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    牛津英语上海版四年级上册练习题四年级上册 ,上海作业练习题第一单元 :写出下列单词的宾格 , 物主代词。I _ _ She _ _you_ _ he _ _ it _ _ we _ _They_ _See同音词 _I 同音词 _用所给单词正确形式填空:1、This is _(I ) classmate、 _(she) name is Sally、2、 I _(to have) got two good _(friend)3、-How_(be) you ? -I _( be ) very well、4、_(he) brother is my classmate、5、We are_ (go) to the park、该写句子 :1. My name is Danny 、(划线提问 )_ _name ?2. Shesten 、3、 This is his brother ( 否定句 )3. I m Peter s classmate、 (一般疑问句并作肯定回答 )_ _Peter s classmate? Yes , _ _、牛津英语上海版四年级上册练习题以我的同桌为题 ,写一篇小短文 ,不少于 5 句话。_牛津英语上海版四年级上册练习题练习二 :读句子 ,用适当的单词填空。1.Jack is my friend、 _sister is Jane、2.What is Ja ck s sister s name ? _name is Jane、3、Mr、Li is our teacher 、 _has got a red car 、3.Who is _father ?The tall man is my father、4.How is Kitty s mother ? _mother is fine、5、Has your brother got a big ball ? No,_hasn、 t用所给单词的正确形式填空。1My Chinese teacher _(be) tall and fat、2This is my brotherTony 、 Today is _(he) birthday、3Mary _(have) got a new bicycle、4Danny _(can) ride a bicycle , but he _(can) fly、选择最恰当的答案 :1、 Kitty and I have a dog、 _dog is black、A. MyB 、 HerC、 Our2、 Happy birthday_your father、A、 forB、fromC 、to3、Is that her T- shirt ? _, It s-shisirt T、A、 NoB、YesC、oh4、_are you ? I am sixteen 、A、 HowB、 How oldC、 What练习三 :根据适当的形式填空 :1.My sister can_(run) very fast、 She is a good _(run)2.I have got two big _(box) of cholocate、3. Can you_(sing) the song“ Little Star-No, I ” ?(can)4.Have you got _(some) toy elephants ?Yes , I have 、5.Please give me _(a) orange pencil、6._(I ) deskmate is Linda 、_(she) hair is long 、7.Those boys are my good _(friend) 、8.Is this _(you) bag? Yes , it s、(I It) bags new、阅读短文Miss Lin is a new teacher 、 She s thin、 She likes lemons very much 、 She has some good friends: Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Dong 、 They reher students 、 Nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair 、 Mike is tall and thin 、 Lilylikes oranges 、 Miss Lin likes oranges,too、 And Wang Dong is a Chinese boy,He likes watermelons 、()1 、Miss Lin likes Lemons()2 、Wang Dong is an English student、()3 、Miss Lin is a new student 、 She s thin、()4 、Wang Dong likes oranges,too 、5.Nancy is the girl with_ _and_ _ 、6.Mike is a _ 、 He is thin 、牛津英语上海版四年级上册练习题7.Lily and Miss Lin like_、以 my brother为题 ,写一篇小短文 ,不少于 5 句话。_Test辨音()1、A、 runB、 superC、jump()2、A、 classmateB、 canC、name()3、A、 goodB、schoolC、room()4、A、 brotherB、 gloveC、 home()5、A、 blowB、windowC 、down用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Where are the _(mouse)? -They are over there /2.Mary _(can) draw , but she_(can) sing、3.-Do you like _(giraffe)? -Yes , I do 、4.Can her sister _(dance) ? -No , she can、t5.These _(horse) are very big、6.How many_(butterfly) are there ? -Thirteen、7.Ben _(have) got a white sheep、8.Grandma !_(you) eyes are big、9.Look at the elephant s _(tooth)、选出最恰当的答案。()1 、What _is it? - It s spring、A、 colourB、seasonC、 time() 2 、My friend is Tom、_has a toy plane、A、 IB、HeC、She()3、That s _dog、A、 myB、IC、he()4 、Betty _got a black bicycle、A、 haveB、 hasC、 is()5 、_is she ? She is my sister、A、WhatB、 HowC、Who()6 、Taste the lemon 、 It s、牛津英语上海版四年级上册练习题A、 roughB、sourC 、soft 、()7 、Listen_the bird、A、 atB、ofC、to()8、 Spring is _A、 warmB、coolC、cold、()9、_your bicycle in the playground ,please、A、 RideB、ReadC 、 Red()10 、 I like _ 、A、 danceB、 dancingC 、to dancing、按要求改写句子1.My cat is under the desk 、2.Eddie s friend s namePeter s3.His friend can dive in the river (否定句 )4.Do you like to eat pears ? (根据提示回答问题 )No , I _ _to eat pears、5.Peter can sing and dance、(一般疑问句 )_Peter sing and dance ?6.Are her eyes big and black ? (肯定句 )Her _ _ big and black、阅读 :It sSaturday morning , The sun is shining、 Six boys and seven girls are inthe garden 、There are beautiful flowers and green trees in the garden、 Boyscan ride bicycles in the garden、Girls can play with the balls 、 Look , somebees and butterflies are in the garden too、 They are very happy 、() 1 、 It s Sundaymorning、() 2 、 There are twelve children in the garden 、()3、 Boys can ride bicycles in the garden 、()4、 Girls can t play with the balls、()5、 They are very happy、以我的姐姐为题目写一篇不少于5 句话的小短文。_、第二单元判断下列单词划线发音就是否相同。()1 、happytable()2、() 3 、 runjump(sheepshoe) 4 、 readhead牛津英语上海版四年级上册练习题()5、nineswim() 6、 climbwrite 、选词填空1.is this _(you , your )blue T-shirt?-No, _(my , your ) T-shirt isred 、2.What is this ? It s _(a , an) exercise book 、3.How _(/old ) are they?-They are ten、4.This is my_(schoolmate , deskmate )、 We are in the same class、5.-_(Can , Are ) you make a birthday card ? -Yes , I can、6.Wendy and I _(am are ) good friends、7.Eddie and Mike _(are , have) lovely animals、8.Can_(youyour )pony sing?No , he can、t该写句子1.I msix2.Can her brother draw well? (肯定句 )3.Eddie can swim , He can t sing两句(并一句 )4.She has got some nice pictures、(一般疑问句 )5. This is a blue ball6. Its spring练习 2同音词See _ for _ here _反义词 : tall_young_ black _同类词 : draw _ ten_ your _复数 :sheep _ child _ mouse _用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Here _(be) some bread for you、2. How many_(glass) are there on the table ?3. Where is _(you) white rubber ?4.My father can _(drive ) the car 、 He _(to have) got a new car、5.Who _(be) that tall lady?6.Supergirl _(can ) write , but she _(can) fly high、改写句子 :1.Sam can jump ( 划线提问 )2.Her brother has got a big ball、(一般疑问句 )3.His uncle is thirtysix 、牛津英语上海版四年级上册练习题4.Here s your coat 复(数句子 )阅读短文Ed die is a boy 、 he is nine years old、 He can swim in the swimming pool、he likes to play basketball 、 He likes Yaoming very much、 He likes to paint、He often paints pictures at home on Sunday morning 、 His good friend isPeter 、 He is a fat boy 、 He likesto play football 、 His favorite fruit ischerries 、() 1 、Eddie isn t a boy、() 2 、 Eddie can swim in the river、()3、Eddie likes Yaoming very much、()4、Peter is Eddie s classmate、()5、Peter likes to eat chrries、练习三、辨音 :() 1 、 A、 chairB、hereC、there()2、 A、penB、deskC、 these()3、A、 superB、pupilC、jump()4、A、 climbB、timeC、crisps()5、A、 fastB、fatC、can用所给单词适当形式填空1.Jimmy is _(I ) good friend 、 _(we) are from Beijing、2.-_(can) you count the books ? -No, I _、3.Here_(be) two_(glass) of milk , Peter and Eddie、4.-How old_(be) your sons? -They are seven 、5.Don t_(ride) the bicycle on the road、6.Mary_(have) got _(a) old dress、按要求改写句子 ,每格一词。1. Here is the peach 、(复数句子 ) Here _the_ 、2.My brother is eight years old ( 划线提问 )_ _is your brother ?3.Peter s mother can tride the horse 、 (肯定句 )Peter s mother _ride the horse 、4.Mary can read the book , _she _write、5.Her friend sgot some crisps 、(一般疑问句 )_her friend got _crisps?Test for unit two()1、 A、comeB、homeC、 nose()2、 A、 happyB、thatC、what()3、A、 bicycleB、slideC、stick()4、A、 blowB、downC、 window()5、A、 superB、busC、under用所给单词的适当形式填空牛津英语上海版四年级上册练习题1、-_(be) you fifteen? -No , he _(to be) fifteen、2、How many _(leaf) are there in the park ?3、These black _(sheep) are peters4、Is Miss Lin_(he) class teacher5、Look! our father _(have)a new pink shirt、6、 Please give _(I ) that book、7、Mary sgrandfather is _(a) old driver、8、-Can her brother _(write) ABC? -No, he_(can)9、Here_your dresses 、A、 isB、amC、 are10、_autumn , I can fly the kite、A、 ToB、 InC、 On11、Do you like to eat_?A、 bananaB、 bananasC 、 yellow banana12、Alice is my friend 、 Her _name is Ben、A、 brother sB 、 brothers C、brother s13、Are you teachers ? Yes, _areA、 I amB、 we areC、they are14、Listen_the windA、 toB、 atC、of15、Where is _sun? -Itsin the sky 、A、 aB、 anC、 the16、 How _is your little brother ? Only two、A、 muchB、 oldC、many该写句子1.I like pears ( 否定句 )I _ _pears、2、 I can ride a bicycle to the park (一般疑问句 )_you_ a bicycle_the park?2.Their father is Tim ( 划线提问 )3.He can swim in the river、(把 can 换成 like )4.Her name is Sally、( 划线提问 )首字母填空Mike and Tom are in the same school、 Mike h_Englishclasses in them_ 、 Tom likes p_basketball 、 He can j_and swim 、 Mike cans _ 、 They are good friends、Unit 3 :按要求写单词1.peach(复 数)_2 、sad反 义 词 _3 、her主 格_5. young 反义词 :_5 、 right ( 同音词 ) _6. I (宾格 ) _ 7 、 hungry 反义词 _7.can not 缩写 _9、 bike ( 同义词 )_牛津英语上海版四年级上册练习题10 , one (同类词)用所给单词适当形式填空1、Let s_(listen) to Alice、2、Have some_(biscuit)3、Don t_(touch) the hot cup、4、-How _(do) the lime taste ? -Itssweet5、What_(to have) his classmate got、选择合适的单词填空A、 happyB、 sadC、 fullD、hungryE 、thirsty1、 I feel very hot , Please give me some water 、 I m_ 、2、 I can tride the bicycle , Im _ 、3、I have got a present 、 I m _、4、Mum , Im_ 、 I want To eat bread 、5、 I can teat this cake 、 I eat too much 、 I fell very_ 、Exercse two、1. 按正确形式填空 ,1. How _(do)his sister feel ? -They are _(tired)2. Can she _(have) some milk ?3. Your_(hair ) is black4.Let him _(play) with the ball 、5.-Where are the _(mouse) ? -They are under the bed、6.Im tired 、 I m on _(I ) bed、7.Those are _(Betty) red coats、8. How _(do) Jill _?She shappy 、按要求改写句子1.Mary can make some strawberry cakes、 (否定句 )2.Mary _make_strawberry cakes、3.Has her deskmate got a blue skateboard ? ( 肯定句 )4.Her _ _got a blue stakeboard、5.Grandma is fine (划线提问 )_ _grandma ?6、 Sam is on the sofa 划线提问7、Im sad 、(划线提问 )How _you _?8, I have got a new colour ball、 (一般疑问句 )以 my favourite pet 为题写一篇小短文 ,不少于 5 句话。_-


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