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    Passage On ue io s 57 to 61 are ba ed on t e f low n passage、The r spectfor n who a e ien ists d e gi e s at m jrree rchunive si es have m o ed, l h gh womecon e o ace nfairtreat nt in sal ry nd cce o o e th r esource , a pael of th Na ionaRe earc Coc n s i a e rep rt、 rece t years “menano n cu y in cie e, ngi eein and mathema ics ave enj y d arable o p rtun ties, ” thepael s id in itsrepo , re eas d on T e day、 It found t at omen who applie for unive sityjo s and, oncthey ad the,forp o ot on and tenure (终身任职), w at leat aslike y o s cceed as n、I anothereport thi wee nth Pr edi g f th Na ionalAcademoSc ence, r ea hersatt niver t f Wisc nsi revi we a iet of st di d n lu e t at the achievemt ga bete n ys an girl in math mati speror an e ad narro ed o e vanis n oin 、 l hougg s re still ofa all r umber in the anks of yo ng m th prodigies(神童), esaid, hatgap is narrowing, w h u der ines ca mtha g trevaenc (流行) of o ound athematicl tal nt n ales is biologica lydeter ined、 he resear h s sai th s an ot r p eo na “provide unda t e e efo the im a tofs c ocu t r and othermath mat cal skil a d、 ” nvi onmen al fac rsoal t and thesize, if any, ofthe d ve pme t o ma g d r aThe es ar h ounc l, an arm of he N t al A ad my f iencs, t er dts exert anel at h re ue t o C gre s、 Th pane surve ed ixdi i ines iology, che str , math matics, c vi ad ele ricalengine n , nd hys c - a d bas d ts an y is ontervie s with facul mem ers a 8 ins itu ns nd at fro f dral a en ies, rof sional soci t s an o er s ur s、 The anel l b Clau e Ca izare , a physic st who s v ce pe de tfor esearch M 、 I 、 T , and r、 S llyShaywi z Y l ed c Scho, an ex ron lear n、The W coninr s a cher, ne S、 Hy Jane 、 Merz, st died d ta from 10 stat s collected n tests th ized b h No Chid Left eh d c a e l asda a rom t e Nat onal Ass s mentEducatio al rogr s ,afede al test n p ogam、 D ff rences betweengirl and boy performance in the 0 states we e “ close to ze o all rade,”hey s id, ve hig s o ls wher g ps had existed earl r、 In e na onal as ssment, thesad,dif rencbe wee girls n boy perfo ance were“tivia ”、57、 e le rn fr m the passage at fema scie t s s nd ngin ers in s m universi ies _ _、A) tend o p ethe ele wi h m nB ) suffer fromo erw lmi guneq al reatmen )f nd difficu t o get i eal jobsD)hve a futureas b ight as men58、A co ding tt er shert Unive it f W s o sin, _ _、A )g r s u ua ly think na ro l i m th whi boys don tB)gir n do alm as ell as oys in m t ema csC) ost gir s prform better in athemati than boys )ther are very few gi ls o re all alented i ma h59、 What s t e c nclusio f he rese rc co ncil b ed on?A)The anal m deb 89 o leg t ac e s nd da fromdifferent agencie、B ) T e urv of i ujects, inter ies h teachesand t om di ferent k ds of sourc、C) Thesurv y at th equest f t greand talks with tea hers ro8 inst ut on、D ) The re earch made by the Nationa Acad mof ie ces and the s rvey wit n six field 、60、 Wh t c n be infered rm the la t p ragraph?A) Neither gen r or ag a ec s tudents peformance in ma emat cs、) o expect to ee gaps b tween g ls and boys perfora ce inhi h school、C) iff re e ts owd ff rnt results con erning s udens prf rmance、D ) Data from 10 st ta en ta acc rate a hose r mh na nal e、61、 he pas g is ma nly abou _ _、A)t e nfar eatm nt towar female i univ rsiti sB ) omebrid ing p in scie ceo portunities)thea ievement of fem lscie tis s inuni r itiesD) a nat na tud of t a hi g me hods m mat cs assge woQuestion 2 t time o 6 are base onto top pl i in、 e follo ing ssage、 he econ my mi ht be m l ngdown likebut e n a hot pot, bu r somp ople- you,maybe?- t is could be avery g d th ng、Her wh 、 At no oth r timeire enhis oryhas t be n easier or c e pe to s art a n ind of ny、 Pos bly a ver p of table pa y、Letcall estart s ILO , f r“ al tt e i , a otout;”Thesree -ba edi e ses thacosta monhing to ge of hegr und yet cant rn into great m n ymakers、How do ou gette?A l tha r qu red reat idefor p u t h t ll illa need in e 2 stcentury、 hese days youddo best ifyou d athemakespeomoney r vesthem on、A d la nc ing now willma e your any strong r later ll learno r i e nfu es until the enomy impr es、 hat wh t J n Tayma s doing 、 He author wh ives SanFra cis o, w re Imet m; hwroterevi ws for a bu i ess ag in edi ed、 ayman kne l t le bouttechno ogy nd even l ss about ui ess、 And yehe drea ed o a we sit t at wou s marize arreview ro other so ces and ran every od ofnew c r、 “ Itll e l k R tte Toma oe、 m e Kelle Blue Book , ”he e lai meduring l n h one day last Jue、 Tayman said he inte edt uil e steon t sidewhil otinuingto write or living 、 He d o k on hi neany nlyat nigh and onweekeds、 O, yes, an e h d y aout 1, 000、 “Go d u k wi that! ”I thou ht、 Idesare mu h e ie t p od ce thanthey are t xecute、 a man we t to work ith no hi g or than hi Power o aptop、A very ell org ed fe ow, h qu kl i c verea b ch free stuff onlin in ructi al manu an s ts that walk ou hro gh e processfrom st t to f nish、 W thin o s, T yman ad virtual ta f 20em loyee w rking fo him n f ve d f r nt ountr es、oto Mout 、went live in January 、 Ta n i e heh s worke a out 10 hour a wee on t ad has t pent cent on mark ting or aertisi g、 rowt sm dest bs edy :nearly 10,000 eop e isi h week、62、 hatis an dva tageof s rt ng a business o? ) It ill g ara a bi succe s、B ) It can ever b mo pr f tble、C) Itcosts y u mu h l s t n ev r fore、D ) Itkeeps you from e ess p ainin、6、 hat s essentia o sta t yo r busines acordi g to t e assae?A) ow cost prod cts ed t e tra、B) A good idea lpin peopl makeo savemo ey、C) ta ting t b sin ss a ea y s po sible、) P ctical produc s th g od qual ty、64、 What i s id abouTa man inth passag?A ) H ch os s o runhis business ihis pare time、B )He as ra see ougfunorhis b siness、 )is g od at Internet technol gy ne-m r e、D) He cam p the idewhenalking withs f end、65、How did eauthor feon he ri g fTayman s ide ?A )H wa s e tha t woul ae ro it 、B ) e hught ayman wa o t of his min 、C) He issu pi ious of hi exec iv il t、D) He d no conf dence n Tayma ss c ess、66、 owis Tay an s web ite o ng ow?A )Itsa ts to sed by orepople now 、 )It a ad ahuge prs nce Ja ury、C)It ill cop s reest ffromthe In er t 、D ) thas a i y of10,000visitsper week、 assage OneQ est ons 7 to 1 a e bas d on th llowing ass e、Wh n i to usingt chnolog t ste d ation, the revailingwisdom s been at m is better、 Ove e past decade, univ rsitiesaround eg o e havinv sed heavi y in he w red clas room, addineveryth ngfr m t rnallap oconne tions o Blu ay DVDplayers 、 Bt ere is li t e idence t t hese devic n ance learnng ad, c it s b ieve, ymight act ally i r it, maki gbothstu ents andteacher pass v、 hatifcassrooms w re r s o ed ot epre-Int rnetdays of oodn ables andchal?Take techno o y ou the cassro、 Jose Bown, dean f Meaows Schoo fheArts at Sout rn ehdist Universi yin T x, adon u that、 He wants h s f cltyto“ teach naked”,meinwithout the ai f ayachie、 “Just because yo have oeroi t pre ntaton d snmean you have a ood ecure," he ague、 l s ro tie should be reserv or discussins wit the rofesor,aimedat eaching studen to th k cri ically ,arue, an raise n w etions、Dueo the gri (严峻得 ) ecnomic climte atmostunive ities, esas, avoiding new t chnology as oud ay v mone、Bowen, who taches musi, dei rs onent v po asts (播客 ), whichstudents mut lisen to o their own ime、 e he quzze hm the te ial fore ery l ssto makesu e th y e oneth or, duse class timefor dscuss ons re ar acc rdto the rcorded e o s、 Hes ben teaching the s me mt rial f r2 ears, t sincehe imp meted he new w y, e sas, h s stu ents h ebe or e ed and scored bette on exams、 College tudents aked byres rcerto list what moi t the have consstently emphs zd a he entusiasm, organ aion , an ra port (融洽得关系 ), hile nam nglack of active pa ici at on as a ajo disinete(遏制因素 )、 ssrng the Br ih ucation Re earc J u nl publis ed a sur y th t found th t 9 pr ntof s u en c ledat l as alteir lecturesorin particulrh e ivol ing owePoint 、Technolo y as a place i education, u t s ou d e sed inde e denty byst dents o tsid the lasso m、 That gives themmor time to abso b ectur s via podca tv eo, dfree eaches to pend clasti eoachinstu entin w t pply t e ateriar therth nimply bsorbit、57、 What sth opi ion of c i ics a ut the t c nology usin thecl ssooms?A ) I helps nhane teaching an arni g、B )I puts extrafi an ialbur en on scho ls、C)It ma ser e s an obsle to learnin、D )It hainj cted great vitality into the lass、58、Wha oes Jos wen ex echis tea hers oo?A )To eat e s d nts ow tou e t h o ogyafter class、B )Tex ain the materi s cl r ynth irun q e ways、C)To give PowerPoi pres ntn en t achi、)teach thstud nts wi hut the ai of tech ology、59、Accordingto t s age, lasst m houl eused to _ _、A) isc ssh wtreathnology ) e rn h material by eaC)promote studentsitc cal th n ingD) pdate st den sonew informati n60、 ha do welear fromthe thir pararaph? ) ctive arti i a io n class s i ulates st dn s to lea、B ) S u e ts ed t ts to check hat hey have learned、 ) Most dnts regalectur wi h Po erPoin a les boring 、D ) ea h rs nfluenc s he mosimpor nf c orteachng、6、What isth auth r sattitud t wa ds s ng hn logy i t e l ss oom?)Conce ned、 ) Indifferent 、 ) O timistic 、D )Disa roing、Passag TwoQ s on62 o 6 are bas d n t


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