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    .Module 11 Way of life1、cap k?p n. (有檐的)帽子2、chess t?es n. 国际象棋3、set s?t n. (同类事物的)(一)套、副、组4、a chess set 一副国际象棋5、chopsticks t?pst?ks n. 筷子6、toy t ?i n. 玩具7、video vidi ?u adj. (电子)视频的8、video game 电子游戏9、gift ift n. 礼物10、 surprise s?praiz n. 惊奇;意外之事。V. 使(某人)吃惊11、 immediately imi:di ?tli adv. 立即,立刻12、 difference dif ?r?ns n. 差异;差别13、 accept ?ksept v. 收受;接受14、 tradition tr ?di?n n. 传统习俗15、 example i z :mpl 例n.子;实例16、 for example 例如17、 must m?st, 弱 m?st v. aux. 必须;应该18、 month m ?n n.月;月份19、 serious si?ri ?s adj. 认真严肃的;不开玩笑的20、 taste teist v. 有 .的味道; n. 味道;滋味21、 experience ikspi ?ri ?ns n. 经验;经历22、 stay stei n. 逗留;停留23、someone s?mw ?n pron. 某人;有人24、for the first time 首次;初次25、sandwich s? nwid ? n. 三明治;夹心面包26、chip t ?ip n. 炸土豆条;炸薯条27、fish and chips 炸鱼加炸薯条28、onto ?ntu prep. 在之上;向之上29、gentleman d ?entlm?n n . 先生;男士30、shoulder ?uld? n. 肩,肩膀.一、重点短语:1. a chess set一副国际象棋2. video game 电子游戏3. do some cleaning 打扫卫生4. bad luck倒霉5. the Spring Festival 春节6. get married 结婚7. for example 例如8. for the first time首次 ;初次9. shake hands 握手10. have afternoon tea 喝下午茶11. light meal 便餐 ;便饭12. be different from 与不同13. each other 互相14. on time 准时 ;按时 *in time 及时, 适时15. look up 查寻 *look forward ( to )/ (to doing) sth 期待,盼望16. at the age of 在岁时17. clean up 打扫干净18. wash up 洗刷 ;饭后洗餐具19. stay out 待在户外 ;不回家20. cant wait to 迫不及待21. make mistakes 犯错 ;出错.二、重点句型:1. Here is your gift. 这是你的礼物* 这是一句由 here 引导的倒装句,即 here+谓语 +主语,此外 there 也有这样的用法。Eg:There comes the bus.* 注意:只有当主语是普通名词时才能够用倒装句,如果是代词则不能。Eg:Here you are.2. What a surprise! 真惊讶啊 !to ones surprise令 sb 惊奇的是* 此句是感叹句,用来表达赞美、惊叹、喜悦等感情,同样用how 也可引导感叹句。what +(aan)+adj.+n.(+ 主语 +谓语 )!Eg:What a beautiful girl she is!how +adj.adv. (+ 主语 +谓语 )!Eg: How beautiful the girl is!3. You needntwait. 你不必等了。*need 在这里用作情态动词,表示“需要”,常用于否定句、疑问句;也用于must 引导的一般疑问句的否定回答(neednt),其后用动词原形。neednt= donthave to 不必做Eg: You needntcome to school this afternoon.-Must I finish my homework today?-No, you needn t.*need 作实义动词时,表示需要做某事。当句子主语是人时,用need to do sth 某人需要做某事Eg: I need to take some exercise every morning. ?当句子主语是物时,用need doing sth 某物需要被 . 这里,主动表被动,特殊用法Eg: Our classroom needs cleaning everyday.4. difference(n.) 不同之处,区别different(adj.) 不同的be different fromA is defferent from B. A 与 B 不同5. pay attention to (doing) sth注意做某事 ; 重视做某事 ;关心,留意.6. accept (主观意识 )接受receive (客观意识)收到,得到Eg:She received a present, but she didntaccept it.7. do some cleaning 打扫卫生* 这是一个由do+some+doing 构成的短语 )Eg: You should help your mother do some cleaning after school.*do some washingcookingshoppingsewing8. had better (not) do sth最好 (不 ) 做 sthEg: We had better take an umbrella.Eg:Youd better not go out in the evening.9. experience(n.)经历 (可数名词 ) ;经验、体验 (不可数名词 )10. enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事Eg: Mike enjoys watching football matches.enjoy oneself=have a goodnice time玩的高兴;过的愉快11. something interesting有趣的事* 当 adj.碰到不定代词时,应把adj.放在后面something + adj.Eg: Can you tell something different between the two pictures?Eg. Something delicious12. get to know 了解,认识Eg: Do you get to know my friend Bill?13. not but 不是而是 (but 表示转折 ) Eg: She wants to buy not a skirt, but a dress.*not only but (also) 不但 而且 (表示递进 )Eg: He can speak not Chinese but also English.14. traditional(adj.) 传统的 tradition(n.)传统15. take away 拿走 , 带走 (代词只能放在中间,名词放中间和后面均可).Eg: take it away = take the pen away = take away the pen16. (1)stop v. 停止*stop to do sth停下来去做某事Eg. You should stop to do your homeworkstop doing sth停下来正在做的事情Eg. You should stop shouting at classroom.(2)stopn. 停止;车站*bus stop 停靠站17. (1)turn v. 转 (弯);变得* turn leftturn green(2)turnn. 顺序Eg. It is your turn.18. at a age of =when sb is years old. 在岁时19. (1) stay out 不回家;待在外面Eg: Yesterday he stayed out after 12 o clock.(2) stay at home呆在家里Eg. Its rainy day, let s stay at home.(3) stay up 熬夜Eg. We d better not stay up, it is bad for our health.20. back-to-front前后颠倒,穿反了Eg. He put his sweater on back-to-front.三、重点语法:情态动词 must, can, need一、 must1. must 表示“必须”,“一定要”。用于肯定句,疑问句。Eg. She told me that I must stay here until she comes back.2.否定形式 must not = mustn表示t“不能”,“禁止”。用于否定句。Eg. In my hometown, people say you mustn t do any cleaning on the first day of the SpringFestival. 在我的家乡,据说大年初一不能打扫卫生。3. must 构成的一般疑问句及回答。Eg. Must I come before 6 o clock tomorrow?明天我必须在六点之前来吗?Yes, you must. 是的,你必须在那之前到。No, you needn不t,.你不必在那之前来。(表示没必要,= you don t have to).二、 can1. can 表示“许可”,“可以”,“能够”。用于肯定句,疑问句。Eg. What a surprise!You can open it.2. 否定形式 cannot = can表t示“不能”,“不可以”。用于否定句、Eg. You can t put the milk in first.3. can 构成的一般疑问句及回答Eg. Can I have a look at your photo?Yes, you can.No, you can t.* 注意,本模块所学的 can 为情态动词,与之前所学的 can 表示的意义不同。以前表“能力”,有能力做某事, you can swim. 本模块表“允许”,可以去做某事。三、 need1. need 作情态动词时, 表“需要”。用于肯定句,疑问句。Eg. If she wants anything, she need only ask. 如果她要什么,说一下就好了。.2. 否定形式 need not = needn 表示“t不需要”,“不必要”。用于否定句。Eg. He needngo thome now.3. need 构成的一般疑问句及回答Eg. Need I go with her? 我需要和她一起去吗?Yes, you must. 是的,你必须 / 需要去。No, you needn不t,.不必去 /没必要。4. need 作实义动词时,表示“需要”。常用于已下结构:(1) need to do sth当句子主语是人时,用need to do sth 某人需要做某事Eg: I need to take some exercise every morning. ?(2) need doing sth 当句子主语是物时,用 need doing sth 某物需要被 .这里,主动表被动,特殊用法 = need to be doneEg: Our classroom needs cleaning everyday.= Our classroom needs to be cleaned everyday.四、 must 与 have to 的比较1. 肯定形式中, must 与 have to 意义相似,但也有区别。Must 表示的是说话人的主观看法,认为有必要有义务去做某事。Have to 强调客观需要,含有“不得不”,“被迫”之意。Eg. The play is not interesting. I really must go now.I had to work when I was your age.2. 否定形式中,两者意义不太相同。Mustn 表t示“一定不要”,“不允许”。Don t have to表示“不必”。Eg. You mustn t 你go千.万不要去。You don t have to go你.不必去。五、 neednt = don t have表to示“不必”。六、 had better do sth.1. 表示“劝告”,“建议”,意为“最好。”用于肯定句中。Eg. You d better get some sleep.2. 通常不用于疑问句。3.否定形式为had better not, 意为“最好不要。”Eg. You had better not go home now.* 否定形式的构成: had better (to) do, 省略 to 的不定式,对不定式否定时,在不定式前加not, had better not (to) do 。.四、课后练习Module 11 单元跟踪练习Unit 1 In China, we open a gift later.I. 根据句意和首字母提示写单词。1.I got such a sthat I couldn t believe my eyes.2.I don t like the tof onions.3.We Chinese eat with c.4. I am sorry that I will not ayour advice if it is not that helpful.II. 适当形式填空。1.He fell down from the bike.(luck), he was not badly hurt.2.I need to do some(clean) this Sunday.3.(tradition) in England are very different from those in China.4.Lots of(visit) come to China for sightseeing every year.III. 句型转换。1. Must I finish my homework first? ( 作否定回答 )No,.2. You d better wait here. ( 改为否定句 ).3. Need I report it to the police? ( 作肯定回答 )Yes,.VI. 完成句子。1. 你必须只能用黑色钢笔写这份试卷。Youa black pen.2. 他很有兴趣了解一些西方传统习俗。some western traditions.3. 我认为我们中国人通常都不太在意这种事情。.we Chinese usuallyit.4. 在中国红色是意味着幸运吗?in China?5. 别着急,离期末考试还有一个半月呢。_. The final exam is still.Module 11Unit 2-3I.请用方框中恰当的情态动词填空。must,mustn t, can,can t, needn t1.Youdrive on the left-hand side of the road in Britain.2.Youcross the road when the traffic lights are red.3.-I take the book out of the library?- No, you.4.-Must I hand in my composition tomorrow?- No, you.5.It is time for class. Youstop playing.II. 选词填空(注意适当形式) 。for the first timeget to know each othertake awayat the dining tablestand in linepush one s way1.It is nothing strange for a young tennis player to lose a game.2.It is not right toin front of others to get the tickets.3.I enjoy sittingevery evening with my parents and sisters.4.Soon weand became good friends.5.You can only sit here and read instead ofthe magazines.6.We are askedand do the morning exercises.III. 适当形式填空。.1.You had better(ask) him to help you.2.The girls try(catch) the flowers because they want to be the next one to getmarried.3.He doesn t need(stand) in front of me.4.I noticed so many(different).5.What makes you(surprise)?IV. 单项选择。1.This school is different _ others. It has many out of class activities.A. offB. from C. ofD. for2.As a student, you should arrive at school _.A. on timeB. in timeC. for the first time D. from time to time3.Be careful when you _ the bus, or you may fall down.A. get onB. come onC. get upD. come up4.I noticed a gentleman touch a young man _ the shoulder.A. atB. onC. forD. to5._the first time in his life, he felt proud for being a teacher.A. AtB. InC. ForD. On6. You _ go and ask Tom. He _ know the answer. A. must; can B. need; can C. can; may D. must; may7. Would you eat it here or_ it _?A. get; offB. put; onC. put; onD. take; away8.Trees _ fight air pollution. They are natural air conditioners.A. shouldB. canC. mustD. need9.Peter is friendly. He never _ a bad word about anyone.A. speaksB. tellsC. saysD. talks10. May I go out, dad? No. you _ let your mum know first.A. canB. mayC. needD. mustV. 完成句子。1. 我在英国玩得很开心。Imyin Britain.2. 你有没有注意到英国生活方式一些有趣的事情。Did you?3. 在你们彼此互相很了解之前,你最好不要向别人借任何东西。You had betterbefore you.4. 在英国,我注意到很多朋友会在一起和下午茶。In Britain, I.Module11 Way of life模块达标检测试题一、单项选择。1.After a long walk, the old man _ be tired now.A. cantB. mustC. has to D. need2._ you come with me to Lang Langs piano concert this evening?Id love to, but I have to study for my maths test.A. Should B. May C. Must D. Can3.Excuse me, may I keep the book a little longer?Sorry. You_ return it today.A. must B. mustntC. can D. cant4.Wheres your dad now?Im not sure. He _ be in the kitchen.A. shall B. may C. need D. must5.Must I finish the work today?No, you _. You may finish it in three days.A. mustnt B. neednt C. shouldnt D. couldnt6.You are ill, so you _ stay in bed to have a good rest.A. can B. neednt C. must D. may7.Theres no light on. They _ be at home.A. cant B. mustntC. neednt D. shouldnt8.May I take this book out of the library?_. Please read it here.A. Certainly B. No, you needntC. No, you mustnt D. Yes, you must9. - Can I go fishing with you, Dad?- Im sorry you .You must stay at home and do your homework A. wont B. cant C. donD. arent.10.You return the book now. You can keep it until next week if you like.A. have toB. cantC. mustntD. neednt11. Be quick! The game will begin _A. immediately B. recentlyC. carefully D. luckily12.Tom gave me an invitation yesterday, but I decided not to it.A. receive B. accept C. get D. take13. - What do you think of the report about the air pollution on TV last night?- I think the situation is so that we should take action to protect the environment. A. serious B. amazing C. necessary D. fantastic14.You had better the car. It doesnt run well. A. use B. not use C. not to use D. using15 - Theres in todays newspaper. You should read it. - OK!.A. new nothing B. nothing new C. new something D. something new 16.In China, we usually accept a present both hands.A. for B. to C. from D. with17. Dad was very tired today. He went to bed after dinner. A. only B. especially C. immediately D. badly18. - Bob, our class won the football match yesterday afternoon.- .A. Come on! B. Its bad luck! C. Hang on a minute! D. You cant be serious二、完形填空 .Many people have to work 1 . Some people do not mind. Other people think its terrible. One man thinks that working at the weekends can be 2 . He is George Smith. Mr Smith works in an office, in Brighton, England.On Saturday, May 24, 1986, he went to the office to do some work. After he 3. the lift(电梯 ), it stopped between floors. Mr Smith could not get out of the lift. He began to shout, but4. heard him. Then Mr Smith remembered that it was a holiday in England. No one wasgoing to come to work 5. Tuesday.There was 6. for Mr Smith to do. He had to wait until one of his workmates came to workand found him. With nothing to 7 ,Mr Smith was very hungry and had to sleep most of the time.Early on Tuesday morning, one of his workmates came into work and found the lift 8.When the lift was opened, Mr Smith came out cold, weak, and tired. He had been in the lift for9. hours!Now Mr Smith says, "I only use lifts if they have 10.in them. "1.A. from Monday to FridayB. at the weekendsC. on weekdaysD. from morning till night2.A. dangerousB. happyC. angryD. free3.A. got offB. got intoC. got out ofD. got to4.A. someoneB. everyoneC. no oneD. either5.A. onB. toC. fromD. until


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