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    英语 vii 译林牛津版unit1 单元测试英语 vii译林牛津版 unit1单元测试I. Translate the following phrases. (20)1. have access to 200 channels11.比 .优越,超过2. combine.with.12.上市,面市3. along with13.给 .上发条4. take over the market14.涌现,迅猛发展5. contribute to the development of science15.及时赶上6. bring great convenience to peoples lives16.能够,干得出7. all sorts of different functions17.通过 .方式8. conduct a study/survey18.向.前进9. do sth. by accident/mistake19.既然那样,在此情况下10. can be used without caution20.目前,暂时II. Multiple choice. (20)1.I felt quite _ what I was supposed to do then.A. unsure ofB. uncertain aboutC. certainD. sure2.He said he would come; He didnt _.A. even ifB. even thoughC. althoughD. though3.Ten _ the students are absent.A. per centofB.percentageofC.percentD.percentage4.They _ invited if there had been room.A. would have been allB. would have all beenC. all would have beenD. would all have been5.They drove along with all the car windows _.A. wound upB. winding onC. winded upD. wind up6.The mother died when the child was born, so it had to be brought up _.A. with a handB. by handC. by the handD. at hand7.Apply some medicine _ his wound.A. onB. forC. toD. in8.The landlady led the way _ the tenant around her house.英语 vii 译林牛津版unit1 单元测试A. in showingB. showingC. into showD. showing in9. Scientificexperiments_ studentswithoutthe teach er s instructionscanbe dangerous.A. carry outB. carrying out byC. carrying byD. carriedout by10. _ is known to us all,onlythe theory_ practicecan be practical.A. Which, base onB.Which, based onC.As, based onD.As, basingon11. - How come a simple meal like this costs so much?- We have _ in your bill the cost of the teapot you broke just now.A. addedB. includedC. obtainedD. charged12. Good workers are always _ in the factory.A. in demandB. on needC. by requestD. forrequirement13. The situation is hard to _, because he isnt a man easy to _.A. be dealt, communicateB. be dealt with, be communicatedC. deal with, communicate withD. deal , be communicated with14. _ their friendship grew into love.A. By degreeB. By degreesC. To degreeD. To degrees15. She passed the entrance exam easily, _ of her family.A. with the delightB. with delightC. to the delightD. to thedelights16. Can you telephone me _ to arrange a meeting?A. at your convenienceB. for your convenienceC. on your convenienceD. with your convenience17. My grandma still treats me like a child. She canA. myB. mineC. myselfD. met imagine _ grown up.18. Weve been looking at houses but haventfound _ we like yet.A. oneB. onesC. itD. them19. As well as _, the girl plays the guitar wonderfully.英语 vii 译林牛津版unit1 单元测试A. to singB. singC. singingD. sings20. He s not a(n) _ boxer; heA. mereB. onlyC. merelys the world champion.D. aloneIII. Fill in the blanks. (20)A1. This model is the newest and most up to date. It only w_ 60 grams.2. That kindof electronicdictionariesis elegantlyshaped, especiallyfor people with a reading disability.s_3. The latest models of mobile phones are on sale. Would you like to a_me to have a look?4. A_, I appreciate for your invitation. ButI m too busy to go for it.5. Our electrical bikes have good quality and a one-year g_.6. Who can still have _ (信任 ) in you despite your shortcomings?7. The shop was too crowded so that the _ (录音 ) made there was not veryclear.8. The girl is so timid and shes _ (不愿 ) to speak in public.9. I m a new comer and not _ ( 熟悉旳) with the local customs.10. He was charged for not having a _ (有效旳 ) driving licence.BHost:Good morning. Mr. Brain, and welcome to The Invention11. _Show. Would you mind 11)i_yourinventionto us?12. _Mr. Brain:Sure, my invention is amazing. Its an electric fan13. _which you attach to chopsticks to cool down hot food.14. _Host:Wow! That sounds 12) i_. What else can it do?15. _Mr. Brain:The fan has also been fitted with a chip which has16. _hundreds of 13) s ,so you can listento musicwhile17. _you are eating.18. _Host:That s really fascinating.19. _Mr. Brain:Yes. It is pleasant to think that so many people are20. _interested in my invention.英语 vii 译林牛津版unit1 单元测试Host:Do you think there is room for 14) i?Mr. Brain:Certainly. I do think the fan is too small, and theengine can not 15) rfor a very long time.Host:Oh, I can imagine. Have you been 16) sinfinding a solution to this 17)p?Mr. Brain:Not yet,18) bhavingworked on thisinventionfor overa yearnow,I am surethatI can finda solution.Host:That s great. We look 19) fto seeing yournew and improved 20) fsoon.Mr. Brain:Thank you.IV. Complete the sentences. (24)1. Nobody has been responsiblefor theaccident yet.The police are _ _( 调查 ) the case.2.Can you tell me what UK _ _ (代表,象征 )?3.The engineer_( 要求 ) a meeting _held todiscuss thisquestion.4.It s _ _ (由 .决定 ) you to decide whether it s in your budgetor not.5._ _( 至 于 ) learningEnglish,he has nosuperiority.6.You may purchase a _ _ (各种各样旳 ) household appliances in ourdepartment store.7.What he said does _ _ (未必 ) mean that he likes his present job.8.On the whole, women are not _ _ (等于,相当于 ) men in physicalstrength.9. His skin cant _ _ _ ( 暴露于,经受 ) the sun for such a long time.10. Price of a product _ usually _ _ (与 .有关 ) its qualityand brand.V. Cloze test. (20)英语 vii 译林牛津版unit1 单元测试My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body . Throughthe yearsIwould36 thecorrectanswer. WhenI was younger , Ithought 37wasvery important to us as humans , so I said ,“My ears , Mummy . ” She said ,“No.Many peopleare38. Butyou keep thinkingaboutitand Iwillask you againsoon. ”Several years passed before she asked me again . Since making my first 39 ,I had often thought over the question. So this time I told her ,“Mummy , it mustbe our eyes . ”She looked at me and said,“You are40 fast , but the answer isnot correct because there are many people who are blind.”41 the years , mother asked me a couple more42 and always her response to myanswers was , “No, butyou are getting43 everyyear, my child.” Then lastyear ,my Grandpa 44 . Everybody was heart broken . Everybody was crying . My mum lookedat me when itwas our 45 tosay our finalgood- bye toGrandpa . She asked me ,“Doyou know the most important body part yet , my dear?”I was 46 when she was asking me this now . I always thought this was a 47between her and me .She saw the 48on my face and told me ,“This question is veryimportant . It shows that you have really 49your life.” I saw her eyes well upwith tears . She said ,“My dear , the most important body part is your50. ”I asked , “Is it because they hold up your head?” She replied ,“No , it is51on them a cryingfriendorlovedone can rest theirhead .Ionlyhope that you haveenough 52and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry 53 when you needit. ” Then and there I understood the most important body part is not a54one .It is sympathetic(同情旳) to the pain of55 .36 A noticeB believe inC doubtD guess at37 A loveB healthC soundD sight38 A blindB deafC invisibleD thoughtful39 A discoveryB decisionC attemptD suggestion40 A learningB thinkingC growingD changing41 A BeforeB TillC BeyondD Over42 A waysB thingsC questionsD times43 A strongerB tallerC smarterD nicer英语 vii 译林牛津版unit1 单元测试44 A leftB got illC diedD. got wounded45 A dutyB turnC pityD chance46 A shockedB satisfiedC interestedD excited47 A gameB testC matchD secret48 A worryB puzzlement C regretD pain49 A enjoyedB foundC dislikedD lived50 A shouldersB feetC handsD hair51 A howB becauseC whyD whether52 A respectB favorC loveD fun53 A byB onC aboveD for54 A valuableB usefulC selfishD precious55 A othersB the deafC GrandpaD the blindVI. Reading Comprehension. (16)A“I have a regular film camera but Ijustdontuse itmuch , ” said Ms Lowery ,23, a computer programmer. “When I gotmarriedlastyear, I had allthesepicturesthat didn t come out right . With digital cameras , you arent spending money onfilm for wasted pictures ,” she said .Thereareplentyof modelsfromwhichtochoose:fromsimple$ 200point-and-shoot snappers to $ 1,000 wonders with all the qualities that anyadvanced amateur(业余爱好者) could want. The wide selectionisa suresign thatin many buyers minds , digital camerashaverisen from mere gadgetsto must -haveitems .Digitalcameras offermore than justtheinstantpreviewingofpictureson smallcolor screens . They can store dozens , sometimes hundreds , of pictures that canbe printed easily at home or sent by e-mail . Although there are extra costs-thecost of memory cards for storage and the special paper for printing many buyershave been willing to make the switch .Although about 90 percent of American households still use film cameras , digital cameras are capturing a growing share of the market . And the number of英语 vii 译林牛津版unit1 单元测试digital-camera households , now at about 10 percent , is certain to grow , asproducersintroducemore and more cameras whose qualityis as good as filmcameras .Soon , even professionals will use them .Salesmen expectdigitalcameras tobe populargiftsthisholidayseason .“Theyare veryhot thisyear , ” saidYossi Fogel atB& H Photo in New York . “The priceshave come down and the quality has gone up .Who wants to travel with 30 rolls offilm? With a largememory card to storepictures, you can shoot and shootand neverhave to worry about changing a roll. Howmany times have you missed a picturebecauseyou failed to reload the film ?”56 Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the digital camera over the filmcamera ?A The user has to spend additional money for it .B It comes in many models for the customer .C It saves money from unwanted pictures .D Its pictures can be sent by e-mail .57 According to this passage , the American household using digital cameras willincreaseif.A their producers spend more moneyB their operation becomes simplerC their salesmen are more friendlyD their quality keeps improving58 Which of the following is NOT TRUE about film cameras ?A Their pictures can be printed at a photo shop .B Their pictures can be enlarged as desired .C Their pictures can be seen before they are printed .D Their pictures can be stored for a long time .59 Accordingtothisarticle,digitalcamerasnowadaysareusedmainlyby.A professionalsB amateursC housewivesDstudentsBWhen the musical sound rings out, you immediately reach for your pocket ready英语 vii 译林牛津版unit1 单元测试tohave a chat But althoughyou probablyuse itallthetime , have you everstoppedto think about the manners related to talking on the phone? If you havent ,hereare some tips to guide youAlwaysgivethepersonyou arecallingplentyoftimetogettothephone beforeyou hang up If the person who answers is not the one you want,give your name andask if you may speak to the person you want Think about the time you call people Try not to call too early in themorning(before about 9: 00)or too late at night(after about 9:30) Also try notto call at mealtimesIf you go by plane to visit your relatives at Christmas,remember to followairlineinstructions Cellphones must be turnedoffas soon as theplanedoorsareclosed and remain so until the doors open again on arrivalWhen face to face with someone, do not talk on the phone It is rude to be onthe phone when a waiter is trying to take your order in a restaurant, or when youarereturningtheshoesyouhavejustbeentrying onin ashop Fi


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