列每组中划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写 T,不同的写 F。将答案写 在题前的括号内。 () 1.A. windowB. cowC. yellow () 2.A. boatB. coatC. sport () 3.A. cloudB. shoutC. house () 4.A. dogB. noseC. photo () 5.A. howB. nowC. brown 二、找出不同类的单词,将序号填入题前的括号内。 () 1.A. danceB. sawC. skate () 2.A. threeB. sevenC. fifth () 3.A. bigB. bookC. photo () 4.A. FuzhouB. hospitalC. cinema () 5.A. interestingB. readingC. writing 四、选择填空,将序号填入题前的括号内。 () 1. Yang Ming is good at swimming. He will _on Sports Day. A. do high jumpB. swimmingC. swim () 2. I can play _ football. He can play _ violin. A. the , B. the , theC. ,the () 3. Julia is _long jump. Sally is taking photos. 校名班级姓名座号 密封线 Nn 20172018 学年第二学期五年级英语 Unit 5-6 练习卷第(2)页,共 6 页 A. doB. doesC. doing () 4. Oh, no. Yang Ming is falling down. He is not good at _. A. high jumpB. playingC. drawing () 5. _ is on October 1st. A. New Years DayB. National DayC. Childrens Day () 6. Jenny likes singing. She often _for TV programs. A. singingB. singsC. sing () 7. Will you go to the park? - No, I _. A. willB. wontC. dont () 8. The girl is going to _ rice cakes. A. makeB. plantC. water () 9. I will be _. I need some cakes. A. hungryB. tiredC. lovely () 10. Lets go to the _ to do some shopping. B. parkB. supermarketC. school 五、根据中文或首字母提示,完成下列句子。 1. I did well on Sports Day. Miss Gao was very p_of me. 2. Mrs. Miller is _(藏) the Easter eggs in the garden. 3. Look! Peter is r_. He can run very fast. 4. - Who will run 800 m_. - I will. 5. I am the first in the race. I am very h_. 6. He is_(喝) a lot of water now, because he is very thirsty. 7. Dont be s_, Lily. Not all can be the first. 8. The sky is blue. The _(云) are white. 9. Julia got home late. Her mother was _(生气的). 六、选词填空,将序号写在横线上。 20172018 学年第二学期五年级英语 Unit 5-6 练习卷第(3)页,共 6 页 Yesterday we (1)_ a New Year Party. Tomorrow we will (2)_ a spring outing. Hello. (3)_ Wang Tao. May I (4)_ to Peter? (5)_. Where are you now? (6)_ on my way home. 七、根据描述,圈出正确的图片的序号。 1. She is playing chess with her friend.2. The boy is under the desk. 3. Wow! She can jump far.4. Yang Ming is standing on the chair. 八、判断下列句子是否合理,合理的请写“T”,不合理的请写“F”。 () 1. Its spring, birds are singing and flowers are blooming . () 2. It is good for us to do sports. () 3. Tomatoes and potatoes are fruits. () 4. In winter I went to China, I visited Big Ben. ABAB ABAB A. haveB. had1. A. This isB. ImC. SpeakingD. speak2. 20172018 学年第二学期五年级英语 Unit 5-6 练习卷第(4)页,共 6 页 () 5. Sun Moon Lake is in Taiwan. 九、情景表达,将序号填入题前的括号内。 () 1. Peter 正在赛跑,你可以对他喊: A. Come on, Peter!B. Come here, Peter! () 2. 你的朋友因为考试没考好而伤心,你可以对他说: A. Excuse me.B. Cheer up! () 3. 当你得到别人的赞赏时,你可以说: A. Thank you.B. Help me. () 4. 当你把东西递给别人时,你可以说: A. Here you are.B. Thats very good. () 5. 想尝试做某事,你可以这样说: A. Lets go.B. Let me try. 十、请将下列句子按照顺序标号,组成一个小情境。 1. ()Are you hungry? () Thank you. () Yes, I am. () Have some bread. 2. () What about you, Sally? () I will try. () Yeah! () We are going to have a Sports Day. () Who will run 200 meters? () I will do long jump. 十一、阅读短文。 A Hello, Im Tony. Im eleven years old. Im from America, but now Im in China. I study in an international(国际的)school. Im in Class One, Grade Five. My 20172018 学年第二学期五年级英语 Unit 5-6 练习卷第(5)页,共 6 页 classmates are kind and cute. They are all very nice to me. We are happy together. Yesterday we had a Sports Day. I swam 200 meters. “Come on, Tony!” my friends shouted to me. I swam very fast. I was the winner of the race. My teacher, Miss Lin was very proud of me. Sally took many photos of me. (一)根据短文内容,选择正确的选项,将序号填在题前的括号内。 () 1. Where is Tony from? _. A. AustraliaB. The USAC. China () 2. Tony is in _. A. Class FiveB. Grade OneC. Grade Five () 3. Miss Lin is Tonys _. A. friendB. classmateC. teacher () 4. Tony is good at _. A. swimmingB. skatingC. jumping (二)根据短文内容,完成句子(字数不限)。 1. Tony is _now. 2. Tonys school is in _now. 3. What did Tony do on Sports Day? He_. 4. Did Sally take photos of Tony? _. B Today is Bobs birthday. He is 13 years now. This morning, Bobs mother got up early and she cooked noodles and eggs for him. His grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt and his friends came to his birthday party at 10:00 a.m. They played games, and ate a lot of delicious food like hamburgers, fruits and ice cream at the party. They had a good time. (一)阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 () 1. It was Bobs birthday yesterday. () 2. Bob was 12 years old last year. 20172018 学年第二学期五年级英语 Unit 5-6 练习卷第(6)页,共 6 页 () 3. Bobs mother cooked noodles and eggs for his birthday. () 4. Bobs friends came to his birthday party in the afternoon, () 5. They had delicious food at the party. (二)根据短文内容,回答问题。 1. Did Bob have a good time today? _ 2. How old is Bob now? _ 十二、根据图片,完成句子。 十三、阅读理解。 What will they do on Sports Day? Wang Tao will _ _ _ _ 十三、模仿范例,看图写话。 例:Sally is riding a bike. 1. Lily_ 2. The boy_ 运动会报名表 Wang Tao100 米赛跑 Peter跳高 Julia跳远 Sally游泳 A: Who is the winner of 200-meter race? B: Look. _ is the first. Chen Juan is the _. Wu Ping is the _.


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