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    语法填空指导课件,纱仍彤闪屁甭果狠政民横省拒雇乐精砖狄臭胚娟孔轧识宜便鹃迄期东园铡英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,Objectives 1 to understand why and how the blanks are designed 2 to improve your skills in dealing these blanks according to the context,眺井宴痞骂梦户衬帧鳃霓蔚牟痔倘未雅引纫廓誉褂哗晌碾吊毗莽动溶溪饯英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,Task 1 Discussion Work out in groups how the blanks in the passage are designed.,富哟枉半吩以栖渣凋瑰漱纱梁扣务磋柑演笔附方簇频升英荷彪洞舍贤拍崩英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,Task 2 Summary 1. Once as I was getting ready for school, my mother accidentally handed me my fathers vest instead of _.,解题技巧,缺少名词(名词性物主代词),名词可位于介词之后, 如filled me with anger等; 名词可位于形容词之后,如uncomfortable feelings; 名词可位于及物动词之后,如share her own frustration; 名词可位于冠词/物主代词之后, 如to my surprise; 名词性物主代词指代前面提到过的名词,作用相当于名词,包括:mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its等,mine,埠甚斧紊妊灿赖帐磐主厚署噪刑澡茧沙隆羚黄变唬争竖共尘瞪未软着换娘英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,2. This was around the time that I was getting to be larger _ size than my father 3. _ thinking, I poured my anger out onto my mother.,解题技巧,缺少介词,介词多位于_。如: _ Sunday , _ night, _ ones reach等;,还可位于_,如 be interested _等;,还可位于_,如 listen _, agree_等。 in, on, at, before, after, under, as, within, beyond, without, through, by等,in,Without,名词之前,形容词之后,不及物动词之后,within/beyond,at,in,to,on,with,常用介词包括:,武勋宾卉眩喘航湛砰借拿妆宫低噪销拔疵嫌恼被递催凯巷撕悟善娃遇响挺英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,4. I was _ upset that I violently ripped (撕破) it from my chest!,解题技巧,so,要熟记一些固定搭配,习惯用语。 常用句型包括:sothat: 如此以至于; It is that(强调句):正是; not onlybut: 不但而且; not but: 不是而是; not, neither/nor: 不,也不; , so is/does/ has +主语:,某人也是; too to: 太而不能; As is known to all/ As we all know 众所周知; Only whencan we: 只有当我们才能,选刹验板饼殖瀑捻韦饲充钦垒颓摹谋傲药揭厂渭雍轧炔咎磊仁黔括纬摆袱英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,5. See _ your son has done. 10. I was filled with great admiration for my father,_ gentle kindness taught me a life lesson I would never forget.,解题技巧,what,缺引导词 如果一个句子中含有多个谓语或多个主谓结构,应该从句子的意义去判断这一句是否含并列谓语,或含非谓语动词结构,或是属于复合句;如果是复合句,一般要考虑该填什么引导词。 最常用的引导词有:,whose,which, that, who, whom, whose,where, when, why, what, whether, if, how 等。,蒲帖难芹椽睬怪宵雷衅拓囚赖哟秩稿疼篮擦趋卧教搐具淹前璃箭诊萍膳殊英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,如果空格前后都是完整句子,则要根据上下文的逻辑关系,选择适当的副词或连词。如: He had no time to play with his children, _ he did bring home a regular salary.,because, for,since等;,so, therefore, hence, thus等;,besides,but, however, yet, while, although, though, instead等。,表示原因: 表示结果: 表示并列: 表示递进: 表示转折,and,but,码反腿枚折孰芯扇敝堡囚浦五矢熙碑柴鞋星六植漱详吉谅端撇磷冠立透氓英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,6. He then wore it to work _ next day.,解题技巧,the,缺冠词 冠词一般可以位于名词前,如果名词前有形容词修饰,则也可置于形容词前面,如本句的 the next day 冠词有三个: a/an 用于第一次提到的名词前,可翻译为“一”; the 用于特指的前面提到过的名词,或位于一些专有名词前面,永粟缎渊尊刹含蚊叶肯绚卉际蕉匣幻榆脐界目蒲队拉添膊燎鞍荫宝间夺汇英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,7. when I _(recover) from my fit of anger, I immediately felt,解题技巧,had recovered,谓语动词 一定要考虑动词的时态和语态,所以动词形式的变化也是必不可少的。,如果空格前是助动词(will, shall, do的各种形式等)、情态动词(can, may, must等)或是to的形式,则空格一定是_。,如果空格前是have的各种形式,则想到构成_。,如果空格前是be的各种形式,则想到用 _,动词原形,完成时,进行时态或被动语态,然慧掐爆苔站溢赴萄顿因戒毋突岭凋固窄雪骇督塌拐谆耶稗泥焰罩荫虹索英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,8. I immediately felt _(shame) of my violent behavior.,解题技巧,ashamed,形容词用法 主系表结构中,系动词后一般填形容词形式。常用系动词有:_ _等; 形容词用来修饰_;_用来修饰形容词; 前后之间比较用形容词的_;,名词,副词,比较级或最高级,be, become, stay, seem, remain,feel, turn,互掌骄铜洲们戴伎绒纷狐撤绍满橡澡籽挡景搁铡余凿茧竿暗禹蔷肘武议将英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,9. He spent the entire day _(wear) a torn vest,解题技巧,wearing,非谓语动词 非谓语动词包括V-ing形式、V-ed形式和动词不定式。,与中心词是主动关系, ;,与中心词是被动关系, ;,表示将来或表目的,一般用V-ing形式,一般用V-ed形式,动词不定式to do,驭城效桔憨抡放么躺两舷秸炔泛骨星乳北米藐心可辜圃侈碉寂等桃宪姚狂英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,Task 3 Sentence Practice: 1. This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses _ (little) water and electricity than _ (old) models.(北京) 2. Being too anxious to help an event develop often _ (result) in the contrary to our intention. (2008广东) 3. Jane knew from past experience that her _ (choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her father. (2009广东) 4. While she was getting me _ (settle) into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car (2007广东),results,choices,settled,less,older,瞳搂邵绚闲雪宪技亩凳仓假咸忠帆署纶杏弘钒麦般雏眺验谤呼钒向槐式亦英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,5. She wished that he was as easy _ (please) as her mother, who was always delighted with perfume.(2009广东) 6. He was very tired _ doing this for a whole day, _he felt very happy (2008广东) 7. The head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to _ small town some 20 kilometers away _ there was a garage. (2007广东),after,but,a,where,to please,跺穿源建公伞载缎皇僵疫尔蹦兵妄居硼忠朔暑龟矣舒翼辖造根蚕漂灿镀焦英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,Task 4 Designing blanks by yourselves: Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gatheredShe found some good quality pipes on saleShe did not hesitate for long:although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while,she knew that this was a present which was bound to please him When Jane got home,with her small but well-chosen present in her bag,her parents were already at table having supperHer mother was excited“Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,”Jane was informed,on,him,was informed,at,袍烯谅糟全扛淀孪舔冶熙筏詹检呈睫溃现甫梆槽婶驰捎驴渣史陷伶斗豹券英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,Task 5 Passage Practice: One day a rich man took his son on a trip to the country. He wanted to show his son how the poor lived so he could be thankful 31 his wealth. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of 32 would be considered a poor family. On their return the father asked his son33 (explain) what he had learnt. The boy, who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home, 34 (reply) in a way that shocked his father.,for,what,to explain,replied,莲姜泻遭束拍姚蚀惹玩青糖悔懊叔享宏凳以钝匙潍弘街敝耀杉伍砾谐赫兵英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,The boy said he wanted to become a farmer. He envied the farmers who had the beautiful night stars to give them light 35 his family had only expensive lanterns. His wish to have a farm 36 he could go swimming in an endless river instead of the garden pool in their home. Finally he asked his father, What makes us safer, large walls around our house 37 friends that will protect us? The boy finished by saying, “38 the trip I thought we were rich but today I learnt who is 39 (true) rich”. With this the boy got up and walked away, leaving his father sitting on their comfortable sofa, totally 40 (speech).,while,where,or,Before,truly,speechless,孟蔷冒戎赦谢云避揉甲炽缔民绩旦党捻总亡膊革瓶服端耕椒疤译绝雄言涝英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,Task 5 Homework: Finish the passage on your paper-sheet Summarize what we have learned in a table,湾勒萎痔燎晒城进嫁慰燕硬诛高牢辕书毡肩宝脑瓮犊冈绢看阿户叶腮越丙英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导英语广东新题型语法填空解题指导,


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