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    Unit 5 How do you get to school?Section A (1a-1c). 单项选择。(30分)A 选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语。 walk past some of my favorite shops every day.A. pass B. to C. by D. from look left, then right, and cross the street.A. go across B. go past C. go by D. go pass need a big park to play soccer!A. basketball B. ball C. ping pang D. football a lot.A.much B. many C. very much D. a lot ofll show you ,when I am done.A. I finish it do it did it D. I finished itB. 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 there a movie theatre _your neighborhood?A. of B. with C. in D. for is walking. He is _his way _ home.A. on; to B. for; / C. at; to D. on ; /8. There is always a parking lot _the shopping centre.A. in B. beside C. with D. of Gao likes _a bus to work.A. having B. bringing C. taking D. leaving you _the street, you must look carefully.A. past B. across C. pass D. crosss not my book. I cant _it for a long time.A.show B. keep C. buy D. borrow12. Can you _me the way to the bakery? A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell13. The boat went the lake. A. across B. cross C. past D. passed 14. Jenny bought a new pen for _sister on _way home.A. her ; her B. hers ; her C. her ; hers D. she ; she 15. He often asks his mom _his favorite drinks when she shops.A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought.句型转换。(5分)1. My mother got them yesterday from the post office.(改为一般疑问句) _ your mother _ them yesterday from the post office?2. I think they would come tonight. (改为否定句)I _ think they _come tonight.3. They are making birthday cards for Brian.(对画线部分提问)What _they _for Brain?4. My groups favorite subject is physical education. (对画线部分提问) _ favorite subject _physical education?5. We have lived in this neighborhood for two years. (对画线部分提问)_ _have you lived in this neighborhood?.完形填空。(10分)不懂得欣赏艺术有时候会弄得啼笑皆非的。Mr. Brown lives in a city. He 1 a small shop in the middle of city, and he sells(出售) pictures in it. Theyre not expensive, 2 some of 3 are very nice.One day, a woman came 4 the shop and looked at one picture for a few 5 . Its a picture 6 horses in a field. Then she asked, “ 7 is this picture?” “ Twenty dollars.” Mr. Brown answered.“Its 8 expensive. Can I 9 you two dollars for it?” said the woman.“ Two dollars? But you 10 buy the canvas(油画布) with two dollars.”“Oh, but it isnt clean now,” the woman said.1. A. has B. have C. had D. is2. A. so B. because C. and D. but3. A. they B. them C. their D. it4. A. on B. in C. into D. on5. A. hours B. minutes C. weeks D. years6. A. on B. with C. of D. to7. A. How muchB. How manyC. How old D. How8. A. noB. notC. too D. isnt9. A. giveB. letC. have D. make10. A. can B. cantC. are D. arent.阅读理解。(20分) AOne day Mr. Robinson saw a woman in the street with ten children. He was very surprised because all the children were wearing the same clotheswhite hats, blue coats and white pants. “Are all those children yours? ”he asked the woman. “Yes, they are,” she answered. “Do you always dress them in the same clothes?”asked Mr. Robinson. “Yes ,” answered the mother,“When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we didnt want to lose any of them. It was easy to see our children when they were among (在中间)others because they were all wearing the same clothes. And now, when we have ten, we dress them like this because we do not want to take other children home by mistake(错误) .When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them because their clothes are different.”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1. One day _.A. Mr. Robinson met a woman teacher with 10 school childrenB. Mr. Robinson met 10 children with their motherC. the mother met Mr. Robinson with 10 school childrenD. the mother met Mr. Robinson with his 10 children2. Why was Mr. Robinson surprised when he saw the ten children? Because he saw that_.A. they all had the same look B. they were all the mothers childrenC. the woman had so many childrenD. they were all dressed in the same way3. When did the mother begin to dress her children in the same clothes?A. Just after she had the fourth child. B. Just before the mother had ten children.C. When she met Mr. Robinson in the street.D. When she didnt want to take other children home by mistake.4. According to (根据) the story, we know that_.A. all the ten children are boys who are wearing the same clothesB. all the womans children are girls who are in the same clothesC. the childrens clothes had the same colourD. the ten children are both the womans and Mr. Robinsons children5. When the woman has ten children, she dresses them in the same clothes because_.A. the mother wants to show it to Mr. RobinsonB. she doesnt want to take other children by mistakeC. she wants to take them to walk in the streetD. its very easy to find them in the streetB A young man once went to buy a pair of pants. When he got home, he went upstairs(上楼)to his bedroom and put them on. He found that they were two inches(英寸) long. Then he came out of his room to see his mother and his two sisters. They were washing something in the kitchen.“These new pants are too long, they need to be shortened(缩短) about two inches. Would one of you like to do this for me, please?” His mother and sisters were busy and none of them said anything. The mother went upstairs after she had finished washing and shortened the pants two inches. But she didnt tell her daughters about it. Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brothers pants. So she went upstairs without saying to anyone, and shortened the pants two inches. The younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came back, she also remembered what her brother had said. So she ran upstairs, and took two inches off the legs of the new pants. new pants were _. A. too long for the young man B. two inches long C. six inches long D. too short for the young man young man asked _to shorten his pants.A. his mother and his two sisters B. his mother and one of his sister C. his mother D. his mother or one of his two sisters,his elder sister shorten his pants.A. After supper B. After the mother finished washingC. After the young man went upstairs D. After the younger sister went to the cinema many inches were the legs of the new pants shortened by at last?A. Two. B. Four. C. Six. D. Eight. the young man put on the pants, he would _.A.feel happy B. be very sad C. thank his family D. be very excitedKey:. 1-5 CADCA 6-10 CDBCD 11-15 BDAAB.; get t ;will ;making ;is long.1-5 ACBCB 6-10 CACAB.15 BDACB 6-10 BAACB


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