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    五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 UnitUnit 1 1p2p2 A:When do you get up? A:你什么时候起床? B:I often get up at 7 oclock. B:我经常在七点钟起床. A:When do you start class in Spain? A:你在西班牙什么时候开始上课? B:Usually at 9 oclock.I always start class at 8 oclock. B:通常在九点钟.我总是在八点钟开始上 课. Unit1Unit1p3p3 A:What do you do on the weekend? A:你周末做什么? B:I often cleanmyroom and wash my clothes.Sometimes I play ping-pong with ZhangPeng. B:我经常打扫我的房间和洗我的衣服.有时 我和张鹏打乒乓球. A:Today is Sunday! What do you do on the weekend? A:今天是星期日!你周末做什么? B:I often go shopping with my mum. B:我经常和我妈妈购物. UnitUnit 1 1 A-LetsA-Lets trytry Pedro is a new student from Spain. 佩德罗是一个来自西班牙的新学生. Zhang Peng: Pedro, this is our new classroom.Do you like our school? 张鹏:佩德罗,这是我们的新教室.你喜欢 我们的学校吗? Pedro: Yes, but I m tired.In Spain, I always sleep a little in the afternoon. 佩德罗:是的,但是我很累.在西班牙,我 总是在下午睡一小会儿觉. Zhang Peng: Really? When do you sleep? 张鹏:真的吗?你什么时候睡觉? Pedro: At about 2 o clock. 佩德罗:大约两点钟. Zhang Peng: Oh.Thats now, but we have a maths class at 2 o clock. 张鹏:哦.那就是现在了,但是我们在两点 钟有一节数学课. UnitUnit 1 1 A-LetsA-Lets talktalk Zhang Peng: When do you finish class in the morning? 张鹏:你们上午的课什么时候结束? Pedro: We finish class at 1 o clock.Then we eat lunch at home. 佩德罗:我们一点钟结束课程.然后我们在 家吃午饭. Zhang Peng: Wow! When do you go back to school after lunch? 张鹏:哇!午饭后你们什么时候回学校? Pedro: At 2: 30.Classes start at 3 o clock. 佩德罗:两点三十分.三点钟开始上课. Zhang Peng: When do you usually eat dinner in Spain? 五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 张鹏:你在西班牙通常什么时候吃晚饭? Pedro: Usually at 9: 30 or 10 o clock. 佩德罗:通常在九点三十分或者十点钟. Zhang Peng: Wow! Thats too late! 张鹏:哇!那太晚了! UnitUnit 1 1 B-LetsB-Lets trytry Sarah: Hello, Mrs Green.Good to see you! 萨拉:你好,格林夫人.见到你很高兴! Shopkeeper: Hi, Sarah.Welcome to our shop again. 店主:嗨,萨拉.欢迎再次来到我们的商店. Sarah: I want to buy some vegetables. 萨拉:我想要买一些蔬菜. Shopkeeper: Here are some fresh carrots.You dont often shop here on Saturdays. 店主:这是一些新鲜的胡萝卜.你星期六不 经常在这里购物. Sarah: No, not often. 萨拉:是的,不经常. UnitUnit 1 1 B-LetsB-Lets talktalk Shopkeeper: Why are you shopping today? 店主:今天你为什么购物? Sarah: My mum worked last night.So I m shopping today. 萨拉:我妈妈昨晚工作了,所以今天我购 物. Shopkeeper: Good girl! So what do you do on the weekend? 店主:好女孩儿!那么你在周末做什么? Sarah: I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. 萨拉:我经常看电视,也常和我爸爸一起 打乒乓球. Shopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun. 店主:那听起来好像很有趣. Sarah: Yes, but Im also hard-working.I usually wash my clothes.Sometimes I cook dinner. 萨拉:是的,但是我也很勤劳.我通常洗衣 服.有时我做晚饭. Shopkeeper: Youre so busy! You need a robot to help you! 店主:你真忙!你需要一个机器人来帮助 你! UnitUnit 1 1 B-ReadB-Read andand writewrite Robins play 罗宾的戏剧 Robin is in a play.He is Robinson Crusoe.Here is a letter from him. 罗宾在演戏.他扮演鲁滨逊?克鲁索.这是一 封来自他的信. My name is Robinson.I live on an island.I always get up early every day.I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast.Sometimes I clean my cave, too. 五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 我的名字是鲁滨逊.我住在一个岛上.我每 天总是很早起床.我洗脸,然后吃早饭.有时 我也打扫我的山洞. I often go swimming in the water.In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend.His name is Friday. 我经常去水里游泳.下午,我和我的朋友进 行体育运动.他的名字是星期五. Friday is good at sports.He often wins. 星期五擅长体育运动.他经常获胜. UnitUnit 1 1 B-LetsB-Lets checkcheck Amy: Mike, lets go swimming on the weekend. 埃米:迈克,让我们周末去游泳吧. Mike: I m sorry.I cant. 迈克:我很抱歉.我不能去. Amy: Why not? 埃米:为什么不呢? Mike: I always clean my room and do my homework on the weekend. 迈克:我总是在周末打扫我的房间并且做 家庭作业. Amy: OK. 埃米:好吧. Mike: Have fun! 迈克:玩得开心点! Unit2Unit2P12P12 A:Which season do you like best? A:你最喜欢哪个季节? B:Autumn. B:秋天. A:Why? A:为什么? B:Because the colours are pretty! B:因为颜色很漂亮! A:Which season do you like best? A:你最喜欢哪个季节? B:Winter!I can sleep all day.How about you? B:冬天!我能整天睡觉.你呢? A:I like spring best.There are beautiful flowers every where. A:我最喜欢春天,到处都有美丽的花. Unit2Unit2P13P13 A:Look at my picture,Miss White.I like summer best because of Childrens Day. A:看我的图片,怀特老师.我最喜欢夏天, 因为(有)儿童节. B:What do you often do in summer? B:你在夏天经常做什么? A:I often go swimming. A:我经常去游泳. UnitUnit 2 2 A-LetsA-Lets trytry Mike: Its a windy day. 迈克:今天是多风的一天. Chen Jie: Yes.Its cold, too. 陈杰:是的.还很冷. Mike: Whats your favourite season, Chen Jie? 五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 迈克:你最喜欢的季节是什么,陈杰? Chen Jie: Autumn.It is beautiful here in Beijing. 陈杰:秋天.在北京这里秋天很漂亮. UnitUnit 2 2 A-LetsA-Lets talktalk Mr Jones: Do you like the music, children? 琼斯老师: 你们喜欢这个音乐吗, 孩子们? Mike: Yes.Its very beautiful.What is it? 迈克:喜欢.它很美妙.它是什么? Mr Jones: The Four Seasons.Today well draw the seasons.Which season do you like best, Mike? 琼斯老师:四季.今天我们将画季节.你 最喜欢哪个季节,迈克? Mike: Winter.I like snow. 迈克:冬天.我喜欢雪. Mr Jones: I like snow, too.Which season do you like best, Wu Yifan? 琼斯老师: 我也喜欢雪.你最喜欢哪个季节, 吴一凡? Wu Yifan: Spring.Its pretty. 吴一凡:春天.它很美丽. Mr Jones: Yes, it is. 琼斯老师:是的,它很美丽. UnitUnit 2 2 B-LetsB-Lets trytry Zhang Peng: Look at my picture, John. 张鹏:看我的画,约翰. John: Its pretty.So you like spring best? 约翰:它很漂亮.那么你最喜欢春天? Zhang Peng: Yes.Spring is beautiful.There are lots of flowers.The trees are green. 张鹏: 是的.春天很漂亮.有许多花朵.树是绿 色的. UnitUnit 2 2 B-LetsB-Lets talktalk Amy: Hello, Miss White.Look at my picture. 埃米:你好,怀特老师.看我的画. Miss White: Good job! I like the trees.The colours are very pretty! 怀特老师:做得好!我喜欢这些树.颜色很 漂亮! Amy: Yes.I like autumn best.The weather is good and the colours are beautiful! Which season do you like best, Miss White? 埃米:是的.我最喜欢秋天.天气很好,颜色 很漂亮!你最喜欢哪个季节,怀特老师? Miss White: Summer. 怀特老师:夏天. Amy: Why? 埃米:为什么? Miss White: Because I like summer vacation! 怀特老师:因为我喜欢暑假! UnitUnit 2 2 B-ReadB-Read andand writewrite Robin likes them all! 罗宾喜欢它们全部! Look at the green trees and pink flowers. 五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 看绿色的树和粉色的花. I like spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. 我喜欢春天,因为到处都有美丽的花. The weather is hot, hot, hot! 天气炎热、炎热、炎热! I like summer, but I cant swim. 我喜欢夏天,但是我不会游泳. What lovely colours! The leaves fall and fall and fall.I love fall! 多么美丽的颜色啊!叶子落啊落啊落.我爱 秋天! Wow! I want to paint a picture, too! 哇!我还想要画一幅画! There is lots of snow.It is white everywhere. 有很多雪.到处都是白色的. I like winter because I can play in the snow. 我喜欢冬天,因为我能在雪里玩. UnitUnit 2 2 B-LetsB-Lets checkcheck Boy: When is your birthday? 男孩:你的生日是什么时候? Girl: Its in summer. 女孩:它在夏天. Boy: Do you like summer? 男孩:你喜欢夏天吗? Girl: No, I don t.Its too hot. 女孩:不,我不喜欢.夏天太热了. Boy: Which season do you like best? 男孩:你最喜欢哪个季节? Girl: Autumn.The colours are beautiful.I can pick fresh apples. 女孩:秋天.颜色很漂亮.我可以摘新鲜的苹 果. Unit3Unit3P22P22、P P2323 A:When is the summer vacation? A:暑假是什么时候? B:Its in July and August. B:在七月和八月. A:When is Tree Planting Day? A:植树节是什么时候? B:Itsin March. B:在三月. A:When is Dragon Boat Festival ? A:端午节是什么时候? B:Its usually in June.My mum will make zongzi then.I hope you can come and share some with us. B:通常在六月.那时我妈妈将包粽子.我希 望你能来和我们一起分享一些(粽子). A:Thats very kind of you. A:你真是太好了. A:When is the school trip this year? A:今年的学校郊游是什么时候? B:Its in May. B:在五月. A:Is the singing contest in May,too? A:歌唱比赛也在五月吗? 五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 B:Yes. B:是的. A:Hooray for May! A:五月万岁! 1 1 January(JanJanuary(Jan. .) ) NewNew YearsYears DayDay 一月元旦一月元旦 2 2 February(FebFebruary(Feb. .)winter)winter vacationvacation 二月寒假二月寒假 3 3 March(MarMarch(Mar. .)Tree)Tree PlantingPlanting DayDay 三月植树节三月植树节 4 4 April(AprApril(Apr. .) )EasterEaster sportssports meetmeet 四月复活节四月复活节 运动会运动会 5 5 MayMay(无无缩写)缩写) MayDayMayDay MothersMothers DayDay 五月劳动节五月劳动节 母亲节母亲节 6 6 June(JunJune(Jun. .) ) ChildrenChildren s s DayDay FathersFathers DayDay 六月儿童节六月儿童节 父亲节父亲节 7 7 July(JulJuly(Jul. .) ) summersummer vacationvacation 七月暑假七月暑假 8 8 August(AugAugust(Aug. .)summer)summer vacationvacation 八月暑假八月暑假 9 9 September(SeptSeptember(Sept. .)Teachers)Teachers DayDay Mid-AutumnMid-Autumn DayDay 九月教师节九月教师节 中秋节中秋节 1010 October(OctOctober(Oct. .)Chinas)Chinas NationalNational DayDay 十月中国国庆节十月中国国庆节 1111 November(NovNovember(Nov. .)American)American ThanksgivingThanksgiving DayDay 十一月美国感恩节十一月美国感恩节 1212 December(DecDecember(Dec. .)Christmas)Christmas 十二月圣诞节十二月圣诞节 UnitUnit 3 3 A-LetsA-Lets trytry Mike: Whats that, Zhang Peng? 迈克:那是什么,张鹏? Zhang Peng: Its an invitation for my mum and dad. 张鹏:它是一张给我妈妈和爸爸的请柬. Mike: What for? 迈克:为了什么? Zhang Peng: For the sports meet next week.I will run. 张鹏:为了下星期的运动会.我将要跑步. Mike: I see.Good luck! 迈克:我知道了.祝你好运! Zhang Peng: Thank you! 张鹏:谢谢你! UnitUnit 3 3 A-LetA-Let s s talktalk Mike:We have a few fun things in spring. After the sports meet,we have an Easter party. 迈克:在春天我们有一些有趣的事情,运 动会之后,我们举办一场复活节聚会。 ZhangPeng:When is the party? 张鹏:聚会是什么时候? Mike:Its in April.We have a school trip,too. 迈克:在四月。我们也有一个学校郊游。 ZhangPeng:When is that? 张鹏:那是什么时候? Mike:Its in May. 迈克:在五月。 五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 ZhangPeng:Cool! 张鹏:太酷了! UnitUnit 3 3 B-LetsB-Lets trytry Oliver: Today is my birthday. 奥利弗:今天是我的生日. Chen Jie: Really? Happy birthday! 陈杰:真的吗?生日快乐! Oliver: Thanks. 奥利弗:谢谢. Chen Jie: What will you do today? 陈杰:你今天将要做什么? Oliver: I will have a party.Please come. 奥利弗:我将要举办一个聚会.请来吧. Chen Jie: I will. 陈杰:我会的. UnitUnit 3 3 B-LetB-Let s s talktalk Oliver:Autumn is my favourite season.I really like the colours. 奥利弗:我喜欢秋天.我真的喜欢那些颜色. Chen Jie: I like autumn, too.We usually have a school trip in autumn. 陈杰:我也喜欢秋天.我们在秋天通常有一 个学校郊游. Oliver: Great! When is the trip this year? 奥利弗: 太好了! 今年的郊游是什么时候? Chen Jie: Its in October.Well go to the Great Wall. 陈杰:它在十月.我们将去长城. Oliver: Cool! I love the Great Wall! 奥利弗:太酷了!我爱长城! UnitUnit 3 3 B-ReadB-Read andand writewrite Easter Party 复活节聚会 WHEN: April 12th, 7 p. m. 什么时候:4 月 12 日,晚上七点 WHY: Easter holiday 为什么:复活节假日 WHERE: Wu Yifans home 在哪里:吴一凡家 WHAT: We will play many games.We will roll Easter eggs.We will look for eggs.We will eat chocolate eggs.You will meet the Easter Bunny! 做什么:我们将玩许多游戏.我们将滚复活 节彩蛋.我们将寻找彩蛋.我们将吃巧克力 蛋.你将见到复活节兔子! RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an email at by March 23rd. 请赐复:你会来参加聚会吗?请在 3 月 23 日之前发电子邮件到 给 我. UnitUnit 3 3 B-LetsB-Lets checkcheck 1. Miss White: We have lots of fun things this spring.In March there is the school trip.Well go to the Great Wall.In April, well have a singing contest.In May, well visit a farm. 怀特老师:我们今年春天有许多有趣的事 情.在三月有学校郊游.我们将要去长城.在 五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 四月, 我们将要举办一个歌唱比赛.在五月, 我们将要参观农场. 2. John: Look at the calendar.In September, there is Teachers Day.In October, well go to the zoo.In November, there is Thanksgiving Day.Well eat a big dinner.In December, there is Christmas.Well have a party! 约翰:看日历.在九月,有教师节.在十月, 我们将要去动物园.在十一月,有感恩节.我 们将要吃一顿丰盛的晚餐.在十二月,有圣 诞节.我们将要举办一个聚会! RecycleRecycle 1-1-ListenListen andand writewrite thethe namesnames 1.Mike: Hello. 迈克:你好. Sarah: Hi, Mike.This is Sarah. 萨拉:你好,迈克.我是萨拉. Mike: Hi, Sarah. 迈克:嗨,萨拉. Sarah: I will play ping-pong tomorrow morning.Would you like to come? 萨拉:我明天上午将打乒乓球.你想要来 吗? Mike: Sorry.I will pick apples with my grandpa. 迈克:对不起.我将和我(外)祖父摘苹果. Sarah: No problem. 萨拉:没问题. 2.Sarah: Hi, Wu Yifan! This is Sarah. 萨拉:你好,吴一凡!我是萨拉. Wu Yifan: Hi! 吴一凡:你好! Sarah: I will play ping-pong tomorrow.Will you come? 萨拉:我明天将打乒乓球.你要来吗? Wu Yifan: Sorry.I will go swimming. 吴一凡:对不起.我将去游泳. Sarah: Thats OK.See you Monday. 萨拉:没关系.星期一见. Wu Yifan: See you. 吴一凡:再见. 3.Amy: Hello. 埃米:你好. Sarah: Hi, Amy.This is Sarah.I will play ping-pong tomorrow morning.Can you come? 萨拉:你好,埃米.我是萨拉.我明天上午将 打乒乓球.你能来吗? Amy: Sure.I am free. 埃米:当然.我有空. Sarah: Cool! 萨拉:太酷了! Unit4Unit4P36P36 A:When is Mothers Day? A:母亲节是哪天?. B:Its on the second Sunday in May. B:在五月的第二个星期日. A:Happy birthday,Mum! A:生日快乐,妈妈! 五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 B:Thankyou. B:谢谢你 Unit4Unit4P37P37 A:When is Mid-Autumn Day this year? A:今年的中秋节是哪天? B:September 27th. B:9 月 27 日. A:What do you usually do on Mid-Autumn Day? A:你们通常在中秋节做什么? B:We eat mooncakes.My family will also eat a birthday cake. B:我们吃月饼.我的家人也将吃生日蛋糕. A:A birthday cake for Mid-Autumn Day?! A:中秋节吃生日蛋糕?! B:My cousins birthday is on Mid-Autumn Day this year! B:今年我堂哥的生日在中秋节! A:Cool! A:酷! UnitUnit 4 4 A-LetsA-Lets trytry Mr Jones: When is the sports meet, Zhang Peng? 琼斯老师:运动会是哪天,张鹏? Zhang Peng: Its on April 4th. 张鹏:它在 4 月 4 日. Mr Jones: Its next Friday, then.Good luck. 琼斯老师:那就是下个星期五.祝你好运. Zhang Peng: Thanks. 张鹏:谢谢. UnitUnit 4 4 A-LetA-Let s s talktalk Mr Jones: There are some special days in April. 琼斯老师:四月有一些特殊的日子. Zhang Peng: What are they? 张鹏:它们是什么? Mr Jones: April Fools Day and Easter. 琼斯老师:愚人节和复活节. Zhang Peng: When is April Fools Day? 张鹏:愚人节是哪天? Mr Jones: Its on April 1st. 琼斯老师:它在 4 月 1 日. Zhang Peng: And Easter? 张鹏:复活节呢? Mr Jones: Its on April 5th this year. 琼斯老师:今年它在 4 月 5 日. Zhang Peng: Wow! I love April! 张鹏:哇!我爱四月! UnitUnit 4 4 B-LetsB-Lets trytry Mike: I have a new cousin.Look at his photo. 迈克:我有一个新表弟.看他的照片. Chen Jie: Hes so cute! When is his birthday? 陈杰:他真可爱!他的生日是哪天? Mike: Its on March 2nd. 迈克:它在 3 月 2 日. 五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 Chen Jie: How old is he now? 陈杰:他现在多大了? Mike: Hes 15 days old. 迈克:他十五天大了. UnitUnit 4 4 B-LetsB-Lets talktalk Chen Jie: When is your birthday? 陈杰:你的生日是哪天? Mike: My birthday is on April 4th. 迈克:我的生日是 4 月 4 日. Chen Jie: Thats my mothers birthday, too! 陈杰:那也是我妈妈的生日! Mike: Cool! What will you do for your mum? 迈克:酷!你将为你妈妈做什么? Chen Jie: Ill cook noodles for her. 陈杰:我将为她做面条. Mike: Chinese noodles are delicious! 迈克:中国的面条很美味! Chen Jie: Please come then.We can have a birthday party for both of you! 陈杰:那时请过来.我们可以为你们两个举 办一个生日聚会! UnitUnit 4 4 B-ReadB-Read andand writewrite Two new kittens 两只新生的小猫 Sarahs cat has two kittens.Read Sarahs diary. 萨拉的猫生了两只小猫.读一读萨拉的日 记. April 15th 4 月 15 日 My cat has two new kittens.They are pink because they are very young.They still cant see. 我的猫生了两只小猫.它们是粉色的,因为 它们非常年幼.它们还看不见. April 21st 4 月 21 日 The kittens are six days old.They make noises when they are hungry.They have white fur now.They are cute. 小猫 6 天大了.当它们饿的时候,它们制造 噪音.现在它们有白色的浓密的软毛.它们 很可爱. April 26th 4 月 26 日 Their eyes are open! They are blue. 它们的眼睛睁开了!它们是蓝色的. May 3rd 5 月 3 日 The kittens can walk now.They can play with Robin! 现在小猫会走了.它们可以和罗宾玩! UnitUnit 4 4 B-LetsB-Lets checkcheck 1. Boy: Whats your name, please? 男孩:请问你叫什么名字? Girl: My name is Summer. 女孩:我的名字是夏天. 五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 Boy: Is your birthday in summer? 男孩:你的生日在夏天吗? Girl: Yes.My birthday is on July 7th. 女孩:是的.我的生日是 7 月 7 日. 2. Boy: Can you come to my birthday party this Saturday? 男孩:这个星期六你能来我的生日聚会 吗? Girl: Let me think.Its May 10th.Yes, I m free. 女孩:让我想想.它在 5 月 10 日.好的,我 有空. Boy: Great! See you then. 男孩:太棒了!到时候见. 3. Woman: When is your birthday? 女人:你的生日是什么时候? Man: My birthday is on October 2nd. 男人:我的生日是 10 月 2 日. Woman: Thats next Sunday. 女人:那是下个星期日. Man: Yes. 男人:是的. 4. Woman: Its my birthday soon. 女人:我的生日很快就到了. Man: When is it? 男人:它是什么时候? Woman: Its on December 13th. 女人:它在 12 月 13 日. Man: Its this Friday. 男人:它是这个星期五. Woman: Yes. 女人:是的. Unit5Unit5P46P46 A:Hey!Whose dog is this? A:嘿!这是谁的狗? B:Oh,its mine.Hes sleeping.Hes very tired. B:哦,它是我的.它正在睡觉.它很累. A:Wow!What a beautiful painting! Is it yours? A:哇!多么漂亮的一幅画啊!它是你的吗? B:No.Its his. B:不是.它是他的. Unit5Unit5P47P47 A:Whats that? A:那是什么? B:Its a rabbit.Its mine. B:它是一只兔子,它是我的. A:I see.Why is it jumping? A:我明白了.为什么它正在跳? B:Its playing with its friends. B:它正在和它的朋友们玩儿. A:Whose carrots are these? A:这些是谁的胡萝卜? B:The carrots are theirs. B:这些胡萝卜是它们的. UnitUnit 5 5 A-LetsA-Lets trytry Chen Jie: The school art show is great. 陈杰:学校的艺术展很棒. 五年级下册英语课文翻译五年级下册英语课文翻译 Mike: Yes.I like this picture.The trees are beautiful. 迈克:是的.我喜欢这幅画.树很漂亮. Chen Jie: W


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