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    (苏教牛津版)六年级英语下册 Unit 8 练习题21世纪教育网http:/21世纪教育网/听力部分一、Listen and choose . (选择你所听到的单词)( ) 1. A. child B. city C. centimetre( ) 2. A. singing contest B. sports meeting C. opera ( ) 3. A. sunny B. cloudy C. windy( ) 4. A. spring B. autumn C. summer( ) 5. A. station B. museum C. crossing( ) 6. A. postcard B. primary C. project( ) 7. A. finish B. jog C. receive( ) 8. A. higher B. faster C. farther( ) 9. A. picnic B. picture C. pick( ) 10. A. paper B. news paper C. writing paper二、Listen and judge . (听录音,判断所听到的录音是否与图意相符合,正确的打“”,错的打“”)三、 Listen and write . (听录音,填入所缺的单词)1. Whats the like in here ? Its windy .2. My brother jumps than his sister .3. Go along this street and then at the first crossing .4. Were going to a sing contest .5. Is Nancy going to see a ?6. Mary is my .四、 Listen and choose . (听录音,根据问句选择正确的答句)1. ( ) A. Yes, they do B. No, they dont C. No, he doesnt2. ( ) A. Its over there B. Its about two kilometres away C. No, its not there.3. ( ) A. I visited the 200. B. I visit the 200. C. Im going to visit the 200. 4. ( ) A. summer B. football C. rice5. ( ) A. Yes, he does B. Yes, he have C. Yes, he has笔试部分一 、将划线部分发音相同的单词写在横线上。bowl now worm forty snow workbookhow world yellow morning cow sports1. window 2. word 3. brown 4.horse 二 、选择填空。( ) 1. Wang Bing to the zoo last Sunday . A. goes B. going C. went( ) 2. Yang Ling jumps than the other girls . A. fast B. high C. farther( ) 3. walk on the grass . A. No B. Not C. Dont( ) 4. My birthday is the first of June . A. on B. in C. at ( ) 5. It often in summer . A. rain B. raining C. rains( ) 6. My hobbies are to the music and clothes . A. listening make B. listening made C. listening making( ) 7. I want to your Pen friends . A. am B. is C. be( ) 8. Can I have writing paper and envelope? A. some a B. some an C. a an ( )9. I met Miss Li Beijing street . A. at B. in C. on ( )10. Im sorry hear that . A. to B. in C. on ( )11. Where are your glasses ? They there a moment ago . A. are B. was C. were( )12. David is going to give a CD as a birthday present . A. he B. her C. his( )13. This is MeiMei . A. speak B. speaking C. saying( )14. How your mother spend weekend ? A. does she B. do her C. does her( )15. Are you still bed . A. on B. in C. on the三 、在方框中选择恰当的词填到横线上。longer windy skiing football shorter basketball skating clothes snowsAutumn comes in September . The days get and the nights .get Its cool but usually sunny Sometimes we play or winter starts in December The days are short and the nights are long . It is cold and Sometimes it and the countryside is all white people put on warm .We often go or . 四 、在B栏中找出A栏中对应的句子。A栏 B栏( )1. What does it mean ? A. Yes , there were .( ) 2.Were there any cars ? B. Yours is . ( ) 3. Whose hair is longer yours or mine ? C. It means No smoking .( ) 4. How many birds are there ? D. Its 500metres away . ( ) 5. How can I get to the zoo ? E. Hes twelve . ( ) 6. How far is it from here ? F. Not at all .( ) 7. How old is Mike ? G. You can take bus No,1 . ( ) 8. Thanks a lot . H. Only three .五 、Read and match . (英汉意思相符的连起来)1. in front of 下一周 6. Thats all right . 捉贼2. primary school 上一周 7. all right . 好的3. last week 顺便问一下 8. bus stop . 上课4. next week 小学 9. stop thief .没什么5. By the way 在前面 10. have school .汽车站 六 、看图,完成对话。1. A: Can I have an envelope ? B: What for ? A: I want to . B: Sure , Here you are . 2. A: What are you going to do this afternoon ? B: Were going to . 3. A: Why do you like ? B:Because its . I can .七 、阅读短文判断正误,正确的写“T”,错的写“F”。Jane is an English girl . She and her parents live in Shanghai now . Today is Sunday . Jane and her parents are planning for their weekends . Janes father likes music . He is going to a concert . The concert is on Sunday afternoon . Her mother likes Beijing opera shows very much , so she is going to see a Beijing opera show with her Chinese friends on Sunday morning . Jane does not want to join her parents . She is going to climb a hill and have a picnic there with her classmates . What a nice weekend ! ( )1. Janes family lives in Beijing now . ( )2. Janes father likes music , so he is going to see a Beijing opera show . ( )3. Jane doesnt want to join her parents . ( )4. Jane and her classmates are going to climb a hill and have a picnic there . ( )5. Jane and her parches dont have a nice weekend . 录音文稿一、Listen and choose .1. child 2. opera 3. sunny 4. autumn 5. crossing 6. postcard 7. receive 8. faster 9. picnic 10. newspaper 二、Listen and judge . 1. Which season do you like best ? I like winter best , because I can make snowmen . 2. What are you going to do tomorrow ? Im going to have a picnic with my parents . 3. I want to find a pen friend . What should I do ? You need to fill in a form .4. How far is the station from here ? Its five kilometers away . You may take bus No.8 to get there . 5. David is taller , but he is shorter than Mike . 6. Helen goes to school earlier than Nancy , but later than Yang Ling .7. Get up , David . Ok , mum . Whats the weather like today ? Its sunny . 8. What are you going to do next week ? Im going to play the piano at a concert . 三、Listen and write . 1. weather , spring 2. lower3. turn right 4. take part in 5. play 6. pen friend 四、Listen and choose . 1. Does he have a pen friend ?2. How far is the station from here ?3. What did you do last week ?4. Whats your favourite season ?5. Does he have any brothers or sisters ?参考答案听力部分一、1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B 二、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 三、1. weather , spring 2. lower 3. turn right 4. take part in 5. play 6. pen friend四、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 笔试部分一、1. window bowl yellow 2. word workbook world worm 3. brown now cow how 4. horse forty morning sports 二 、1. C . 2. C. 3. C. 4. A. 5. C. 6. C. 7. C. 8. B. 9. B. 10. A. 11. C. 12. B. 13. B. 14. C. 15. B.三 、shorter longer basketball football windy snows clothes skiing skating 四 、1. C. 2. A. 3. B. 4. H 5. G. 6. D. 7. E. 8. F. 五 、略六 、1. write a letter 2. see a play 3. summer hot swim 七 、1. F 2. F 3, T 4. T 5. F 21世纪教育网http:/21世纪教育网/牛津小学英语六年级(6B)单元自测八Units (58)班级_ 姓名_ 得分_听力部分(30分)一、根据你所听到的顺序,给下面的图片标出序号。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,选择正确答语。(5分)( )1.A.Go along this street, and turn left at the first cornet. B.Its about a kilometre away. C.You can take bus No.6. D.Its on River Road.( )2.A.David. B.Jim is taller than David. C.Mike is tall. D.Ben is as tall as David.( )3.A.Im from England. B.Hes from America. C.Im from China. D.Im from Nanjing.( )4.A.I went to the park with my parents. B.Sometimes I do housework. C.We often catch insects in the park. D.I often watch cartoons in the park.( )5.A.She studies English, Mathes and Art. B.He usually plays football. C.He studies English, Maths and Art. D.Science and Chinese.三、根据你所听到的对话和问题选出最适当的答案。(7.5分)( )1.A.Spring B.Summer C.Autumn D.Winter( )2.A.By taxi B.By underground C.On foot D.By minibus( )3.A.The oranges from the USA. B.The oranges from Hong kong. C.The oranges from Japan. D.The oranges from Garden City.( )4.A.Flour B.Butter C.Eggs D.Sugar( )5.A.To go to the cinema. B.To play table tennis. C.To go to the cinema. B.To play table tennis.四、根据所听短文,选出正确的答案。(7.5分)( )1.What subject does he study at school? A.Piano B.Art C.PE( )2.When will he stop his study? A.April B.June C.July( )3.What is he going to do in the evening? A.To have dinner. B.To play the piano. C.To study Art.( )4.How many hours will he sleep? A.Four hours B.Eight hours C.Nine hours( )5.Why does he like the work? A.Because he only works three nights a week. B.Because he only works from 4 to 1. C.Because he only works three days a week.五、听录音,完成表格。(5分)CityWeatherTemperatureBeijingDry1523Shanghai20252126LondonBangkok笔试部分(70分)一、词组互译。(10分)1.与一样冷 2.pick strawberries 3.去钓鱼 4.play baseball 5.参加 6.plant trees 7.昨天下午 8.milk cows 9.进行一次野餐 10.a photo of my family 二、根据首字母和句意将句子补充完整。(10分)1.An elephant is h than a monkey.2.T right at the first crossing and you can find it on your right.3.What are you g to do this weekend?4.I am going to take part in the singing c .5.Can I have some w paper?6.Tom is my p , we often write letters to each other.7.I would like to see a Beijng O .8.Liu Tao likes making m planes.9.The boys run f than the girls.10.Can you t me the way to the post office?三、情景匹配。(10分)I II( )1.Whats the weather like in summer? A.No,I cant.( )2.What are you going to do tomorrow? B.They are girls.( )3.Are you a student? C.I dont know.( )4.Wheres Lucys bike? D.She is my friend.( )5.Are they American or English? E.Its a map of China.( )6.How old is your uncle? F.They are American.( )7.Are the twins boys or girls? G.Yes,I am.( )8.Who is Kate? H.Its under the tree.( )9.Whats that on the wall? I.Its usually very hot.( )10.Can you see the car on the hill? J.Im going to watch TV.四、选择。(10分)( )1.Whose bag is bigger, or ? A.your, I B.yours, my C.yours, mine( )2.The cap isnt mine. Its , I think. A.Marys B.Mary C.Marys( )3. your kite high in the sky! A.Put B.Let C.Fly( )4.How many can you see in the picture? A.man B.child C.people D.woman( )5.A: the weather in Nanjing? B:Its very hot in summer. A.Whats,like B.What,like C.Whats,is D.Whats,/( )6. it often in winter? A.Do,snow B.Does,snows C.Do,snows D.Does,snow( )7.A: season in Beijing you like best? B:I like autumn best. Its cool and sunny. A.What,do B.Which,are C.Which,do D.What,are( )8.A:What you do today. Nancy? B:Im going to see a movie with my family. A.do,going to B.are,going to C.do,to D.are,want( )9.A:Wheres the shopping center? B:Its Zhongshan Road. A.at B.on C.in D.of( )10. like to join us? A.Can you B.You would C.Do you D.Would you五、看图完成对话,每空一词。(10分)1.A:Can you me the way to the ? B:Yes.Go the street and turn at the crossing. A:Thank you.2.A: season do you like ? B:Autumn is my favourite season. A: ? B:Because its cool and usually sunny. We can go and picnics.六、用所给动词的正确形式填空。(5分)1.The boys over there (be) my classmates.2.I ate a big cake and (drink) some water last night.3.A:What is YangLing going to do tomorrow? B:She (take) part in a singing contest.4.Which program did you (watch) yesterday evening?5. (do) Nancy often (visit) her grandparents at the weekends? No,she doesnt.七、读短文,完成短文后的练习。(5分)Davids birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got lots of presents from his family and friend.His father and mother gave him a red box with a storybook in it. His mother said,“There are a lot of funny stories in it, its good for you.”Mike,Davids best friend, gave him a large box. A toy car is in it.Davids sister gave him a round box. It was a birthday cake, he think. But it was a basketball. David likes playing baske


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