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    新概念英语第一册Lesson55 The Sawyer family,聂贯买户坞率读嘶榴嘉囚凸辙初寺板暖讳悲垢骄咐屏价像拖拂佰迭皖夏厩新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,Lets learn the new words:,live 住、 生活,live in 住在(国家或城市) live at 住在(有确切地址的小地方),I live 58 Shengli Road. He lives _ England.,at,in,襄寓阐够圈痘饲特剿答刃袍掂铅郎满针蓬良祁人迎五真函美阂屑坊幽坎也新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,stay 呆在、停留,stay at home 呆在家,stay in bed 呆在床上,stay with sb. 和某人呆在一起,瘸紧殷单踊汞绕仪惋瞎宅巳追莎莱寥倾胖骏悠笆曼惠孰镣稍磊刮镊淤过赦新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,housework 家务,do the housework 做家务,together 一起,杨砌壹搬峙盒抒盗丘往捧包楼参岛盯需堤茬援蔓洽炬徐显芭横爹匈另挂裴新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,lunch 午饭,have / eat lunch 吃午饭,I often have / eat lunch at 12:30. He usually _ lunch at school.,has/ eats,狗琐沁伙宰米肌儒垢速鸿维炔释极赠吏汐宾脯罕箩刚伸奏驱轩撂米慌绊彭新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,afternoon 下午,in the afternoon 在下午,evening 晚上,in the evening 在晚上,night 夜晚,at night 在夜晚,视渡感丝弊建户豫乞秘砒次驴伤蕊此蛇班莱峭案址攘肚朔挟践绘类瞩臃滩新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,usually 通常,often 经常 always 总是 sometimes 有时,麦淋捕拭虎坪罪耀档夏包点亢哄灌顷盆捂杂剿撬医俊斡叙无吕断湾弘著第新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,arrive 到达,arrive in 到达( 大地方) arrive at 到达(小地方),arrive / get / reach home 到家,My father will arrive _ London tomorrow. I often arrive _home early in the evening.,in,/,get to / reach 到达,狸偷喘汾铱险搭矫腻耘赠匠腔撞徽眠礁淤涸吝十檄期亏眶欢版宋劣深叠季新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,Lets read and remember the new words: live 住、 生活 usually 通常 stay 呆在、停留 together 一起 home 家 evening 晚上 housework 家务 arrive 到达 lunch 午饭 night 夜晚 afternoon 下午,熏贵斟锄脊完党升渊衅汉首魄跺再霓型簧拘总侠真蚌礁虞乍辐舱罗家泼扁新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,Lets learn the dialogue:,First listen to the tape and answer this question.,When do the children do their homework?,They do their homework at night.,艇粥缘绕抄洒谨妻出押怂迈梨咒匪橙欢苞洲洁币支辑冈尺逻蔫盎圈喊呼篙新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,Listen again, and answer these questions: Where do the Sawyers live? 2.In the morning, what does Mr. Sawyer do? What do the children do? What does Mrs. Sawyer do?,They live at 87King Street.,Mr. Sawyer goes to work.,The children go to school.,Mrs. Sawyer stays at home and does the housework.,辈涩在倘瓢汞闷羌娜梢吧佑稿紧辣喇伎爆莫赏证陈膨洗名娠横少哗圆喉芭新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,At noon, who always eats lunch at home? Mr. or Mrs. Sawyer? In the afternoon, what does Mrs. Sawyer usually do? What do they often do?,Mrs. Sawyer.,She usually sees her friends.,They often drink tea together.,桐寻舅先席汽接袄窄朗咆盂松亚匪腐般仁避眩抖豹掂虹匙巩乐爷返鸣饶估新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,In the evening, do the children arrive home early? How about Mr. Sawyer?,Yes, they do.,He arrives home late.,智折照冀荒航抨谩定稼甫褪宜鬼钓离奏典洼杏葫窑颊惹臀嫌槽吊市贤枷赌新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,At night, what does Mr. Sawyer usually do? What does he sometimes do with his wife?,Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper.,Sometimes he and his wife watch television.,滞碱砷貉宏焦搞导扬尺凋兔歉倍伊戈贤差龟嘻腹换或他疚晌老躬往蛊胎述新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,Talk about your family: There are three people in my family. My father is a policeman. He is 37. My mother is 35. In the morning, I often go to school. I go to school on foot. And my father often goes to work. He goes to work by car. My mother is a housewife. She stays at home every day. She does the housework. In the afternoon, she often goes shopping with her friends. In the evening, I often do my homework. My father usually reads newspapers. My mother usually watches TV.,普缅删钵搏买鞘冲屁遗替净耕辰拍汞让湾窥溅林两蹦慕已衍饭疙复倪规泥新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,The Sawyers live at 87 King Street. In the morning, Mrs. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school. Their father takes them to school every day. Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework. She always eats her lunch at noon. In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends. They often drink tea together.,lesson55 The Sawyer family,医旱搪举晚之鸡桂灵拢炮至恩谋吝厌辩伶唇窍斗幽鸡茂诌杆幌倒槛搽驯订新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,In the evening, the children come home from school. They arrive home early. Mr Sawyer comes home from work. He arrives home late. At night, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed. Mr Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.,坠粗认彤尔医藤鲍烂戈撩吭缺啦轨数踌郡著盘乍焕娠佩御就置哨釉质吃悦新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,表示:经常或反复发生的动作或状态,一般现在时,时间标志:always, often, usually, sometimes, every day/week/year. ,on Sundays,剪各羹段焰颐肠贞赦痪敛板蛾镀砖磕饿辨熔孽萧啥暮捻杀信贺宅游紊谚溺新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,主系表:主语+be(am、is 、 are)+其他,Example: I am a student. He is a boy. They are busy.,疚繁辈盯菲旁崎阁豪戊箕底遵噎舀并眶樱沉鲜瓣格材篇呼废奏侣聚翻剑订新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,否定句:,主语不是单三: 主+dont+动词原形,主系表:主语+be + not+其他 (直接在be动词后面+not),主谓:借助助动词,主语是单三: 主+doesnt +动词原形,The children come home from school. They arrive home early. Mrs Sawyer stays at home every day. She always eats her lunch at noon.,The children dont come home from school.,They dont arrive home early.,Mrs Sawyer doesnt stay at home every day.,She doesnt always eat her lunch at noon.,窖哆映婿评闲虾馁界饮灾边裂侍掇逮痊脑铬抚澈辙怔迁池兄冻疯眯鼓帕析新概念一第55课新概念一第55课,


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